Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 July 21

Vol. V.]


[No. 286.

[Issue Number illegible; issue number interpolated]

Saturday, July 21st, 1810.

Public Sale. [heading]
Custom-House, Demerary,
19th July 1810.
On Thursday next the 26th July 1810, will be Publickly Sold at the Custom House, for immediate Payment in Cash, the following Goods and Merchandizes, Seized by the Officers of His Majesty's Customs; on board the American Schooner Augusta, from New York, and directed to the be Sold under the Authority of the Honorable Joseph Beete, Judge Surrogate of the Court of Vice Admiralty, for the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, viz: -
12 Kegs Fruit in Brandy,
57 Kegs Pickled Sausages,
29 ditto Currants,
7 Casks Pickled Fruit,
27 Half barrels Dried Apples,
7 Barrels Spiced Geese and Sausages,
1 Half Barrel Pickled Geese,
1 Barrel containing Children's Shoes, Tin Ware, and Sassafras Flowers,
78 Boxes Segars,
3 Barrels Pork, 3 Boxes Vermicelli,
2 cask Ironmongery, 8 firkins pickled Sausages,
1 Jar containing 12 tin watering pots & almonds,
1 Box Sugar Candy, 2 Cases Medicines,
3 Cases Snuff in Bottles,
1 Box Vermicelli and Stationary,
1 Half Barrel Beef,
3 Boxes Tea in Cannisters.
Sale to commence at 9 o'Clock precisely,
John Forbes, Collector.
Jno. Ashley, Actg. Comptroller.

The Meeting of the Board of Orphans in Demerary, will be on Saturday the 28th Instant, at half past Eleven o'Clock. Any Persons who may have to transact any Business then, please to apply in writing, and to state their Demands one or two days previous.
Demerary, 20th July, 1810.
F. A. Vernede, Recorder.

District of Bridge-Town,
July 20th 1810.
The Commissaries of this District wish to Contract with some Person for making and putting in a new Koker, to drain in the Sluice-trench of Plantation Vlissingen; to be paid for in one Month after being done; and will receive Proposals for that purpose 'till the first day of August next, when the most advantageous offer will be accepted. The said proposals to be addressed to the Subscriber.
Henry Austin, Secretary.

John Black, [heading]
Watchmaker and Jeweller.
Lately from London, respectfully informs his Friends and the Public in general that he has commenced his profession as Watchmaker and Jeweller in the House next to that of Mr. Henery, Printer; where he hopes from his attention to Business to merit their Patronage. He undertakes to repair Watches of all descriptions, and also makes and repairs work of any description in the Jeweller's line. His Terms will be reasonable, and any work entrusted to his care will be done on the shortest notice, but for Cash only.
Demerary, 21st July 1810.

Notice. [heading]
The Creditors of the late Mr. John Robb deceased are requested to attend a Meeting at the House of the Subscriber on Monday the 13th August, at 11 o'Clock precisely; to render their Accounts, and take into consideration such proposals as will then be submitted to them, so as to facilitate the bringing of said Concern to a final close.
Eliza Robb, Executrix.
Stabroek, 21st July 1810.

Notice. [heading]
The Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the undersigned, is at the Store of Messrs. Paul Massiah & Co. New Town District.
Jno. Macdonald.
Mahaica, 20th June [sic] 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
20 Puncheons Colony-Proof Rum
And Cash will be given for 6 or 8000 best Grey Stock Bricks.
James Robertson
New town, 21st July, 1810. Agent.

