Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 June 09

Vol. V.]


[No. 274.

Saturday, June 9th, 1810.

Paved Roads. [heading]
The period for which the keeping in repair of the Paved roads in and about the Town of Stabroek was Contracted for on the part of the Colony, having lately expired, these are to give Notice to all persons who may be willing to undertake the keeping in repair of said Paved Roads, for the term of one or more, yet not exceeding five Years, that tenders for that purpose will be received at the Secretary's Office in Stabroek from this date until the 30th of July next, which tenders will then be examined by the Honble. the Court of Policy.
Proposals may be made either for keeping in repair the whole of the said Roads, or separately for any of the four following divisions;
1st. - The Paved road of Kingston and Cumingsburgh.
2d. - Ditto of Plantation Vlissingen and the front Road of Stabroek.
3d. - Ditto of Plantation Werk en Rust and Repentir.
4th. The Middle Street of Stabroek.
N.B. The tenders to be Sealed and Superscribed "Proposals for Keeping in Repair the Paved Roads in and about Stabroek."
Court House, Stabroek, June 8th, 1810.
C. T. Tinne, Dy Secty. of the Colony.

Candles and Fuel Wood [heading]
Wanted for His Majesty's Service.
Persons willing to Contract for the supply of either or both of the above Articles, viz: - of the former about Five Hundred Pounds weight, and of the latter Fifty Cords every two months (to be delivered at the Quarter and Barrack Master General's Store at Fort William Frederick) will be pleased to address themselves by Letter, (sealed and marked thereon 'Tenders for Candles' or 'Fuel Wood') which will be opened on the 20th instant, in the presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, when the lowest Tender for the same will (if approved of) be accepted.
This Contract to be in force for Six Month from the 25th Instant, and the Contractor to be bound for the due performance thereof, in the Penalty of Two Hundred Pounds Sterling.
Alexr. Pitman.
Asst. Commsy.
Commissary's Office, 9th June, 1810.

Hyndman & Cary. [heading]
Are Now landing the Cargo of the Brig Dolphin, Andrew Clark Master, from Portsmouth, N.A. consisting of the following Articles: -
[first column]
Fish in Hogsheads and boxes,
Red Oak Staves,
Red Oak Shooks,
W. P. Shingles,
Flour, &c. &c.
[second column]
White Oak Ditto,
W. P. Lumber,
[end columns]
Cumingsburg, 9th June 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
Two large Punts, built of the best materials, one Thirty-two feet long, Eleven feet wide, the other Thirty-eight by Thirteen feet, as above. Also an experienced Boat Captain, who is well acquainted with the Coast from Correntyne to the River Essequebo, and beyond.
Paul Massiah & Co.
New Town, 9th June 1810.

Runaway, some time last Week, a Negro Man named Sammy, of the Timminy nation, he is yellow skinned, and speaks English and Dutch remarkably well, - He is supposed to be harboured on some Estate in Essequebo. Whoever will deliver said Negro to the undersigned shall receive Two Joes Reward.
H. C. Galloway,
Widow Linguis.
Demerary, 9th June 1810.

The Subscriber has for Sale a quantity of superior quality Nails from 4dy to 30dy, different kinds of Knives and Forks, pen and pocket Knives, Scissars, Buck Razors & c. and an assortment of hand-saw, whip saw, x cut saw, flat and half-round Files of all sizes, and a box of Iron Screws from 1-8 inch to 1 1/2 inch. As it is his intention to quit the Colony soon, the said Articles will be sold by the Package very reasonable for immediate payment in Cash or Coffee. Peter Halliday.
Demerary, 9th June 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
5 Bales Cotton.
10 Bags Broken Coffee.
20 Puncheons Colony-Proof Rum
James Robertson
Newtown, 9th June, 1810. Agent.

