Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 March 27


Vol. V.]


[No. 253.

Tuesday, March 27th, 1810.

St. George's Church. [heading]
March 26th, 1810.
At a meeting of the Committee in the Vestry Room of this Church, the Treasurer laid before the Members an accurate statement of the Money received and expended, together with the outstanding Accounts rendered in to him by the 25th inst. - according to advertisement, agreeably to a resolution of the last meeting. - By this statement it appears, that the Building is still considerably in arrears to many of its Creditors, and that there is unfortunately no fund to satisfy their Claims. The Committee, therefore, anxious to bring all Demands to a speedy settlement, that the establishment may be placed on some proper foundation in regard to its permanent regulation in future, are under the painful necessity of soliciting additional assistance from its pious Benefactors. To this measure they have recourse with no small degree of concern and embarrassment, in consequence of the generous support already afforded which was once deemed sufficient for the purpose; and they can only regret that circumstances are such as to oblige them to adopt it.
They have the happiness however of appealing to those (and to such only they wish to appeal) who have a sufficient sense of feeling and propriety to enable them to estimate justly the value of an institution fraught with such inestimable advantages to the temporal and eternal interests of a Christian Community. Under the favouring auspices of such Characters the sacred Edifice has risen to an almost perfect state of completion, and stands at once the ornament of the Town and a lasting monument of their munificence. To them the Committee venture once more to apply for a small contribution from each to supply the means of defraying the whole expence, the amount of which, though much beyond their calculation, they have at length been able to ascertain. They beg leave also to address themselves particularly to the Attorneys of English Estates in general, from this respectable class of the Inhabitants they have had the pleasure to receive a liberal donation in their private capacity; but as Representatives of Proprietors of Landed Property in the Colonies (with one exception only) they have hitherto met wit no support to the establishment in question. The Committee, confident that no Gentleman would have the smallest objection to assist in promoting a cause of such importance to Society in every point of view, take the liberty of calling on their Representatives to fulfil [sic] a duty for them which cannot fail to meet with their unqualified approbation.
Done at the request of the Committee, in conformity to a resolution entered into on Monday, 26th March 1810. W. G. Straghan.

The Committee for the Circulation of the Silver Coin lately imported, finding it necessary to call in the Stamped Paper, in order to make up the Accounts, hereby give Notice that the said Paper is by Authority withdrawn from Circulation and will be a Tender to the 1st day of May next and no longer, but will still always be received for Taxes &c. at the Office of the respective Receivers; - and they will be much obliged to the Gentlemen on the Estates in the Colony to communicate this Information to their Negroes to prevent Disappointment and Inconvenience.
Demerary, 27th March 1810.

All Persons who have Demands for Supplies, Negro Hire &c. furnished the last Bush Expedition, will please to render them for Examination without delay, to the undersigned, who is duly authorized by His Excellency the Governor to receive such, and will Certify them accordingly.
D. P. Simon.
Demerary, 27th March 1810.

A London-built Yatch for Sale. [heading]
She is of large dimensions, copper bolted, nailed and sheathed, completely found with sails, oars, &c. - will carry near 100 bags of Coffee and would answer to go between Essequebo and Demerary or on the Coast; - brought out in the Ship Alfred, Capt. Langley, and to be seen at Mr. Good's Stelling.
Apply to Geo. J. Furnace.
Cumingsburg, 27th March 1810.

Notice. [heading]
All Persons are hereby cautioned against taking in payment Three Notes drawn by the Subscriber in favor of Mr. John Connor on the 15th of February last, each for f 400, payable at 3 Months.
Cotton Brown.
Stabroek, March 27th 1810.

Custom-House, Demerary. [heading]
27th March, 1810.
On Monday the 2d day of April 1810, will be Publickly put up to Sale, at the Custom-House, the Brig Elizabeth, with her Tackle, Apparel, &c. &c. - Seized by J. T. Thompson Esq. Lieutenant Commanding His Majesty's Schooner of War Skipjack, and legally Condemned, in the Vice Admiralty Court of this Colony, for a Breach of the Laws of Trade. - When, if a satisfactory offer is made, she will be Sold to the highest Bidder, and if no satisfactory offer be then made, the said vessel and her Materials, will be Sold separately, on Monday the 9th day of April 1810.
Inventories to be seen at the Custom-House.
John Forbes, Collector.
Jno. Ashley, Actg. Compt.

