Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 July 14

Vol. V.]


[No. 284.

[Issue Number illegible; issue number interpolated]

Saturday, July 14th, 1810.

Hyndman & Cary. [heading]
Have just Imported in the Brig Westbury, Capt. Gray, from Liverpool, the following Articles, for Sale: -
Building Lime, Bricks, Tarras,
Coals, Temper Lime,
Cordage assorted,
Mess Beef and Pork,
Butter, Soap and candles,
Paint Oil, Irish Linens, &c.
Cumingsburg, 14th July, 1810.

For Tobago. [heading]
The fast sailing sch. New Escape
John Watts, Master.
Has excellent accommodations, and will Sail in about Eight days. for Passage apply to the Master on board, or to the Subscriber at the Union Coffee House.
July 14. Thos. Marsh.

Plantains and Corn for Sale, [heading]
On Plantation Perseverance, Canal No. 3.
Demerary, July 14th 1810.

The Subscriber having entered into Copartnership with David J. Greene of New York, in North America, for the purp4ose of transacting Commission Business in that City under the Firm of Hubbard & Green, offers the services of the Firm to his Friends in this Colony
Henry Hubbard.
Demerary, 14th July 1810.

The Subscriber gives this public Notice to all whom it may concern, that he has received positive Instructions to enforce the payment of all Obligations and Book Debts due to Messrs. Duncan McLachlan and James S. Alves. He trusts therefore immediate attention will be paid to this Advertisement, as after the expiration of One Month from this date all unsettled Accounts will be given into the hands of P. A. De Veer Esq. for recovery.
July 14, 1810. Heneage Williams.

Stolen. [heading]
From the Subscriber by some envious, low-bred Person on Friday afternoon, 13th July 1810, at the Vendue Office, whilst settling an Account for Bellah Cobham, a new green Silk Umbrella in a Bag, which was laid on a table with his Hat and could not after be found. Whoever will give information of the Thief or Thieves will be handsomely Rewarded by
Stabroek, 14th July 1810. Pr. Blackman.

Strayed on the 13th Inst. from a Yard a little above the Honble. the Fiscaal's, Six Sheep. Any person giving information where they may be found will receive a Reward of Thirty Three Guilders, by applying to the Printer of this Paper. July 14, 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
A quantity of Broken Coffee.
8 or 10 hhds. good Sugar, and as many Puncheons Rum, which will be ready in a few days, 10 Square Bales Cotton.
And Cash will be given for 6 or 8000 best Grey Stock Bricks.
James Robertson
New town, 14th July, 1810. Agent.

