Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 June 23

Vol. V.]


[No. 278.

Saturday, June 23d, 1810.

Office of Ordnance, [heading]
Demerary, 23d June, 1810.
Cash Wanted - L 1200 Sterling.
For Bills of Exchange drawn at Thirty days sight, on the Right Honble: and Honble: the principal Officers of His Majesty's Ordnance.
Sealed tenders for the same, or any part thereof, not under L 50 Stg. Endorsed - "Tender for Bills of Exchange" directed to the Subscriber, will be received at this Office till 11 o'Clock on Saturday the 30th Instant, when they will be opened in the presence of His Excellency Governor Bentinck, and the highest Exchange offered will be prefered.
John Skeys
Actg. Ordnance Store-Keeper.

Office of Ordnance, [heading]
Demerary, 23d June, 1810.
Wanted to Hire on a Contract for Six Months from the 1st July next, four Negro Boatmen, and Twelve able Stout Negro Labourers. Sealed tenders for the same, Endorsed "Tender for Negro Hire" directed to the Subscriber will be received at this Office till 12 o'Clock on Saturday the 30th Inst. when they will be opened in the presence of the respective Officers of the Ordnance, and the lowest Offer or Offers will be accepted.
John Skeys,
Actg. Ordce. Store-Keeper.

Lately Imported by the Subscribers and For Sale: -
Hams, Pine and Loaf Cheese, Hyson tea, Raisins, Sugar, Tripe, Neats tongues, corn'd Beef, split pease, Pearl Barley, Porter, Ale, Hock, Cyder, Cherry and Raspberry Brandy, Spermaceti and Tallow Candles, Soap, Tallow, mill grease, White Wine Vinegar, Mustard, Sallad Oil, French Olives, Capers, currie Powder, Salt in Puncheons, White Lead, Lamp and Neatsfoot Oil, 6dy to 30dy Nails, Cooper's Nails, tin'd Pump Tacks, Vane nails, round eyed axes, Carpenter's adzes, standing Scrapers, Gimblets, socket Chizels, Braces with Bitts, Planes assorted, Hand, cross-cut and whip Saws, hand, cross-cut and whip saw Files, a general assortment of Cooper's Tools, Puncheon and Vatt Hoops, Hoes, Shovels, Cutlasses, Negro pipes, Salempores, no. 1, 2, and 3 Canvas, Cotton and Coffee Bagging, Cotton Bagging in pieces of 4 1/2 yards each, Lined and unlined Jackets, Womens Wrappers, Check Shirts, Flannel Jackets, Negro Hats, Servants glazed Hats, Silk and Beaver Hats, Boys and Girls do. Cambric muslin, French cambric, Hessian and Jockey Boots, half dress and Planter's Shoes, Ladies' coloured Kid Slippers, Boys and Childrens Shoes, Saddles, Bridles, curry combs and brushes, Chaise Harness, Parrot cages, Grindstones, Anchors and Grapnels, Temper Lime, &c.
James Robertson & Co.
Newtown, 23d June 1810.

Just Imported in the Schooner Phoebe, Capt. Saunders, in 32 days from Nova Scotia, the following Choice Cargo, which the Subscribers offer
For Sale on moderate terms: -
Cod fish in hogsheads and boxes,
Salmon in kitts and half barrels,
Mess Beef and Pork in half barrels,
Lamp Oil,
Tobacco of the first Quality.
Hyndman & Cary.
Cumingsburg, June 23d, 1810.

Notice. [heading]
The Proprietors or Lessees of Lots in the District of Bridgetown, on the front Land of Plantation Vlessingen, are hereby informed that the election of Commissaries and a Committee for the said District, for the next Year, is intended to take place by regular Ballot, on Thursday the 5th day of July, at 11 o'Clock, at the House of the undersigned in Middle Street, where all Persons concerned are requested to give their attendance.
Henry Austin,
Demerary, June 23d 1810. Secretary.

