Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 September 08

Vol. V.]


[No. 300.

Saturday, September 8th, 1810.

The Councellor at Law Heemskerk and the Attorney at Law Van Der Stok, make known by these presents, that they have entered into Copartnership, and intend jointly to carry on this Practice before the Barr [sic] of the Honorable Court of Justice and hope to merit the favor of their Clients. Their Office for that purpose is kept at the House of the Attorney at Law Van Der Stok in Stabroek. Demerary, 8th September 1810.

To Let. [heading]
A Convenient Dwelling House situated on the Brick Dam, Stabroek, well adapted for a small Family, and lately occupied by the Subscriber, with suitable Out-Houses, such as Kitchen, Wash-House, Negro rooms, Horse Stable, &c. Apply to
J. R. Brandt.
Demerary, Sept. 8, 1810. Brick Dam, Stabroek.

Plantains for Sale [heading]
In the Yard of the Subscriber, opposite the House of Messrs. McInroy, Sandbach & Co. a few Hundred Bunches twice a Week, - on Thursdays and Sundays, at Seven Stivers and a half per Bunch.
A. B. Leslie.
No. 1, Werk & Rust, 8th September 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
A Lot of Land known under No. 16, in Charles Town, with 17 Brick Pillars and two Colony Frames, one of 32 feet long and 14 feet wide, - the other 36 feet long by 26, and a Necessary already finished. The Lot is railed in with Wallaba Staves and Laths, in good order.
Should it not be Sold in three or four Weeks from this date, it will be offered at Public Sale.
Apply to the Subscriber in Kingston.
Sept. 8th. A. D'Anjoy.

For Liverpool, [heading]
The fast-sailing Coppered and Armed Ship Maria, Captain Cowley,
To Sail a running Vessel second Springs in October.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on Board, or to
Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Cumingsburg, 8th September 1810

Established in Trade between this and Barbados - the Staunch Bermudian-built Sloop Blackbird, D. McNiel, Master,
Of 70 Tons burthen, - she sails fast, is copper bottomed and in complete order, has good accommodation for Passengers. For Freight or Passage please apply to said Master, or to
Jno. Hall.
N.B. The Sloop will Sail on or about the 16th inst.
Demerary, 8th September 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
A Smart Negro Man about 21 Years of age, he is a complete Taylor, and is also well adapted for house business and waiting on a Gentleman; - also for Sale a Shoemaker, a Lad of about 17 years of age; also a French Cook, who is about 21 years old, and has been four Years in the Colony. These Negroes are of good character, and are parted with by a Gentleman leaving the Colony. Please to enquire of the Printer. Sept. 8th.

Hyndman & Cary [heading]
Are now Landing the Cargo of the Brig Hunter, Capt. Treely, from Portland N. A. - as follows:
[first column]
W. P. Lumber,
R. O. Staves
W. P. Shingles,
[second column]
Rice in Tierces,
Superfine Flour,
Ship Bread,
Fish in hhds & boxes,
R. O. Shooks with Heads complete for Coffee Casks &c. Cumingsburg, 8th September 1810.

John Davies respectfully informs the Friends of the Youth entrusted to his care, that the September Vacation commences on Monday, September 10th, to continue a fortnight.
In consequence of having engaged a suitable Assistant, he begs leave to say that a certain number of additional Pupils can be admitted into his Seminary when it re-opens on Monday, September 24th.
Werk & Rust, 8th September, 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
A Few very good Saddle and Draft Horses, part of the last Cargo that arrived here, they are very much improved and will be Sold Cheap for immediate Payment either in Cash or Produce.
H. S. Thomas.
Sept. 8th, 1810. South Street, Bridge-Town.

For Sale by D. Smith, [heading]
In addition to his late Advertisement: -
[first column]
Russia Sheeting,
Linen Checks,
Cotton ditto,
Check & Stripe Shirts,
Cotton Cambric - 7 yard pieces,
Pocket Handkerchiefs,
Pullicat and Madrass ditto,
Calicoes and Britannias,
White Jane [sic],
Waistcoat Patterns,
Gents. Patent Silk Hats,
Do. Leghorn Straw ditto,
Do. Willow ditto,
[second column]
Tradesmen's ditto,
Children's fine Beaver ditto,
Ditto Morocco Caps,
Coffee Bags,
Large and small sweeping Brushes and Brooms,
Slmon [sic] in a [sic] kits,
Herrings in kegs,
Butter in firkins,
Ditto in half ditto,
Glass Ware,
Jewellery, &c. &c.
[end columns]
American Stelling, 8th September 1810.

Theatre [image of a crown] Royal.
8th September, 1810.
On Friday next, the 14th Instant will be
Holcroft's much admired Comedy in five Acts, called
The Road to Ruin.
Mr. Dornton - Mr. Blunt.
Harry Dornton - Mr. Gard.
Mr. Sulky - Mr. Jones.
Mr. Silky - Mr. Hewit.
Goldfinch - Mr. Burke.
Mr. Milford - Mr. Vining.
Mr. Smith - Mr. Hewit.
Hosier - Mr. Vining.
Jacob - Mr. J. Shaw.
Widow Warren - Mrs. Shaw.
Sophia - Miss M. Shaw.
Jenny - Miss Shaw.
To Which Will Be Added
A Musical Entertainment in two Acts called
The Adopted Child,
The Baron of Milford Castle.
Sir Bertrand - Mr. Jones.
Le Sage - Mr. Vining.
Record - Mr. Hewit.
Michael - Mr. Burke.
Spruce - Mr. Gard.
Flint - Mr. J. Shaw.
The adopted Child - Miss Jones.
Clara - Miss M. Shaw.
Lucy - Miss Shaw.
Nell - Mrs. Shaw.
Prices of Tickets as usual.

