Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 August 07

Vol. V.]


[No. 291.

Tuesday, August 7th, 1810.

Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that the Honble. the Court of Policy has been pleased to elect the Honble. Ms. Tinne a Member of the Board of Orphans and unadministrated Estates of this Colony.
Court-House, Stabroek, 6th August 1810.
By Command,
C. T. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

For Sale by the Subscriber, [heading]
Adjoining the Vendue Office: -
Beef, Pork, Hams, Brawn, Bristol tripe, Oysters and pickled Shrimps, new double Rose Butter, Tea, Sugar, Spices, Sago, raisins, almonds, Preserves, Comfits, sallad oil, snuffs, starch, blue, pepper, mustard, saltpetre, vinegar, pease, barley, oatmeal, soap, candles, London brown stout, Bristol beer, Hollands' gin, Hessian boots, ancle, strong and dress shoes, Womens' and Childrens' ditto and boots, silk, beaver, and straw hats and bonnets, hosiery, gloves, gaiters, ribbons, threads, tapes and sewing silks, green baize and gauze, flannels, platillas, Britannias, Dimities, Jeans, checks, callicoes, Russia sheeting, coffee bagging, Umbrellas, London Sadlery, Paper Hangings, Breakfast Setts Ware, Japan Blacking, stationary, Perfumery, Jewellery, Ironmongery, Japan, Brass, Copper, Plated and Glass Ware, Brushes, Blocks, Hanks, Nails, Cordage, and other Articles.
Thomas Shute.
New-Town, 7th August 1810.

Just Arrived in the Brig Betsey, Capt. Kilborn, from New-London, and for Sale at the Store of the Undersigned for immediate payment.
42 Excellent Saddle and Draft Horses in good order,
Corn Meal in Puncheons and Barrels,
Four, Beans, Alewives,
Fish in Boxes,
Cheese, Wood Hoops and R.O. Staves,
August 7th. P. Benjamin.

Found in front of Plantation Kitty, on Saturday last, a round bottomed Punt, apparently new. It is about 30 feet in length and 8 in breadth. The Owner may have it by paying the expence of this Advertisement, rewarding the Negro who found it; and applying to the Manager of the said Estate.
Found also on the Estate, a few days ago, a Brown Goat, which appears to have had Kids lately. Demerary, 7th August 1810.

Wanted to Hire. [heading]
A Steady, Sober Cook, who can be well recommended, - will meet with good Wages. Please apply to the Printer of this Paper.
Demerary, 7th August 1810.

Picked-Up, off the East Coast, a Large Canoe raised upon [sic]. The Owner can have her restored on paying the expences and applying to the Printer. Demerary, August 7th, 1810.

The Proprietors of the Theatre Royal, beg leave to inform their Friends and the Public, that the Company which has been performing at Barbados, having arrived, the Theatre will be opened on Friday Next, the 10th inst. with
The Castle Spectre,
A Play in five Acts by M. G. Lewis.
Earl Ormond . . . Mr. Robertson.
Reginald . . . A Gentleman Amateur.
Earl Percy . . . Mr. Burke.
Kenric . . . Mr. Freeman.
Motley . . . Ditto
Saib . . . Mr. Vining.
Hassan . . . Mr. Jones.
Muley . . . Mr. J. Shaw.
Father Philip . . . Mr. Blunt.
Angela . . . Mrs. Shaw.
Alice . . . Miss Shaw.
Evelina (the Castle Spectre) . . . Miss M. Shaw.
After Which the Farce of
The Purse, or the Benevolent Tar,
The Baron . . . Mr. Blunt.
Theodore . . . Mr. Jones.
Edmond . . . Mr. Vining.
Will Steady (the Bt. Tar) . . . Mr. Burke.
Page (a Child of 6 years old) . . . Miss Jones.
Sally . . . Mrs. Shaw.
The Theatre being now conducted entirely upon a new Plan, - No Credit can in future be given for Tickets.
Prices of Tickets - Upper Box, Six Dollars, (no refreshments). - Lower Box, Five Dollars. - Back Seats below, Four Dollars. - Pit, Three Dollars.
Free Coloured Persons only will be admitted in the Back Seats.
Door opened precisely at half past Five o'Clock, Curtain to rise at half past Six.
Tickets to be had at the Ticket Office at the Theatre from Ten o'Clock to Three, and from four and after on the day of Performance.
No money will be received at the Doors, nor can any admission be allowed behind the Scenes.
Theatre Royal, 7th August 1810.

