Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 April 28


Vol. V.]


[No. 263.

Saturday, April 28th, 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
A few Hogsheads first quality Oats,
Also, a parcel of fine Black Silk Lace.
Garden, King & Co.
Cumingsburg, 28th April 1810.

Just Imported per Schooner Edwin, from America, and for Sale by the Subscribers, -
Superfine Flour in barrels,
Tierces and half Tierces new Rice.
Chorley & Cook.
America Street, 28th April 1810.

The Undersigned will give cash for a few Puncheons good Rum, to be delivered in ten days, Apply to Mr. Madden.
April 28, 1810. Colin Macrae.

Whereas one of the Subscriber's Negro Houses was last night broken into and a large Bundle containing Wearing Apparel and Bed and table Linen, (some of which being marked R. I. G. and others GAULT,) taken therefrom; a liberal remuneration will be paid to any Person for such information as may lead to the discovery of the Thief or Thieves, being given to
Robert J. Gault.
Kingston, 28th April 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
A New Boat 36 feet Keel and Beam in proportion, she is not three month old; together with a Boat Captain and Sailor Negro; the Captain is warranted a complete Pilot. For particulars enquire of Jno. W. Robinson, New Town, where the Boat is to be seen.
John Chandler.
Essequebo, 26th April 1810.

At Private Sale. [heading]
Craf, Greenheart, and Teterma blocks, Greenheart and Crabwood plank Wallaba staves, and a variety of Timber.
N. Rousselet.
Yorkshire Hall, 28th April 1810.

Wanted. [heading]
A Young Man as Overseer on Coffee Plantation, he must be capable to Read and Write Dutch, make out Accounts, keep Journals, and an early riser, and who is well recommended for his good morals. Such a one will find employ by
28th April, 1810. N. Rousselet.

All Persons to whom the Estate of Daniel Douglas deceased stands indebted, are requested to render their accounts immediately, and those indebted thereto, are requested to make payment thereof to the second undersigned.
R. McLeod,
Henry Austin.
Bridge Town, 28th April 1810. Deliberating Executors.

To be Sold, [heading]
A Healthy and Stout Negro Carpenter, who would particularly suit a Timber-cutter; he is sold for no fault but on account of his master having left the Colony. Please to enquire of Mr. Henry Austin.
Bridge Town, 28th April 1810.

All Persons having any Demands against the Subscriber are requested to render in their Accounts at the Store of James Jackson & Co. for payment, in the course of one Month from date.
Hugh Lowry.
Demerary, 28th April 1810.

Wants A Situation, [heading]
As Carpenter.
A Young Man lately from Europe, either on the Coast of Essequebo. Letters addressed W. D. to the Printer, will be duly attended to. References for sobriety can be given April 28.

For Sale. [heading]
A few Puncheons Colony-Proof Rum.
15 Puncheons Rum, proof 23.
10 M London Grey-Stock Bricks, and
6 M Colony Bricks, - now in Town,
And any Quantity of Bricks from the Brickery up the River, on moderate terms; also a few Casks of Building Lime, and 600 Bunches Plantains weekly from the William Estate of A. J. J. Van den Heuvel Esq. - on application to
James Robertson
April 28th. Agent.

The Creditors of Plantation Elizabeth & Success are hereby informed that there will be ready for delivery, on Saturday the 6th of May next, -
Thirty Casks of Sugar,
Those Creditors who are wishful of Purchasing the same are requested to give in Tenders to the Subscriber on that day at 12 o'Clock, when the highest offer for the whole or part thereof will be accepted.
N.B. The Creditors who were not present at the last meeting held at Marshall's Hotel on the 2d February last, are requested to call and see the Resolutions entered into on that day.
Jas. Reid.
Demerary, 28th April 1810.

For Barbados. [heading]
The Schooner Fame, Edward Evans, Master.
Will positively Sail on Wednesday next: - For Freight or Passage, having excellent accommodations, apply to the Master on board or at the Store of Wm. Lucas, in Middle-Street.
Bridge-Town, April 28th 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
At the Store of Wm. Lucas,
The Cargo of the Schooner Fame, consisting of
New Superfine Flour,
Irish Mess Beef and Pork in barrels & 1/2 barrels,
First Quality new Butter in Firkins,
Candles, 4's and 6's.
Demerary, 28th April 1810.

Just Imported and for Sale by the Subscribers, the Cargo of the Brig Fair American, John Fosset, Master, from Bristol, Massachusetts; Lumber and Scantling, Staves &c.
Chorley & Cook.
American Street, April 28th 1810.

The Subscriber has received a Consignment of Boards, Plank and Scantling, Red and White Oak Shooks, Wood Hoops, Clapboards, Oars &c. by the Bark Jane, Capt. Cross, from Portland, which he offers for Sale for immediate Payment in cash or Produce.
On Hand,
Superfine Flour in whole and half barrels,
Navy Bread, Crackers,
New Fish in Hogsheads,
Salmon in Kegs, Rice, &c. &c.
April 28th. Samuel Mackay.

