Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 August 14

Vol. V.]


[No. 293.

Tuesday, August 14th, 1810.

Lately Imported and for Sale by the Subscribers: -
Newfoundland Fish, [centered]
In 3, 4, 6, and 8 Quintal Casks. [centered]
Mess beef, Tripe, Neats tongues, smoked beef, Tea, Sugar, Pease, Barley, Hock, Cherry and Raspberry Brandy, Spermaceti and tallow candles, Soap, tallow, Mill grease, Vinegar, Mustard, Sallad oil, Olives, Capers, Salt in puncheons, White Lead, Neatsfoot oil, 6dy to 30dy nails, Cooper's nails, tin'd pump tacks, round eye Axes, Carpenter's adzes, standing scrapers, Gimblets, socket chissels, braces with bitts, Planes, hand, cross-cut and whip Saws, and files for do. a general assortment of Cooper's Tools, Puncheon and vat hoops, Hoes, Shovels, Cutlasses, Negro pipes, Salempores, No. 1, 2, and 3 Canvas, Cotton and Coffee bagging, Cotton Bagging in pieces of 4 1/2 yards, lined and unlined jackets, Women's wrappers, check shirts, Flannel Jackets, Negro hats, Servants glazed hats, silk and Beaver hats, Boys and Girls do. cambric Muslin, French cambric, Hessian and Jockey Boots, half-dress and Planter's Shoes, Ladies' coloured Kid Slippers, Boys and Childrens Shoes, Saddles, Bridles, Chaise Harness, Parrot cages, grindstones, anchors, grapnels, Temper Lime, &c.
James Robertson & Co.
Newtown, 14th August 1810.

The undersigned gives this final notice to all Persons Indebted to him, that unless they settle their respective Accounts, Notes, &c. he will put them into the hands of a Lawyer at the expiration of three Weeks from date; and requests all Persons to whom he may be indebted to render their Accounts to him.
Demerary, August 13, 1810. Chas. Fiske.

The Schr. Matarrosa,
154 Tons Register.
Coppered and armed with eight 12 - pound canonades, and Men answerable, will sail for St. John's, New Brunswick, in the course of eight or ten days. Has comfortable accommodations for a small Family or four Gentlemen. Apply to the Master on board.
N.B. The Mail goes daily from St. John's to Halifax. Demerary, August 14th 1810.

