Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 June 26

Vol. V.]


[No. 279.

Tuesday, June 26th, 1810.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Coppered and Armed Ship Mary, John Mares, Master.
Will Sail the 31st next Month. - For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or
Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co.
Demerary, 26th June 1810.

For Sale by the Subscriber. [heading]
Six Prime Negro Carpenters, who have been working at the Carpenter's Trade several years; they are well-disposed people, and are sold for no fault. Also a house Frame of Colony wood, twenty nine feet long, eighteen feet wide, and one story high. Likewise two excellent Dwelling Houses situated in Cumingsburg, upon the divided corner, Lot 99; - the House upon the West half is twenty-nine feet long, twenty wide, and two stories high, entirely built of hard wood, with comfortable side Buildings. - The House upon the East half is thirty-three feet long, twenty feet wide, and two and a half stories high, framed and finished with the best materials, and has a range of good side Buildings. The former is only eight Months finished, and the latter two Months, consequently they will not want any repair for several Years. Both of the above Buildings have a Brick path to the main road of Cumingsburg.
Demerary, June 26, 1810. John Hosack.

A Silver Spoon Lost. [heading]
If the Person who took a Silver Table Spoon away on Sunday the 24th Inst. engraved with a double Coat of Arms, will return it to the Printer of this Paper no questions will be asked. It is requested if the same should be offered for Sale that the Person [illegible]ing it may be secured, and a reward of Two Joes will be given on its restoration, by applying to the Printer. June 26th, 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
A strong built Punt, made of the best materials, 30 feet Keel and nine feet Beam; to be seen in the Canal opposite Messrs. Douglas, Reid & Co.
Also for Sale,
A quantity of Broken Bricks. For particulars apply to the Printer, or to the Subscriber.
26th June 1810. H. B. Fraser

Broken Adrift, or Stolen from the Schooner Favourite, on the 22d inst. a Moses built Boat. Whoever will return said Boat, or give such information that she may be obtained, shall receive a handsome Reward.
Ebnzr. Cooley.
Demerary, 26th June 1810.

Left in the Necessary of Messrs. R. Spence & Co. on Sunday afternoon last, a French Gold Watch. Whoever has found the same and will leave it at the Office of this Paper, shall be handsomely Rewarded.
Demerary, 26th June 1810.

Just Imported in the Mary, Capt. Mares, from Liverpool, and to be Sold on reasonable terms for Cash or Produce: -
[first column]
Linen Britanias,
9-8 Cotton Cambric,
Creas a-la Morlaix,
Russia Duck,
Madrass Handkerchiefs,
Cotton Platillas,
Tallow in kegs for Mills, and Boats,
Butter in whole & half firkins
Hung Beef,
[second column]
Gloster and Pine Cheese,
Pickled Tongues,
Pork in half barrels,
Loaf Sugar,
Porter and Beer in bottles,
Pickles assorted,
Felling Axes,
Nails 4dy to 30dy.
Iron Pots 1 to 3 gallons,
Negro Pipes in boxes six Gross each.
[end columns]
On Hand from former Importations.
[first column]
Inverness Cotton and Coffee Bagging,
Brown Holland,
Printed Calicoes,
French Linen Cambrics,
7-8 & 3-4 Cotton Check,
Cotton and Linen ditto,
Furniture Chintz,
Sewing Cotton,
Corded Dimities,
Patent and other Dowlas,
Printed Handkerchiefs,
Bordered Lawn ditto,
Mens' [sic] silk & beaver Hats,
4-4 Irish Linen,
Musquito Netting,
Flaxen Oznaburgs,
Marseilles Quiltings,
Mens & Womens Stockings,
Do. strong Ancle Shoes,
[second column]
Negro Clothing & Blankets,
Cotton Shirting,
Real India Salempores,
Mould Candles 4's & 6's,
Ditto Kensington 4's,
Ditto rush lights in 1/2 boxes,
Soap in whole and half do.
Split Pease in jars 14 to 15 lb,
Smoked Tongues,
Linseed Oil in 2 1/2 gal. jugs,
Best White Pain in 28 lb. kegs,
Mill Grease,
Mineral Paint,
Fine Salt in puncheons, tierces, and barrels,
Best London Particular Madeira Wine in pipes and hogsheads
[end columns]
Apply to Thomas Green.
Demerary, June 26th 1810.

