Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 May 19


Vol. V.]


[No. 268.

Saturday, May 19th, 1810.

St. George's Church. [heading]
There will be no Divine Service to-morrow in consequence of the Indisposition of the Revd. Mr. Straghan.
Stabroek, 19th May 1810.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Ship Guyana, William Croft Master.
Will Sail a Running Ship the second Springs in June.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or to
May 19, 1810. Cornfoot, Bell & Co.

For Glasgow. [heading]
To Sail the Second Springs in June.
The fast-sailing Ship Ariadne, James Bird, Master.
Having elegant accommodations. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or
Garden, King & Co.
Cumingsburg, 19th May 1810.

Wanted to Purchase, [heading]
40 to 60 hhds. good dry Sugar,
Fraser, Campbells & Co.
Cumingsburg, 19th May 1810.

Academy. [heading]
A. Cart informs his Friends and the Public that he has engaged a Native of Holland as Teacher of the Dutch Language, under the immediate auspices of the Reverend G. Ryk. Parents and Guardians who wish to have their Children educated in that Language may depend that every attention will be paid to them.
Stabroek, 19th May 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
On Plantation Potosie.
A few thousand weight Barbados Yambs,
From 6 to 8 Hundred Bunches Plantains,
per Week; for which will be taken in payment Cotton or Coffee at Cash price.
May 18th, 1810. Rd. Harding.

For Sale. [heading]
The Concession No. 45, Middle Dam, Stabroek, North side, with the Premises on the same known under the name of the New Rossendaal, with a Billiard Table, enquire of
May 19, 1810. J. Pantliz.

Runaway from the Subscriber, a Negro Girl named Rusy, his property, formerly belonging to Mrs. Susannah Harriet. It is supposed she is harboured by her Sister named Nanny, about Mr. Somersall's and Mr. Fraser's Estates, West Coast, Berbice. A Reward will be given to deliver her to the Subscriber or lodge her in the Barracks.
May 19, 1810. P. Verbeke.

Notice is hereby given that all Persons who may yet have any claim against the late Iver Blue decd. to render them properly attested within ten days to the Subscriber; and all who are Indebted to said Estate, to pay the same within the above time.
Duncan McNicol q.q.
Demerary, 19th May 1810.

Real Coral and Garnets, [heading]
For Sale. - Enquire of
G. Angle, or
May 19, 1810. H. Abraham.

Lost, on Wednesday Night, a yellow painted four-oared Boat, with a chain attached about four fathoms long, two oars and rudder. Whoever will return said Boat to the Brig Carleton, Capt. McIntosh, lying off Hyndman & Cary's Stelling, shall receive a handsome Reward.
Cumingsburg, 19th May 1810.

The Subscribers [heading]
Have just received
By the Ariadne, from Glasgow, and the Amelia, from London, the following Assortment,
Which they offer for Sale on moderate Terms -
[first column]
Old Hock, in small Cases,
Cyder, in small Cases,
Perry, in small Cases,
Claret, in small Cases,
Cherry and Raspberry, in small Cases,
Ratafia, in small Cases,
Bottled Ale and Porter,
Hams, Hung Beef,
Pine & Gloucester cheese,
Potatoes in hampers,
French olives,
Fish Sauce,
Italian shoe blacking in small boxes,
White wine Vinegar in jugs,
Mess Beef and Pork,
Pickled Tripe and tongues in kegs,
Pickled Herrings in do.
Sausages in do.
Small boxes Garden Seeds assorted,
Mixed spices in cannisters,
Split pease and Barley,
Tea in cannisters,
Soap and Candles,
Fine Sallad Oil,
Wine and Beer Glasses,
Hock and Champaigne do.
Double Rose Butter in firkins and half firkins,
Pump and sole leather,
Lead in sheets,
Coopers jointers,
Wine and Vatt Cocks,
Irish Linens fine & coarse,
Real India Salempores and Nankeen,
Russia sheeting and Ravens Duck,
Printed Callicoes,
[second column]
Cotton Bagging,
Sewing and seine Twine,
Cordage assorted from 9 thread trotline to 4 inch rope,
Hawsers from 5 to 7 inches
Blocks of different sizes,
Black lead for mills,
Paint and Lamp oil,
Paints of all colours,
Spirits of Turpentine,
Paint brushes and weeping ditto,
White Washing do.
Hoes, Shovels, Cutlasses and strainers,
Ladles, Skimmers,
Sad Irons,
Pruning Knives,
Locks and Hinges of different kinds,
Boat anchors and grapnels,
Kitchen Furniture, and Buck axes,
Silk and Beaver Hats,
Gloves and Braces,
Hessian and Jockey Boots,
Fine and coarse Shoes and Morocco slippers,
Ladies Shoes,
Gunpowder in 1lb canisters
Small shot in bags,
Fine Salt in baskets and barrels,
Dutch Tarras,
Coopers and Carpenters Tools,
Pitt Saws from 5 to 7 1/2 feet
Saddles and Bridles.
[end columns]
They have also on hand:
Madeira Wine in pipes, hogsheads and quarter casks,
A few hogsheads and barrels Tobacco,
Fine old Rum, coarse Salt in barrels, Flour,
A few crates earthen ware, W. P. Lumber & Shingles,
Temper Lime, Building Lime, Coals,
Boat and Punt Oars,
about 60 dozen Coffee Bags, at f 15 per dozen, &c.
Hyndman & Cary.
Cumingsburg, 19th May 1810.

