Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 March 06


Vol. V.]


[No. 247.

Tuesday, March 6th, 1810.

The Subscriber offers for Sale at the Store of Messrs. J. L. & G. M. Forrester, reasonable for immediate payment - the following articles just received per the Sophia, from Bristol, and Alfred, from London: -
[first column]
Bristol Tripe in jars,
Pickled Oysters,
Split pease,
Durham mustard,
Vinegar in jugs,
Sallad Oil,
Mushroom ketchup,
Fine Salt in barrels
Irish Linen,
Coleraine do.
[second column]
Coarse & fine cotton calicoes
Womens fine cotton hose,
Silk handkerchiefs,
Boots and Shoes,
Fine Millinery needles,
4, 6, 8, 10, 20, and 30dy. nails,
Cutlery, &c. &c.
[end columns]
James Elder.
Demerary, 6th March 1810.

The following Goods Imported by the Ship Hebe, from London, are offered for Sale: -
[first column]
Calf, Jockey boots,
Spanish dress hessian boots,
Gentlemens dress and half dress Spanish leather shoes,
Planters stout shoes with steel buckles,
Ladies colour'd kid and Spanish leather slippers,
Green tea in cannisters,
Refined sugar,
White wine vinegar,
Sallad oil,
Sets white and green ivory hafted Table and desert [sic] knives and forks with guard carvers complete,
German steel crosscut and pit saws,
Pit and handsaw files,
Carpenters and Coopers tools
Braces with each 12 to 30 bitts,
Single and double spike gimblets,
Stay hooks and staples,
Pocket folding boot hooks,
Locks and hinges assorted,
Sad [sic] and marking irons,
[second column]
Single and double padlocks,
Falling axes and hatchet heads,
Kent hammers,
Screw drivers,
Carpenters compasses and rulers,
Buck pocket knives,
Cotton pruning knives,
Gin cranks,
Ship scrapers,
Tin lanthorns sorted sizes,
Dutch steelyards to weight 50 to 150 pounds,
Tea kettles, gridirons, frying and sauce pans,
Cutlasses shovels [sic - no comma] and hoes,
Nails 8d. to 30d.
Strong worm corkscrews,
Japan'd chamber candlesticks,
Dwarf shade plated candlestiks [sic] with spare shades,
Plated shade snuffers,
Japan'd oval, round and octagon waiters,
Bronze Tea Trays,
Bottle stands gold borders.
[end columns]
[first column]
Bottled porter and pale ale,
Old sherry Wine in bottles,
Pearl barley,
Hams, cheese and mustard,
Pickles in cases,
Mahogany Liquor cases,
Neatsfoot and lamp oil.
[second column]
Brown paint
Warren's shoe blacking, sets shoe brushes,
Stationary, ink powder, wafers,
Wine and porter casks.
[end columns]
John Mackintosh.
Demerary, 6th March 1810.

Notice. [heading]
The Subscriber being under the necessity of being absent from Stabroek for the space of a Week or ten days to close his affairs in Essequebo, will thank such Gentlemen as have not already rendered in their claims against him, either in prive[grave] or quality, to render them to Mr. James Lyon at the Store of James Jackson & Co. This Notice he expects will equally attract the observation of those who stand indebted to him as after the first Courts in March such Accounts, Notes &c. as remain unpaid will be lodged with an Attorney at Law for recovery.
John McAulay.
Demerary, 6th March 1810.

Notice is hereby given that the Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the undersigned is at the house of I. Wade Esq. Cumingsburg.
W. N. Firebrace.
Demerary, 6th March 1810.

All those who might be indebted to the undersigned, will please to call and settle the some [sic] with Mr. E. L. Christiani in Stabroek, who is hereby duly authorised to close all demands due to me; and those who might have any claims against me will please likewise to render the same unto the said Mr. E. L. Christiani for examination.
David Shepherd.
Demerary, 6th March 1810.
N.B. His Domicilium Citandi et Executandi is at the house on Lot No. 109 Cumingsburg.

Drifted from the North Canal of Stabroek on Thursday on Thursday last - a four Oar'd Boat, built of colony wood; painted yellow bottom, and stern seats and sides black; her row-locks being let into the gunwale. Any Person giving information where the said Boat may be found shall receive Two Joes Reward from
J. L. & G. M. Forrester.
Who offer for Hire, a steady well-disposed Negro Man, a Boat captain, perfectly acquainted with the navigation from Berbice to Pomeroon Rivers and all the Banks &c. between them. 6th March 1810.