The fast-sailing Sloop William & Mary, Will Sail in four or five days for Barbados, and has excellent accommodations for Passengers. For Freight or Passage apply to Capt. Smith on board, or to
James Robertson & Co.
Newtown, 7th August 1810.

Notice. [heading]
The Subscriber finds it necessary to advertise that there is no Public Road through the Kitty Estate. This Notice is chiefly occasioned by a Gentleman's taking his Afternoon's ride past the Dwelling House not very long ago, with an air of effrontery unlike his profession.
Kitty, 7th August 1810. A. Simpson.

Public Vendues. [heading]
[nothing new]

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
John Jack, in 14 days or 3 Weeks from 17th July.
James H. Thomson in ditto from the 19th July or by the Schooner Augusta.
William Merjaring, in 14 days, from the 19th July.
Henry E. Lemmix, with his Wife and Children, in 14 days or 3 weeks, from the 23d July.
Thomas Lawrence, and Family, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 24th July.
Willm. Payn, in 14 days, from the 26th July.
Capt. Robt. Anderson, late of the Ship Friendship, in 14 days, from the 30th July 1810.
J. Elliot, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 31st July.
Leonora de Rousseau, with her Servant Jacob, in 14 days or 3 weeks, from the 2d August.
Urbain Jancourt, in 14 days, from the 3d August.
Elizabeth Robinson, with four Slaves her Property, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 6th August.
J. D. Goddard, in ditto or do. from ditto.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

Huwelyks Bekendmaaking. [heading]
Alzoo James H. Albouy, Woonachtig alhier, meerderjaarig Jongman, gebooren te Bermuda, ter Eenre en
Mejuffrouw Sophia Meyers, mede Woonachtig alhier, minderjaarige dochter, gebooren binnen deeze Colonie, geadsisteerd met haare Moeder de Weduwe Robb, ter andere zyde.
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, wartoeby op den 6e deezer Maand door Heeren Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtb: Hove van Justitie in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen.
Zood word zulks aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich tegen het voltrekken van dit Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds zoude kunnen doen daar en zoo 't bhoord.
Actum Secretary van Demerary den 6de Augustus 1810.
Zynde dit de Eerste Bekendmaaking.
In kennisse van my
Alexr. Tinne, oustde Clercq.

Banns of Matrimony. [heading]
Between James H. Albouy, Bachelor, born in Bermuda, and Miss Sophia Meyers, Spinster, born in this Colony, with the consent of her Mother, Mrs. Robb, - for the 1st time.
Any Person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony must declare thee same at the Colonial Secretary's Office - Demerary, 6th August 1810.
Alexr. Tinne, senior Clerk.

All those who may have Demands of whatsoever nature against the Boedel of Henry Barrow deced. late a resident of this Colony, are requested within fourteen days from the date hereof, to deliver in the account of such Claims, at the Office of Mr. Hugo Cantzlaar, Attorney at Law in Stabroek, that they may be settled and the said Boedel brought to a speedy liquidation.
All Persons are requested to pay attention to this advertisement.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, the 6th August 1810.
Alexr. Tinne, Senr. Clerk

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day
Cotton - 15 1/2 to 16 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 to 9 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 23

By the arrival, on Sunday last, of the Mail Boat, we are put in possession of London Papers to the 20th of June, (seven days later than those received by the Thomas from Liverpool.) - from which we have made such selections for this day's publication as we conceive to be of any material importance.

The Sloop William & Mary, from Barbados, whence she sailed on the 29th ult. arrived this morning - by her we have received the Mercury of the 28th, from which we make the following extract: - [local news - Barbados]

Letters for Europe must be in the Post-Office on Wednesday evening, as the Mail-Boat will sail early on Thursday morning.

It is with much pleasure we congratulate the Public on the arrival of the Company of Comedians from Barbados, who we understand are come to display their Talents on the Demerary Stage, and thereby dispel that dullness which has so long existed with regard to Public Amusements. That they will receive all possible encouragement and indulgence from the Public, we have not the least doubt, as it is generally understood they were favourites with the Public of Barbados, and accordingly were much enticed to remain amongst them. And certainly much praise is due to the Managers of our Theatre for their endeavours to render the Stage more perfect than it was, for whatever merits the Gentlemen Amateurs might have possessed, yet it must be acknowledged that their want of Female Performers, certainly was of a nature both unnatural and disgusting.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

August 7 Brig Betsey, Capt. Kikburn, from New-London - Horses, &c.
August 7 Schr. Phoebe, Capt. Saunders, for Nova Scotia.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 23 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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