Just Imported in the Amelia, from London, and the Guyana and William Rathbone from Liverpool, and to be sold on reasonable terms for Cash or produce:
[first column]
Inverness Coffee and Cotton bagging,
Linen & cotton britannias,
7-8 and 3-4 cotton checks,
Romall handkerchiefs,
Russia sheeting,
[second column]
Cotton shirting,
Real India Salempores,
Mould candles long 4s & 6s
Do: Kensington 4s
Do. rush lights in half boxes,
Soap in whole and half boxes.
[end columns]
On Hand from former Importations.
[first column]
Brown holland,
Printed callicoes,
Cotton cambric,
French linen do.
Linen checks,
Cotton and linen do.
Furniture chintz,
Sewing cotton,
Corded dimities,
Patent and other Dowlas,
Printed handkerchiefs,
Bordered Lawn do.
Pullicate do.
Men's silk and beaver hats,
4-4 Irish linen,
Musquito netting,
Flaxen oznaburgs,
Marseilles quiltings,
Men's & Women's stockings
Do. strong ancle Shoes,
Negro cloathing & blankets,
[second column]
Pickled white Herrings in barrels,
Shell'd barley in jars 14 to 15 pounds,
Split pease in do.
Pale ale and London brown Stout,
Pickled Tongues in firkins,
Smoaked do.
Linseed oil in 2 1/2 gallon jugs
Best white paint in 28 lb kegs
Nails 4dy to 30dy,
Demerary trenching shovels,
Mill grease,
Mineral paint,
Fine salt in punchns [sic], tierces and barrels,
Best London particular Madeira Wine in Pipes and Hogsheads.
[end columns]
Apply to Thomas Green,
At the Store lately occupied by Mr. McSwiney.
Demerary, June 9th, 1810.

Demerary, 5th June, 1810.
I the undersigned having heard various reports to my great grief, tending to accuse me of falsehood, and wishing to curb them in the bud, out of the respect every man of honour owes to himself and his reputation, hereby public offer a Reward of
Fifty Joes
to any Person or Persons who will discover and bring to conviction how and where a Note of Hand of 500 Guilders, written in the English Language and signed "N. Rousselet," has been brought into circulation.
The Signature being so well imitated the undersigned could not at the time positively swear that it was not his hand-writing, and he was therefore compelled to pay the Note with cost of Suit, - upon which he immediately requested of his Honor the Fiscaal, then at Court, to take the same and proceed therewith as he might think meet, in support of the Public good. The offender or offenders however have not been discovered by this means. Having since made the strictest examination into the transaction or the debt, I solemnly pronounce that the Signature is a Forgery, - and to enable the Public the better to trace this Note, declare that I paid the amount of it with cost of Suit to Mr. D. P. Simon, who said he received it from Mr. H. C. Evertz, who it appeared received it from Lawyer Hofstede, to whom it seems it was given or paid or delivered by the Mulatto Girl the Daughter of Peggy Hackett.
This Public Advertisement the undersigned hopes will be a strong inducement to those Gentlemen to use their sincere endeavours to trace out, if possible, the origin of this infamous transaction, and thereby remove all cause for reflections and misconstructions, which too often come to his hearing at the Court-House, as he shall not after this spare any one who may presume to cast aspersions on him, tho' such a person should be a man used to carry all before him, and therefore disposed to take the correction, as highly improper.
N. Rousselet.

For Sale. [heading]
A Schooner and Negroes belonging to the late Concern of James Lyon & Co. The Schooner is in good repair and will suit either a Sugar or Cotton Estate. If they are not Sold within three weeks from this date they will be sold at Vendue.
9th June 1810. James Lyon.

Strayed on Friday afternoon the 8th instant, a Brown and White Spoted [sic] Pointer, with a Brass Collar round his neck; he has yet some Tar on his skin having only a few day since been landed from on board an European Ship. Whoever should meet with the same and will bring him to the undersigned shall be handsomely Rewarded.
June 9th 1810. J. F. Meyer.

For Sale. [heading]
A Healthy Strong Woman, about 30 years of age, a good Washer and House Servant; a Man, also strong and healthful, about 30 years of age, a decent Cook, or would answer very well for the Field. For particulars enquire at the Office of this Paper. June 9th, 1810.