Runaway a few days ago, a Sailor Negro Man named John Baptist, formerly the Property of Mr. Aman decd. He is a stout and short made Person, - speaks good Dutch and English and a little French; - is well known in and about Town and in the Colony of Essequebo. A Reward of Two Joes will be given for his apprehension.
All Masters of Vessels are forbid to take said Negro from the Colony.
De Munnick & Co.
Demerary, March 6th 1810.

The Subscriber begs leave to inform the Planters and Merchants in general, that he has got the Schooner Nancy fitted up in compleat order, and for Hire by the day or package to any part of these Colonies. Those Gentlemen in want of Storage can be accommodated at the following rates, viz: -
Sugar & Rum in hhds. & pun. at f 3 per Week ea. Cask.
Cotton in Bales, 1 10 Ditto.
Coffee in Tierces 2 " Ditto.
Ditto in Bags 5 Stivers - Do.
He also informs those that employ either Schooner or Stores can have their Commissions executed gratis if required. - Estates taken at a small Premium per Annum, and trancient [sic] business done at one per Cent.
No Charge made for advertisements to constant Customers.
Paul Smith.
N.B. P. Smith is about to remove next door to Amos Leeds Esq. and has made an arrangement for his Stores and Stelling, where Boats can come to at any time of tide.
Demerary, 6th March 1810.

For Sale.
A Few pounds of Best Yellow bar at f 13 15 per lb. - Cash on delevery [sic]. Apply to the Printer. March 6th, 1810.

Wanted To Hire, [heading]
A Task-Gang.
To dig a Trench of 1000 Roods, or to put in a Plantain Walk in Land which has been empoldered some time. Enquire of the Printer. March 6th.

Wanted, [heading]
Two Overseers.
One on a Coffee and one on a Coffee and Sugar Estate. None need apply but who can be well recommended. For further information apply to the Printer of this Paper. Demerary, 6th March 1810.

The Subscriber respectfully informs his friends and customers that he intends leaving the Colony in a few days for Barbados, and as his stay will be but short his Business will be carried on at his House as usual, where he hopes every attention will be paid to gain a continuance of their favours.
Phillip Phillips.
Stabroek, 6th March 1810.

New Landing from the Ship Alfred, Capt. Langley, from London, and for Sale by the Subscriber, at the House lately the Post Office in Cumingsburg, the following Goods, very cheap for immediate payment: -
[first column]
Hams, Tongues,
Cheese, Tripe,
Loaf Sugar,
Porter and Ale,
Excellent first growth Claret
Split Pease,
Pearl Barley,
White-wine Vinegar,
Sallad Oil,
Neatsfoot & spermaceti do.
A variety of Ironmongery,
Earthen Ware in crates,
[second column]
Gentlemens' coats, coatees, waistcoats, pantaloons, shirts, hats, gloves, stockings, boots and shoes,
Ladies' fine muslin tambour Dresses,
Callicoes, Chintzes,
Dimity, Checks,
Pullicat, Handkerchiefs,
Tradesmen's Slops,
Furniture consisting of Sideboards, bason stands, small pembroke tables, and Windsor Chairs.
[end columns]
K. M. Macrae.
Demerary, 6th March 1810.

Notice. [heading]
All those who are indebted either on Notes of hand or open Accounts, unto the late Firm of Richard Collier & Co. are hereby requested to make their payment unto James Bruce q.q. Nicholas Osborne & Cos. late Firm, and his Receipts in said capacity will be a sufficient discharge.
Rd. Collier,
Surviving Partner of
Rd. Collier & Co.
Demerary, 22d April 1809. [sic]

All those who remain indebted unto the late Firms of Richd. Collier & Co. and Nichs. Osborne & Co. are requested to Pay the same to the Subscriber, who is duly authorised to grant Receipts and acquittances for said Firms. And as several years credit has already been given, further indulgence cannot reasonably be expected.
James Bruce q.q.
N. Osborne & Co's. late Firm.
Demerary, 6th March 1810.

Public Vendues.

On Monday the 2d April, by order of P. F. Tinne Esq. at his House; - Household Furniture consisting of a large set of Dining Tables for 20 persons, Pembroke, Card and other tables, Sideboard, a mahogany wardrobe, a Martinique Press, Bureaus, a Library Chair, other mahogany Chairs, Sofas, Bedsteads with bedding complete, Wash-Stands and a variety of other Furniture; also Silver Spoons and Forks, Glass and Earthen Ware, an Elegant Plateau, Old Madeira Wine in pipes and in bottles, a Chaise and Horse. - And likewise some very capital House-Slaves, if not previously disposed of by private sale.
March 6th. Kingston & McBean.