Notice is hereby given that the Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of J. Chappelle, is at the Plantn. Hope, West Coast, Essequebo. April 27.

Two Joes Reward [heading]
Will be given for apprehending and lodging in the Barracks of this Colony, a Negro Man Named Hope, formerly belonging to Messrs. P. & S. Massiah.
28th April. P. Benjamin.

Whereas the following Packages were shipp'd on board The Adventure, Capt. Brown, at Liverpool, for which no Bill of Lading was signed, nor has any claim yet been made for them. The Consignee or owner of these articles is hereby requested to come and take them away, or otherwise they will be landed and stored for account and risk of those concerned.
Demerary, April 28th, 1810.
John Staunton.
IWC   1 Box       No. 4
      1 Tierce    3
      1 Half barrel     7
      2 Casks           5 and 6
      1 Bale            1
      5 Coils 1 a 5
      2 Anchors   1 and 2
WC    1 Puncheon  2

Public Sale. [heading]
On the 14 of May next, will be sold by order of Messrs. J. P. Muncker and S. Cramer q.q. the Heirs of J. F. Wyda and Sarah Van Der Kaay decd. - the Estate Rushbrook, formerly Sarah's Lust, with 49 Slaves, Land and Buildings. The Negroes will be sold in families, the Land and Buildings separately or jointly.
The terms of payment will be made easy for the purchasers.
The Vendue will take place on the abovementioned Estate on Wakenaam Island by 12 o'clock at noon.
Rio Essequebo, 24th April 1810.
B. Hebbelick. [sic] [spelled Hebbelinck in Dutch version]
Acting Vend. Master.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Thursday the 3d May, by order of William Lucas; at his Store in Middle-Street, the following Provisions &c. just landed from Schooner Fame, Capt. Evans; - Prime Irish mess beef and pork in barrels and half barrels, new superfine flour, first quality, new butter and candles 4 and 6's.
Also an assortment of Dry Goods imported in the Ships Caledonia, Adventure and Vigilant, viz: - rich India chintz, Maddrass, Pullicat, Balasore and book muslin handkerchiefs, 6-4 and 9-8 cotton cambricks, fine Basilla muslin, printed callicoes, platillas, vara check, 3-1 check, corded dimities, cotton linings, Nun's thread, Gentlemens improved silk hats, ladies and Gents hose, seine twine, Ladies parasols and ditto fine worked robes, &c. &c. And a Consignment of Hessian boots, Planters and dress shoes, ladies morocco and kid shoes.
April 28th. Kingston & McBean.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Robert Kingston, in all the Month of June.
N. Volkerts in three weeks, from 10th April.
Mrs. Davis, with her Servant Mary Ann, in 14 days, from the 11th April.
J. C. Van den Heuvel, in 14 days, from 12th April.
Mrs. Wells, with one Servant, in ditto or 6 Weeks,
C. L. Robertson, in ditto or ditto, - from ditto.
Mary Ostrehan, with a Servant, in 14 days, - from 12th April.
John Usher, in 14 days, - from the 16th April.
Saml. Wardle, in ditto or 6 Weeks, - from ditto.
Leonora Careu, in ditto or one Month, from 17th do.
P. J. Robattel, in ditto or ditto, from 18th April.
Lucy Adriana Rousselet, with her Servant Pamelia, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, - from the 19th April.
James Jamison, in 14 days or 6 weeks, - 25th April.
Dorothy Thomas, in 14 days or with the Ship Nereid.
Jacob Eckly, in 14 days, from the 27th April.
Andries Waardenburg, in 14 days from ditto.
John Corbet, in 14 days, or with the Ship Sir Edward Pellew, - April 28th.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

At the Commissary Court in the Month of May next, will be passed the following Transports and Mortgages, -
By James Wollen q.q. Chas. Clifton, Transport of lots No. 230 and 231, with the Buildings thereon, to Robt. Kingston.
By A. Cart as Substituted Attorney to Mrs. E. Welch q.q. H. Welch q.q. Joseph Dowding to H. Welch Transport of Plantation Muskito Hall in Mahaica.
By the same q.q. H. Welch Transport to Thomas Wade of the said Plantation Muskito Hall.
By P. C. Mickerts q.q. A. V. Beekurst Transport of the half Concession No. 26 on the South-Dam, Stabroek, with the Buildings thereon to J. C. Muller.
By J. Meertens and J. Pantliz q.q. Arthur Blair, to John J. Gilgeous Transport of part of Lot No. 20 in Stabroek, adjoining the North Canal.
By J. F. Narjes Transport of No. 25 in Charles Town, to Anthony Osborn.
By James Jaffrey Mortgage on fourteen Negroes, in favor of Jonas Fileen; - the Names of the Negroes to be seen at this Office.
By B. Dyckhuizen favor P. C. Mickerts q.q. J. P. Smit a Mortgage on the half Concession No. 50, in Stabroek, with the Building, and on a Negro Woman Europa and her Child Henry.
By W. N. Firebrace favor of Naghten & Fitzgerald, a Mortgage on Seventeen Negroes; - Names to be seen at this Office.
Secretary's Office, 28th April 1810.
Alexr. Tinne, Senior Clerk.