Letters remaining in the Post-Office, Demerary, 12th July, 1810.
[first column (of four)]
Arthur, C. Rudder
Anderson John
Allen John
Ashfield Eliza
Anderson James
Arnold John
Allan John, Engineer
Busby Capt. S.
Barz Mr. Robt.
Bonham Jemima
Browne Miss Silvour
Broderick Jno.
Boyce Tobias
Baley Capt. Moses
Bisset Mr. John
Breton J. D.
Borweegen Mevrouw
Bisset Alexr. McLenner
Brotherson Gibson
Beegman I. C.
Backer, B. L.
Broome R. P.
Bruys Chas.
Barton Chas.
Buchanan Alexr.
Blenman Esther
Ballantyne Alexr.
Blair Andrew
Bowman James
Bishop Edwd.
Bradhunt Rodk.
Brown William
Burnet Thos. C.
Butler Mrs. N. A.
Bischop I. P.
Bennie Mr.
Bodeberg Wedwe.
Barklie Robt.
Barker William
Brush Mr. C.
Baynes Miss F.
Buchanan Mr.
Butteweg Fred.
Barret Mr.
Cameron Lewis
Carter James & Co.
Cheeler Doct. W.
Cuchie Mrs. Mary
Clarke Joseph
Caple James
Culberg & Harriet
Cook James
Cumming Alexr.
Campbell John
Commelford Samuel
Campbell Miss Mary
Cameron John
Corrie James
Challoner Samuel
Caird William
Coulthurst Dr.
Chadd Mr.
Claxton Elizabeth
Campbell Evan
Cozier Mr. G.
Corbet John
Croft Miss Mary
Cushing Joshua
Cozier Mr. William
Cameron Stewart
Cells Mrs.
Chisholm Alpin
Cambridge Phil.
Clealand Jno.
Cameron Phil Af.
Chandler R.
Deeges I. F.
Deeges William
Dallas Torquel
De Mey A.
Dunible Petard
Duncan Alexr.
Davidson Hugh
De Wolf Mevrouwe
Davis Miss Mary
Damerer Harriet
Douglas & McPherson
Daxon Michael
Davis J. W.
Douglas Danl.
De Florimont
Dowson John
De Cuvilye
Downie M.
De Groot Ryk
Evans Jno. Now or Ever
Ernest I. C.
English Rose
Estwick Richd.
Eddie Sally
Eburne Mary
Foreshaw Richd.
Fieulliet Madelle.
Forsyth William
Frieke Wel Edele
Fairly Alexr.
Farrington Jno.
Fraser Charles
Fitsmorris Nelly
Francis Miss
Frantzen & Mooy
Fraser William
Fraser Alexr.
Findlater David
[second column (of four)]
Fraser Archd.
Fry Doct. Jno.
Falconer John
Falkner James
Falconer Alexr.
Fletcher Miss Nancy
Gugan Andw.
Griffeth N. C.
Gordon Robt.
Gemon Capt. E.
Gordon Mr. William
Griffeth Jno.
Gordon Alexr.
Grimes Francis
Game Elizabeth
Geedes, Jno.
Gilbert James
Gath Gidney Clark
Garland Esq.
Gasteins Mr. Jno.
Gray James
Gordon S. Wells
Green Miss M.
Gentle James
Gordon Amelia
Guthrie Alexr. D.
Grant Miss Jane
Gill Dr.
Harvey Fanny
Hubbard Thos.
Hollingworth A. B.
Hutson John
Hunt Capt. Jno.
Halstead William
Herklotz A. Paay
Heim Michael
Hodges Jno.
Hoghard Robt.
Hossack Dunc.
Houston Alexr.
Hinkson John
Holman Stephen
Hind Joseph
Harteman Joseph
Holloman Jno.
Hunt Mrs. Mary
Hall Benjamin
Johnson Dr. J. Springer
Johnson de heer William
Jennings R. D.
Jones Enoch
Jourdan Marth. C.
Jourdan Anne
Jeffers Clement Prite
Jack Jno.
Janson Miss M. H.
Jones Rebecca
Jinkins Rich.
Jones & Robertson
Kline Nicolas
Kouseman I. H.
King Willm. & John
Kent Mr. Jno.
King William
Kemp Willm.
King Thos.
Klanise Miss Fred.
Kerkwyk Jno.
Knight Jno. Jeff.
Labee Ads.