For Bristol. [heading]
The Coppered and Armed Brig Sophia, Capt. Passmore, Stands A. 1, at Lloyd's,
Will sail from this the first Springs in April a running Vessel. For Freight or Passage apply to the Captain, or to
March 6th. Wardrop & Ferguson.
Who will be thankful to the friends of Messrs. Bruce & Moens for their assistance in loading this Vessel.

Just Imported in the Brig Sophia, Capt. Passmore, from Bristol, and For Sale by the Subscribers: -
[first column]
Kegs of prime pieces corned beef,
Do. Pork,
Spiced rounds of beef in tubs
Pikled [sic] do.
Tripe in jars,
Sausages in kegs,
Prime pieces of bacon,
[second column]
Cyder in tierces of six dozen each,
Taunton ale in do.
Porter in do.
Bristol marble temper lime.
[end columns]
March 6th. Wardrop & Ferguson.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Thomas Lawrence and Family, in 14 days or 3 Months, - from 6th Feby. 1810.
Thos. Frankland in 14 days or a Month, from Feb. 7.
J. Griffith, in ditto or ditto, - from 8th Feb.
Allen Dalzell, in ditto 2 Months, from Feb. 9.
F. De Ridder, with a black Servant, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, - from 10th Feby.
Mrs. du Sart, in 14 days or 5 weeks, from Feb. 16th.
J. Steur, with his Servant, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, - from the 19th Feby.
Richard Deane, in 14 days or one Month - from do.
T. C. Jones, in 14 days or six Weeks, - from do.
Fras. Heathcote and her Servant in 14 days - from the 23d February.
Elizh. Arthur, in 14 days, - from do.
Benjn. Jeffery, in six weeks or 2 Months - from do.
Ms. LaMaison, LL.D. by the first Fleet.
P. F. Tinne, in One Month, - from the 24th Feby.
J. L. Forrester, in 14 days, - from the 26th Feby.
John Richards Legall, in ditto, - from 27th Feb.
J. T. Barrett, in ditto, from the 28th Feby.
J. E. Somarsall will transfer from this Colony to Berbice, 28 Slaves late the property of John Mitchel but now purchased by him, in 14 days from the 1st March. (List of the names to be seen at the Secretary's Office.)
Ed. Barnwell, with his family and two servants, in 14 days or with the first fleet, - March 1st.
Latham Avery, with his Servant Jem, in 3 weeks, - from the 2d March.
Wm. Merans, with the first Mail-Boat after the expiration of 14 days, from the 2d March.
Jas. S. Alves, by the first opportunity after the expiration of 3 weeks, - from do.
R. B. Daly, in 14 days, - from the 3d March.
David Wardrop, by the Ship Demerary.
John Hall, in 14 days or a Month, - from 3d March.
R. Murray, with his family, on or after the first day of May next.
Mary Harris, in 14 days, - from the 5th March.
R. Hayes, in 14 days, - from ditto.
Benjn. Geo. Nurse, in 14 days or one month - do.
Alexr. Tulloh, in 14 days, - from the 6th March.
Maria Sybel, in ditto, - from ditto.
W. O. Bentink [sic], in ditto, - from ditto.
A. Simon, in ditto, - from ditto.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

Notice is hereby given on the part of James Lyon that those indebted to the late Concern of James Lyon & Co - are to make payment of their Accounts and Obligations to him or to A. Iver q.q. and those to whom the said Concern is indebted will please call on him for arrangement.
Secretary's Office, 5th March 1810.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk.

Average Cash Price of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 18 to 18 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C. P.) - 22 & 1/2

Our Port list contains two arrivals since our last, viz. - An English Sloop from Liverpool, and a Spanish Schooner from the Oroonoque [sic]. We believe they bring no news.

Died. - On Friday last, Mr. Israel Brown, Carpenter.
On Saturday Afternoon, at the House of Mrs. Culver in Stabroek, Miss Elizabeth Briggs.
On Sunday Morning, Lewis Sack Esq. Merchant, Cumingsburg.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
March 6th - Sloop Mary, Capt. Grocot, from Milford and Liverpool - Porter, Lime &c.
- Schooner Marianna, Capt. Estera, Oronoque - 28 Horses and 12 Mules.
March 5th - Schooner John, Capt. Carter, for Bath.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves

in the Colony Stocks of Demerary, 3d March, 1810.



Brought by



Abary Ferry.


Chas. Beausobre,







Joh. De Ruiter.


Thos. Laurence,

Pl. Foulis.


J. L. Loof,



Pl. Non Pareille,




Thos. Smith.


G. F. Engels,

Pl. Ruimveld.


Robt. Kingston,

Pl. Minden[illegible]


Wm. McBean,

Pl. Thomas.


Pl. Middly,

J. Verwaye.

S. G. Martens, Drossaart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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