The Subscribers have received by the Ship Caledonia, Capt. Thompson, from Liverpool, the following Articles which they offer for Sale at their Stores: -
[first column]
London Porter,
Irish butter,
Beef and Pork,
Gloster Cheese,
Pearl Barley,
Split Pease,
Fine Salt,
Cotton and Linen Checks,
Irish Linen,
Russia Canvas,
Cotton Hammocks,
Fine Ginghams,
Pullicate and Madrass handkerchiefs, fancy patterns,
Corded Dimity,
White Quilting,
Nails 4 to 30dy,
Hoes, Shovels & Cutlasses,
Felling Axes,
[second column]
Buck Axes and Knives,
Pruning Knives,
Grid Irons,
Tea Kettles,
Small Dutch Steelyards,
Carpenters Tools,
Sheet Lead,
Small travelling liquor cases
Rush bottom Chairs,
Looking Glasses,
Sets Mattresses, bolsters & pillows,
Camp Bedsteads with Mattresses, bolsters, pillows and hangings,
Negro Cloathing,
Building Lime,
Dry Newfoundland Fish in bulk.
[end columns]
McInroy, Sandbach & Co.
Werk & Rust, 27th March 1810.

The Undersigned offer for Sale, two thirds of the undivided Plantation Hackney, situated on the River Pomeroon, known on the Chart under No. 82, with 37 Slaves. The Buildings on the Estate consisting of a Cotton Logie, Drogerie and Negro Houses are entirely new, - Its cultivation is 172 1/2 Acres in Cotton, 44 Acres in Plantains and 70 Acres, more or less, empoldered and ready to be Planted, as will appear ivy the Inventory, which is to be seen by applying to
J. P. Muncker,
or L. McBean, q.q.
Demerary, 27th March 1810.

P. Reynard & Co. [heading]
Opposite the Honble. Fiscaal's.
Have for Sale on Commission and for immediate payment:
200 bottle Macouba Snuff,
Eau de Cologne by the Case or Bottle,
Fruits a l'Eau de vie,
Rose and lavender Water,
Madeira Wine by the dozen,
Teneriffe Wine by the Pipe or dozen,
Gin and Brandy,
Noyeau assorted,
Excellent Bitters prepared by P. Reynard,
Bay Berries,
Bay Water,
Sweet Sallad Oil,
Almonds in the shell,
Segarrs [sic], &c. &c.
Demerary, 27th March 1810.

Theatre Royal, 24th March 1810.
On Thursday Evening next, the 29th inst.
Will Be Performed
The Stranger,
A Drama in five Acts.
Translated from the German of Augustus Van Kotzebu, by Benjamin Thompson.
In the course of the Evening some French and Italian Songs will be sung by Miss Piek,
And after the performance the following Songs will be Sung in Character.
"Heigho" - a favorite Song, Sung by Mr. Dickons, in the Comic Opera of 2 faces in a Hood.
"Tol de rol" - a much admired Song, as Sung by Mr. Dibdin.
And - "Then prithee no more come to woo"
Also Sung by Mr. Dickons.
Price of Tickets as usual. Doors to be opened at 6 o'Clock and the Performance to commence at 7.

For Sale. [heading]
A Healthy Young Negro Man, a good worker in the Field. - As he will only be Sold for Cash Payment the Price will be moderate.
Enquire at the Office of this Paper.
Demerary, 27th March 1810.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Wednesday the 28th instant, will be exposed for Sale, at the Vendue Office, - Household Furniture consisting of Mahogany Tables with D. ends, card table, side board, sofas, &c. 20 Barrels Beef, Claret in cases of three dozen each, just imported.
March 27th. Kingston & McBean.