Theatre Royal, 28th April 1810. [heading]
On Tuesday Evening next, the 1st of May, will be Performed,
The Stranger,
A Play in five Acts.
After which some New Songs will be Sung.
Particulars will be given in hand-bills and the next Paper.

Capt. Brand, of the Snow Indefatigable, begs leave to return his best thanks to his Friends for enabling him to complete the loading of his Vessel with such dispatch; - and informs them that he will positively Sail on Saturday next, the 5th May.
Demerary, 28th April 1810.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 16 to 16 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C. P.) - 22 & 1/2

Last evening H. M. Schooner Skip-Jack, Lieut. Thompson, last from Tobago, arrived off the Bar, having on board J. Brown Esq. Government Secretary; the Skip-Jack was seen this morning aground on the Lee Bank, in consequence of which the boat of H. M. Sloop Kit went off to her, and brought Mr. Brown ashore at 12 o'clock this day. - We have not heard that she has brought any News.

At 12 o'clock this day the prisoners confined in the Barracks were brought up to receive Sentence, when Mr. Donough was ordered to pay the expences of the process and was liberated, the three mulatto Men concerned in the murder of a man on the evening of the 24th Dec. 1809, were sentenced to hard labour in the prison of Fort Island, Essequebo - a man the property of Mr. Mackenzie, for the murder of his wife, was brought to the gallows, the halter was placed round his neck, after which he was severely whipped and branded - M. Jourdan for an attempt to shoot Mr. Manget, was whipped and branded and for ever banished the Colony, which sentence he bore in a manner that evinced a mind of no common stamp. It is reported that he is a Nephew of the late General Jourdan.

Theatricals. [heading]
On Wednesday Evening last was performed at the Theatre, Tobin's admirable Comedy of the Honey Moon, for purposes previously announced in this paper; and considering the herculean task imposed by the Author on each individual performer, we must say its representation far exceeded our most sanguine expectations.
The Honey Moon is a Play upon the model of the Shakspearian School, and certainly surpasses any thing since the days of that great father of the English Stage, to whom it would have done honour; its closeness of plot, truth of character, beauty of expression, and brilliant combinations of wit and fancy, will ever ensure it admiration, and rank the deceased Author among the first of Poets.
The part of the Duke, one of the most difficult in the whole range of the Drama, was very ably supported, the Cottage Scenes were excellent, and bating [sic] a certain rapidity of pronunciation and a rather harsh termination of sentences, the delineation bespoke merit very extraordinary in an amateur. Balthazar was very respectable, as was the Count, but of Jacques we want terms of admiration in which to speak, he was quite equal to the original, he was the thing that the Author drew, and in the Palace Scene he evinced historic talents rarely found on a metropolitan Stage. Of the performance of Juliana we can say nothing but that it wanted vivacity, and we would merely hint that drudgery, nor should higgler, one who sells provisions by retail, be made haggler, a person who is indecisive in a bargain; we mention this as no one can improve until they be sensible of their faults; - on the whole the piece only wanted Women, to make it equal to any provincial performance we ever witnessed.
The Farce was a Burlesque, Burlesqued.
The House was full, among those present we observed his Excellency the Governor and suite, Madam Van Berckel &c.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
April 25 Ship Sisters, Capt. Williams, Glasgow & Berbice - General Cargo.
Ship Jane, Cross, Portland - Lumber.
Schr. Fame, Evans, Barbados - Flour, Butter, candles, Beef & Pork.
26 Schr. Edwin, Tilton, Charlstown [sic] - Rice & Flour.
April 24 Ship Demerary, Capt. Inglis, for Greenock.
Schr. Eclipse, Hopkins, Barbados.
26 Schr. Agnes, Hall, Do.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the Colony Stocks of Demerary, 28th April, 1810.



Brought by





Pl. Non Pareille,



Doct. Waddle,



Free Woman Maria,

Pl. Diamond.


J. B. Rule,

Pl. Ruimveld. [as "Ruimved"]


Leurs, Berbice,

Abary Ferry.


Plt. Betervagting,



Wm. Latham,

Pl. Bella field.


J. L. Looff,



Rose, Berbice,

J. D. Lacy.

S. G. Martens, Drossaart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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