Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 April 10


Vol. V.]


[No. 257.

Tuesday, April 10th, 1810.

Theatre Royal, Stabroek. [heading]
The Proprietors respectfully beg leave to inform the Public that by previous arrangements they have determined to appropriate the Receipts of certain Nights to the Liquidation of Expences incurred in decorating the Theatre.
The first of those Nights (for remunerating the Artist engaged to paint the Scenery) will be in the ensuing Week, when will be performed
Tobin's Celebrated Comedy of
The Honey Moon!
To which will be added
The Burlesque of
A Tragedy for Warm-Weather.
Notice of the day and further particulars will be given in future Advertisements and in the Bills of the day. April 10th 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
A large quantity of Ship Bread,
Which will be sold reasonable for immediate Payment. Apply at the Vendue Office.
Demerary, 10th April 1810.

For Sale by the Subscriber. [heading]
At the House of Colin Macrae Esq.
in Cumingsburg,
Choice first-growth Claret,
at f 50 per dozen.
10th April 1810. K. M. Macrae.

Taken-Up on Plantation Land of Canaan, a Raft of Crab-Wood Timber, containing Eleven Blocks. - The Owner of which may have the same, by applying on said Plantation and paying the Expences.
Demerary, 10th April 1810.

For Hire. [heading]
Eight Negro Men now in Town, and about the 1st of next Month there will be about the same number for Hire. Apply to
James Lyon.
New Town, 10th April 1810.

Absented himself from the Subscriber last night, a Mulatto Man named Mongo, a Shoemaker by trade, he stole a bouyed Creall and went off in it, He sometimes passes himself for a free man and gives himself the name of Linnard; - as it is supposed he is sheltered about Stabroek, where he has a Wife, every one is requested not to harbour him, as the utmost rigour of the Law will be used against them; also all Captains of Vessels are warned not to employ him or take him off the Country. - A liberal Reward will be given to secure and lodge him in the Barracks of this Colony, as also to any one who can substantiate the Person that shelter him and convict them of the same.
Geo. Ch. Wallace.
N.B. Any one takeing [sic] the fellow up, are requested to inform Evan Fraser Esq. of the same, who will send the necessary information to me and the reward shall be forwarded to them.
Demerary, 10th April 1810.

The Undersigned, finding that Plantains are daily becoming more scarce in the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, and being informed that they are still more so in Berbice - so that, should the present dry weather continue, distress similar to that formerly experienced may unhappily again prevail, - hereby offers and will engage to feed as many Negroes as any Planter may bind a burthen to him, with as many Plantains as they can eat and the customary allowance of salt fish, rum, &c. in return for their labour.
He further makes known,
That having purchased the Estate Mon Desir, in Canal No. 2, without Negroes, and not being well able to spare from the other Estates a sufficient number to get in the immense Coffee crop now on the trees, he will therefore give to any person having a Task-Gang, or any other number of Negroes, able to get in said crop, one quarter of its nett proceeds.
There are on the Estate excellent Logies, Negro Houses, and all other requisite Buildings for the dispatch of business, the comfortable accommodation of a white family, and the health of the Negroes. The situation of it is, besides, very advantageous for the cutting of timber in Hobabo Creek, as it can be brought down the side Trench of the Estate into the Canal No. 2, instead of going a great distance down the narrow Creek. An active person might therefore, perhaps find his account in stopping there after the pluck, and employing his gang in the squaring of timber, framing of Houses, building Craft, &c.
He also offers for Hire,
The Buildings in front of Mon Desir, consisting of a most convenient Dwelling House, requisite out-buildings, Garden, &c. detached from the Buildings of the Estate, and extremely well adapted for a private family.
For particulars, apply to the Undersigned, or to the Hon. V. A. Heyliger, his q.q. on Pl. La Grange, West bank of this River.
Demerary, April 9, 1810. R. B. Daly.

The Subscriber being positively determined to leave this Colony in the Month of June next, will be obliged to all those to whom he is indebted, to render in their Accounts against him for examination, on or before the 15th of May, after that period none will be accepted.
Demerary, 10th April 1810. L. Bell.

