Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 May 22


Vol. V.]


[No. 269.

Tuesday, May 22d, 1810.

Columbus District. [heading]
Whereas only one Gentleman appeared in consequence of the convocation of the undersigned for the 12th of this month, which he attributes to the heavy rains that day. He finds it necessary once more to request all Proprietors to meet at his dwelling on Wednesday Morning, at 10 o'Clock, the 30th instant, with particular request that all and every Proprietor of Lots will attend, either personally or by proxy, as the undersigned by their non-attendance, will no longer consider himself Commissary of said district. Demerary, 22d May 1810.
J. Van Der Paadevoort.

The Undersigned informs those who it may concern, that the Town of Cumingsburg has not purchased the Stelling he offered last Month for f 3000. Whoever pleases to Subscribe annually may have the use of it; non-subscribers must pay according to the quality and quantity of merchandize, and it is now a free thoroughfare, only to Subscribers, those in their employ, and to any one not residing in Cumingsburg to whom a Subscriber may give a Pass.
May 22d, 1810. Thomas Delisle.

For Sale. [heading]
The Place called Sarah's Hope, situated on the West bank of this River, between the Plantations Stryck en Heuvel and Catharina, with nine Slaves, and the Buildings thereon. For further particulars apply to James Bradford, at Plnt. Free & Easy, or to the Subscriber at Doctor Gill's, Cumingsburg.
Sarah Bradford.
Demerary, 22d May 1810.

Lately Imported [heading]
And for Sale by the Subscribers: -
Hams, Pine and Loaf Cheese, Hyson Tea, raisins, Sugar, Tripe, Neats Tongues, corned Beef, Pickled & Bologna Sausages, Smoaked Tongues, Smoaked Beef, Sour Crout, Split Pease, Pearl Barley, Porter, Ale, red Port, Hock, Cyder, Cherry & Raspberry Brandy, Soda Water, mould Candles, yellow Soap, Tallow, Mill Grease, White Wine Vinegar, Mustard, Sallad Oil, French Olives, Capers, Currie Powder, Salt in puncheons, White Lead, Linseed, Lamp and Neatsfoot Oil, 6dy to 30dy Nails, Hoes, Shovels, Cutlasses, Negro Pipes, Salempores, N [sic] 1, 2 & 3 Canvas, Cotton and Coffee Bagging, Lined and Unlined Jackets, Womens Wrappers, Check Shirts, Flannel Jackets, Negro Hats, Servants Glazed Hats, Patent Silk and Beaver Hats, Boys and Girls ditto, Hessian and Jockey Boots, half dress and Planters Shoes, Ladies coloured Kid Slippers, Boys and Childrens Shoes, Hogskin Hunting Saddles and Bridles, Curry Combs and Brushes, Chaise Harness, Parrot Cages, Grindstones, Anchors and Grapnels, Marble Temper Lime, &c. &c.
James Robertson & Co.
Newtown, 22d May 1810.

The undersigned having maturely considered the affairs relative to the Estate of Henry Farley Esq. decd. respectfully begs leave to recommend a Meeting of the deceased's Creditors, or their Representatives, at Mr. Marsh's Hotel, on Monday and Tuesday the 12th and 13th June next ensuing the date hereof. - There to deliberate on terms for the Sale of the Lands and Negroes, &c. belonging to said Estate, at Public Vendue - as the longer time given to Purchasers the more the Creditors will be likely to benefit. Whereas if sold at Execution Sale little can be expected, as the Debts against the Boodle [sic] will be little short of Two Hundred Thousand Guilders, and Revenue not adequate to disbursements.
Isaac D. Goddard Esq. (one of the Creditors) is hereby authorised to attend at the proposed Meeting, and to receive the proposals of Sale, which together with appraisement, shall be laid before the Honble. Court for their approbation. And should the sales not be sufficient to lequidate the demands, application will then be made to the Honble. Court to appoint Curators.
Samuel Challoner.
Deliberating Executor to the Estate of
Henry Farley Esq. decd.
Mahaica, 21st May 1810.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Wednesday, the 23d May, by order of Samuel Mackay Esq. at his Store; - Boards, plank and scantling, clapboards, oars, shingles, superfine flour in whole and half barrels, rice in half tierces, navy bread, salmon in kegs, &c.
Also, by order of J. P. Hicks, - new mackarel, Spermacetti candles, cordage, sweet oil, half crown nails, soap, &c.
May 22d. Kingston & McBean.