Notice. [heading]
All those indebted to the Estate of I. Van Groningen deceased, are requested to come forward with immediate payment, and those to whom said Estate is indebted to render in their Accounts properly authenticated to the Subscriber.
Jno. Crossman.
Demerary, 23d June 1810. Executor.

At a Meeting of the Proprietors of the Town of Cumingsburg, convened at Marsh's Coffee House on the 15th inst. by public advertisement.
Thomas Mewburn, Esq. was voted in the Chair,
Which having taken, the Commissaries exhibited their accounts; by which it appeared that the Town did not owe to the amount of five hundred guilders, and that there was near three thousand guilders cash balance in hand; that the Colony had already been paid all the monies collected on account of the Mud Lots; and that a sufficient sum was yet due from them to pay the balance, the said accounts having been approved of, the Commissaries resigned, when the thanks of the meeting were unanimously voted them for their trouble and attention to the general interest of the Town.
The Meeting then proceeded to the election of Commissaries for the ensuing year, when the following Gentlemen were chosen.
Messrs. Robert Phipps,
Evan Fraser, and
Charles Playter.
Mr. Phipps then proposed the following Resolution
"That the Commissaries be authorised to brick the road
"from the canal bridge near the barracks to the corner
"of Mr. Van Berckel's, for a sum not exceeding thirty
"guilders per rood; that they shall make use of the
"monies they may recover from the old suits, as far as
"that may go, for the payment of the same; but that if
"there should be a deficiency they shall be permitted to
"make use of the general funds of the Town to supply
"such deficiency."
Mr. Naghten opposed this motion, but proposed as an ammendment, "That the Commissaries be authorised
"to brick the said road, provided they only make use of
"the monies to be collected from the old suits; but that the Town do not consent to their making use of any part of the general funds of the Town for that purpose."
The amendment was seconded by Mr. Smith, and a division would have taken place, but in consequence of a discussion relative to the mode of voting, the motion was withdrawn and postponed till a future meeting.
Mr. Phipps then proposed "That an annual Tax be
"levied for the purpose of cleaning the draining trench-
"es, &c. and forming a fund for the general benefit of
"the Town, as follows: -
"On the Proprietors of Lots from lot No. 1 to 77 "inclusive, 3 Joes per lot per annum.
"From lot 78 to lot 245, do. 2 Joes p. lot p. do.
"From lot 246 to lot 301, do. 10 dollars, p. lot p. do.
"From lot 302 to lot 357, do. 6 do. p. lot p. do.
The said Tax was unanimously agreed to, and the Commissaries were requested to apply to the Hon. the Court of Policy, at their next sitting, to sanction the said Tax, as well as their appointment as Commissaries, and to cause it to be collected as speedily as possible. The Commissaries, were then requested to cause every exertion to be made by due course of law, to recover all the sums yet due from individuals for the last tax, as well as from the mud lots.
The Meeting then adjourned.
Thos. Mewburn,
Demerary, June 16th 1810. Chairman.

The Subscriber will thank those who owe him by open Accounts or Notes, to come forward with payment, otherwise he will be under the necessity of putting such Claims unsettled in the hands of his Attorney at Law for recovery without exception to Person or Persons.
John McAulay.
Demerary, 23d June 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
A Young Healthy Negro Wench, a complete Washerwoman, sold for no fault, only her Owner having no further occasion for her. Terms will be made easy to an approved Purchaser. For particulars enquire of the Printer. June 23, 1810.

Picked Up at Plantation Belle Vue, a small Boat, 15 feet 6 inches Keel, and 4 feet 9 inches Beam, with a Tent and green Laps. The Owner may have it restored on proving property, paying the expence of this Advertisement, and a Reward to the Negroes. June 23d, 1810.

Drifted. [heading]
About a Month ago, from the Ship Sisters, two or three days before she left this River, a four-oared Jolly-Boat; painted on the outside with a Yellow strain [sic] and White on her bottom; the inside was painted Green at the Gunwale and all the rest Yellow. Whoever will return the said Boat will be handsomely rewarded, and if found in the possession of any Person, after this Public Advertisement, shall be prosecuted as the Law directs.
Fraser, Campbells & Co.
Cumingsburg, 22d June 1810.