Leslie A. B.
Lovelock Petr. care D. Baxter
Lambly Thos.
Lynch Saml. I.
Lungly Jno.
Lacy Messrs. Geo. & Co.
Loncke F. C.
Luhrs H. H.
McPherson William
McNeil Donald
McCulloch William
McFadyen Dugald
McRae Donald
McMahon Michael
McLachlan Willm.
McDougald James
McFarlane Jno.
McNicol Donald
McCleland Robert
McDonald Joseph
McKid James
McClyment Philip
McLaren Robt.
McPherson James
McLean Jno
McLaggan Peter
Maggee H. B.
Metcalf Robt.
McDonald Malcolm
McDonald Donald
McKensie Peter
McRobb Jno.
McPherson Allen
Mills Mr. Watchmaker
Marn Mathias
Moolenaar C. G.
Metcalf George
Mustard David
Monro George
Monge Judy
Morson Esq. 3
Morgan Queen Anne
Martin & Dutille
[third column (of four)]
Maynard Benj.
Marshal Reginald
Murray Joseph
Martin William
Moore Mr.
Munro William
Martland James
Mackie Alexr.
Munro Jno.
Muller I. C. (M.D.)
Mitchel William
Munro Hugh
Munro Alexr.
Mason Thos.
Nolten de heer N.
Nicols Elizabeth
Niel Mr. William
Nott Miss Betsy
Noble Mr. John
Orford Samuel
O'Neil Mr.
Ogilby Catharine
Osterlok Jacobs
Perpignan Mr. I.
Parson Chas.
Parker William
Procter Benj.
Percival George
Parkinson Thos. H.
Padmore Christ.
Peters Chas.
Perry Nanny
Perry George F.
Pearce George
Pitman Francis
Prince James
Procter Robt.
Parker Samuel
Quesnel John
Quin John
Robinson Doct. James
Rice Miss Peggy
Ramsey T. T.
Redouf Miss Lucy
Robinson Jno. William
Rogers Thos.
Roll I.
Ryves Francis
Ross Alexr.
Ridley Charles
Rock Thos.
Robertson George
Robertson H.
Ray Robt.
Ramsay R.
Reach Alexr.
Runcie James
Richardson Thos.
Runnels Joanns. H.
Reneolds, James
Ross Donald
Reynolds Mr. William
Sutherland Willm.
Sinkler Miss Betsey
Schoot Red.
Simons Nancy
Sharland Miss S.
[fourth column (of 4)]
Sinkley Doct. William
Stark James
Simon D. P.
Sneich Hendr.
Shipley William
Schwanner F.
Smith Jno. I.
Smith William [first listed]
Smit I. C.
Stakman C. T. A.
Schott I. C.
Snip Betsey
Swau A. P.
Simpson Jno.
Smith William [second listed]
Smith Doct. Joseph
Suires Mary
Stuer Jacob
Trotman & Walrond
Thompson Robt.
Tait Robt.
Trotman Sally
Thomas Miss Diana
Taylor Richd.
Thomas H. Skeete
Thompson Alexr.
Tubbs Jemima
Thorburn Thos.
Thompson Thos.
Taspell Miss Lucy Anne
Taylor Miss Sally
Turner Jno.
Thomas Miss Francis
Trotman Robt.
Thomas Messrs. Benjamin
Taylor Chas.
Urquhart Walter
Van der kruys [sic]
Van Kinschot F.
Van Ryk de Groot
Van der Burght I.
Visser Mathias
Van Well Esq.
Van Eght Johanne
Vlaadingerhoud I. I.
Van Thol Esq.
Vion Mejuffrouw E.
Van Sirtema Dow
Wall Patrick
White Arthur
Wells Willm. Henry
Waller Jno.
Waters William
Winterscale James
Woolward Miss A.
Wesener Christopher
Windish Jno.
Wagner H. C.
Wheelright James
Wright Thos. A.
Welsh James
Wood Miss Jenney
Young Robt.
Yeoward Fras. N.
Zimmerman F. W.
[end columns]
The Post-Office is open every day (except Sunday) from 9 o'Clock in the Morning 'till three in the Afternoon.