Sales by Execution. [heading]

By Authority obtained from the Honble. Court of Justice. Be it known that I the underwritten First Marshal of this Colony will Expose and Sell at Marshal's Sale, in the presence of the Honble. Counsellors Commissaries and their Secretary, the hereafter-named Plantations, viz: -
On the 25th April next, the undivided half of Plantation Sans Soucie, situated in Abary, belonging unto the late Wm. Horsham deceased, with all its Buildings, Cultivation, Slaves and further appurtenances.
On the First day of May next, the Plantation Rynestein, situated on the West Bank of this River, with all its appurtenances.
The Inventories of said Estates can daily be seen at the Marshal's Office, (Sundays excepted).
Whoever may be inclined to purchase will please to attend on the day of Sale on said Estates.
Rio Demerary, 7th April 1810.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

Summonses by Edict. [heading]

By Virtue of a certain appointment granted on the Petition of the Sequestrator over the Plant. Perth. Are herewith by me the underwritten Marshal of the Honble. Court of Justice.
For the First Time by Edict Summoned!
All known and unknown Creditors of the above-mentioned Plantn. Perth, sold at Execution Sale. To appear before the Honble. Court of Justice, sitting for audience in the Town of Stabroek, on the 21st day of May next, in order to render their Pretensions in due form, and lay their Claims thereto accordingly.
Whereas after the expiration of the 4th Edict will be proceeded against the non-appearers as the Law directs.
Rio Demerary, 9th April 1810.
M. Smit, first Marshal.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
A. Foot, in ditto, - from the 23d March.
Mary Ann Stewart, with three Slaves, in do. do.
Rd. Deane, in 14 days or 6 weeks, - from do.
Mrs. Tournie, in 14 days, - from 24th March.
James Van Hamell, in 14 days or a Month, - from the 26th March.
Steph. Holman, in 14 days, - from ditto.
Eliot Walker, in ditto. ditto.
Chas. Ryan, and his Servant Martin, in 3 Weeks, - from the 29th March.
E. F. Hall, in 14 days, - from March 30th.
John Oliverson, in ditto. do.
Gavin Fullarton, in a Month or 6 Weeks, from do.
Alexr. Campbell, in 14 days or 6 weeks, - from the 3d April.
Robert Kingston, in all the Month of June.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

By Virtue of an Order of the Honorable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of this Colony, are hereby Summoned, all Persons who have any Claim against the nett proceeds of the Sale by Execution of the Plantation Cambridge, situated near Mahaica Ferry, in order to give in their Claims, agreeable to the Advertisements already issued both here and in Europe, by the Marshall's [sic] Office, on the first day of the Ordinary Session of the said Court, which will take place in the month of July next, when the Court will proceed to decide on said Claims, and after which time no further Claims will be admitted.
Done at the Court-House in Stabroek, Demerary, the 10th April 1810.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk loco Secretarii.

Departed this life on Saturday morning last at an advanced Age, much regretted by all those who did not know him,
A Tool of Rapacity, Calumny and Detraction.
His remains were conveyed in a Vehicle to Robb's Stelling with much solemnity, amidst the lamentations of the populace
Peace to his Manes.
He was a Man of much urbanity of manners, possessed a pure and unsullied Character, and was a true Philanthropist. - He acquired great celebrity for his Good Intentions at the close of the last Century in liberally supplying these Colonies with sour Madeira and Bung-hole Beef. His steadiness and correctness in persevering to acquire Wealth and Grandeur was unparalled [sic], for he neither cared how or by what method or means he attained his favorite object - We have learnt that at an assembly of Merchants in a great City he had acquired the appelation of Old Growl, and it has been hinted that he was deemed a surly bad fellow - His taciturnity was remarkable for he never spoke but with the bad intention of injuring the fame of others. - It was a singular circumstance that he never could be brought to understand, that when L 500 or upwards was placed at the debit of any individual's account, that it then became the Property of that Individual, - this he would not allow to be the case.
His Records were formerly kept in Cumingsburgh, but they are since removed to the dernier resort Werk en Rust.
10th April 1810.

By the arrival on Sunday last of the Reasonable, Mail-boat, Capt. Dill, with the first Mail for February, we are put in possession of London Papers to the 17th of that Month, (four days later than those received by the Ship Caledonia); and Barbados to the 3d inst. from which we have selected such articles of intelligence as may be most likely to gratify the political Reader.

2 o'Clock P.M. - The Sloop General Hodgson, has just come in from Barbados; she sailed on Wednesday last from thence, but brings no later News that what we received by the Mail-Boat.

Died. - On Saturday Night, Mrs. Eli, Wife of E. C. Eli Esq. Stabroek.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


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