For Liverpool. [heading]
To Sail the second Springs in July,
The Ship Commerce, Thomas Watt, Master.
For Freight or Passage apply to the said Master, or
Garden, King & Co.
Cumingsburg, 9th June 1810.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The fine Coppered Ship Douglas, William Evans, Master.
Will sail a running Ship the second Springs in July. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to
Douglas, Reid, & Co.
Demerary, 9th June 1810.

Notice. [heading]
The following Articles have been landed from the Ship Amelia, and Stored by the Subscribers, should they not be claimed in one Month from this date they will then be Sold for account of those concerned
P B 2 Bales,
1 Trunk,
9 Puncheons,
2 Casks,
5 Coils Rope,
3 Barrels Tars,
2 Anchors and 1 Grapline,
6 whole and 4 half Barrels Beef.
Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co.
Demerary, 9th June 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
Two neat light Gigs with Harness &c. complete.
Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co.

The Subscriber has received by the William Rathbone, from Liverpool, and Commerce, from Glasgow, the following articles, viz:
[first column]
Irish mess beef in whole and half barrels,
Do. Butter in whole and half firkins,
Tongues, Tripe, Hams,
Cheese, Potatoes,
Superfine Flour,
Loaf Sugar, Hyson Tea,
Barley and split pease,
Black pepper, Mustard,
Vinegar, Sallad oil,
London porter & table beer,
Madeira and Port Wine,
Cogniac brandy,
Hollands Gin, Old rum,
Gent's. fashionable Coats, Coatees, Jackets, Vests and Pantaloons,
Russia sheeting,
Irish linens, Britannias,
Printed callicoes,
India Jeans, Dimity,
Gentlemen's, Ladies' and
[second column]
Childrens hats, stockings, Shoes and boots,
Seine and sewing twine,
Thread, tape and twist,
Cotton and linen checks,
Sailors' and Tradesmen's cloathing,
Glass, tin, & Queens ware,
Nails 4dy to 30dy. Corks,
Iron pots, frying pans,
Blocks, mast hoops,
Pruning knives, sad [sic - or fad] irons,
Cloaths, hair & shoe brushes
Shoe and lamp blacking,
Soap and Candles,
Spermaceti & Neatsfoot oil,
Paints and paint oil,
Lamp do.
Temper lime,
Tobacco and pipes,
Salt in barrels and baskets.
[end columns]
H. Douglas.
American Stelling, 9th June 1810.

Now Landing from the Schooner Hamilton, Capt. Libby, from Portland, and for Sale by the Subscriber, for immediate Payment.
Boards and Plank, Clapboards, Shingles, Ship Bread, R. O. Shooks, and Potatoes in barrels.
On Hand,
W. O. Shooks with heading, Navy Bread, Superfine Flour in half barrels, Tobacco, Spars from 40 to 56 feet long, small Boats, &c.
June 9th. Samuel Mackay.

Summonses by Edict. [heading]
By Virtue of an extract of the minutes dated 16th May 1810, Are herewith by me the undersigned First Marshal of the Honble: Court of Justice.
For the Fourth and last Time by Edict Summoned!
In the name and behalf of P. Pool and A. Van Der Stok, Executors to the Estate of J. D. Breton deceased.
All known and unknown Creditors of said Estate. To appear before the Honble. Court of Justice, at their Session to be held in the town of Stabroek, at their Session to be held in the town of Stabroek, on the 16th day of July next; in order to render their demands in due form and lay their claims thereto.
Whereas after the expiration of the 4th Edict will be proceeded against the non-appearers according to Law.
Rio Demerary, 9th June, 1810.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

