Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 July 10

Vol. V.]


[No. 283.

[Issue Number illegible; issue number interpolated]

Tuesday, July 10th, 1810.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Ship Ann, Capt. James Peers, to sail a running Vessel second Springs next Month; For Freight or Passage apply to said Master, or to
Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Cumingsburg, July 10th 1810.

H. Cantzlaar, J.Z. Attorney at Law to the Bar of the Honble: Court of Justice, has removed to the House of Mr. Martens, Drossard, Brick-Dam, Stabroek, where his Office will be kept, and all Business attended to from 8 o'Clock in the Morning 'till 3 in the Afternoon, Sunday and Holidays excepted.
Demerary, 10th July 1810.

Just Arrived and Landing from the Ship Ceres, Capt. Robinson, from Liverpool, -
A large Quantity of Coffee and Cotton Bagging, Sail Cloth and Oznaburghs,
Which will be Sold reasonable, for Cash or Produce, at the Store of the Subscriber in American Street.
Andw. Blackwood.
Demerary, July 10th 1810.

The Subscriber from the many disappointments he has met with in Collections, and thereby having been prevented for some time, from evincing that punctuality which it is his wish always to observe, is under the necessity of offering for Sale a Valuable Cooper and Carpenter, both well known in Town. He will also dispose of the Premises he at present occupies, or the Lot next to Messrs. Douglas, Reid & Co. bounding on Vlissingen Canal, on which there is a fine new Store fifty feet by twenty, erected on Brick Pillars. Terms will be made easy as possible to an approved Purchaser.
W. Roach.
South-Street, Bridge-Town, 10th July 1810.

The Subscribers offer for sale at their store, in Middle Street, the following articles, viz: -
[first column]
Prime mess beef and pork in whole and half barrels,
Firkins double rose butter,
Gloucester and pine cheese,
Tripe in kegs,
Tongues in firkins,
Loaf sugar,
Bottled and draft porter, & ale,
Shrub and wine per dozen,
Old rum,
Pickles assorted,
Mustard and sallad oil,
Fresh garden & flower seeds,
Glass ware assorted,
Starch and blue,
Negro jackets and blankets,
Linen and cotton shirts,
Broad cloth,
Dark and light prints,
[second column]
Cotton shirting,
White jean,
Cambric muslins,
Plain and corded dimities,
Book muslin handkerchiefs,
Bandana and Madrass do.
Damask table cloths,
Gentlemens & Ladies gloves,
Welch flannel,
Gentlemens boots and shoes
Planters' laced shoes,
Patent silk, beaver, and willow hats,
White Salempores,
Ready made flannel jackets,
Silk and fancy waistcoats,
Blocks, and sundry other articles.
[end columns]
George Lacy & Co.
Demerary, 10th July, 1810.

Mr. Ewan McLaurin, late of Essequebo, being deceased, his Creditors are required to render in to the Subscriber a proper statement of such Claims as may be against his Estate, - and all Persons owing money to the said Ewan McLaurin, are required to make Payments, to
John L. Smith.
Deliberating Exectr.
Demerary, Bridge-Town, July 10th 1810.

Absented themselves from the Subscriber, on the 22d last month, two Negro Men named Cupid and General, without any cause for so doing, from the road they were observed to take, when going off, they are supposed to be concealed about Plantation Success, or some of the Estates in that neighborhood, having formerly belonged to, and being well known in that quarter. Gentlemen Proprietors and Managers of Estates on the East-Coast of this Colony are therefore requested to have them apprehended and sent to the Barracks. Or on giving them up at the Store of MR. John Mackintosh in Cumingsburgh, a liberal reward will paid for their apprehension. Phineas Mackintosh.
Demerary, 10th July 1810.