Just received per the Snow Westbury, and for sale by the Subscriber the following Articles viz: -
A general assortment of hardware consisting of Brass and Iron single double and treble wheel'd and bolsed Chest, Trunk, Cupboard, drawer, book Case, Bureau, desk, till, and Pad Locks, Chest of drawers, Desk and Commode Furniture complete, hat and Cloak pins, Picture hooks, Curtain Rings, Brass and Iron Butt hinges, Screws, Beadstead [sic] and Sopha Castors, Bed screws and Caps, Bed Keys, Hooks and Eyes for Pistol and gun Cases, Pistol Tinder boxes, Elegant Parrot cages, Wire Rat Traps, Steel key rings, Jews Harps, Best Curby Steel fish hooks, Masons Trowels, Carpenters, and Coopers Tools, hoes, shovels, and Cutlasses, Sod Irons, Curry combs and brushes, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, & 30, dy. Nails, Horse shoe and Scupper Nails, Brads and sprigs, Pump and Tin'd Tacks, Boiling House Lamps, Skimmers and Ladles, Rudder Irons, Hasps and Staples, Window and door, [sic] bolts, Stay bars and Staples, HL, T, X garnet and hook and eye hinges, Brass and Iron Tea Kettles, Grid Irons, Garden watering pots, Pewter and Queen's metal chamber comodities of all descriptions, ditto Soup Ladles and Spoons, Syringes, an assortment of Earthen ware, among which a few sets of most Elegant and fashionable Table services, an elegant assortment of Glass ware, Ladies and Gentlemen's boots shoes and slippers, Boys and Children ditto, Ladies and Gentlemens fine Cotton and silk Stockings, Mens black silk Beaver and drab Broad Rim'd Hats, Ladies ditto and Bonnets, Childrens hats, silk Umbrellas, Brad cloaths and Kerseymeres, Irish Linens, Ready made Cloaths, Cotton Hammocks Checks, and printed Calicoes, White, Black, Green, blue and yellow Paints, Paint and Lamp oil, Carriage Japan and copal varnish, Paint, Tar, House Scrubbing, Shoe and Cloath brushes, Seine, Sewing and mullet twine, deep Sea and fishing lines, Carpenters and Joiners Chalk Lines, 1, 2, 3, 4, & 6, Quire bound books Memorandum books, best quality Foolscap, Quarter and Large folio post paper, best quills, Japan black and red Ink, Coloured and black wafers and sealing wax, India Rubber, Pounce, Red tapes, Round and Octagon rulers, most approved and universal Spelling books, Best quality Violins and Tambourins, Violin bows, bridges and screws, Bainbridge's, Cromatticq Patent Flageolet, Hautboy and Clarionet Reeds, German Flutes, Octaves and Fifes, Violin strings, Piano forte ditto, Tuning hammers. Yorkshire Hams, Bristol tripe, Oysters, Best hyson tea and double refined sugar, mixed spices, Raisins, Prunes, Currants, Figs, Sugar Candy, Sugar plumbs and Comfits, Black pepper, mustard, pickles, fish sauces, Sweet oil and Vinegar, Table and Rock salt, Rice, Onions, Potatoes, Leaf, pigtail Fig and Dutch cut tobacco, Pump and sole Leather, Calf-skins.
Also on Hand.
Negro Cloathing, do. blankets, Soap, Indigo blue, Chalk, Brass Vat Cocks, Truss hoops, Cutlery, Jewellery, Gold and silver watches, Coral and Garnet beads, Tin and Japan ware, Coffin furniture, also 5 Copper Teaches and some dozens Pruning Knives for first Cost and Charges, and a variety of other Articles.
G. Angle.
Who will be thankful to those who have not yet paid their last year's Accounts and Notes of hand, to come forward and do the same before next Month, as it is his Sole intention not to give any longer indulgence after that period.
Demerary, 21st July 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
The principal part of a Steam Engine, with Mill work complete: the said Mill can be converted to work by Mules, to which purpose it was applied for a short time. For further particulars enquire of the Manager of Plant. Affiance, West Coast of Essequibo, or of Mr. H. Fox in Stabroek.
July 20th, 1810.

Runaway from Miss Dorothy Thomas, in Cumingsburgh, about a month back, a tall good looking full breasted negro girl named Sarah, had when she went away a few Articles for sale. A reward of Two Joes will be given to any one who brings the said Girl to the House of Miss Dorothy Thomas, and the law will be rigidly enforced against such as may be found to harbour her. -
Stabroek, 21st July 1810.