Just Imported in the Ship Ariadne, from Glasgow, and for Sale by the Subscribers, at their Store in Cumingsburg: -
[first column]
Newfoundland Cod Fish first quality in Six quintal casks,
Oats in puncheons,
Cotton checks,
Cotton and Linen Checks,
Bacon hams,
London bottled porter,
Watt's Beer,
Half Firkins best Belfast butter,
Half barrels prime mess beef
Do. do. Pork,
[second column]
Firkins of Tongues,
Potatoes in hampers,
Barley, pease,
Linen Britannias,
Cotton do.
Salempores & fancy callicoes
Irish linen,
Soap and Candles in half boxes,
Nails from 4d to 30d,
Paint oil,
White, Yellow and Green paints,
A few casks Building Lime.
[end columns]
And from former Importations.
Superfine Flour, Rice, &c.
Garden, King & Co.
Demerary, 19th May 1810.

Notice. [heading]
The Undersigned requests the Creditors of the Estate of Joseph Beysel to come forward with their respective Accounts, and all those who are indebted to the Estate to effectuate a speedy payment, to enable them to liquidate all demands against the Estate as soon as possible.
P. Looven,
J. Hacket, Exectrs. Testr.
Demerary, 19th May 1810.

Theatre Royal, May 19th 1810. [heading]
Miss Haddon respectfully informs the Public that in consequence of the decease of Mr. Goepel, her engagement at the Theatre, Demerary, has been set aside. The Proprietors however taking into consideration the consequent inconveniences she is under, have liberally allowed the
Theater to be opened for her benefit
This Present Evening,
"The Honey Moon"
With other Entertainments
Will be Performed.
The Band of the Royals
will Attend
And by Permission of Captain Hodge,
The Choir of the Surinam
Will attend and sing some Popular Songs.
She Solicits the Patronage of the Ladies and Gentlemen of the Colony in their attendance to Night. [sic]

For Sale. [heading]
A Few Hogsheads
Newfoundland Cod Fish.
Hyndman & Cary.
Cumingsburg, 19th May 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
Fourteen Puncheons Rum - Proof 26.
James Robertson
Newtown, 19th May, 1810. Agent.

For Sale or Hire. [heading]
The House the Subscriber lives in, - the situation is well adapted for mercantile Business and having the advantage of a Water Lot may be made valuable to any Person in the American Line. It is well known and need no further recommendation; - the terms will be made generous to an approved Purchaser.
Also for Sale, - a valuable Boat Captain, warranted a complete Pilot.
19th May. J. W. Robinson.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Thursday the 24th instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of Alexr. Simpson Esq. q.q. - Tobacco in hogsheads and barrels, a trunk of Cotton Hammocks, and a quantity of Boiling-House Lamps.
Also a quantity of Tempered Lime.
March 19th. Kingston & McBean.

On Monday and Tuesday the 28th and 29th inst. by order of the Executors of Robert Younghusband, deceased, - Porter and pale ale, temper lime, coffee and cotton bagging, printed calicoes, Hessian and Ticklenburg linens, York stripes, calico shirting, coloured nankeens, printed quilting, Japan and Genoa muslins, colonade and Japan ditto dresses, Women's wrappers, blue trowsers, ditto flannel shirts, boat cloaks, cambooses, small anchors and grapnels, &c. &c.
May 19th. Kingston & McBean.