On Friday next, the 25th instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of H. O. Seward Esq. - Four or Five Prime Negro Men and one young Woman, a few barrels of fine and coarse Salt, cotton bagging, coffee casks, lamp oil in barrels and jars, &c.
Also for account of those concerned, one Bale of Goods landed from the Brig Thetis of Liverpool.
May 22d. Kingston & McBean.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Wm. King in ditto or 5 Weeks, from 3d May.
Robert Bell, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 4th May.
David Cornfoot, in ditto, ditto, 4th do.
John Johnson, in 14 days, from the 7th May, or with the Ship Nerid [sic].
Eliza Chapman, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 7 May.
Michl. McMahon, in 14 days, from 7th May.
Mathw. Riordan, in 3 Weeks, from 8th May.
Miss Elizabeth Haddon, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 8th May.
Andrew Rose in 14 days from the 9th May, or by the Ship Sisters.
Willm. Ewing, ditto, do. do.
John Falconer in 14 days from the 9th May.
C. Remy, in ditto, from the 10th do.
Archd. Iver, in ditto, from 11th do.
Duncan McNicol, in 14 days, from the 14th May or by the Ship Nereid.
Kenneth McRae, in 14 days, from 14th May.
John Lewis, in ditto, 15th do.
Hu. Lowry, in ditto, 16th do.
Lachlan Bell, in ditto, ditto.
John B. Ferguson, in ditto, ditto.
John Chapman, in ditto, 18th do.
The Honb. F. C. Loncke in 14 days, from the 18th May, or by the Ship Caledonia.
L. D'Helliand, in 14 days, from the 18th May.
Henry Yeoward, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, 19th May.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

Just Received by Ship Guyana and for Sale by the Subscribers at their Store, a Consignment of Dry Goods on the lowest terms for immediate payment in Cash, Coffee or Cotton, consisting of -
[first column]
Linen & cotton shirts,
Dark and light Prints,
Silk and cotton Mallabars,
Cotton shirting,
White jean,
Cambric muslins,
Broad Cloths,
Plain, coloured and corded Dimities,
Book muslin handkerchiefs,
Silk and imitation Shawls,
Orange ground light ditto,
[second column]
Bandana & Madrass Handkerchiefs,
Long Lawn,
Carlisle Ginghams,
Queen's Stuff,
Gents and Ladies Gloves,
Gents Worsted Hose,
Welch flannel, and
Russia Sheeting.
[end columns]
Also On Hand,
[first column]
Irish Mess Beef and Pork,
Ditto Butter,
Bristol Tripe,
Durham mustard,
[second column]
Beer and Porter,
Old Rum,
Blocks assorted,
Earthen Ware,
Negro Cloathing, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Lacey & McEwen.
Robb's Town, 22d May 1810.

Now Landing from the Schooner Mary, Capt. Thos. Ritchie, from Halifax, (N.S.)
And for Sale by the Subscriber: -
Cod Fish in 8 and 9 Quintal Casks,
Mackarel in whole and half barrels,
Salmon in ditto, do.
Salmon Trout in ditto do.
Alewives in ditto do.
Herrings in ditto do.
Boxes and half barrels Smoked Herrings,
Pork in barrels, Wood Hoops, and M. Wine in pipes and quarter casks.
May 22d. Thos. T. Thomson.

Just arrived and for Sale by [heading]
A. Bryant,
[first column]
Yorkshire and Cumberland Hams,
Double and single Glouster Cheese,
Ling Fish & Potatoes,
Double Rose Irish Butter in whole and half firkins,
Sallad Oil,
Slender Beer and Pale Ale,
[second column]
London Porter and Brown Stout,
Double refined Sugar,
Paint Oil in 2 1/2 gallon jars,
Candles, 4, 6 & 8 to the lb.
Silk Umbrellas,
White Jan,
Corded dimities, and
A variety of other articles.
[end columns]
Newtown, 22d May, 1810.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 15 1/2 to 16 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C. P) - 22 & 1/2

Capt. Crispin, of His Majesty's Ship Kite, went over the Bar this morning at 8 o'clock in the Demerary, we are happy to say that he left this place in a convalescent state, and carried with him the wishes of every one for his speedy and total re-establishment.

The Mail-Boat sailed this morning.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
May 21 Ship Bellisle, Capt. Cameron from Berbice.
22 Schr. Mary, Ritchies, Halifax. - dry & pickled fish.
CLEARED. - None.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, now Confined in the Colony Stocks of Essequebo, 14th May, 1810.



Brought by









The Negroes of Adventure



The Negroes of Adventure





J. J. Deeges,

Doct. Eburne.

W. V. D. Wagt, Schout.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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