Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 May 05


Vol. V.]


[No. 264.

Saturday, May 5th, 1810.

Government Bills. [heading]
Commissariat Office,
5th May 1810.
Cash Wanted for the following Bills of Exchange, amounting to L 2000 Stg. viz:
No. 1194, L 100.
1195, 100.
1196, 100.
1197, 200.
1198, 200.
1199, 200.
1200, 200.
1201, 400.
1202, 500. - L 2000 Stg.
Drawn by Joseph Bullock Esq. Commissary General, on the Right Honble. the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury. Tenders in Quadruplicate for the whole or any part thereof will be received at this Office until Tuesday the 15th of May inst. at 10 o'Clock, when they will be opened in presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops and the highest Offer if approved accepted.
Alex. Pitman
Asst. Comsy.

The Proprietors of Lots of Columbus District, in front of Pl. Vlessingen, are friendly requested by the undersigned to meet on Saturday the 12th of May next, at his dwelling, at 11 o'Clock in the morning, for the purpose to deliberate on the means to keep said district in order; - and is assured that the Proprietors will feel the necessity of the Meeting being attended by the presence of every Individual therein concerned.
J. Van Den Paadevoort.
Commissary of said District.
Demerary, 5th May 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
Fine & coarse Salt in barrels.
Hyndman & Cary.
Cumingsburg, 5th May 1810.

For Sale by the Subscribers at their Store in Cumingsburg: -
Rice in Tierces,
Beef in Barrels and half Barrels,
Flour in Barrels and half Barrels.
5th May 1810. Garden, King & Co.

The Subscriber having been under the necessity of renting a Store for sundry Goods shipped in the Brig Thetis, Benjamin Sanderson Master, from Liverpool, in order to expedite the discharging of said Vessel, requests all those who have not received their Consignments by her, to make application to him at Messrs. Chorley & Cook's without delay, as he intends to give up such Store in ten days from this 4th day of May 1810.
Demerary. Richard Batty.

The Undersigned requests all Persons who have Claims on the Estate of her late Husband Robert Ridley to send her an account of the same with as little delay as possible, and to those who were indebted to him she will be obliged for early Payment.
Martha Ridley
Deliberating Executrix.
Pl. Best, 4th May 1810.

Furniture [heading]
To be Sold very reasonable for cash by the Subscriber.
Chas. Fiske.
North Street, 5th May 1810.

[Item on M. Barker]