On Friday the 1st of June, at the Vendue Office, by order of P. Loven [sic] q.q. the Boedel of Beyssel, Three Slaves, Wearing Apparel and what else will appear on the day of sale.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Wm. King in ditto or 5 Weeks, from 3d May.
Robert Bell, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 4th May.
David Cornfoot, in ditto, ditto, 4th do.
John Johnson, in 14 days, from the 7th May, or with the Ship Nerid [sic].
Eliza Chapman, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 7 May.
Michl. McMahon, in 14 days, from 7th May.
Mathw. Riordan, in 3 Weeks, from 8th May.
Miss Elizabeth Haddon, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 8th May.
Andrew Rose in 14 days from the 9th May, or by the Ship Sisters.
Willm. Ewing, ditto, do. do.
John Falconer in 14 days from the 9th May.
C. Remy, in ditto, from the 10th do.
Archd. Iver, in ditto, from 11th do.
Duncan McNicol, in 14 days, from the 14th May or by the Ship Nereid.
Kenneth McRae, in 14 days, from 14th May.
John Lewis, in ditto, 15th do.
Hu. Lowry, in ditto, 16th do.
Lachlan Bell, in ditto, ditto.
John B. Ferguson, in ditto, ditto.
John Chapman, in ditto, 18th do.
The Honb. F. C. Loncke in 14 days, from the 18th May, or by the Ship Caledonia.
L. D'Helliand, in 14 days, from the 18th May.
Henry Yeoward, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, 19th May.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

Alzoo Benjamin Emtage, Woonachtig alhier, meerderjaarig Jongman, gebooren te Barbados, ter Eenre. En
Mary Bodkin, mede Woonachtig alhier, minderjaarige dochter, gebooren binnen deeze Colonie, geadsisteerd met haare Moeder Kaziah Barrow, ter andere zide. - Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, wartoe hy op den 16e deezer Maand door Heeren Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtb. Hove van Justitie in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoome. Zoo word zulks aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich tegen zich voltekken van dit Huwelyk te kunne opponeeren, zulks in tyds zoude kunnen doen daar en zoo te behoord.
Actum Secretary van Demerary den 18 May 1810.
Zynde dit de Eerste Bekendmaaking.
In kennisse van my
Alexr. Tinne, oudste Clercq.

Between Benjamin Emtage, Bachelor, born in Barbados, and Miss Mary Bodkin, Spinster, born in this Colony, with the consent of her mother Mrs. Kaziah Barrow, - for the first time.
Any Person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office. - Demerary, 18th May 1810.
Alexr. Tinne, senior Clerk.

The Subscriber informs the Planters of Essequebo that he undertakes to mend Iron Boilers in the Wall.
Wm. Caseley.
Wakenham, May 18th 1810.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 15 1/2 to 16 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C. P) - 22 & 1/2

By the arrival of the Ariadne we are put in possession of English papers of the 30th and 31st of march, and we are informed that she brought one of the 3d of April, which, however, we have not seen - previously to the arrival of the Ariadne we were not possessed of any paper later than the 17th March and of course a chasm of considerable extent existed in our information; this chasm has been partly filled by the arrival this day at 12 o'clock of the Second March Mail, which brings London papers from the 19th to the 24th inclusive, and the Barbados Mercury to the 15th inst.

Capt. Crispin, to accommodate the Inhabitants of this Colony, has deferred the sailing of H. M. S. Kite until Tuesday next, thereby giving them time to answer letters this day received by the Mail; - all letters however intended to be sent off this conveyance must be in the Office on Monday Evening.

Died. - On Wednesday last, at Plantation Haslington, Mahaica, Mr. Matthew Thomson, a very old and much respected inhabitant of this Colony

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
My 17 Ship Ariadne, Capt. Bird from Grennock [sic], Gen. cargo
19 Guyana, Craft, Liverpool, Do.
May 16 Schr. Edwin, Capt. Tilton, St. Bartholomews.
Ship Vigilant, Stevens, Liverpool.
18 Schr. Good Intent, Strickland, Barbados.
Brig Fair American, Fossett, Portsmouth.
19 Penelope, Perkins, Norfolk.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the Colony Stocks of Demerary, 19th May, 1810.



Brought by


Pl. Non Pareille,



Free Woman Maria,

Pl. Diamond.


Wm. Latham,



J. L. Looff,



Rose, Berbice,

J. D. Lacy.


Wm. Heathcote,

Pl. Rome.


J. Skeys,

Pl. Beterhoop.


Cinglar in Berbice,

Pl. Sophia.



H. Marsh.



P. Heyliger.


J. Runnels,

Pl. Beterhoop.


J. L. Looff,

L. Fraser.






L. Hoopstad.

S. G. Martens, Drossaart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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