Sales by Execution. [heading]
I the undersigned First Marshall of the Colony of Demerary and its Dependencies, will Expose at Public Marshal's Sale, in presence of the Honourable Commissaries at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek, on Thursday next the 19th Instant, precisely at half past Nine o'clock, A.M.
In behalf of Wm. Gibson, versus J. L. Robinson, A Negro Woman Maria, and her Child Francis.
Whoever should be inclined to purchase will please to attend on the day of the Sale aforementioned.
Demerary, 14th July 1810.
Mart: Smit, First Marshal.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Monday the 16th July . . .

Also, by order of Thomas Ince and J. R. Lamprey, Executors to Wm. Smith deceased, - three Negroes, two of which are Carpenters, a Logie, two Punts, a Horse and two Cows, &c. &c.
June 16th. Kingston & McBean.

On Wednesday the 18th inst. will be exposed for Sale at the Vendue Office: - Twenty cases of old Hock, just imported, Oznaburgs, Canvas, Cotton and Coffee Bagging, Negro cloathing, Callicoes, Hats, Gin in cases, Scotch and pearl barley, Beef in barrels, &c.
July 14th. Kingston & McBean.

On Wednesday the 25th Inst. at the Vendue Office, by order of Mr. C. Kalemberg, Executor to Coenraud Eyler, (deceased) two Negroes, Wearing apparel, &c. At the same time, Dry Goods, Provisions, &c.
July 14th. Kingston & McBean.

On Monday the 30th and Tuesday the 31st July, by order of H. Mackenzie & Co. at their Store in Robb's Town: - Prime mess beef in whole and half barrels, bacon hams, cheese, kegs smoaked herrings, barrels salt. hampers potatoes, refined sugar, Gentlemen's boots and shoes, oznaburgs, cotton and Linen checks, hair-cord fancy stripe dimity, Irish linen, dowlas, cotton and linen platillas, cotton and linen britannias, cotton counterpanes, black muslin, bed tick, cotton cambric, India salempores, musquito netting, black sarsaneted cambric, callicoes, gingahms, Ladies' straw bonnets, do. white beaver do. Mahogany writing Desks, Backgammon boards, silk Umbrellas, dressing glasses, Paints and oil, spirits turpentine, soap and candles, cotton bagging, seins, sein and sewing twine, vinegar, &c.
July 14th. Kingston & McBean.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Willm. Grant, in do. or three Weeks from 26th do.
L. B. Slengarde Overbrook, in do. or do. from 26 do.
Harriet Owen, in 14 days from 29th do.
Eliza Simmons, in do. from 29th ditto.
John Morison, in 14 days from the 2d July.
James Rose, in 14 days or one month, from 4th July.
Josh. Squires, in ditto or ditto, from do.
John Henry, in 14 days or six weeks, from 5th July.
A. de Rick, in 14 days, from the 9th July.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

Tenders for Brick Roads. [heading]
The Undersigned Commissaries of Cumingsburgh are ready to receive tenders for Bricking the Main-Road from the Canal Bridge near the Barracks down to the front of Mr. Van Berckel's twelve feet wide; they must specify the price per Rood and must be superscribed "Tenders for Bricking the Cumingsburgh Road," and sent in to the last undersigned on or before the 20th instant, when they will be opened and the lowest offer, if approved of, accepted. Demerary, 14th July 1810.
Evan Fraser,
Chas. Playter,
Robt. Phipps, Commissaries.

For Sale by the Subscribers, on moderate terms for immediate Payment, a quantity of
Newfoundland Fish,
Just received per the Ship Ann, Capt. Peers,
14th July. Jas. H. Albouy & Co.