By Virtue of an extract of the minutes dated 16th May 1810, Are herewith by me the undersigned First Marshal of the Honble: Court of Justice.
For the Fourth and last Time by Edict Summoned!
In the name and behalf of Richard Daly Executor to the Estate of Jos. Tuite deceased.
All known and unknown Creditors of said Estate. To appear before the Honble. Court of Justice, at their Session to be held in the town of Stabroek, at their Session to be held in the town of Stabroek, on the 16th day of July next; in order to render their demands in due form and lay their claims thereto.
Whereas after the expiration of the 4th Edict will be proceeded against the non-appearers according to Law.
Rio Demerary, 9th June, 1810.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

By Virtue of an extract of the minutes dated 16th May 1810, Are herewith by me the undersigned First Marshal of the Honble: Court of Justice.
For the Fourth and last Time by Edict Summoned!
In the name and behalf of C. A. De Florimont and J. F. Obermuller, Executors to the Estate of C. S. Goepel deceased.
All known and unknown Creditors of said Estate. To appear before the Honble. Court of Justice, at their Session to be held in the town of Stabroek, at their Session to be held in the town of Stabroek, on the 16th day of July next; in order to render their demands in due form and lay their claims thereto.
Whereas after the expiration of the 4th Edict will be proceeded against the non-appearers according to Law.
Rio Demerary, 9th June, 1810.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

By Virtue of an extract of the minutes dated 16th May 1810, Are herewith by me the undersigned First Marshal of the Honble: Court of Justice.
For the Fourth and last Time by Edict Summoned!
In the name and behalf of W. B. Panye, Executor to the Estate of E. Cooke deceased, and acting for his joint Executors.
All Colonial and foreign known and unknown Creditors to the Estate of Edward Cooke deceased. To appear, or send their Attorneys, before the Honble: Court of Justice, at their Session to be held in the town of Stabroek, on the 16th day of July next; in order to render their demands in due form and lay their claims thereto.
Whereas after the expiration of the 4th Edict will be proceeded against the non-appearers according to Law.
Rio Demerary, 9th June, 1810.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

Public Vendues. [heading]
The Vendue of Messrs. Henschelius and Cramer, q.q. is put off from the 8th, to the 25th instant, on account of bad Weather.

On Friday the 15th ist. by order of John Lewis at his Store in New Town, without reserve. -
24 Tierces and 18 half Tierces Rice, 12 firkins Butter and 3 do. Lard, a few thousand Colony Staves, Salt in barrels, Vinegar in demijohns and bottles, Sallad oil, Dry Goods, Stationary, Spices, &c.
June 9th. Kingston & McBean.

On Monday the 18th inst. by order of H. Williams q.q. at the Store of Jas. S. Alves, without reserve: - Checks, flannels, Silk hats, Mens shoes, Negro cloathing, Sadlery, Chaise Harness, Saddles, Bridles, &c. Iron hoops and rivetts [sic], cutlasses, shovels, nails, Horse shoes, &c. Glass and Earthen Ware, an assortment of Drugs and Perfumery, Tobacco American and Spanish, Mustard, oil, &c. Claret, Madeira wine, and beer in bottles, an excellent Horse Chaise and harness complete, a Spanish Horse, Household Furniture, &c.
On the same day will be sold a Colony (Registered) Schooner, 35 feet Keel and 12 1/2 feet Beam, with her Rigginng, Sails, &c. in good order.
June 9th. Kingston & McBean.

On Tuesday the 19th inst. by order of W. H. Addison, Esq. q.q. - at the Vendue Office, Ten Seasoned Field Negroes.
Also, on the same day, a Schooner Boat complete, to be seen at the American Stelling three days before the sale.
At the same time an assortment of Goods just landed, Furniture Chints, Calicoes, brown and white Platillias, Russia Sheeting, Cambric and Muslins, Madrass and Pullicat Handkerchiefs, umbrellas, Gentelmens straw and Beaver hats, Coffee & Cotton Bagging, oznabrugs, German Linen, Ladies straw Bonnets, Checks, Gin in cases, &c. &c.
June 9th. Kingston & McBean.