Just Arrived and For Sale, [heading]
At the Subscriber's Store in Cumingsburg, In Trunks, Cases, Boxes and Bales, which will be Sold reasonable by the Package, or otherwise for Immediate Payment: -
Fine India long Cloths,
Joconets, plain and striped,
Cotton Cambrics,
Rich Chintzes,
Blue, black, scarlet, white, yellow and green Lisbon baize
Frend red ground, pinc, check, and Balafore handkfs.
Black, Nankeen and coloured sewing Silks,
And a variety of other Articles.
Henry Osbn. Seward.
Demerary, 23d June 1810.

Fresh Garden Seeds, [heading[
For Sale at the Store of
June 23d, 1810. P. Benjamin.

The Subscribers are now Landing and For Sale: -
Newfoundland Fish,
In 3, 4, 6 and 8 Quintal Casks.
Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co.
Demerary, 23d June 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
At Paul Smith's Commission-Store.
14 Hogsheads of Excellent Sugars,
And a Negro Woman accustomed to the field.
Werk & Rust, 23d June 1810.

The Subscribers hereby inform all those who have favoured them with their work, that from their own engagements they find it necessary to call on them for payment, having given Six Months credit and not being able to extend it longer; it is hoped they will come forward without causing them to have recourse to Law, so as to enable them to support their credit and carry on their Business without interruption.
Robt. Spence & Co.
Demerary, 23d June 1810.

Sales by Execution. [heading]
By Authority from the Honorable Court of Justice, I the undersigned First Marshal of this Colony shall expose and sell, in the presence of the Counsellors Commissaries and their Secretary, unto the highest bidder, on the 10th July next. -
In behalf of P. A. Cart & Richardet, versus A. Danjoy: - A certain Lot of Land with all the Buildings thereon, situated in Eveleary, in such condition as the same is at present occupied by said Danjoy.
In behalf of W. Gibson versus J. L. Robinson: - a Negro Woman named Maria and her Child Francois.
Whoever may pretend to have any right to oppose the same, will address themselves in writing at the Marshal's Office, where I shall receive their opposition and appoint them a day to go to Law; and those who intend to purchase will please attend on the day and place mentioned.
Rio Demerary, 22d June 1810.
M. Smit, first Marshal.

Summonses by Edict. [heading]
By Virtue of an order of the Honble: Court of Justice of the Colony and Dependent Districts of Demerary, given at the instance of the Honble: the Fiscal F. P. Van Berckel, Ratione Officii;
I the undersigned First Exploicteur of this Colony, do hereby Summon -
J. Van Den Broek,
Jno. Strobie,
Peter Fairbairn,
S. Fraser,
Wm. Gordon,
Wm. Threllfall,
James B. Fraser,
Lewis Cameron,
Finlay Smith,
Richard Fowler, and
D. Wade.
Personally to appear before the Honble: the Court of Justice aforesaid, on the 16th July next, and following days - in order to answer such Interrogations as will then be put to them, respecting certain improper and disrepectful expressions contained in a Paper Writing addressed to His Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Governor and Commander in Chief, and the Honbl: the Court of Policy, signed by the said abovenamed:
J. Van Den Broek,
Jno. Strobie,
Peter Fairbairn,
S. Fraser,
Wm. Gordon,
Wm. Threllfall,
James B. Fraser,
Lewis Cameron,
Finlay Smith,
Richard Fowler, and
D. Wade.
Further to hear such demand and conclusions in Law as the Honble: the Fiscal, Ratione Officii, will then make; - to plead to the same, and to proceed according to law.
Demerary, 23d June 1810.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Thursday the 28th inst. at the Vendue Office, by order of Messrs. Fraser, Campbells & Co. 25 to 30 Hogsheads of fish.
On the same day. Two Hundred and Fifty dozen of Lavender Water, Barrels Salt, cases mustard, &c.
June 23d. Kingston & McBean.

