Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 July 17

Vol. V.]


[No. 285.

[Issue Number illegible; issue number interpolated]

Tuesday, July 17th, 1810.

The Creditors of William Postlethwaite are hereby informed, that there will be from Thirty to Forty Bales of Cotton ready to be delivered on Thursday the 25th instant, for which Tenders are requested to be given in to the Subscribers, at the House of Mr. Madden, which will be opened at 12 o'Clock on that day, in presence of such of the Creditors as may wish to attend, and the highest offer for the whole, or part, will be accepted of.
Wm. McBean.
John Madden.
Demerary, 17th July 1810.

First Quality [heading]
Newfoundland Fish,
In 4, 6, and 8 Quintal Casks.
Just imported in the Schooner Governor Ross, Jas. Stewart Master, four weeks from St. Johns, and for Sale by F. C. Otto.
Also on Hand.
New Flour in Barrels and half Barrels, Temper Lime, Lamp oil in barrels and jugs, paint and paint oil, Negro cloathing, canvas, coffee Bagging, &c.
Cumingsburg, 17th July 1810.

The Subscriber requests all Persons to whom Plantation Good Fellowship No. 1 in Mahaica, he himself in prive[grave] stand indebted, to render their Accounts at the Store of Messrs. J. L. & G. M. Forrester for payment.
The Domicilium &c. of both the above are, as usual, at the said Store.
Lewis Forrester.
Demerary, 17th July 1810.

Notice. [heading]
The Subscriber being wishful to bring his affairs to a final close, in order to leave this Colony for the Benefit of his Health, requests all those Indebted to him to come forward with Payment, to enable him to discharge all Demands against him.
In case they are not shortly settled, they will, without respect to Persons, be put in the hands of a Lawyer for Recovery.
J. B. Henry.
It is requested they will call at Mr. William Neil's, Robb's Stelling.
Demerary, 17th July 1810.

The Subscriber offers for Sale - 14 Creole, Breeding Ewe Sheep.
J. Samms.
Plan. Felicity, East Coast,
Demerary, 17th July 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
A Large New Punt, 41 feet long by 11 wide. Also a New Tent Boat, both built of the best materials. They lay in Vlessingen Canal, and will be Sold reasonable for immediate Payment.
Henry Halket.
Demerary, 17th July 1810.

Wanted as Overseer on an Estate in the River Pomeroon, - a Young Man of good Character, who understands the Cotton Planter's business; such a Person will hear of a situation on application at the Store of
Alexander Reith.
Robb's Town, 17th July 1810.

Runaway some time last Month, from Mr. John Kemp, Mahaicony, a Negro Man-Boy, named Bob, well known about Mahaica.
Twelve Dollars Reward will be given to any Person who will apprehend and deliver him to the Subscriber. Should he come home himself he will be pardoned.
James Jaffrey.
Perth, Mahaicony, 16th July 1810.

Runaway, on Monday Evening the 12th inst. a tall Black Woman named Jinny. She is well known as a Huckster and is supposed to be Harboured somewhere about Town. Whoever will apprehend the said Woman and send her to the Undersigned, will receive a Joe Reward.
Sarah Allen.
Demerary, 17th July 1810.

For Barbados, [heading]
Or any of the Windward Islands.
The new fast-sailing Schr. Jack, Capt. Lightbourn.
With good accommodations; will sail in a few days. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to James H. Albouy & Co.
Demerary, 17th July 1810.

Just Imported in the Mary & Fame, from Liverpool, and to be Sold at reduced Prices for immediate Payment in Cash or Produce.
[first column]
Hessian Boots,
Ladies Slippers,
Gentlemen's dress and half dress Shoes,
Linen Britanias,
Printed Calicoes,
9-8 Cotton Cambric,
French Linen Do.
3-4 Cotton Check
7-8 Do. do.
7-8 Linen do.
Check shirts,
Tallow in kegs,
Butter in whole & half firkins,
Hung beef,
Pine Cheese,
Pickled Tongues,
[second column]
Corded dimitties,
Cotton shirting,
Russia Duck,
Madrass Handkerchiefs,
Fine flannel,
Nuns Thread assorted,
Cotton Platilias,
Pork in half barrels,
Loaf sugar,
Porter & Beer in bottles,
Pickles assorted,
Felling axes,
Nails 4dy to 30dy.
Iron pots 1 to 3 Gallons,
Negro pipes in boxes 6 gross each.
[end columns]
On Hand from former Importations.
[first column]
Inverness Cotton & Coffee bagging,
Brown holland,
Furniture Chintz,
Sewing Cotton,
Patent and other Dowlas,
Printed Handkerchiefs,
Bordered lawn do.
Mens Silk and beaver hats,
4-4 Irish Linen,
Flaxen Oznaburgs,
Marseilles Quiltings,
Mens and womens stockings
Do. strong ankle shoes,
Negro Cloathing,
[second column]
Real India Salempores,
Mould Candles 4's & 6's
Do. Kensington 4's,
Do. rush Lights in half boxes
Soap in whole & half boxes,
Split pease in jars, 14 lb.
Smoked tongues,
Linseed oil,
Best white paint in 28 lb kegs.
Mineral Paint.
Fine salt in Pun. trs. & Bls.
Best London particular Madaira [sic] wine in pipes & Hhds
[end columns]
Thomas Green.
Robb's Town, 17th July 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
At the Store of Mr. Finlayson,
First Quality
Newfoundland Cod Fish,
Just Imported in the Schooner Governor Ross.
Robb's Stelling, 17th July, 1810.

Stolen. [heading]
From a private Room - the following Articles: -
1 Gold bead Necklace,
1 ditto Neck Chain.
1 ditto Necklace yard long,
1 ditto Neck Chain, real Amathyst center,
1 Wove Gold Necklace.
Should any of these articles be offered for Sale by suspicious persons, it is requested that the same may be stopped, and information given to the Printer of this Paper, that the offender may be detected. A liberal Reward will be allowed for the discovery.
Demerary, 17th July 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
Any Quantity of Empty Flour Barrels, with Heads and Hoops compleat.
T. Smith.
Robb's Town, 17th July 1810.

For Liverpool [heading]
The Snow Westbury, William Gray Master.
To load Coffee and Cotton only, and will positively Sail on or before the 13th September.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to
Chorley & Cook.
America Street, 17th July 1810.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Willm. Grant, in do. or three Weeks from 26th do.
L. B. Slengarde Overbrook, in do. or do. from 26 do.
Harriet Owen, in 14 days from 29th do.
Eliza Simmons, in do. from 29th ditto.
John Morison, in 14 days from the 2d July.
James Rose, in 14 days or one month, from 4th July.
Josh. Squires, in ditto or ditto, from do.
John Henry, in 14 days or six weeks, from 5th July.
A. de Rick, in 14 days, from the 9th July.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C.P.) - 22 & 1/2

There has not been any arrival in this Colony since our last.

The Letter of "An Englishman" has been received: its publication is interdicted by Authority. - For the information of our Correspondents generally, we take leave to state that the interposition of that Authority will prevent the publication of any paper treating of the existing English, or the projected Dutch Church.

Married. - On the 16th inst. by the Reverend W. G. Straghan, A.B. - C. H. De Munnick Esq. to Miss L. A. Rousselet, Daughter of N. Rousselet Esq. formerly a Consul from the United States of America for the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, at his Seat Yorkshire Hall, Charles Town, Demerary.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 15 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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