Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 September 29

Vol. V.]


[No. 306.

Saturday, September 29th, 1810.

By His Excellency Henry William Bentinck, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, with their Dependent Districts, Vice Admiral of the same, President in all Courts and Colleges, &c. &c. &c.
Whereas it is necessary to make an election of a Financial Representative for Demerary, in the room of Thomas Mewburn Esquire, who has completed his time of acting in that situation; I have thought fit to issue this my Proclamation, thereby calling on all Inhabitants who, being possessed of 25 Slaves and upwards, are entitled to vote, to give in their votes for the above-mentioned election accordingly.
The Votes, which ought to be Signed and contained in a Sealed note, must be deposited before the 22d day of October next, at the Government Secretary's Office, where a Sealed Box is placed to receive them; - and upon the expiration of that time the said Votes will be examined with the usual formalities and Proclamation made of the Person elected.
Given at the King's house in Stabroek,
Demerary, this 28th September 1810.
H. W. Bentinck.
By Command,
C. T. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

The Creditors of William Postlethwaite are hereby informed that there will be Fifty Hogsheads of Sugar ready to be delivered on Friday next, the 5th October, for which Tenders are requested to be given in at the Vendue Office, which will be opened at 12 o'Clock on that day, in presence of such of the Creditors as may please to attend, and the highest offer, for the whole, or part will be accepted of.
New-Town, Sept. 29th 1810.

Notice. [heading]
Picked Up in front of Plantation Bachelor's Adventure, a large Buoyed Corial, and a large Batteau. The Owners may have them restored upon application to the Manager and paying the Expences, and a Reward for the Negroes.
Essequebo, 27th September 1810.

Wood Hoops. [heading]
A Few Thousand just Landed - and for Sale by
Henry Osbn. Seward.
Cumingsburg, 29th September 1810.

The Subscriber has received on Consignment per Ship Sir Sidney Smith, a few Pipes, Hogsheads and Quarter Casks of -
Old Madeira Wine,
Which he warrants to be of superior quality to any lately imported, and will be sold reasonable for cash. For particulars enquire at the Union Coffee House.
Michael Staunton.
Demerary, 28th September 1810.

All Creditors to the Estate of J. P. Rourbaud deceased, are requested to give in their Claims in Six Weeks from date, to the Subscribers, as this Estate must be directly settled.
Demerary, 28th September 1810.
J. Caudony.
G. Montauroux.

Taken Up on this Estate, a Cow. The Owner can have her by application to
John G. Reed.
Pl. Dochfour, 28th September 1810.

Theatre [image of a crown] Royal.
On Friday Evening next, the 4th October,
Will Be Performed,
Cumberland's much admired Comedy in Five Acts, called
The Wheel of Fortune.
Sir David Daw - Mr. Hewit.
Governor Tempest - Mr. Blunt.
Penruddock - Mr. Gard.
Woodville - Mr. Jones.
Sydenham - Mr. Burke.
Henry Woodville - Mr.
Werzel - Mr. Hewit.
Jenkins - Mr. Vining.
Servant - Mr. J. Shaw.
Mrs. Woodville - Mrs. Shaw.
Emily Tempest - Miss M. Shaw.
Dame Dunckley - Miss Shaw.
To Which Will Be Added
The favourite Musical Entertainment of
The Poor Soldier.
Capt. Fitzroy - Mr. Jones.
Patrick (Poor Soldier) - Mr. Gard.
Dermot - Mr. Vining.
Father Luke - Mr. Blunt.
Begatelle - Mr. Hewit.
Darby - Mr. Burke.
Norah - Miss M. Shaw.
Kathlean - Mrs. Shaw.

The Subscriber has on hand a small assortment of Dry Goods, which he is anxious to dispose of: - he will therefore receive Plugged or Light Joes, at their full value, in payment for the above Goods.
A. Hewlings.
American Stelling, 29th September 1810.

The Subscribers offer for Sale a quantity of
Newfoundland Fish.
Just imported in the Schooner Driver, on very moderate terms for immediate Payment.
Jas. H. Albouy & Co.
The said Schooner will Sail in a few days for Trinidad. For Freight or Passage apply to the Captain on board or to J. H. A. & Co.
Demerary, 29th September 1810.

George Fraser respectfully informs his Friends and the Public that he has removed his Shop to Middle-Street, opposite the Store of Messrs. McIntyre, Sayers & Co. - where he is (as usual) carrying on the Taylor's Business, and will be thankfull to them for a continuance of their favours.
Demerary, September 29th 1810.

Picked-Up near the Block-House, about a fortnight since, a small four-oared Boat, painted red. The Owner may have her by applying to the Printer and Paying all expences.
Demerary, 29th September 1810.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Monday the 8th October, at the Vendue Office, by order of H. A. Eberhardi q.q. - From 18 to 20 Prime Field Negroes, Payable at Six Months in Cash or approved Bills of Exchange.
Sept. 29th. Kingston & McBean.