On Monday and Tuesday the 16th and 17th April, will be exposed for Sale, by order of J. P. Muncker and L. McBean Esqs. q.q. - What remains unsold of the late Mr. R. Younghusband's Effects, consisting of Household Furniture, coffee, cotton, a large anchor and chain, a small boat, lamp black, window glass, &c. Also what remains of Consignments consisting of fancy muslins, printed and red bordered cotton shawls, Imperial and Gossmere [or Goffmere] net, silk scarfs, do. shawls and dresses, Bandanna handkerchiefs, black lace, and an assortment of Saddlery &c. And also what will then remain unsold of Goods received by the Fortune, Capt. Wilson, from London, consisting of temper lime in cased kegs, a large assortment of printed callicoes, Japan and Gerona muslins, rich colonade and Japan dresses, Sarragosa table covers, York stripes, cotton shirting & checks, olive nankeens, printed quilting, Russia sail cloth, Ravens duck & sheeting, German oznaburgs, ticklenburgs, Hessians and Brittanias, cotton and coffee bagging, lined and unlined jackets, Womens' wrappers, blue flannel shirts and trowsers, boat cloaks, Negro hats & blankets, Porter and Pale Ale, split pease and barley in jugs, boat anchors, grapnels and cambooses.
March 27th Kingston & McBean.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
R. B. Daly, in 14 days, - from the 3d March.
David Wardrop, by the Ship Demerary.
John Hall, in 14 days or a Month, - from 3d March.
R. Murray, with his family, on or after the first day of May next.
Mary Harris, in 14 days, - from the 5th March.
R. Hayes, in 14 days, - from ditto.
Benjn. Geo. Nurse, in 14 days or one month - do.
Alexr. Tulloh, in 14 days, - from the 6th March.
Maria Sybel, in ditto, - from ditto.
W. O. Bentink [sic], in ditto, - from ditto.
A. Simon, in ditto, - from ditto.
A. Carron, in three Weeks, - from 7th March.
J. D. Patterson, in ditto, - from ditto.
J. Cheyney, in 14 days, - from ditto.
Francois D'Alle[grave]e, in ditto, - from the 8th March.
Ann Roach, - by the Ship Demerary.
David Russel, in 14 days, - from 9th March.
Rufus B. Abel, in ditto, - from ditto.
James Greenwood and Family, by the first opportunity to Boston, (N.A.) after the expiration of 14 days, - from the 9th of March 1810.
Thomas Fitzgerald, in 14 days, from 12th March.
Michael Daxon, in ditto. do.
John Hodges, in ditto. do.
Honble. Thos. Cuming, in ditto. do.
David Cornfoot, with his Servant Andrew, in all the Month of May.
Mrs. Welch and Children with 62 Slaves, in 14 days, - from 13th March.
Daniel Brown, in 3 Weeks, - from 16th March.
Ed. Mathews, in 14 days or one Month, from do.
Robt. Marshall, in 3 Weeks, - from do.
Willm. H. Watt, in 14 days or one Month, - do.
Hendk. ten Ham, in 14 days, - from ditto.
Pat. Coffey, in 14 days, - from the 17th March.
Wm. Yearwood, in ditto or one Month, from do.
H. Van Kerkwyk, in 14 days, - from ditto.
George Metcalfe, in 14 days, - from 19th March.
Jonathan Lester, in ditto, do.
John Seward, in ditto, - from the 20th March.
Sarah K. Lovell, in ditto, do.
A. Foot, in ditto, - from the 23d March.
Mary Ann Stewart, with three Slaves, in do. do.
Rd. Deane, in 14 days or 6 weeks, - from do.
Mrs. Tournie, in 14 days, - from 24th March.
James Van Hamell, in 14 days or a Month, - from the 26th March.
Steph. Holman, in 14 days, - from ditto.
Eliot Walker, in ditto. ditto.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 18 to 18 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C. P.) - 22 & 1/2

The well known Ship Caledonia, belonging to the House of Messrs. McInroy, Sandbach & Co. arrived here yesterday evening after a passage of thirty-six days from Liverpool.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves

in the Colony Stocks of Demerary, 24th March, 1810.



Brought by



Abary Ferry.


Chas. Beausobre,






Thos. Laurence,

Pl. Foulis.


G. F. Engels,

Pl. Ruimveld.


Pl. Non Pareille,



Christy, in Berbice

Jas. Caple.



Pl. Sophia.


Chs. de Beausobre,

Ant. Osborn.





Boed. J. D. Breton,

Pl. Belmont.

S. G. Martens, Drossaart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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