The Subscribers have received by the Ship John, Capt. Tyrer, from Glasgow, and for sale at their Store. -
[first column]
Prime mess beef,
Ling fish,
Split pease,
Coarse and fine barley,
Refined sugar,
Port wine,
Table beer,
Cotton bagging,
Coffee ditto.
Hoes, shovels, and cutlasses,
Pruning knives,
Buck knives and Axes,
Felling axes,
Buck guns,
Best fusees with bayonets,
Best fowling pieces twisted steel barrels,
Treble seal gunpowder,
Patent Shot,
Irish linen, diaper & dowlas,
Cotton and linen checks,
Blue Bengal stripes,
Table Cloths,
[second column]
Thread and Tape,
Cotton cambric,
Fine quilting, ginghams,
Madrass Pullicates,
Orange & dark blue grd. do.
Brown holland,
Bed Tyke,
Real & imitation Russia sheeting,
Do. Do. Ravens-Duck,
Superfine blue, black and mixt Cloths,
Do. blue & black cassimeres,
Fine Welch Flannel,
Cotton Hammocks,
Cotton stockings,
Buckskin gloves,
Dress, Shoes,
Planters' strong shoes,
Hessian Boots,
Ladies white kid & black Spanish shoes,
Childrens shoes & boots,
A handsome Gig,
Lime in hogsheads.
[end columns]
Also on Hand. [centered]
Salempores, nankeen, tea, sweet oil, mustard, black pepper, common and Russia canvas, seine and sewing twine, blankets, Ladies' hats, patent and beaver hats; bedsteads with mattresses, curtains, &c. mattresses with pillows and bolsters; dining tables with D ends; card, breakfast, and Pembroke tables, small liquor cases, looking glasses, wood-bottom chairs, sadlery, nails assorted; locks, hinges, and bolts, iron pots, cambooses, small anchors, and grapnels, Coopers' and Carpenters' tools, knives and forks, tea and table spoons, pale bark, calomel, temper lime, turpentine, negro pipes, &c.
McInroy, Sandbach, & Co.
Werk & Rust, 10th July, 1810.

The Subscriber has just received in the Friendship from London, a small assortment of Manufactured goods of the first quality and in the latest style, consisting of -
Or Molou, Plate, and double plated Ware
of every description,
A general assortment of Birmingham and Sheffield Hard ware,
Turnery and Haberdashery,
An assortment of Silk and Cotton hose,
[first column]
French Perfumery,
Whips and Sadlery,
Boots and Shoes,
Silk Hats,
Straw Ditto,
[second column]
Ladies' kid, jean and Spanish leather shoes,
Ditto Dresses, &c.
[end columns]
And a general assortment of Fancy Articles.
Abrm. Hewlings.
American Stelling, 10th July 1810.

Fire Wood. [heading]
Mr. Staunton will give Cash f 13 per Cord, for One Hundred Cords, provided it is delivered in Town, or on board the Ship James, in six days from date.
N.B. A lesser quantity will be taken at the same rate, if it be not under Twenty Cords.
Demerary, 10th July 1810.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Joseph Paxton, in 3 weeks from the 18th June by the Brig Louisa.
Jane Yates in 14 days from the 19th June.
John H. Dearborn in ditto.
James Graham in 14 days or 3 weeks from 22d June.
Roderick Young in one Month from the 22d June.
Roderick McLeod in ditto.
J. F. Obermuller, in 14 days from 25th June 1810.
Peter Halliday, in do. from 25th do.
Willm. Grant, in do. or three Weeks from 26th do.
L. B. Slengarde Overbrook, in do. or do. from 26 do.
Harriet Owen, in 14 days from 29th do.
Eliza Simmons, in do. from 29th ditto.
John Morison, in 14 days from the 2d July.
James Rose, in 14 days or one month, from 4th July.
Josh. Squires, in ditto or ditto, from do.
John Henry, in 14 days or six weeks, from 5th July.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that the Executorial Sale of Plantation Peter's Hall is postponed until the 24th day of July next ensuing.
Rio Demerary, 10th July 1810.
F. P. Francke,
In the absence of the First Marshal.

Yesterday a Schooner arrived from Tobago, and shortly after another Schooner from Barbados, which brought the Mercury of the 30th of June. - . . .