Stabroek, May 3d, 1810.
Notice is hereby given that as it is absolutely necessary before a Dividend can be made of the Insolvent Estate of the late M. Barker, to ascertain what may be the real amount due from the different Debtors thereunto, there being too much reason to believe the Books in their present state are very exceptionable.
The Honble. the Court of Justice has thought proper by Appointment of 19th March last, to order the undersigned in their capacity as Curators to call up the Debtors to the Insolvent Estate of the said late. M. Barker by Public Advertisement, to give proof if they have any, of the sums stated against their names not being due, or to close and arrange the same forthwith within the space of Two Months from this date; authorising them in event of failure to compel by Law such Debtors to do so, as shall appear after this period not to have complied herewith.
The Undersigned Curators therefore earnestly request attention to this Notice, and that every apparent Debtor will do them the pleasure within this period to put it in their power by a clear and full statement of their transactions with the deceased to make a satisfactory arrangement of their several Accounts, to prevent any thing like disagreeable measures being adopted.
A. Cart.
Wm. Good.
List of Accounts which appear to be due by the Books to the Insolvent Estate of M. Barker decd.
[first column]
J. H. Beekman f 450 13 4
W. Bradford 770 15
E. I. Christiani 70 10
Edwd. Cooke on Pl. Le Henry 1805 12 8
Harris Drayton 467
J. Van Groeningen 157 10
John Haslin 200
M. B. Yearwood 12
Wilfred Bell 448
James Parss 2200 12 8
Schwiers & Downer 20
H. Holms 52 10
Philip Cambridge 936 13
Thos. Mewburn 40
Richard Burton 52 5
A. Brouwer 7
P van Dam 14 14
Saml. Thornton 1020 10
John Staunton 10358 12
Pl. Malgre Tout 1776 10
Chas. Berkett 27 15
Sarah Mansfield 880
Diana Schultz 186 10
Henry Barrow 116
W. Hughenos 44
Rebecca Miliard 520 7
L. Storm van SGravesande [sic] 63
George Campbell 324 17
Hendrik Janick 463 8
Dorinda Mansfield 537
Pl. Free and Easy 10 10
S. E. Shurland 13 5
S. Solomons 33
[second column]
James Keith f 8 5
Martini & Hecke 114 8
James Lorimer 374 8
Griffeth 191
A. Layne & Co. 18
H. Hansberg 44
H. C. Linguis 209 19 8
H. Haasseman 8 5
J. James 143
A. C. Walcott 197 7 9
J. M. Henery 145 10 4
W. Leeds 444 1
Pl. Middlesex 524 15
Betsey Galloway 30
Joseph Ward 899 11
Benjamin Jacobs 845 5
C. Edmonstone 44 2
John Fletcher 195 11 8
F. P. Van Berckel 169 15
H. Cantzlar [sic] 168
Doctor Tuite 74 15
Rosetta Muller 100 10
Jas. Knight & Co. 981 14
B. Spooner 255 12
J. T. Barrett 10 10
Pl. New Hope 116 7 8
H. H. Berg 79
E. Emanuel 89 10
E. Giliard 99
Holrung 40 2 8
H. Van Lange 49 10
Raademaaker 644 18
Thos. King 1703 4 1

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Tuesday the 8th May by order of Messrs. Garden, King & Co. at their Store next to the house of Messrs. Cornfoot, Bell & Co. Cumingsburg, the following articles, just imported - Pullicat and Madras handkerchiefs, Russia sheeting, cotton and linen check, Queen's ware, pease in kegs, Osnaburgs and coffee bagging, paint oil, soap, muslin handkerchiefs, nails, stationary, mutton hams & tongues.
May 5th. Kingston & McBean.

On Friday the 11th instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of J. F. Meyer Esq. a Consignment of Good [sic], just received by the Ship Admeral [sic] Colpoys, consisting of London bottled Porter, Tripe in jars, sweet oil, mustard, barley and split pease, tea, an assortment of fashionable muslins, India shawls, ginghams, Brittanias, checks, oznaburgs, and a cask of Hibbert's excellent shining blacking.
Also a fashionable Phaeton.
May 5th. Kingston & McBean.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
John Usher, in 14 days, - from the 16th April.
Saml. Wardle, in ditto or 6 Weeks, - from ditto.
Leonora Careu, in ditto or one Month, from 17th do.
P. J. Robattel, in ditto or ditto, from 18th April.
Lucy Adriana Rousselet, with her Servant Pamelia, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, - from the 19th April.
James Jamison, in 14 days or 6 weeks, - 25th April.
Dorothy Thomas, in 14 days or with the Ship Nereid.
Jacob Eckly, in 14 days, from the 27th April.
Andries Waardenburg, in 14 days from ditto.
John Corbet, in 14 days, or with the Ship Sir Edward Pellew, - April 28th.
Chs. Hamilton, in 14 days, from 30th April.
J. Payne, in ditto or 6 weeks, from 2d May.
Alexr. McBain and family, in 14 days from ditto.
Chas. Macrae, in ditto, from ditto.
Wm. King in ditto or 5 Weeks, from 3d May.
Robert Bell, in 4 days or 6 Weeks, from 4th May.
David Cornfoot, in ditto, ditto, 4th do.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 16 to 16 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C. P.) - 22 & 1/2