On Monday the 2d July at the Store of James S. Alves in Robb's Town, by order of H. Williams, Esq. q.q. -
Checks, flannels, Silk hats, Mens shoes, Negro cloathing, Sadlery, Chaise Harness, Saddles, Bridles, &c. Iron hoops and rivetts, cutlasses, shovels, nails, Horse shoes, &c. Glass and Earthen Ware, an assortment of Drugs and Perfumery, Tobacco American and Spanish, Mustard, oil, &c. Claret, Madaira [sic] wine, and Beer in bottles, an excellent Horse Chaise and harness complete, a Spanish Horse, Household, [sic] Furniture, &c.
On the same day will be sold a Colony (Registered) Schooner, 35 feet Keel and 12 1/2 feet Beam, with her Rigging, Sails, &c. in good order.
June 23d. Kingston & McBean.

On Tuesday the 3d July, at the Cooperage of John Crossman Esq. in Robb's Town: -
A Case of hats, a Chaise and Harness, 4 pieces Coffee Bagging, 2 sets elegant plated Chaise Harness, a fowling piece, and Wallaba Vatts from 300 to 1200 gallons.
Also Household furniture, 2 Tent Boats, &c. belonging to J. Van Groningen deceased.
June 23d. Kingston & McBean.

On Monday the 16th July at the Vendue Office, by Order of Mr. H. Robertson, q.q. - from 12 to 15 valuable Negroes consisting principally of Carpenters, Wood cutters, Sawyers, among them are two fine young Women, and a healthy Child 12 months old.
June 23d. Kingston & McBean.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Chas. Gunning in 14 days from 2d June or by the Ship Arirdne [sic].
Robert Kingston in 14 days from do. or by the Neried.
Festus McDonough in 14 days, from the 4th June.
John E. Macintosh in ditto, from the 5th June.
John Hill, in ditto, do.
Amelia Goding in 14 days or 6 weeks from 6th June.
Charlotte Gowdy in ditto, ditto, from do.
Robert Thomson in 14 days from the 7th June.
John Furnace in 14 days from the 8th June.
The Negro William King, by trade a Goldsmith, in 14 days from the 8th June.
John McAulay, in 14 days or 6 weeks from 12th June.
Robert Murray and Family in ditto, from ditto.
Alexr. Daniel Junr. in ditto or one month from ditto.
Peter Barchard, in 14 days, from the 15th June.
J. E. Somarsall will transport to Berbice, 35 Slaves (names to be seen at this Office) in 14 days from June 13.
Joseph Paxton, in 3 weeks from the 18th June by the Brig Louisa.
Jane Yates in 14 days from the 19th June.
John H. Dearborn in ditto.
James Graham in 14 days or 3 weeks for 22d June.
Roderick Young in one Month from the 22d June.
Roderick McLeod in ditto.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

At the Commissary Court of the 9th of July next, will be passed the following Transports and Mortgages, Viz: -
By J. V. D. Paadevoort Transport of the Concession No. 91 in Kingston, will all the Buildings thereon, to A. Baum.
By Alexr. Simpson thereto specially authorised [??] Thomas Pinkerton, a Mortgage on Plantation Windsor Forest, in favor of Inglis, Ellice & Co. of London.
By John Wilson q.q. K. f. Mackenzie a Mortgage on Pl. Nog Eeens [sic] & Two Friends (formerly two separate Estates) in favor of John Gladstone of Liverpool.
By Richard Bell Transport of the Lot No. 57, the North side of the middle dam, Stabroek, with all the Buildings thereon, to Betty de Jongh.
By the Representatives of the Boedel Haslen Transport of the Plantation Glasgow to the Executors of H. Mutz deceased.
By the Executors of H. Mutz decd. a first Mortgage on Plantation Glasgow in favor of the Representatives of the Boedel Haslen.
By Alexr. Jones Transport of the Lot No. 42 situated on the North side of the middle dam, Stabroek, with the Buildings thereon, to L. Van Rossum.
By Susannah Morehouse Transport of the North half of Lot No. 131, situated in Cumingsburg, to Robert Selkrig.
By J. De Rooy Transport of 7-8 of the Lot No. 161 in Cumingsburg, with the Buildings thereon, to George Lacy.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, 22d June 1810.
Alexr. Tinne, Senr. Clerk.

