Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 April 03


Vol. V.]


[No. 255.

Tuesday, April 3d, 1810.

His Excellency the Governor having been pleased to approve of Mr. C. T. Tinne to officiate as Deputy Secretary and Receiver of the King's Chest in Demerary, in consequence of the leave of absence granted by His Excellency to Mr. P. F. Tinne to make a Voyage to Europe, all Persons whom it may concern will take Notice thereof accordingly.
King's House, Stabroek, 3d April 1810.

Cotton Property for Sale. [heading]
The Subscriber offers for Sale with a few seasoned Negroes, his place called Nevill, being the East half of Lot No. 36 on the upper Coast of Corentine, situated in one of the most productive Cotton districts in these Clonies [sic], and having been only about 12 months in cultivation, very considerable returns may be expected from it. - There are now 100 acres planted with prime full bearing Cotton trees, and a certain tract of land within the present empolder, is well calculated for Plantains and ground Provisions. - There are good temporary buildings newly erected on the place. - Very liberal and easy terms will be given to an approved Puchaser [sic]. Address to the Subscriber at the Store of Messrs. Douglas, Reid & Co.
April 3d, 1810. F. Wright.

Just Imported [heading]
In the Adventure, Thomas Brown Master,
From Liverpool,
And to be sold on reasonable Terms for Cash or Produce: -
[first column]
Best mess Beef in half barrels,
Do. Pork do. do.
Pickled white herring in do.
Double rose Butter in half firkins,
Shell'd barley in small jars
Split pease in small jars
Pale Ale in bottles,
London brown stout in bottles,
Pine cheese,
Tongues in firkins,
Do. smoaked,
Potatoes in hampers,
Candles long 6s and 4s,
Linseed oil in 2 1/2 gall. jugs,
Iron puncheon hoops and rivets,
Nails 4dy to 30dy,
Demerary trenching shovels
Inverness Cotton bagging,
[second column]
Brown holland,
Printed callicoes,
Figured cambrics,
Plain French do.
Linen checks,
Cotton and Linen do.
Cotton 3/4 wide do.
Furniture chintz,
Sewing cotton,
Plain and corded dimities,
Mens silk and beaver hats,
Printed handkerchiefs,
Bordered lawn do.
4-4 Irish Linens,
Musquito netting,
Flaxen oznaburgs,
Cotton shirting,
Marseilles quilting,
Mens and Womens stockings
Do. strong ankle shoes
[end columns]
Also On Hand.
[first column]
Pullicate handkerchiefs,
Negro cloathing,
Best London particular Madeira Wine in pipes and hogsheads,
[second column[
Mill grease,
Mineral paint,
Salt in puncheons, tierces, and barrels,
Loaf sugar.
[end columns]
Apply to Thomas Green.
At the Store lately occupied by Mr. McSwiney.
Demerary, 3d April 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
A few Tierces of very Excellent
Bottled London Porter,
On reasonable Terms for Cash. Apply to
Richard Batty.
Demerary, 3d April 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
Firkins New Butter,
Boxes Soap.
April 3d. A. T. Browne.

For Sale or Rent. [heading]
The Premises at present occupied by F. C. Otto Esq. consisting of two Dwelling Houses with Stores and Outbuildings suitable. They will be Rented together or seperately. - For particulars apply to the Subscriber, or Mr. Butts, at the opposite corner of North-Street, Bridge-Town.
3d April. Stephen M. Duport.

To Be Hired, [heading]
Fro Three, Four or Six Months,
From 20 to 25 Field Negroes.
For further particulars enquire of Mr. Robt. Marshall, Brick-Dam.
Stabroek, 3d April 1810.