To the Subscribers of the English Church, and others interested in promoting Religious Worship.
As a just statement of facts may in some measure do away with the bickerings of the envious and dissatisfied, that have [illegible]ly crept into the Papers, and as the Writer in the Paper of the 7th inst. Royal Gazette, has particularly pointed his [illegible] against me, for what cause is best known to the anonymous Writer. He calls me the busy, persevering Agent, &c. thereby insinuating that I had without any authority put myself conspicuously forward and officious. When I had the honour to be nominated by Governor Nicholson, as one of the Committee for carrying into effect the wishes of the Subscribers, I accepted the appointment with a Christian determination to fulfil my part of the duty - if I have done [illegible], from the backwardness in the other Members to assist, [illegible] I was bound to do, let not Envy throw dirt - the Committee cannot attribute to themselves much aid or assistance, [illegible] advert to facts - at the Meeting in December 1809, I exhibited a Statement of Expenditures and Receipts, at the [illegible] time pointed out to whom the Church was Indebted [illegible] the sums due, viz: - Messrs. Forresters f 376 - J. Robertson f 154 - Cook & Chorley f 8 12 - A. Iver f 986 10 - G. Angle f 66 - Reith and Guthrie f 134 - Wm. Roach f 80 19 9 - Henry Austin f 48 - T. T. Thomson f 103 17 - Cornfoot & Bell f 143 - B. Huntingford f 202 15 - Elliot (plumber) f 756 - Malstab, per agreement for glazing when finished f 352 - Van Ness f 31 8 - Mason, for pillars, f 233 - Fraser f 64 - J. Hicks, money advanced, near f 4000 - J. J. Gilgeous ----- John Mitchel f 66 - Alves f 132 - Vendue Acct. f 179 10 Negro painters f 78 - Reid & Douglas f 132 - Massiah f 31 - Halliday & Co. f 25 - Ballard f 31 10 - C. P. Brotherson f 206 5 - This is the Statement. As the whole Business devolved upon myself I surely ought to know what was due; and can any candid person say I had any motive to secrete any thing thing [sic] that was owing. And if, as the above anonymous Writer has stated, that there appears double the amount paid that was given in, it does not arise from their then busy persevering Agent, withholding any sums due, but from some other cause. Why Mr. Gilgeous's account was left blank, was canvassed at the meeting, and explained by me that he had departed from the Verbal Agreement to which there was an Oral Evidence, and had charged in account rendered what was not just. The business of Mr. Gilgious was referred to Mr. Thos. Cuming, who instead of fixing the Account himself thought proper (which could have been done by the Committee) to appoint two Appraisers, without giving me notice of the Meeting, who could have explained away at least one of the charges, if not many others I understand the Appraisers gave Mr. Gilgious more than he charged - I surely am not to blame for this? - But I certainly take blame to myself for not entering into a Written Agreement, but it is discordant to my feelings to adopt that Worldy maxim "To deal with every Man as a Rogue," but it surely ought to have been done as I was not acting for myself alone but for the Committee and Subscribers of the English Church; notwithstanding this error for which I censure myself, I was not singular, as two of the Committee committed themselves in respect to the Pulpit; one of them so much a Man of Business as he ought to have been aware of the consequences that ensued. If Mr. Gilgious has been paid more than agreed for! - if Mr. Hadfield has received more than agreed for" let me not be censured; as I never subscribed to their accounts except the contract for the Pews - had the Members of the Committee thought proper to assist in the laborious task, there would not perhaps have been that amazing waste of American Lumber, which was from time to time delivered Mr. Gilgious, viz: - the above 20,000 to finish not 70 squares of outside work and floor, which ought to have been considered by Mr. Cuming's Appraisers; in this article and Nails I only can charge want of oeconomy. I am conscious no personal labour or attention was spared by me. The Quit-Rents from the beginning were intended to meet expences of building the Gallery and finishing the Pews. As I had no funds of the Church I advanced between 3 and f 4000 to Messrs. Huntingford and Hadfield in full expectation, when the Pews were sold and paid for, I should have been reimbursed; but there yet remain a deficiency due me. Notwithstanding what any man may now say, I never heard it suggested, nor did I ever conceive that the Quit-Rents for the Pews were sufficient to pay all the outstanding Debts, when it was well known that the whole sum the Pews sold for would hardly pay for what was due for the Pews and Gallery. The accounts given in to Mr. Robertson were mostly certified by me, and they ought all of them to have been so, as I was the only person to know if they were correct. With the above Statement I leave the Community to judge of the Business.
Kingston, 12th July 1810. J. Hicks.

