Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 June 30

Vol. V.]


[No. 280.

Saturday, June 30th, 1810. [No. 285.

[Publicatie (in Dutch) - about fees and charges - will transcribe if I can't find a later version in English. - published in English in issue of May 26th - some mutilation]

Summonses by Edict. [heading]
By Virtue of an appointment dated 28th June 1810.
Granted on the Petition of Anthony Osborn for Self and W. N. Firebrace, Executors to the Estate of Joseph Odell deceased.
Are herewith by me the undersigned First Marshal:
For the First Time by Edict Summoned!
All known and unknown Creditors to the Estate of Joseph Odell deceased to appear or send their Attornies before the Honble. Court of Justice, at their assembly to be held at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek, on the 16th day of July next, and following days; in order to render their pretensions in due form and lay their Claims thereto.
Whereas after the expiration of the fourth and last Edict will be proceeded against the non-appearers according to Law.
Demerary, 29th June, 1810.
M. Smit, first Marshal.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Wednesday the 4th July will be exposed for Sale at the Vendue Office by order of Messrs. Fraser, Campbells & Co. - two Trunks Madrass Handkerchiefs, three Puncheons loaf Sugar, twenty-one black Vests, two large Pier Glasses, Potatoes in hampers, &c.
June 30th. Kingston & McBean.

On Thursday and Friday the 5th and 6th July, by order of Charles Sayers q.q. at the House of Pat. McIntyre. -
Beef and Pork in half barrels, Hams, Cheese, Tripe, wine, Porter, beer, Potatoes, Candles, Soap, Butter, Ling Fish, Florence Oil, Mustard, Refined Sugar, Mourning and fancy Callicoes, Dimities, Jeans, Jeanets, Irish Linen, Cotton Cambric, Linen and Cotton Checks, Real Madrass Handkerchiefs, Ladies elegant real Lace Dresses partly made up, ladies Stockings, Boots, and Shoes, Tobacco in hogsheads and barrels, Furniture, &c.
On the same day, by order of Captain Jackson, Fifty barrels of Pickled Sprats
June 30th. Kingston & McBean.

On Saturday the 7th July by order of James Jackson & co. at the Vendue Office, being a Consignment received by the Mary, Capt. Mares, from Liverpool:
Potatoes in hampers, Bristol Tripe in Kegs, Hams, Cheese, Butter London brown Stout in bottles, Mens Silk Hats, Ladies do. Boys and Girls do. &c.
Also by order of Jas. Rose, a Negro Woman and two Children.
June 30th. Kingston & McBean.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
John McAulay, in 15 days or 6 weeks from 12th June.
Robert Murray and Family in ditto, from ditto.
Alexr. Daniel Junr. in ditto or one month from ditto.
Peter Barchard, in 14 days, from the 15th June.
J. E. Somarsall will transport to Berbice, 35 Slaves (names to be seen at this Office) in 14 days from June 13.
Joseph Paxton, in 3 weeks from the 18th June by the Brig Louisa.
Jane Yates in 14 days from the 19th June.
John H. Dearborn in ditto.
James Graham in 14 days or 3 weeks from 22d June.
Roderick Young in one Month from the 22d June.
Roderick McLeod in ditto.
J. F. Obermuller, in 14 days from 25th June 1810.
Peter Halliday, in do. from 25th do.
Willm. Grant, in do. or three Weeks from 26th do.
L. B. Slengarde Overbrook, in do. or do. from 26 do.
Harriet Owen, in 14 days from 29th do.
Eliza Simmons, in do. from 29th ditto.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

Commissariat Office,
June 30th, 1810.
Government Bills.
Cash Wanted for the following Bills of Exchange, amounting to L 3000 Stg. viz:
No. 1381, ... L 500.
1390, 400.
1391, 400.
1392, 400.
1393, 400.
1368, 300.
1400, 200.
1401, 200.
1408, 100.
1409, 100. - L 3000 Stg.
Drawn by the Deputy Pay Master general on the Right Honorable the Pay Master's General of His Majesty's Forces.
Tenders, in Quadruplicate, for the whole, or any part thereof, will be received at this Office until Monday next, the 2d of July, at 10 o'Clock, when they will be opened in the presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and the highest offer, if approved, accepted.
Alexr. Pitman, Asst. Commissary.