The following is a Copy of an official Letter received by His Excellency Governor Bentinck from Admiral Sir A. Cochrane, informing him of the adopted regulations for the sailing of Convoys from Barbados to Halifax.
Neptune off Bassterre,
Guadaloupe, 14th April 1810.
I have the honor to acquaint you for the information of Planters and Merchants residing in the Colony of Demerary under your Excellency's Government, that Convoys will be appointed to sail from Barbados to Halifax on the 1st June, 1st July, 1st August, 1st September, and 1st October, and for the general convenience of this Trade the Ships of War having charge thereof, will be directed to call (without anchoring) off St. Pierre's Martinique, off Roseau Dominica, off Basesterre [sic] Guadaloupe, off St. John's Antigua, off Basseterre Roads St. Kitt's, and off St. Thomas' to take up any Vessels which may be assembled at either of those places from the other Colonies or Islands; and it is to be understood that the Ships of War are to leave Barbados precisely on the days appointed.
Vessels bound to New Brunswick, or any other Port in Nova Scotia including the River St. Lawrence, may take advantage of sailing under the protection of those Convoys.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Most Obdt. humble Servant,
Alexr. Cochrane.
His Excellency Governor Bentinck,

The armed Schooner Jackman which sailed on Saturday last from Barbados, and arrived here yesterday evening, brought Barbados Papers to the 21st ult. - they are altogether uninteresting.

Theatre. [heading]
On Tuesday evening the Stranger a Play translated from the German was performed, we should not have considered it requisite to notice this performance had not the nature of the Piece arrested our attention. The Stranger is a wretched production of a very indifferent Master, and in the exact spirit of the whole German Drama; - its plot is foolish, and its morality is false, - the Author has endeavoured to excite our respect and admiration, in favour of a Woman guilty of a crime never to be forgiven, and further to render a Man who had previously acted weakly, a complete fool. The diction smacks of all the flatness of translation, and the dialogue which is stuffed with mawkish sentiment is heavy and insipid. The Characters are altogether out of nature, witness the amiable Baron Steinfort, who falls in and out of love, with such perfect ease and biensance, in fact in a manner as degagi[accent]e and with as much indifference as a Frenchman takes a pinch of snuff, - indeed the Play altogether is the very reverse of every thing that is desirable, and witnessing its representation has uniformly had on us an exceedingly soporiferous effect. We have entered on these remarks because we feel warmly for the Theatre, and would willingly see it in a Character more lofty than that of a mere place in which to waste an hour; independent of amusement, we would wish to see the Stage improving the manners, taste, pronunciation, and above all the morals of the Inhabitants of these Colonies, and whenever we observe aught militating against either of these great points we shall feel it our first duty to expose it.
After what has been said of the Piece it will naturally be supposed that the Performers could not render it very interesting. Peter however was very whimsically and very spiritedly pourtrayed [sic], and the part of Mrs. Haller was far better than we expected, and certainly possessed more of the Woman than we conceived any Man could have given it. - Of the other Performers we will say nothing, as we cannot say anything that would be pleasant either to them or to ourselves.

Vessel Entered and Cleared since our last.
May 2d Brig Louisa, Capt. Murphy, Surinam, Beef & Pork.
4 Schr. Phoenix, Petit, Barbados, Rice, Flour, candles.
5 Schooner Jackman, Murchant, Do., Flour & Beef
2 Schr. Friendship, Capt. Greenidge for Barbados
5 Brig Indefatigable, Brand, London.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the Colony Stocks of Demerary, 4th May, 1810.



Brought by





Pl. Non Pareille,



Doct. Waddle,



Free Woman Maria,

Pl. Diamond.


J. B. Rule,

Pl. Ruimveld. [as "Ruimved"]


Leurs, Berbice,

Abary Ferry.


Plt. Betervagting,



Wm. Latham,



Wm. Latham,

Pl. Bella field.


J. L. Looff,



Rose, Berbice,

J. D. Lacy.


Thos. Lawrence,

Pl. Clonbrook.


Wm. Heathcote,

Pl. Rome.





J. Skeys,

Pl. Beterhoop.














Cinglar in Berbice,

Pl. Sophia.



H. Marsh.

S. G. Martens, Drossaart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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