My Friends and fellow Christians,
At a period like the present, when an enlightened Public, are making laudable exertions for the establishment of Religion in this Country, permit me to address myself to you in general, but more particularly, to those who have been educated as DISSENTERS, who I am credibly informed make a very large proportion of the British Inhabitants of these Colonies - let us not be behind hand with those whose modes and forms indeed differ from ours, not that we wish our exertions in the least to interfere with them, but let us step forward and seize the favorable moment when Religious liberty is by the Auspices of our Governor and Magistrates placed on the broadest basis - Let us endeavour to erect a place of Worship, and by our exertions in the Saviour's cause manifest our zeal for his Glory.
Shall it be said by the friends of Piety, where is the Religion? - Where is the zeal of Protestant Dissenters? - When all other Christians are striving to perpetuate the the [sic] establishment of Religion in this Country, they alone are inactive.
Shall the Celebrated Zeal of our pious forefathers and Brethren be thus thro' us Calumniated? - NO my friends.
Many of the Inhabitants have already most generously offered their aid in the erection of a Place of Worship. - Multitudes more would, were they but informed respecting our Religious Sentiments.
The following brief sketch of the History of Dissenters, while it illustrates our principles, may not be uninteresting:
In the Reign of Mary, Queen of England, many Pious Persons fled from persecution to the Protestant Countries on the Continent. They founded a Church at Frankford, and availed themselves of the opportunity of proceeding with the Reformation further than it was at that time in England. Their Minister was the celebrated John Knox.
When Mary was called to give an account of her administration at the tribunal of the Judge and Sovereign of the universe, the Exiles returned to their native land. With them they brought their Religion, which being dissimilar to that established by Queen Elizabeth, they formed congregations of their own and obtained the appellation of Puritans.* To these were added a fourth part of the Ministers of the establishments, who were excluded as Puritans. Among the suspended were the most learned and able Preachers.
Nothing but an unvaried scene of persecution - if we except the interregnum, marked their History till the Reign of Charles the Second, when, by the Act of uniformity, an Accession was made to their numbers, of two thousand Consciencious Ministers, who were ejected from the established Church and the name, Puritans gave place to that of Nonconformists.
This they bore till the Golden-Reign of William the third, at which period, by the Toleration Act - that Magna Charta of Religious liberty, they lost their name and oppressions together. From that AEra in their History, they have been denominated Dissenters. Their principles are now, what they were at their rise, like those of the Reformed Churches, - Calvinistic, which will appear by the Confession of Faith in use among them, and the Assembly's Catachism, which hundred of us were taught while in our Infancy.
I have thus particularly stated our principles to do away the erroneous ideas respecting them which some have entertained.
John Davies
Werk & Rust, July 13th 1810.
* See Messrs. Bogue & Bennet's History of Dissenters, Vol. 1, page 49.

Average Cash Prices of Produce [mutilated]
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. [mutilated]
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. [mutilated]

Since our last arrived the Ship Fame, Capt Wi[mutilated] from Liverpool; she sailed from thence on the 2d of [mutilated] . . . We have further to announce the arrival of the Brig Westbury, from Liverpool; the Schooner Governor Ross, from St. John's, Newfoundland, and a Schooner from Barbados. - . . .

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
July 11 Sch. New Escape, Capt. Watts from Tobago, old rum.
- 14 Schr. Governor Ross, Stewart, - Newfoundland - fish
- Brig Westbury, Gray, Liverpool Gen. cargo.
- Ship Fame, Williams, do. do.
- 9 Ship Bellisle, Cameron, for Glasgow.
July 12 Schr. Argus, Capt. Coverly, Barbados.

Erratum. - In the letter of "Laicus Britannicus" inserted in our last, in the twenty-sixth line of the last column for "I confess I never considered," read "I confess I ever considered, &c."

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the Colony Stocks of Demerary, 14th July 1810.



Brought by


J. L. Looff,



Betty De Ryk,

Pl. Werk en Rust.


Pl. Parrel,



Pl. Manna,

Pl. Coldingen.



Pl. Coldingen.



Pl. Best.


Pl. Lancaster,

Pl. Thomas.



Pl. De Kinderen.


Rt. Yearwood,

Pl. Turkeyen.


Pl. Vlissingen,

Pl. La Grange.


Wm. Latham,

Pl. Leliendaal.


Geo. Ince,

Pl. Nismes.



Pl. Zorg en Hoop.


F. De Ridder,

Pl. Velzerhoef.

New negro marked O


Pl. Rome.


J. B. Henery,

Jos. Feuillet.

John Bull,

Pl. Bath,



Pl. Parica,


S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 15 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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