Just landed and for Sale by the Subscriber, (adjoining the Vendue Office), at moderate prices for money:
Hams, cheese, Potatoes, Pork, candles, Soap. Geneva, London Sadlery, Breakfast setts of Wedgewood's ware, Pearl Barley, Tea, Spices, &c. &c.
Thomas Shute.
With whom all Persons indebted to the late Firm of Thos. Shute & Co. are requested to settle accounts without delay, in default of which, immediate compulsory measures will be taken.
New Town, 30th June 1810.

The Subscriber has just Received by the Traveller, Capt. Fisher: -
A Supply of Fresh Medicines,
In addition to his former Stock, comprising every Article in modern Practice, with the most approved Articles of Quackery; which are on Sale at his Shop in America Street, on the usual terms.
June 30th, 1810. John Lewis.

For Sale by the Subscriber, the following articles just landed from the Traveller, Capt. Fisher:
Prime Irish mess Beef and Pork in half barrels,
Bacon in sides,
Firkins Pickled Herrings,
Jars Tripe, Pine Cheese,
Dried Tongues, Hams,
Pearl Barley, Oat grits,
Split pease, &c.
Improved Patent Mangles, &c &c.
June 30, 1810. Heneage Williams.

Just imported the following goods, per the Ship Mary, Capt. Mares, and for Sale at the Store of William Lucas, viz: -
[first column]
Cambrick light fancy chintz new patterns,
Rich India chintz,
Superfine India blue fancies,
Lilac, red, & blue cambrick handkerchiefs,
Lace ground fancy chintz,
Tape bordered Balafore handkerchiefs,
9-8 cambricks,
4-4 blue checked Pullicats,
Fancy checked ditto,
7-8 fine check,
Fine dark stripe,
Damask table cloths,
Spotted cambricks,
Cotton shirting,
[second column]
Furniture checks,
Princes cord
Ladies' habit shirts,
Tamboured lace cambrick handkerchiefs,
Fine worked Ladies' dresses
Tamboured lace cambrick shawls,
Worked cambric robes with fronts,
Ditto coloured robes,
Loom seeded muslin,
Light and dark ginghams,
An assortment of Ladies, tortoise shell combs,
Ladies' straw hats trimmed and untrimmed,
Children's bonnets, &c. &c.
[end columns]
On Hand
India blue and white salempores, India jaconet, muslin platillas, cotton linings, coarse calicoes, cotton cambrick, Butilla muslin, ditto long lawns, Ladies' and Gentlemens stockings, improved silk hats, Gentlemen's boots and shoes, Ladies' Morocco shoes, coffee bagging and Negro blankets, also a few hhds Tobacco, firkins Butter, and barrels of Beef.
Middle-Street, 30th June 1810.

The undersigned has the pleasure to inform his Creditors and Friends that he has been enabled to prevent the Sale of Plantation Klyne Parys by Penal Interdict, appointed by his Honour P. C. Ouckama, Commandeur of Essequebo; and that the merits of the cause is to be determined by the Honble. Court of that Colony at the next ensuing Session.
Martin Doyle.
Essequebo, 28th June 1810.

Imported per Ships Mary and Traveller from Liverpool and for Sale at the Subscriber's Store on moderate terms for immediate payment: -
[first column]
Mourning & fancy calicoes
Irish Linens,
Cotton Cambric,
Linen and cotton checks,
Real Madrass handkerchiefs
Ladies elegant real lace dresses partly made up,
Ladies Stockings,
Boots and Shoes,
Ladies and Childrens boots and shoes,
Pine and Stilton cheese,
[second column]
Potatoes in hampers,
Ling Fish in Boxes,
Porter, Beer, and pale Ale,
Candles 4's & 6's, & Soap,
Refined Sugar,
Butter in Firkins,
Tobacco in Hhds. & barrels
Beef and Pork in tierces & 1/2 barrels,
Tripe in jars,
Florence oil,
Furniture, &c.
[end columns]
Also on Hand.
Madeira Wine in Pipes and Hhds.
Charles Sayers, q.q.
Pat. McIntyre.
Robb's Town, 30th June 1810.

To Let. [heading]
A Convenient House for a Family situate in Kingston, in an airy and Healthy situation: - For further particulars apply to the Printer.
Demerary, 30th June 1810.