On Thursday the 21st inst. at the Store of Mr. M. Jacobs, at Madam Van Hove's, the following articles, without reserve, viz: -
Russia sheeting, Morlaix creas, threads, vein and check cambric muslins, spotted mull muslins, Corded dimitties, Callico Cambrics, India white cottons, Irish Linens, checks, sole leather, Wax leather skins, Bazils, Boots and shoes, Ladies and Gentlemens silk hats, Inigo [sic] blue, Rose and Lavender water, and very excellent Soap, &c.
June 9th. Kingston & McBean.

On Monday the 25th June, will be sold on the premises by order of G. Henschelius Esq. as Guardian to the Children of Windisch, - The Concession No. 2, with a Dwelling House and other Buildings, situated in front of Plantation Werk & Rust, opposite the House of Messrs. McInroy, Sandbach & Co.
And by order of Step. Cramer Esq. q.q E. De Bonnevin, - Two Negroes. Also by the same as Executor of F. E. J. Geraud, - Some Wearing Apparel, &c.
June 9th. Kingston & McBean.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Thos. F. Burrowes, in 14 days, from the 25th May
Alexr. Arthur, in ditto or one month, from ditto.
Peter Campbell, with six Slaves, his property, in 14 days, from the 25th May.
Mathw. Finlay, in 3 weeks or 1 month, from 26th do.
Johannes Smit, in 14 days, from the 26th May.
Alexr. Fullerton in 14 days from the 29th May.
Reyd. Yeamans in ditto, from ditto.
Joseph Reed in ditto or six Weeks from ditto.
George Laing in 14 days or one month from May 30.
Nicolas Veronique with a Slave Phoebe and her Child, in 14 days from the 30th May.
John Estwick in 14 days or 3 weeks from ditto.
George Martin in 14 days from ditto.
C. W. E. Hofstede in 14 days from the 2d June.
Chas. Gunning in 14 days from 2d June or by the Ship Arirdne [sic].
Robert Kingston in 14 days from do. or by the Neried.
Festus McDonough in 14 days, from the 4th June.
John E. Macintosh in ditto, from the 5th June.
John Hill, in ditto, do.
Amelia Goding in 14 days or 6 weeks from 6th June.
Charlotte Gowdy in ditto, ditto, from do.
Robert Thomson in 14 days from the 7th June.
John Furnace in 14 days from the 8th June.
The Negro William King, by trade a Goldsmith, in 14 days from the 8th June.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 15 1/2 to 16 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C.P.) - 22 & 1/2

We have had no arrival since our last, and are only able to lay before our readers some extracts from the series of Papers by the April Mails.

Since writing the above came in the Schooner Fanny, 43 days from Boston. She brings Papers, which if we can obtain, we will examine, and lay their contents before our readers on Tuesday.

We are happy to state that one of the Proprietors of the Theatre is gone to Barbados, in order to engage the Company of Actors, now performing there. We trust his arrangements will equally promote the interest of the Theatre, and the amusement and improvement of the Public.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

ENTERED. [heading]
June 6 Ship Douglas, Capt. Evans, Milford, Ballast.
- 9 Brig Dolphin, Clark, Portland, Lumber.

CLEARED. [heading]
June [mutilated - paper folded] Venables, for London.
8 Schr. Mary, Ritchie, Halifax.
9 Brig Norfolk, Vaughan, Wilmington.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the Colony Stocks of Demerary, 9th June, 1810.



Brought by


Pl. Non Pareille,



J. L. Looff,




L. Fraser.



Chs. De Be[illegible]


Rose, Berbice,

J. D. Lacy.


Rose, ditto,

H. Marsh.


Cinglar in Berbice,

Pl. Sophia.


Wm. Latham,




P. Heyliger.


Pl. Peter's Hall,



Mad. Macrae,

N. Cline.


Pl. Quaker's Hall,



Boed. Breton,

Pl. Belmont.


Pl. Helena,

Pl. Blygezigt.


Dl. Timmerman,

Pl. Mon Repos.


Thos. Lawrence,



John Fraser,


S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 09 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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