Theatre Royal, Demerary,
This Present Evening,
(Tuesday, August 14th, 1810.)
Will Be Performed
The favourite Drama in three Acts called
The Hunter of the Alps.
Felix . . . Mr. Robinson
Rosalvi . . . Mr. Burke
Florio di Rosalvi . . . Miss Jones.
Jeronymo . . . Mr. Blunt.
Juan . . . Mr. Vining.
Baptista . . . Mr. Jones.
Marco . . . Mr. Freeman.
Pietro . . . Mr. J. Shaw.
Helena de Rosalvi . . . Mrs. Shaw.
Genenieve . . . Miss M. Shaw.
Claudine . . . Miss Shaw.
During the Farce the Comic Song of the "Cosmetic Dotor", or "The Man for the Ladies" - by Mr. Burke.
To Which Will Be Added
The Favorite Farce Of
The Mock Doctor,
Or, The Dumb Lady Cured.
Gregory (the Mock Doctor) . . . Mr. Burke.
Sir Jasper . . . Mr. Blunt.
Leander . . . Mr. Vining.
Harry . . . Mr. Freeman.
James . . . Mr. Jones.
Davy . . . Mr. J. Shaw.
Doctor Helebore . . . Mr. Freeman.
'Squire Robert . . . Mr. Vining.
Docas . . . Mrs. Shaw.
Charlotte . . . Miss M. Shaw.
Lucy . . . Miss Shaw.
Prices of Tickets. - Upper Box, Six Dollars, (no refreshments). - Lower Box, Five Dollars. - Back Seats below, Four Dollars. - Pit, Three Dollars.
Coloured Persons will be admitted in the Back Seats. Doors open precisely at half past Five o'Clock,
Curtain to rise at half past Six.
Tickets to be had at the Ticket Office at the Theatre from Ten o'Clock to Three, and from Four and after on the day of Performance.
No Money will be received at the Doors, nor can any admission be allowed behind the Scenes.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Monday the 20th instant, at the House of Messrs. McInroy, Sandbach & Co. - Irish linen, dowlas, diaper, table cloths, half-bleached linen, cotton and linen checks, imitation sheeting and Ravens duck, brown holland, Bengal stripe, salempores, corduroy, jeans, callicoes, white quilting, cotton lining, cotton cambric, cotton hammocks, thread and tape, ginghams, India checks, Madrass handkerchiefs, patent hats, Ladies hats, cotton stockings, Hessian boots, strong and dress shoes, Ladies and Childrens shoes, buck knives and axes, hoes and shovels, beer and porter, beef in in tierces, pease and barley, loaf sugar, mustard, fuzees, fowling pieces, &c. &c.
August 14th. Kingston & McBean.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
John Jack, in 14 days or 3 Weeks from 17th July.
James H. Thomson in ditto from the 19th July or by the Schooner Augusta.
William Merjaring, in 14 days, from the 19th July.
Henry E. Lemmix, with his Wife and Children, in 14 days or 3 weeks, from the 23d July.
Thomas Lawrence, and Family, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 24th July.
Willm. Payn, in 14 days, from the 26th July.
Capt. Robt. Anderson, late of the Ship Friendship, in 14 days, from the 30th July 1810.
J. Elliot, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 31st July.
Leonora de Rousseau, with her Servant Jacob, in 14 days or 3 weeks, from the 2d August.
Urbain Jancourt, in 14 days, from the 3d August.-
Elizabeth Robinson, with four Slaves her Property, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 6th August.
J. D. Goddard, in ditto or do. from ditto.
Moses Jacobs in 14 days from the 13th August.
Alexr. Bisset in 14 days from the 14th August.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

Notice. [heading]
Whereas the following Persons have Petitioned the Honble. Court of Policy of Essequebo and Demerary, for Letters of Manumission for the afternamed Slaves, as follows:
T. T. Thomson for the Negro Woman Precilla and her Mulatto Child Thomas.
C. H. Campbell for the Negro Woman named Punchenella.
John Tally for the Negro Woman Bess and her Child.
Thomas Mewburn for the Negro Boy Edward Pooler.
D. P. Simon for the Indian woman Lieftje.
John Hopkinson for two Mustie Children named John and Nathan.
All those who may have any right or title to said Slaves are hereby Notified to give in their Claims, either at the Commandement in Essequebo or at the Secretary's Office of Demerary, between this date and the next ensuing Ordinary meeting of the Court of Policy aforesaid, as the Court will then proceed to give such orders on the said several Petitions as it shall see meet.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, 14th August, 1810.
By Command of the Court,
C. T. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

The Votes of the Inhabitants for the Election of a Member of the Board of Electors of Demerary, in the room of the Honble. Ms. Tinne, lately elected a Member of the Honble. the Court of Justice, having been this day examined with the usual formalities, it was found that Alexander Macrae Esq. was elected by the Majority.
Notice whereof is hereby given accordingly.
Court-House, Stabroek, 13th August 1810.
C. T. Tinne, Dy. Secty. of the Colony.

The Lady Spencer Mail-Boat which arrived yesterday, brought London News-Papers to the 28th June and Barbados Papers to the 7th instant.

Letters for the Mail must be in the Post-Office at three o'Clock to-morrow afternoon. The Mail-Boat will sail at five.

Died. - On Sunday night, Mrs. Cline, Wife of Mr. N. Cline, Carpenter.

[No Vessels Entered or Cleared]

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 23 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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