Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 April 24


Vol. V.]


[No. 261.

Tuesday, April 24, 1810.

The Subscribers appointed by the Honble. Court of Justice Executors to Joshua C. Dowbiggin deceased, request all person indebted to his Estate to make immediate payment, and those having demands against him to render their Claims, properly attested, without delay to John Glover on Plantation Good Hope, East Coast.
John Wilson.
John Glover.
Demerary, 23d April 1810.

Academy. [heading]
A. Cart respectfully informs his friends and the Public, as well as the Parents and Guardians of his Pupils, that the labours of the Academy will be resumed on Friday the 27th inst. at the house of Messrs. Brumell & Heyliger, near Messrs. Forresters, on the North-Dam.
Stabroek, 24th April 1810.

Messrs. J. J. Kotwyk and N. Rousselet being appointed by the Honble. Court of Justice of this Colony as Sequesters of Plantation Uytkomst, the property of Ab. Brouwer Esq inform those who it may concern, that after this date no Accounts shall be paid by them against Plantation Uytkomst, or against Ab. Brouwer Esq. but Accounts for articles delivered on or by order of the said Sequestors, shall be paid without any opposition.
It is the intention of the Sequestors to pay all the debts against the Estate Uytkomst with this Coffee crop, if nothing happens to the contrary.
N. Rousselet.
Demerary, 24th April 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
Drogery Tiles.
Apply to Messrs. Fraser, Campbells & Co.
Cumingsburg, 24th April 1810.

I the undersigned Master of the Sloop Aurora from Barbados, having, from ignorance delivered Letters to the Parties to whom they were addressed, instead of taking them to the Post-Office here, by which circumstance I now find I have subjected myself to a penalty. - Theophilus Williams Esq. having instituted a Fiscaal's Action against me in consequence, but being now convinced that I acted from error, and not with any intention of defrauding His Majesty's revenue, has had the goodness to withdraw the Action. I think it my duty to express my best acknowledgements for his lenity, and to publish this Notice in the Demerary and Barbados Papers, as a guidance and warning to all masters of Vessels in future. Duncan McNiel.
Demerary, 24th April 1810.

Just Landed and for Sale by the Subscriber, on moderate terms for immediate payment, at the Store formerly occupied by Wm. Hallstead Esq.
[first column]
Irish mess Beef and Pork in whole and half barrels,
Round Beef in tubs,
Prime pieces corn do in barrels,
Tongues in firkins,
Bristol tripe in kegs,
Pine, Gloucester & Cheshire cheese,
Potatoes in hampers,
Durham mustard,
London brown stout,
Madeira wine in bottles,
Sherry in do.
[second column]
Shrub in bottles,
Old rum,
Silk and Beaver hats,
Checks and Salempores,
Printed Calico, white do.
Boots and Shoes,
Soap and Candles,
Pilchards in barrels,
Blocks assorted,
Negro cloathing,
And an assortment of hard and earthen ware.
[end columns]
Lacey & McEwen.
Demerary, 24th April 1810.

At the expiration of fourteen days from this date, will be Sold at Public Auction, if not previously claimed and expences paid, a sorrel-coloured Horse, now confined in the Barracks.
S. G. Martens, Drossaart.
Demerary, 24th April 1810.

Thomas Lambly [heading]
(Turner and Cabinet-Maker.)
Takes the earliest opportunity to acquaint his Friends, and the Public in general, that he has removed from Daily's-Burgh to the House of Mr. Christianna, Werk & Rust, (adjoining Mrs. Ravenscroft's Water-lot,) where he continues carrying on his business in its various branches with the greatest dispatch. - He also undertakes to make Coffins at a reasonable rate; and has erected a decent Hearse, which will be furnished gratis for such occasion: - and every effort in his power render'd to give general satisfaction.
Werk & Rust, Demerary, 24th April 1810.