Plantains for Sale, [heading]
On Plantation Rome and Zorg en Hoop.
Apply to
Sept. 8th. J. Meertens.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Wednesday the 12th instant, will be Exposed for Sale, at the Vendue Office, - a Chest of Millinary consisting of Ladies Dresses complete, Caps, Bonnets &c. just imported. Also Hammocks, Calicoes, Irish Linen, Negro Clothing, Hats, &c. &c.
Sept. 8th. Kingston & McBean.

On Monday and Tuesday the 17th and 18th inst. at the Store of H. O. Seward Esq. in Cumingsburg: -
India goods consisting of fine long cloths, muslin, Madrass and Balafore handkerchiefs, rich chintzes, jeans, plain and striped nankeens, coloured sewing silks, and a variety of other articles. Also jaconnets plain and striped, fine dimities and cotton cambrics, muslins, musquito net lawn plain and striped, checks, blue nankeen, brown holland, French red ground, pink, check and pullicat handkerchiefs, blue, black, scarlet, white, green, and yellow Lisbon baize, superfine blue, brown, corbeau, and bottle green broad cloths, by the piece, and in coat patterns, jackets and trowsers, London made waistcoats, boots and shoes, suspendener, gloves and Ladies parasols, Childrens morocco and black fur'd caps, Boys helmet caps, patent silk and beaver hats, Irish linen, marble table clocks, Egyptian wine coolers, Gunpowder, hyson and black teas, real hollands, old rum, pearl barley, split pease, ox tongues in kegs, tripe in do. Scotch herrings, rounds beef, beef and pork, fine salt in barrels, earthen and glass ware, nails assorted, stationary, as Plantation day-books, journals, ledgers, memorandum books, pocket ledgers, &c. Sadlery, viz. - best saddles and bridles, with best plaiting spare heads and reins, French martingales, Kanning and breast plate do. girths, stirrup leathers, spring spurs, whalebone chaise and jockey whips plain and silver mounted, &c. Tobacco, about 20000 ears of Corn, and 60 Casks of Newfoundland Cod Fish, just imported in the Maria, Captain Cowley.
Sept. 8th. Kingston & McBean.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 8 to 8 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 22 1/2

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Thos. Atkins, with his Family and three Servants, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from the 23d August.
George Runice, in 14 days from the 24th August, or by the Ship Hopewell.
John Foal, in 14 days or one Month, from 29th Aug.
Fanny Harving, in 14 days or 6 weeks from 30th Aug.
Owen Kernan, in 14 days, from the 31st August.
George Stolger, ditto, do.
Miss Elizh. Walcott in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 6th September.
Miss Sarah C. Walcott, in do. do. from ditto.
Nathl. Gittens, in ditto or do. from 7th Sept.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

By Virtue of an Order of the Honourable Court of Justice of the Colony and Dependent Districts of Demerary, dated 20th August last, are hereby summoned all Creditors to the Estate of the late Edwd. Latham, (to which Estate P. Benjamin and T. T. Thompson have bee appointed Curators), to give in, at the Secretary's Office of this Colony in the chief town of Stabroek, their claims, with the vouchers relating thereto; within six months, from the date of these presents; after the expiration of which time, the Court will decide on the preference or priority of such claims, and decree perpetual silence with respect to those who shall not have given in their claims by that time.
Court-House, Stabroek, Demerary, this 7th Septm. 1810.
C. T. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

By Virtue of an Order of the Honorable Court of Justice of the Colony and Dependent Districts of Demerary, dated 20th August 1810, are hereby Summoned, all Colonial and other Creditors to the Estate of the late H. W. Sannes, (to which Estate C. H. De Munnick has been appointed Curator), to give in, at the Secretary's Office of this Colony in the chief Town of Stabroek, their Claims, with the vouchers relating thereto; to wit, the Colonial Creditors within six Months, and the other Creditors within twelve Months from the date of these presents; after the expiration of which time, the Court will decide on, the preference or priority of such claims, and decree perpetual silence with respect to those who shall not have given in their claims by that time.
Court House, Stabroek, Demerary, this 7th Sept. 1810.
C. T. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

By the arrival of the Sloop Blackbird, twelve days from Barbados, we are put in possession of European intelligence to the 16th of July, from which it appears that the affairs of Spain wear much the same aspect which they wore when we last received London Newspapers; . . .

In consequence of an abundance of more important matter, we reserve our opinions of the performances on Tuesday last until our next.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
Sept. 6 Brig Hunter, Capt. Greely, from Portland - Lumber, Fish, Flour, &c.
Sept. 5 Ship Douglas, Capt. Evans, for Liverpool.

[No List of Runway and Arrested Slaves; but see the one dated 8th September appears in the issue of Sept. 11]

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.



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