New Superfine [heading]
Baltimore Flour,
Of the very best quality, 30 days from America,
Now Landing and for Sale by
H. Fox.
Bridge-Town, April 3d, 1810.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
George Metcalfe, in 14 days, - from 19th March.
Jonathan Lester, in ditto, do.
John Seward, in ditto, - from the 20th March.
Sarah K. Lovell, in ditto, do.
A. Foot, in ditto, - from the 23d March.
Mary Ann Stewart, with three Slaves, in do. do.
Rd. Deane, in 14 days or 6 weeks, - from do.
Mrs. Tournie, in 14 days, - from 24th March.
James Van Hamell, in 14 days or a Month, - from the 26th March.
Steph. Holman, in 14 days, - from ditto.
Eliot Walker, in ditto. ditto.
Chas. Ryan, and his Servant Martin, in 3 Weeks, - from the 29th March.
E. F. Hall, in 14 days, - from March 30th.
John Oliverson, in ditto. do.
Gavin Fullarton, in a Month or 6 Weeks, from do.
Alexr. Campbell, in 14 days or 6 weeks, - from the 3d April.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

Also Bernardus Cornelis Kip, Meerderjarige Jongman, gebooren in deezer Colonie, ter eenre, En Henrietta Jones, Minderjarige Jonge Dochter, gebooren alhier, geadsisteerd met haare Ouders, ter andere zyde - Van voorneemens zyn met elkande een Wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan, woortoe zy op den 6e deezer Maand door Heeren Commissarissen in ondertrouw zyn worden opgenoomen. Zoo word zulks mits deezen aan eein iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde de geene welke vermeenen zich teegens het Solemniseeren van het gem. Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks [illegible] tyds zoude kunnen doen daar en zoo te behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 31ste Maart 1810. Zynde dit de Eerste Bekendmaaking [para] In kennisse van my,
C. T. Tinne, eerste Clerk loco Secretarii.

Banns of Matrimony [heading]
Between Mr. Bernard Cornelius Kip, Batchelor, born in this Colony, and
Miss Henrietta Jones, Spinster, likewise born in this Colony, assisted by her Parents.
- for the 1st time.
Any Person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office. Demerary, March 31st, 1810.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk loco Secretarii.

By Virtue of an Order of the Honorable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of this Colony, are hereby Summoned, all Persons who have any Claim against the nett proceeds of the Sale by Execution of the Plantation Young Rachell [sic], situate on the West bank of the River Demerary, in order to give in their said Claims agreeable to the Advertisements already issued both here and in Europe, by the Marshall's [sic] Office, on the first day of the Ordinary Session of the said Court, which will take place in the month of July next, when the Court will proceed to decide on said Claims, and after which time no further Claims will be admitted.
Done at the Court-House in Stabroek, Demerary, the 27th March 1810.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk loco Secretarii.

By Virtue of an Order of the Honorable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of this Colony, are hereby Summoned, all Persons who have any Claim against the nett proceeds of the Sale by Execution of the Plantation Mon Desir, situate in Canal No. 2, Demerary River, in order to give in their said Claims agreeable to the Advertisements already issued both here and in Europe, by the Marshall's [sic] Office, on the first day of the Ordinary Session of the said Court, which will take place in the month of July next, when the Court will proceed to decide on said Claims, and after which time no further Claims will be admitted.
Done at the Court-House in Stabroek, Demerary, the 27th March 1810.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk loco Secretarii.

Wanted a Clerk for a respectable House in this Colony, he must be well acquainted with Guaging by Gunter's scale, and thoroughly versant in calculating Compound Interest and Rebate or Discount; he must be very expert at figures, and qualified to Balance Books by the new and much approved Jack-Screw plan. - If he understands reducing Liquors and Bottling Wine so much the better. - His Religion is of no manner of consequence provided he understands how to preserve appearances.
Also wanted, a good plain cook, who is qualified to take care of Horses; he must understand going to Market, and how to choose the best pieces.
N.B. The Cook must find himself.
For further particulars apply at No. 84, Cumingsburgh.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 17 1/2 to 18 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C. P.) - 22 & 1/2

The only arrival since our last is the Sloop Mary, from Barbados, with a cargo of Flour. She sailed the 26th cult. at which time the Packet had not arrived. - By her, we have received the Mercury of the 24th - from which we have given some short extracts. - It is chiefly filled up with fresh discussions in Parliament concerning the trial of Lord Gambier.

Died. - On Saturday evening, Mrs. Mary Spooner, aged 70 Years.
Last Night, Mr. D. Douglas, Carpenter.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
Sloop Mary, Capt. - , from Barbados, - Flour.
April 3d Ship Hebe, Captn. Brown, for London.
Albion, Nicholson, Ditto.
Alfred, Langley, Ditto.
Brig Sophia, Passmore, Bristol.
Schr. Mark, Keith, Eastport, U.S.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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