For Sale by A. Bryant [mutilated]
[first column]
Candles 4, 6 and 8 to the lb.
Madeira wine per dozen,
London porter,
Hams and cheese,
Potatoes in hampers,
Ship bread in puncheons,
Refined sugar,
Sweet oil,
Pickled Oysters,
Black pepper,
Paint oil, lamp do.
Gentlemens fashionable drab and beaver hats,
Do. do. silk, Leghorn and willow do.
Ladies' do. silk and beaver,
Russia sheeting,
Irish linen,
White Jean,
Corded dimitties,
[second column]
Welch flannel,
Hosiery assorted,
Silk umbrellas,
Double plated candlesticks,
Do. do. castors,
Do. do. table and tea spoons,
Knives and forks,
Japan tea and knife trays,
Locks, hinges, screws and files assorted,
Japan tea and coffee pots,
Curry combs and brushes,
Nails 4, 6, 8, 10, 20 & 30d,
London stationary assorted,
Do. Boots and shoes,
Do. Ladies morocco and Kid shoes,
Do. Ladies' trimmings assorted,
Glass shades,
Wine glasses,
Earthen ware in setts,
And various other articles.
[end columns]
Demerary, 21st July 1810.

Public Vendues. [heading]
On Tuesday the 24th inst. will be exposed for Sale at the Vendue Office: - London made Boots and shoes, Gentlemen's and Ladies' hats, pearl and Scotch barley, split pease, hams, kits of salmon, sausages, porter in bottles, gin in cases, hyson tea, sadlery, Vidonia wine in cases of 2 dozen each, hammocks, pullicate handkerchiefs, umbrellas, check, platillas, oznaburgs, &c.
July 21st. Kingston & McBean.

On Wednesday the 25th Inst. at the Vendue Office, . . .
Also by order of J. De Rooye Esq. - two Carpenter Negroes.
Also by Thos. Mewburn and Gemmel Esqrs. Executors to Mr. Carmichael (deceased) Eight seasoned Negroes, watches, a pair pistols, wearing Apparel, &c. &c. Also a few barrels Tobacco.
July 14th. Kingston & McBean.

On Friday the 27th Inst. at the Vendue Office. - callicoes, platillas, pullicate handkerchiefs, canvas from No. 2 to No. 6, cotton and coffee bagging, oznaburgs, hammocks, umbrellas, boots and shoes, salmon, herrings, pearl and Scotch barley, hams, candles, soap, sadlery &c.
July 21st. Kingston & McBean.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
John Morison, in 14 days from the 2d July.
James Rose, in 14 days or one month, from 4th July.
Josh. Squires, in ditto or ditto, from do.
John Henry, in 14 days or six weeks, from 5th July.
A. de Rick, in 14 days, from the 9th July.
Henry Hubbard in 14 days from the 16th July.
John Dawson, in ditto, from ditto.
John Jack, in 14 days or 3 Weeks from 17th July.
James H. Thomson in ditto from the 19th July or by the Schooner Augusta.
William Merjaring, in 14 days, from the 19th July.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

At the Commissary Court of the 13th of August next, will be passed the following Transports and Mortgages, Viz: -
By John Lewis Transport of Plantation Endeavour situate on the West-bank of this River to Jean Raimond.
By C. Vincent q.q. Plantation Le Repentir, Transport of the Lots No. 22 and 23, situate in Charles Town, to the Curators of the Boedel Laurin.
By Ms. Tinne Mortgage on the Plantation Henrietta, situate on the East-Coast of this Colony, with all its dependencies, in favour of Rougemont & Behrends of London.
By R. S. Turton Transport of all his right and Title in the North half of Lot No. 14, situate on the west side of Mahaicony Creek and called Pl. Chance, together with 16 Slaves (names to be seen at this Office) to Ed. Austin q.q. Thos. Daniel & Co. of Bristol.
By R. S. Turton Transport of the Lot No. 12 situate on the front land of Plantation Vlissingen, with all the Buildings thereon, to Ed. Austin q.q. Thos. Daniel & Co. of Bristol.
By P. C. Mickerts q.q. the Boedel J. P. Smit Transport of the half Lot No. 46 on the North side of the middle-dam Stabroek, to J. Runnels.
By J. Runnels Transport of 3-4 of the Lot No. 46, situate on the North side of the middle dam Stabroek, with all the Buildings thereon to G. Henschelius.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, 21st July 1810.
Alexr. Tinne, Senr. Clerk.