Notice. [heading]
The Public are hereby cautioned against receiving a certain Promissory Note of the Subscriber's in favour of C. J. McIntosh decd. given and dated in January 18105, the same being fully paid, and a sufficient receipt obtained, which Receipt has been exhibited to His Excellency the Governor, and Certificate of Oath taken that no other dealings ever took place between the decd. and him. John King.
Mahaica, 26th June 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
8 Bags Broken Coffee.
James Robertson.
New town, 26th June, 1810. Agent.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
John McAulay, in 14 days or 6 weeks from 12th June.
Robert Murray and Family in ditto, from ditto.
Alexr. Daniel Junr. in ditto or one month from ditto.
Peter Barchard, in 14 days, from the 15th June.
J. E. Somarsall will transport to Berbice, 35 Slaves (names to be seen at this Office) in 14 days from June 13.
Joseph Paxton, in 3 weeks from the 18th June by the Brig Louisa.
Jane Yates in 14 days from the 19th June.
John H. Dearborn in ditto.
James Graham in 14 days or 3 weeks for 22d June.
Roderick Young in one Month from the 22d June.
Roderick McLeod in ditto.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

[following is illegible on right margin]

Mr. Printer,
I am very sorry to learn that the very excellent
Address of our highly respectable and much esteem'd [illegible]
which was intended to induce the Representatives of [illegible]
numerous absent English Proprietors to assist in their [illegible]
in paying off the Debt still outstanding for the Erection [illegible]
St. George's Chapel, has not yet produced that [illegible]
I am too well aware in te situation many of [illegible]
Proprietors who looked for Ease and Opulence in [illegible]
native Land are placed by a succession of bad Crops, [illegible]
their Attornies must naturally feel it incumbent on them [illegible]
restrain those Feelings that would actuate them in a [illegible]
of greater Prosperity and that any additional [illegible]
however small, added to the increasing Pressure of the [illegible]
ual Taxes, must make itself felt by the Proprietor - but [illegible]
has at length pleased the Almighty to bestow upon us [illegible]
favorable Seasons and to emit a Ray of Light thru' the [illegible]
Gloom that has so long surrounded us, we ought to [illegible]
our Gratitude for his Favors, by forwarding the good [illegible]
of Religion and by the Promotion of its natural [illegible]
ees, Charity and Benevolence - It may be hoped this [illegible]
additional Contribution, to attain this desirable end, [illegible]
not prove burthensome or inconvenient to those Subscribers
in the Colony, by whose liberal Contributions and [illegible]
Assistance the Chapel has so nearly attained its Completion
and that those who have, from whatever cause, hitherto [illegible]
stained from Subscribing, will come forward according [illegible]
their Ability to promote a Work equally ornamental [illegible]
Town and honorable to the Country.
Already, as I am informed, their good Example [illegible]
induced the Members of the Dutch Church (which by [illegible]
Capitulation may be deem'd the established one of [illegible]
Colony) to remove the Opprobrium that so long hung [illegible]
it, by Subscribing to the Erection of a decent and respectable [ilegible]
Place of Worship for themselves, and for that Purpose [illegible]
have, in my opinion, with great Propriety applied [illegible]
Assistance from the Colony Chest, which I trust they [illegible]
receive, for it is many, many Years since not merely [illegible]
but common Propriety should have induced this to have [illegible]
done, and tho' the same Argument holds with respect to [illegible]
Taxes, surely many idle Expences ought to be curtailed [illegible]
The Promotion of Religious Worship.
May their Church tend, as I trust ours has and will [illegible]
to the Promotion of too much neglected Piety, too [illegible]
wanted Humanity among us - to Charity and to [illegible]
Christian Virtue, and both of us avoiding the thorny [illegible]
tortuous Paths of Religious Controversy, be induced [illegible]
emulate each other in good Works and in shewing by [illegible]
Actions that our Religion leads us equally to the great [illegible]
of all Religions - Fear and Love of God, Charity [illegible]
Good-Will toward Man.
Laicus Britannicus.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 15 1/2 to 16 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum. (C.P.) - 22 & 1/2

By the Ship Mary, Capt. Mares, which arrived here Sunday, consigned to the House of Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co. we received London Papers to the [illegible] ult.

A small Vessel arrived this morning from St. Vincent's Martinique, via Barbados, which she left five days since which time the Packet had not arrived there.

A report has been in circulation all the morning of a Change in the Judicial administration of this Colony, the arrangements are said to be as follows:
The Honble. F. P. Van Berckel to be President of the Court of Justice.
The Honble. J. Van den Paadevoort to be Fiscaal of Demerary.
P. A. De Veer Esq. to be Fiscaal of Essequebo.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

June 25 Ship Mary, Capt. Mares, from Liverpool, Gen. [illegible]
-- 26 Schr. Polly & Nancy, Horton, St. Thomas, B[illegible]

-- 25 Sloop Mary, Capt. Bommell - for Tortola.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 09 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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