Imported in the Nereid, and for Sale for immediate payment in Cash or Produce: -
[first column]
Beef and Pork,
Butter, Hams,
Ling fish in boxes and casks,
Smoaked, pickled & spiced salmon,
Pease and barley,
Refined sugar,
Beer and porter, ale,
Soap and candles,
Paints and paint oil,
Lamp oil,
Cotton and coffee bagging,
Oznaburgs, Russia sheeting,
Cotton and linen check and stripe,
Britannias, Salempores,
Bed tyke, blankets,
Negro Jackets, Trowsers, Shirts and hats,
Fishing seins,
Hoes, shovels, cutlassses,
Pruning knives,
Felling and Buck axes,
Dutch steelyards,
Sod irons,
Puncheon hoops and rivets,
Scales and Beams,
Nails 4dy to 30dy,
Handsaws, Cross-cut and whip do. with files,
Fusees with accoutrements,
Coffin furniture,
Brass & plated candlesticks,
Proof bubbles,
Portable fire boxes,
Dish covers,
Chess boards with ivory men
Gunpowder and shot,
Powder flasks and shot belts,
Table and soup spoons,
Pump, sole and calf leather,
Boot legs, military shoes,
Gentlemen's dress and snow
[second column]
shoes and morocco slippers,
Military boots,
Hussar bridles full mounted,
Weymouth and snaffle do.
Horse nets.
Spare heads and reins,
Stall collars,
Portmanteau trunks,
Gig harness,
Whips, spurs,
Patent hats,
Servants glazed do.
Childrens do.
Gentlemens and Ladies black and coloured silk hose.
Cotton do.
Ladies silk gloves,
Cambric do.
Black silk florentine,
Bombazeen, Bombazet,
Black silk handkerchiefs,
Coarse and fine Irish linens,
Long lawn,
Cotton shirting, Thread,
French cambrics,
Cotton do. muslins,
Printed and white callicoes,
Chintzes, quilting for vests,
Corded demities,
India jeans,
Royal ribb for trowsers different patterns,
Diaper towels,
Brown Holland,
Cotton hammocks,
Pot, post and foolscap paper
Sets of books and other articles of Stationary.
Umbrellas and parasols with rising tops.
Tin, glass and earthen ware.
[end columns]
Henry Halket & Co.
Demerary 24th April 1810.

The Subscriber has Imported in the Brig Mary, from Bristol, the following articles, which he offers for Sale at his Store (next the Vendue Office,) at moderate prices for immediate payment, viz: -
[first column]
Beef, Pork, Hams,
Pigs cheeks, Bacon,
Brawn, Sausages,
Tripe, Ox heel,
Barley, pease, oatmeal,
Pince, truckle and Stilton cheese,
Holland gin,
Temper lime,
Refined sugar, Hyson tea,
Muscatel raisins, Almonds,
Currants and Turkey figs in jars,
Vermicelli, maccaroni and Sago in cannisters,
Assorted spices in do.
Hoffmans' Capillaire orgeat,
Preserved & brandied fruits and rout cakes,
Lundfoot, Hardham's and other Snuffs,
Smoaking and Chewing tobacco,
Starch, Blue,
White wine vinegar,
Dunnage and Larkin's patent silk hats and bonnets,
Mens and Childrens black and drab beaver hats,
Best London-made hessian and jockey boots,
Dress, strong and ancle shoes,
Womens and Childrens jean, kid, silk and morocco half boots and slippers,
[second column]
Fine Welch Flannel,
Green baize,
Do. table cloths,
Window gauze,
Musquito netting,
Boat cloaks,
Flannel Jackets and vests,
Thread, Tape, ribbons, Sarsnets, crape and other Haberdashery,
Silk and leather gloves,
London-made straw hats and bonnets,
Infants cloathing,
A neat selection of the most modern and celebrated Publications,
School books, Atlas's,
Trunks, Portmanteaus,
Sets of fashionable paper hangings,
Iron puncheon hoops,
Blocks, mast hoops & hanks,
Day & Martin's blacking.
Burnished ware,
Also an extensive assortment of Perfumery, Stationary, Plated, brass, copper, Japan, cutlery, ivory, and wood wares,
Ironmongery, jewellery, and various other articles.
[end columns]
Thomas Shute.

For Bristol. [heading]
The Brig Mary, Captn. Webber.
To Sail with all possible speed.
For Freight or Passage, apply as above.
Demerary, 24th April 1810.

For London. [heading]
The Brig Thetis, Benjamin Sanderson, Master.
Will sail the second Springs in May. - For Freight or Passage apply to the Master or
Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co.
Demerary, 24th April 1810.

To the Proprietors and Inhabitants of Cumingsburg. [heading]
I have purchased for the sum of f 3000 of the Hon. F. P. Van Berckel and Messrs. Fullerton, Oliverson, & Co. the Stelling bought by them at Execution sale, known by the name of Smith & Bell's Stelling, and off it to the Town of Cummingsburg [sic] at the same price, and the expences of the Transport, &c. I shall wait for your determination until the 10t of next month, and if neither yourselves, collectively, nor the individuals most interested accept of my offer, I shall on that day be ready to contract with any Wood-Cutter or Carpenter, for a Platform to the full extent of the Lot, which I shall enclose, and remove or erect buildings thereon.
I consider the purchase an advantageous one, and nothing but the consciousness of the loss the Proprietors in the neighbourhood will sustain by its becoming a private property, induces me to make this tender.
Thomas DeLisle.
Demerary, 24th April 1810.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Friday the 4th May, will be Sold at the Vendue Office, by order of John Wilson and John Glover Esqs. Executors by appointment of the Honble. Court of Justice to the Will of Joshua C. Dowbiggen, the Effects of the deceased, viz - Household Furniture consisting of tables, chairs, mattress and pillows, an eight day clock in good repair, a portable writing desk, Queen's and glass ware, silver spoons and forks, knives and forks &c. Wearing Apparel, a metal watch, seals, chain &c. a musket with accoutrements, a double barreled fowling piece, saddles and bridles; a saddle Horse, thirteen Sheep and several Lambs in good order and of a very fine breed, about half a puncheon of old rum and sundry other articles.
April 24th. Kingston & McBean.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Robert Kingston, in all the Month of June.
N. Volkerts in three weeks, from 10th April.
Mrs. Davis, with her Servant Mary Ann, in 14 days, from the 11th April.
J. C. Van den Heuvel, in 14 days, from 12th April.
Mrs. Wells, with one Servant, in ditto or 6 Weeks,
C. L. Robertson, in ditto or ditto, - from ditto.
Mary Ostrehan, with a Servant, in 14 days, - from 12th April.
John Usher, in 14 days, - from the 16th April.
Saml. Wardle, in ditto or 6 Weeks, - from ditto.
Leonora Careu, in ditto or one Month, from 17th do.
P. J. Robattel, in ditto or ditto, from 18th April.
Lucy Adriana Rousselet, with her Servant Pamelia, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, - from the 19th April.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