Public Vendue. [heading]
By Authority obtained from the Honourable the Court of Justice of this Colony, dated 2d September 1809, will be sold at Public Vendue, on a day to be hereafter advertised, sundry open Accounts, Notes of hand, &c. &c. appearing due to the Estate of Francis Bynoe deceased; in order to enable the Curators to bring the said Estate to a final Liquidation. All Persons whose Accounts &c. are specified in this List, are particularly requested to come forward and explain or arrange the same previous to the day of Sale, in order to prevent any unpleasant consequences that may hereafter arise to themselves from neglecting this precaution. Some other Notes of Hand, Open Accounts, &c. &c. will also be sold as above, particulars of which will be publickly given at a future day.
P. Benjamin,
Demerary, 15th July 1810. Wm. King.
[first column]
Alex. Cozier      f 281 12
Joseph Vize 356 3 8
Peggy Williams 565 5
James French 118 10
Samuel Conner 471 13 8
John Kent 756 7 8
Pl. Elizabeth Hall 142 10
Sarah Parfitt 152 10
Martin Doyle 2157 19
Thomas Walker 2160 7
T. W. Nutt 116 10
John Salmond 215 10
Anthony Dekam 905 13 4
John Jones 1103 19 8
R. B. Ousley 248 10
A. M. Dugan 264 10
Conner and Paynter 165 5
G. H. Trotz 716 14 8
Joseph Candle 54
Thomas Richardson 110
Margaret Barnard 414 7 8
Michael Gould 175
Samuel Cox 205 4
Francis Schovers 416 5
Brumell & Addison 351 12 7
Ralf Skelton 154
Josephus Staas 1499 17 8
Sally Hayes 33 5
Betsy Taylor 165
D. L. C. Martina 400
L. Van Beuren 2062 15
Francis Thomas 63 15
Mackay & Black 20
Pl. Now or Never 336 13 12
M. Mathews 3211 3 12
Elizabeth Candle 12
T. Barrell 16 10
J. F. Narges 220
John Crawford 664
N. Lougee 254
George Handasyde 71 2 8
J. M. Henery 2132 7
Charles Crook 55
John Younge 616 16
Nathan Hart 257
W. A. Ellis 45
Pegg Hackett 438 2 8
J. Van den Velden 1277 16
N. Tallwood 33
J. C. Gehricke 169 4
Wm. Davis 132
Ebenezer Dunton 374
Michael Griffin 247 10
George Brumell 112
Michael Devlin 387
Rynders 68 2 8
M'Pherson, Stephenson & Co. 388 14 8
William Stag 51 10
Allyn Culpeper 292 15
J. Anderson 16 10
Ship Duke of Kent 44
Samuel Hackett 58
Samuel Thornton 237 5
John Conyards 704
James Brazell 528
Bradsute 141
John Brumell 132
Bella Cobham 11
David Armstrong 88
Coutelat 350
L. Labee 90 12 8
Daniel Sergant 374
J. C. Hacke 168
J. Watkins 110
J. Robinson 11
Pl. Profit 66
J. Martin 120
J. G. Adlong 330
H. Levi 22
John Lewis 99
H. Bloomsbury 652 2 8
John Salmon 44
A. D. & G. Hall 3060
J. D. Scantlebury 12 7 8
J. A. De Beet 53 7 8
Charles Morris 9596 15
P. Baldwin 44
J. C. Van Eten 80 10
Sarah Graham 33
D. Macfarlin 22
Marcy Duke 93 10
J. A. Jansen 347
James De Weaver 1027 17
Pl. Relief 3047 0 8
Edward Latham 440
Anthony Howard 2352 4 4
J. Verroon 4311
Ruthy Dean 73
R. Collier & Co. 279
Miss Lizett 66
F. W. Birkett 66
Hester Newton 22
John Hossack 850
Dido Clark 44
A. Timmerman 762 2 8
Pl. Friendship 48
[illegible] 98
[second column]
Daniel Timmerman f 1800
John Gill 479 4
C. Backer 143
Bejamin Bowen 44
Jos. Simpson 407 10
James Irvan 22
John Arian 143
J. C. Cells 52
C. M. Everts's Receipt for Ralph Sampson's note 4620
George Edward's note 60
Wm. Wilson's note 300
Thos. White's note 1320
C. Whithead's order on John Jones 164
Pike & Wilson's note 337
Ruben Pitcher's note 356
J. P. Slengarde's order on Olderson q.q. Pl. Providence 175
A. Timmerman's Order on E. Latham 296
C. A. Baner's note 1430
J. Bridges' good 4 10
Hugh Fraser's order on Theodore Barrell 408 14
J. C. Ross's good 11
George Ross's note 445
P. Runnals protested Bill 1512 10
Rt. Armstrong's note 216 15
Sanders Game acptce. 550
J. Newenhuise note 616
Pl. Klyn Diamond acct. 54
Kholar's order on Mack 72
Kholar's order on Eli 660
Robert Canols order on J. M. Henery 110
John Canols order on E. Butler 137 17 8
Abel Henery order on Thomas Harriott's acct. 387
Thos. Milkeken note 2000
John McBeths note 98 4
Saml. Thornton's order on Adam Knight 237 5
John Downing 2 notes 87 16
Wm. Drayton's order on R. N. Lewis 118
H. Drayton's accept. 165
F. Small q.q. E. Evans protested bill 2262
Ralf Sampson's order on Engle Lonck 44
Ann Simonis order on C. N. Bollers 330 15
M. Smith's order on Newerkirk 141 16
J. L. Robinson's order on H. Kent 76
Wm. Gibsons acct. 1036 14 8
C. Mayers account 2008
J. J. Dennekens acct. 43
Suit against Thomas Harriott & expen. 863 10
Suit against Thos. Ince and expences 862 15
Suit against Thomas Morson with expen. 126 17 8
Suit against Margerett Rapier 53 15
Mary B. Elliott 30
Cecelia Roach 52 10
A. J. Wilson 545 4
J. L. Harrop 264
Demerine de Graven 65 12 8
William Alves 59
M. Barker 760 4
John Adison 238 5
Bosquett 57 6
James Mings 120
W. J. King 44
John Braggings 80 14
John McKenna 837 11 9
John Kent & Co. 32
Russel Allyn 63
Thomas Fairbrother 41 5
Henry Farley 135 10
F. Swanke 340
J. W. Lesseman 125 15
Thos. Pennington 289 10
Thos. Wishart 333 10
Rouskoll 47 7
H. M. Bunbury 1921 12
Pln. Bell plain 333 14
Mary Milton 263 15
Levan de Weaver 8385 16
James Tait ?? 13
C. H. Loyd [sic] 65 19 6
H. Menas 672
Tynes 660
Widow Boin 38 10
J. G. Brays 63 10
Jamus de Weaver 3818 19
[end columns]