To Be Let. [heading]
And to be Entered on the First day of August next.
The Concession No. 40 and 1/2 Concession 41, in Stabroek, lately occupied by Doctor Smith, with the Buildings thereon; a Cistern containing 12 thousand gallons Water, Kitchen and Bake-Oven, Stable, Fowl and Negro Houses, an Office with 12 glass sashes, the Garden with bearing fruit trees and a plenty of Vegetables fit for immediate use, the whole Concession paved with bricks. Enquire of
N. Rousselet.
Yorkshire Hall, Charles-Town
23d June, 1810.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day
Cotton - 16 to 16 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C.P.) - 22 & 1/2

We have had no arrival from Europe since our last. The report of the Ann Mackenzie being off the Bar on Tuesday last, proves to be erroneous. - She is now said to have arrived at Berbice.

We have inserted the Commercial Intercourse Act passed by Congress on the first of May; the day on which Congress adjourned, to the first Monday in December. This intelligence was brought by the Schooner Favorite, Capt. Cooley on Tuesday last, a short time after our Paper had gone to Press; - by her we received twelve Papers, their contents are not very interesting, they consist chiefly of the old Cuckoo song of Democrat and Federalist, &c. &c.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

June 21 Schr. Sir James Cockburn, Capt. Devylder, from Martinique, Lavender water & salt.
-- 22 -- Phoebe, Sanders, St. Andrews, Fish, provisions, Tar, tobacco, Butter, &c.

-- 20 -- Caledonia, Thompson, Liverpool.
-- 23 Schr. Ann, De Munnick, Barbados.

On the departure of Dr. John Chapman,
who left this in the Caledonia, for Liverpool,
June 21st, 1810.

Chapman, my dear, my much lov'd friend, farewell! -
But who, the anguish of my soul, can tell?
You go, by strong affection bound, you go,
To soften sorrow, and to sooth from woe;
A much lov'd Wife, and many Children dear,
Demands thy presence, and thy tender care;
For fell disease, assails the Mother's life,
And death, too soon, must end the fatal strife; -
To these you go, and Oh! may gentle gales,
Propitious swell the wide expanding sails;
May no rude gust impede thy passing way,
But, God's great mercies, crown your ev'ry day.
Oh may your presence, cast the doubtful strife,
And health returning, give you all - your Wife! -
For me, my friend, alas, what hope is left,
Of thee, thy converse, and thy skill bereft? -
Who now will listen to my hopes and fears,
And kindly sooth, direct, or still my cares? -
Assist my reason, teach my mind to trace,
Obscure disease, and catch its hydra face? -
In humble guise, assimilate my mind,
And, by thine acts of kindness, learn me to be kind?
B. T.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the Colony Stocks of Demerary, 23d June, 1810.



Brought by


Pl. Non Pareille,



J. L. Looff,




L. Fraser.



Chs. De Be[illegible]



P. Heyliger.


Mad. Macrae,

N. Cline.


John Fraser,



Free Lucretia,

Pl. Ruimveld.


Chs. de Beausobre,



John Remon,



Betty De Ryk,

Pl. Werk en Rust.


Wm. Boon,

Pl. Cumings Lodge.


Pl. Parrel,


S. G. Martens, Drossart.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the Colony Stocks of Essequebo, this 21st June 1810.



Brought by








Pl. Windsor Forest,




S. Mercurius.



S. Mercurius.



S. Mercurius.

W. V. D. Wagt, Schout.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.



Created: 09 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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