Mr. Printer
I observe in your Paper an address to the Subscribers of the English Church or Chapel in Stabroek, by which it appears that their Funds have fallen short of their expectations, or at least have been unequal to carry their undertaking into effect.
I have not a doubt of the very good intentions of the Writer, and I trust if the difficulty has arisen from a too sanguine calculation of their ability, or from a want of economy or attention to a proper restriction of their expence to their means, it will be done away by better future Regulations. - But there are some points on which I must differ from your well-meaning Correspondent - he seems to approve of an application of a proportion of the Taxes to the Building a Dutch Church, but if it is a proper appropriation, why not an equal sum for an English one, in a Country where three fourths of the Population, and at least that proportion of those who pay the Taxes, are of the Country of the Sovereign, - English. It has been indeed whispered that in the time of the late Governor Nicholson the Promoter of the erection of St. George's Chapel decline, or as some say, rejected the offer of assistance from the Colony Chest, wishing to hold themselves independent of the Government.
I have no means of knowing that this was the fact, or if it was, of the motives that led to it; but on the first blush they seem to shew but little of Christian Humility on their part, and I can see no wise reason for their abstaining now from such application, if their situation calls for it. What your Correspondent means by the Dutch Church (the Calvinistical one I presume) being by the Capitulation of the established one in the Colony, I cannot conceive. That the Capitulation granted to the Capitulants the free exercise of their Religion, that it preferred to them the Funds of their Church, whatever they might be, free from confiscation, is most certain, but that it set up the Capitulants to command the Conquerors, and to consider and treat their Religion as one indulged only by the lenity of the Capitulants, is so monstrous a proposition that I am surprized any person should adopt it, much more one who has the word Britannicus appended to his signature.
Besides, which whom did the British treat, and to what Government were the Capitulants subject? - To the Batavian Republic. Without stopping to ask where that said Batavian Republic is to be found; is it not well remembered, and if Laicus Britannicus was then here, does he not know that the Farrago that was then so profusely banded about as the Regulations of that then new Batavian Constitution, there was an article that stated that there should be no predominant Religion but a general Toleration, on each Communion or Congregation providing for their own Ministers and the expences of their own Church. I have no intention of throwing any damp upon the zeal of those who are willing to support the undertaking, which is in every sense a most proper one, and I trust the crops will fully justify the Representatives of Proprietors coming forward with handsome Subscriptions but Laicus is a little in the general fashion of the Country by giving good reasons for expending the Crop before it is gathered. - At home they reason differently and say, now when I have realized thus much I can venture to apply such or such part of it to charitable purposes. We prudently do not wait for that time here to expend our Crops, least it should never arrive, and take care that our charities as well as our luxuries should precede our means.
Certainly if the heavy sums drawn by Takes here from the subjects, are fairly, honestly, and equally levied, and if they are applied with economy and Wisdom to the uses of the Public alone, and not to enriching Individuals under pretense of Public Service, they must be fully adequate to a respectable provision for the English Protestant Church of the Colony as well as for that of the Dutch Capitulants.

The Ship James, eleven weeks from Cork, arrived yesterday; and an American with Cattle on Thursday - they are the only arrival since our last, and they bring no News.

The Public will see that the communication of Laicus Britannicus given in our last has drawn forth a very able letter from Anglicanus, for whose information we state that the Government has appropriated f 15,000 in furtherance of the project to erect a Dutch Church.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

June 27 Ship Traveller, Capt. Fisher, from Liverpool - Gen. cargo.
-- 29 -- James, Dodson, Cork - provisions for Govt.
-- -- Brig Paulina, Gookin, Portsmouth, Cattle, Lumber and Fish.

June 23 Ship Amelia, Capt. Craig, for London.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the Colony Stocks of Demerary, 30th June 1810.



Brought by


J. L. Looff,




L. Fraser.



Chs. De Be[illegible]



P. Heyliger.


Mad. Macrae,

N. Cline.


John Fraser,



Chs. de Beausobre,



Betty De Ryk,

Pl. Werk en Rust.


Pl. Parrel,



Pl. Manna,

Pl. Coldingen.



Pl. Coldingen.



Pl. Best.


Pl. Lancaster,

Pl. Thomas.


Pl. Peters hall,


S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 09 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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