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C.P.) - 22 & 1/2

We have not received any intelligence since our last went to Press. We have to notice only two arrivals since our last - the Stork Sloop of War from Surinam, and a Schooner from the Oronoque with Cattle, &c. - she spoke the Schooner Nancy, which sailed from hence some time since with Mr. Jeffery, going into Angustura.

Died - On Thursday last, Mr. John Gurney Carpenter.
On the same day, at the House of Mr. P. Reynard, Mrs. I. M. Tournier.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

July 20 Schr. Na. Sa. del Carmen, Capt. Martingares from Oronoque, - cattle
CLEARED. - None.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves.
21st July 1810.
[Note: Compare this list with the lists for the preceding and succeeding weeks]



Brought by


John Fraser,



Chs. de Beausobre,



Pl. Manna,

Pl. Coldingen.



Pl. Coldingen.



Pl. Best.


Pl. Lancaster,

Pl. Thomas.



Pl. De Kinderen.


Rt. Yearwood,

Pl. Turkeyen.

New negro marked O


Pl. Zorg en Hoop.



Pl. Rome.

John Bull,

J. B. Henery,

Jos. Feuillet.


Pl. Bath,



Pl. Parica,



Pl. Vlissingen,

Pl. La Grange.


Wm. Latham,

Pl. Leliendaal.


Geo. Ince,

Pl. Nismes.


J. Kemp,

Pl. La Penitence.



Pl. Good Hope.

S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 15 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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