We have received a second communication from Laicus Britannicus which we insert with pleasure, and we are quite sure no one will read it with any other sensation, except the individual whom he (satirical rogue!) calls his Ally. The good natured badinage in the Postscript forms an admirable contrast to the angry impotence of his Ally, (Oh delightful Ally!) and forces us to acknowledge the many obligations we owe the writer, first inasmuch as he started the subject that introduced "Anglicanus," secondly, as he brought on the stage of being who fully evinces the truth of the maxim of the Author whom he quotes, that -
"A fool quite angry is quite innocent."
And lastly for having proposed for discussion a subject worthy of the Public attention, and of the Talents of "Laicus" and "Anglicanus."
As to our having omitted to puff the previous production of "Laicus," we plead guilty to the charge - We remember, however, that the Poet who appears to be in great request on this subject, speaking of Authors has somewhere a line thus -
"For some he paid in port and some in praise."
Now though we failed in the first instance to bestow on "Laicus" either of those articles so dear to Authors, we are desirous to make atonement by giving him a tolerable portion of the latter now, and we shall be happy to add some of the former whenever time and circumstances shall permit.
Our praise, however, must not be construed into an approval of the matter of either of the disputants as it bears on the question; it applies only to the manner and abilities of the Writers. - On the merits of the question at issue we are determined to remain strictly neutral.