Public Sale. [heading]
On Monday the 1st of October 1810, will be Sold, by order of Daniel Broadhead Esq. Executor to the Estate of John Clark decd. Negroes, House-Furniture, Wearing Apparel &c.
Essequebo, Fort Zelandia, 19th Sept. 1810.
B. Hebbelinck,
Actg. Vendue Master.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Miss Elizh. Walcott in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 6th September.
Miss Sarah C. Walcott, in do. do. from ditto.
Nathl. Gittens, in ditto or do. from 7th Sept.
John McLeay in 14 days or one month from Sep. 10.
Henry Woolford in 14 days or 6 weeks from do.
James Elder in 14 days, from the 10th Sept.
P. L. Soret in one month or 6 weeks, from do.
E. S. Soret with the free Julie Danaiade and three Slaves in one Month or 6 weeks from do.
John Ryan in 14 days from the 11th Sept.
M. H. Kasche in 14 days or one month from 12th do.
Eliza Roberts in 14 days, from ditto.
D. R. Roach in 14 days, from ditto.
William Shand in 14 days, from ditto.
James Euston in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 14th do.
John McDonald in 14 days or 6 weeks from Sept. 14.
Sarah Van der Pool in 14 days or 1 month, Sept. 17.
Thomas Hoyte, in 14 days, from do.
Thomas Letrell, in 14 days, from the 22d Sept.
James Northey, with his Wife, in 14 days or six Weeks, from the 24th September.
Dorothy Jackman, in 14 days from the 24th Sept.
William R. Cobb, in 14 days from 26th Sept.
Edward Drayton, in ditto, from ditto.
Hugh McColl, in 14 days from 28th Sept.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 8 to 8 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 22 1/2

The Schooner Driver, from Trinidad, and one or two Americans, are the only arrivals since our last. - We have no political intelligence to communicate to our readers, but the arrival of the Mail-Boat, which is daily expected, will, we hope, atone for the present dearth of European information.

Theatricals. [heading]
Various contingencies have for some time past precluded us from noticing any performances at the Theatre. On Tuesday Evening we returned to it to witness a repetition of the "Heir at Law." On the whole we do not think that the second performance of this Comedy exceeded the first; - it is true Mr. Burke was less flippant in his representation of Doctor Pangloss, and in parts discovered some admirable traits, such for instance as detecting himself when elated with his good fortune, in moving with too much agility, and instantly resuming the starched dignity of the pedagogue; but we must protest against such Bartholomew-Fir-acting, such buffoonery as falling down, when dancing off with Dick Dowlas! - Certainly this produced great applause, but then it was not the legitimate kind, it was the roar of the mere groundlings, and this Mr. Burke must learn to dispise or he must give up all idea of becoming a chaste actor. Mr. Hewit, in Zekiel, was excellent he had less of that unpleasant sort of choaked [sic] delivery particular passages "You're a Villain Dick! a damn'd Villain!" and "The Law shall lay thee low, &c." we do not think he ever was, or ever will be surprised; but the last scene he evidently over-played and the effect was entirely destroyed, let this be a warning to him in future not to break the rule of the great poet - not to "o'erstep the modesty of nature." Mrs. Shaw's Cecily was exceedingly good, and the Kenrick of Mr. Jones not bad. Lord Duberly was better than before, but Mr. Gard was so imperfect in Dick Dowlas as sometimes to throw the whole scene into confusion. - Let us request of this actor to make himself more perfect in future.
The Farce of "The Farmer" succeeded "The Heir at Law," and on the whole was tolerably well performed. The Jemmy Jumps of Mr. Burke was original and natural, its only fault was its being rather too manly. Mrs. Shaw as Betty Blackberry deservedly obtained considerable applause. Mr. Vining sung with very good effect, and the Countryman of Mr. Gard was far above our expectations; he speaks the Devonshire dialect very correctly, but in playing the Clown he should not move the knee with a dancing-master-like pliability, nor should he stagger as though he was drunk, let him observe the stiff knee and firm tread of Mr. Hewit. Notwithstanding several of the songs were omitted the piece went off with considerable effect.

Last evening the Farce in five acts (for Apollo forbid that we should call it a Comedy) was acted at the Theatre. It is the production of one Mr. Reynolds, a play-wright, who resides in London and who makes plays according to order, and for a certain sum of money, just as a journeyman cabinet-maker makes a piece of furniture, by the job. - Above a dozen of this man's pieces were played while poor Tobin's Honey Moon and Curfeu [sic] were kicked about the two London Theatres; - this should never be forgotten, or forgiven. But to return, this same farce called "Cheap Living" was presented last night, and which was worst, the play or the playing, it would be difficult to determine. Mr. Alderman, Colonel, Orator Birch's Entertainment of the "Adopted Child" followed. - It is void of every requisite to entertain, and except Mr. Hewit and Mr. Burke, and they even were not above mediocrity: the performers appeared to be on a level with the piece,* and altogether the affairs of the Theatre last night were too wretched to be thought of.
* The child is excepted, as we never comment on the efforts of infancy.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
Sep. 26 Brig Mary & Eliza, Cap. Watson, from Newfoundland - Salt, fish.
28 Schr. Driver, Gilberts, Trinidad, Salt, fish.
29 Schr. Adventure, Gardner, Nova Scotia - salt fish, staves.
Sept. 24 Brig Valerius, Capt. Lane, for Boston.
26 Brig Westbury, Gray, Liverpool.
27 Brig Good Intent, Strickland, Barbados.
29 Ship Fame, Williams, Liverpool.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the
Colony Stocks of Demerary, 29th September 1810.



Brought by


J. B. Henery,

Jos. Feuillet.


Boed. G. F. Engels,



Staal in Berbice,

Pl. Thomas.


J. B. Henery,

Chs. M. Brotherson.



Alex. Reith.


McDavid, Berbice,



Wm. Heathcote,

Pl. La Reduit.


Wm. Heathcote,

Pl. La Reduit.


Thos. Laurence,

Abary Ferry.


Wm. Latham,

Pl. Schoon Oord.


Col. Macrae,



B. A. Vernede,

Pl. Sophia.


Pl. Belmont,

Robt. Spence.



Pl. Kitty.


Mr. Mains,



Boed. Rood,



Mr. Link,

Pl. New Hope.

S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 01 June 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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