For Sale. [heading]
The Lot and House which Henry Osborn Seward resides in, in Cumingsburg, adjoining the Stores formerly belonging to Messrs. W. King & Co. and lately in the possession of Messrs. Q. R. & H. O. Seward.
It has every advantage of situation either as to Health or Business; - has a good landing within 20 feet of the yard, and is well calculated for any one, either as a Mercantile House having much to do with Shipping, or as a private residence. The House consists of two excellent Sitting-Rooms and three Bed Chambers, with a Store at bottom fit for any Business, 45 feet by 30 - with new Outhouses. A Sum down will be expected, the time for the payment of the remainder will be made easy to an approved Purchaser.
He has just Landed and for Sale: s
[first column]
A few of McCabe's London fashionable gold and silver hunting Watches, capp'd and Jewelled,
Double Gloster and Pine cheese,
Yorkshire and Cumberland smoaked and dried hams,
Irish mess Beef in barrels and half barrels,
Do. do. Pork in barrels,
Ox tongues & tripe in kegs
Fine table Salt in barrels,
Coarse do. in do.
Split pease, pearl barley
Sago, black pepper,
Hyson and Gunpowder tea
[second column]
London bottled beer and porter,
Devonshire Cyder, perry,
Pickles in cases assorted,
Olives and best Durham mustard,
Fine sallad oil and French vinegar,
Gentlemen's boots & shoes,
Ladies do. do.
Dunage & Larkin's water-proof silk hats,
Finest Beaver hats,
Childrens fancy do. all sizes,
Ladies parasols,
Soap in half boxes.
[end columns[
On Hand from former Importations.
[first column]
A few fine Irish linen shirts French cambric frills,
A few pair fine jean pantaloons,
Irish Linen, do oznaburgs,
Cotton bagging,
Best Madeira wine upwards of 14 months in the country in pipes, hhds. and per dozen,
Old Cogniac brandy and rum in kegs from 5 to 20 gallns [sic] and per dozen,
Real hollands,
Rice in tierces and bags,
Marble table clocks,
Nails 6d to 40d assorted.
Iron Puncheon and Vatt Hoops and rivets,
Ash oars, Water vatts 300 gallns. and upwards,
[second column]
Rum puncheons,
Molasses and coffee casks,
Wood hoops,
Hhd. and puncheon truss hoops,
A chain fit for Colony craft, with a crane &c.
Breakfast bowls and saucers
A large tea service of china,
Tea trays gold borders,
Fine blue flower printed Ware,
Blue and green edged do.
Quills, pencils, ink powder,
Ladies pocket books and thread cases,
Gentlemens pocket books,
Writing cases,
Pocket ledgers, and Memorandum books.
[end columns]
Also for Sale, the Railed-in Lot next to that of Wm. King Esq. and opposite the Premises late in the Possession of Messrs. Q. R. & H. O. Seward, to be divided into seperate lots agreeable to the Purchaser.
He has for Hire, - a capable Boat Captain who can be well recommended, and is well acquainted with the Coast of Demerary and Berbice.
Cumingsburg, 24th April 1810.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 16 to 16 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C. P.) - 22 & 1/2

On Saturday evening His Majesty's Sloop of War Kite arrived here having parted with the London Fleet; - same day the Brig Mary, of Bristol, 47 days from Cork; - and on Sunday morning His Majesty's Brig Swaggerer arrived here, and proceeded up the River for Water. - We understand she will take the Ship Demerary under her convoy; they will sail on Thursday morning.

Yesterday the Barque Jane, Capt. Cross, arrived here in 24 days from Boston; we have heard a report but cannot vouch for its authenticity, that, Mr. Jackson had quitted America, but whether he had been replaced by the arrival of another minister from England or had broken off all Negociations, we have not learnt. This morning another American Brig also arrived here.

This Morning the second February Mail was brought here in nine days from Barbados, . . .

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
April 24th. Brig Mary, Cap [sic] Webber from Bristol - gen. Cargo.
April 24th. Ship Demerary, Capt. Inglis, for Liverpool.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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