Mr. Printer,
In addressing the Public on the present situation of the English Church in this Colony, I had no other purpose than to call on the liberality of the respectable part of the resident Community, but more particularly on the Representatives of absent Proprietors, to give that little additional assistance which its situation requires, and which I rather conceive to be witheld from inattention and forgetfulness than from design; and in mentioning the Calvinistical Church as the established one in the Colony, I did not intend to excite a controversy on the Hierarchy of a Country where in truth there exists so little Religion on either side that the supremacy can scarce be worth an argument. That the Capitulation in other instances, as far as it may be considered in any way to affect English Subjects, is most grossly misunderstood or misinterpreted I admit; and I should be pleased to see a controversy carried on with temper and moderation on that subject, but not blended with the present one. All I wish to do is to explain, as far as my knowledge extends, the conduct of the Committee for erecting the English Church, and I trust to exonerate them from the charge of wanting Christian Humility or of setting up the slightest plea of an independence of Government.
The Scheme, I believe originated with Governor Nicholson, and redounds, in my opinion, most highly to his honour. Many of the Gentlemen to whom he repeatedly proposed it doubted the ability of procuring its completion and were at last principally urged to the attempt by the respect they bore to His Excellency and their wish to attempt a compliance with his very laudable desire. It was, however, in all its stages opposed by some very respectable Gentlemen, on the principle that should the Colony revert to its former Government the Building would be taken from them and applied to other uses, and in the [mutilated]
the Edict that was issued by the former G[mutilated]
the Clergyman of the English Church p[mutilated]
unless he garbled it by omitting the Pray[mutilated]
gious and gracious King, (then at Peace w[mutilated]
while in his Chapel he prays, like his Saviour [mutilated]
Persecutors and Slanderers. Not being at t[mutilated]
Colony I was ignorant till then of the fact, but [mutilated]
there can be no hesitation in deciding on its illiber[mutilated]
of its being the first, and I hope will remain the last [mutilated]
of such conduct between Nations in a state of amity[mutilated]
each other, nor that the executor and advisor of suc[mutilated]
Anathema rendered themselves most unworthy of the P[mutilated]
tection of that Sovereign under whose sacred wing they have taken shelter from the ingratitude of those by whose Orders or Suggestions they violated a sacred and solemn Treaty of Peace as soon as it was ratified; but his Lenity and Goodness is not bounded by their merits or demerits and long may he live to return Good for Evil.
Governor Nicholson, however, paid very great attention to these allegations and altered his plan of placing the Church on the Ground originally designated for one in the Plan of Stabroek, and I have reason to believe it was induced by these arguments to abstain from applying to the Court for any part of the funds of the Colonial Chest that no Public claim might be founded on it. I confess I never considered this reasoning as nugatory, its effect, however, was so strong on the Gentlemen that adduced it, that their extreme anxiety for the future stability and duration of the Church got the better of their strong desire for its existence, and their names are not to be found on any of the lists of the Subscribers that I have seen. I have reason to think that the Governor with whom it was left never made any application to the Court for assistance, and of course it never could have been declined or rejected by the Committee. I confess, however, as far as my feeble voice may go on such an occasion, that (whatever I might be then,) I am now decidedly against such application, if to be avoided; and I trust and hope its completion is not far off, through the blessing of the Almighty on our own humble means and honest endeavours. Anglicanus says he has no intention of throwing any damp on the zeal of the supporters of the undertaking - I dare say he has not, such however is the effect of his publication, - How very little argument is necessary to induce us to approve of throwing our burthens on the Public, and how highly is it appreciated when it chimes in with our own narrow inclinations to spare our money? One man never gives to common beggars - ask him why? - he will not tell you honestly that it is because his Soul is as narrow as the neck of a vinegar cruet - No - but he has heard it encourages Idleness. - Another never assists his Relations - why - not because he is a niggardly hound! - but because Relations are ungrateful. - Another gives no where, because Charity begins at home, and his Relations or Children may want - and indeed so they may for him. Whoever assists our Avarice with the shadow of a reason, however futile and contemptible, does as far as his little power extends some injury to society. - Attempt to smother zeal with argument, heap contradiction, controversy and reasoning upon it, and the same burns more fiercely if not more brightly. - Assail it with the most keen and brilliant arguments, addressed only to the Eye or the Ear, and it is invulnerable; but make your attack on the Pocket, and it cools instanteously. The application is worth a thousand good arguments, why a Church should not be built though you had supported the converse of the proposition just before.
"Neither Time nor place,
"Did then co-here - you would make both,
"Now they have made themselves."
Even Anglicanus may now be quoted to prove that the Public ought to find the money, his feeble arguments are "confirmation strong as proof of holy Writ," if they can but assist the salvation of a single Joe.
When Swift travelled, he went on foot, or in a Waggon, stopt at hedge Alehouses and mingled with the lowest class of people, - Some of his admirers ascribed his conduct to his enjoyment of their humours; others, to his knack of observation of human nature in all its various shades; but Dr. Johnson who well knew that nature ascribes it to its probable true motive, an innate and unconquerable passion for a shilling.
I will conclude by again intreating the very worthy Subscribers to this good work, to add a small augmentation to their Subscriptions for its completion - to work while it is yet day, and to remember the night cometh when no man can work, and
"If thou hast much, give plenteously; if thou hast little do they diligence to give gladly of that little."
Since writing the above I have seen the Letter of an auxiliary of mine, in a rival Paper. I will not by any means say nec tali auxilis, nec defensoribus istis, but submit to his cooler judgment whether it is not better for us to dispatch our adversaries with the polished Sword that sparkles while it wounds, than to pound their bones one by one with the tremendous iron mace of the Giants in Romance. Subscribing will all due and proper humility that as a writer in your Paper, my productions must of necessity be like those of Anglicanus, all "Stuff and Nonsence". I confess myself at a loss to discover how your inoffensive five lines, relating merely to fact, drew down upon you so heavy a portion of Wrath and Indignation from my worthy Ally. I admit that your commendation of the letter of my antagonist Anglicanus, while Laicus had not a single Puff in his favour, evinced you want of Critical Judgement; but with the modest consciousness of an Author that my own Productions are the best that ever were, can, or shall be composed, I sat wrapt up, as in a cloak of conscious vanity, and only pitied your Ignorance. My worthy Ally is not, however, so merciful, and if Anglicanus has a drop of Knight-Errant's Blood in his veins he will surely spill it in defence of his dought Squire so sorely mauled; while I retiring from the contest contemplate in a whole skin the direful deeds of the hardy Champions, for "when Greek meets Greek then come the tug of War."
I most certainly have every wish to encourage the erection of a respectable Dutch Church in the Colony, and so I dare say have the liberal part of my Countrymen, (and as for the opinions of others, of my own or any other Country, I do not value them a rush,) but I submit to my worthy Ally when we are engaged in any controversy, whether it be not better to prove by our arguments that our antagonists are stupid, arrogant, unprincipled, and ill-natured, instead of calling them so. - an assertion that they retort by throwing the appellations back upon us, tho' we well know we are wise, modest, honest and good-natured. I hope I shall not offend my Ally by quoting four more lines from his favourite Author. -
"The Coxcomb Bird, so talkative and grave,
"Who from his cage calls cuckold, whore and knave,
"Tho' many a Passenger he rightly call,
"You hold him no Philosopher at all."

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


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