Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 October 06

Vol. V.]


[No. 308.

Saturday, October, 6th, 1810.

Deserted. [heading]
From the 1st Battn. of the Royal Regt. of Foot, on the morning of the 29th ult. - Private John Doherty. - He is aged 21 years; five feet 4 inches high, of a ruddy Complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, round visage, born in the Parish of Dunan, County of Antrim, Kingdom of Ireland, and by Trade a Labourer.
Whoever will apprehend the said Deserter, or give such information to the Military, as may enable them to apprehend him, shall receive the usual Reward. All Masters of Vessels are hereby cautioned against taking him from off this Colony, and all Persons are forbid harbouring him, as the Law will be rigorously enforced against such offenders.
Wm. Buckley, Adjt.
Barracks, 2d October 1810.

The Creditors to the Estate of the late R. Younghusband deceased, are requested to give in their Claims as early as possible to the Subscribers; and those indebted to make immediate payment at the expiration of Three Months from this date. All Notes of Hand and Accounts then unpaid will be given to their Lawyer to sue for, without respect to Persons.
J. Ph. Muncker, q.q.
L. McBean, q.q.
Demerary, 6th October 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
Two Thirds of the undivided Plantation Hackney, and Buildings thereon, situated in the River Pomeroon, known on the Chart under No. 82, with thirty seven Slaves. The Buildings, a Cotton Logie, Drogerie, and Negro Houses, are entirely new - its Cultivation consists of 162 1/2 acres planted in Cotton, 44 acres in Plantains, and 70 acres more or less impoldered and almost ready for planting. Further particulars may be known and the Inventory seen by applying to
Demerary, 6th J. Ph. Muncker, q.q.
October 1810. L. McBean, q.q.

Notice. [heading]
All those indebted to the Estate of P. Yeates, are requested to make payment before the 1st November next. - All Accounts &c. outstanding on that day will be sued for without respect to persons.
Jno. Crossman, q.q.
Demerary, 6th October, 1810.

Notice. [heading]
In One Month from this date will be sold from the Colony Barracks, according to a Resolution of the Honourable Court of Policy, dated 17th November 1809, the following Negroes, viz: -
Solomon of Pl. Golden Grove - Hercules and Andries of J. Bergh. - Hannibal of Rowland Smith - Jan of Huesteeg - and Bootsman of Fraser.
S. G. Martens,
Demerary, 6th October 1810. Drossart.

Notice. [heading]
There has been taken-up and sent to the Colonial Barracks, three Sheep and a Goat, which if not Claimed and Expences paid, will be Sold at Public Vendue in fourteen days from the date.
S. G. Martens,
Demerary, 2d October 1810. Drossaard.

The Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the Subscriber, is at Richard Nugent's Esq. on Leguan Island, Essequebo, where all Persons who have account unsettled with Plantation Cane Garden, previous to the 6th March last, are requested to render the same.
6th October 1810. James Anstice.

The Subscriber begs leave to inform his Customers and the Public in general, that he will Supply them with the best Creole Beef at 22 1/2 Stivers per lb. for Cash, or to good Customers. He assures those who may favour him with their Custom that he will not impose on them by Killing Foreign Cattle, which is very much inferior to the Creole Breed.
M. Schlisinger.
Demerary, 6th October 1810.

Theatre [image of a crown] Royal.
On Tuesday Evening, the 9th Instant,
Will be Repeated
Colman's Celebrated Comedy in five Acts, called
The Poor Gentleman.
Lieutenant Worthington - Mr. Jones.
Corporal Foss - Mr. Vining.
Sir Charles Cropland - Mr. Freeman.
Sir Robert Bramble - Mr. Blunt.
Humphrey Dobbins - Mr. Hewit..
Farmer Harrowby - Mr. Hewit.
Stephen Harrowby - Mr. J. Shaw.
Ollapod - by Mr. Burke.
Fredrick - Mr. Gard.
Emily Worthington - Miss M. Shaw.
Miss Lucretia Mactab - Mrs. Shaw.
Dame Harrowby - Miss Shaw.
Mary - Miss Shaw.
To Which Will Be Added
The much admired Musical Entertainment, called
The Poor Soldier.
Capt. Fitzroy - Mr. Freeman.
Patrick (Poor Soldier) - Mr. Gard
Dermot - Mr. Vining.
Father Luke - Br. Blunt.
Begatelle - Mr. Hewit.
Darby - Mr. Burke.
Norah - Miss M. Shaw.
Kathlean - Mrs. Shaw.
Demerary, 6th October 1810.

Union Coffee House. [heading]
Mr. Marsh begs leave to inform those Gentlemen who had the goodness to subscribe to his list for a Subscription Ball, that finding he could not carry the same into effect, on the plan when proposed, he has in consequence given it up, and takes this opportunity of returning them his best thanks for the honour done him.
Demerary Oct. 1st, 1810.

Subscription Ball. [heading]
The first Subscription Ball, to which the undersigned were appointed Stewards, is fixed for the 15th instant, and subscribers are requested to apply for Admission Tickets at the Union Coffee House.
I. V. D. Paadevoort,
Ms. Tinne,
Colin Macrae,
John McGarel,
Demerary Oct. 1st, 1810. Stewards.
[image of a pointing hand] The Theatre will be opened on Saturday and Tuesday, the 13th and 16th Instant.

For Sale or Hire. [heading]
A House in Cumingsburg, next to that of Mr. D. Gould, Chaise-Maker. - For further particulars apply to
E. W. Wilkinson.
Demerary, 6th October 1810.

For Sale. [heading{
5000 lb. Coffee,
And a few Bales Cotton.
James Robertson
New town, 6th October, 1810. Agent.

Picked-Up a few days ago, a Punt, 18 to 20 feet long. The Owner may have it on paying the expence of this advertisement and rewarding the Negro who found it.
Colin Young.
Cumingsburg, 6th October 1810.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Tuesday the 9th instant; at Mr. Benjamin's Stables, by order of Captain Lessel, - Horses, and a few Casks and Boxes of Fish &c. just landed from the Schooner Orono.
October 6th. Kingston & McBean.

On Monday the 22d instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of the Executors of Mr. Donald Noble deceased, - a Negro Boy; a Silver Watch, a Sabre and Wearing Apparel.
October 6th. Kingston & McBean.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
John McDonald in 14 days or 6 weeks from Sept. 14.
Sarah Van der Pool in 14 days or 1 month, Sept. 17.
Thomas Hoyte, in 14 days, from do.
Thomas Letrell, in 14 days, from the 22d Sept.
James Northey, with his Wife, in 14 days or six Weeks, from the 24th September.
Dorothy Jackman, in 14 days from the 24th Sept.
William R. Cobb, in 14 days from 26th Sept.
Edward Drayton, in ditto, from ditto.
Hugh McColl, in 14 days from 28th Sept.
C. F. Veiel in 14 days or one Month from 1st Octb.
Edwd. H. Moore, in ditto or ditto, from do.
Lucius Cary, in 14 days, from the 1st Octb.
A. Hewlings, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 2d Octb.
W. B. Liott and Family in 14 days from 2d Octb.
Wm. Douglas, in 14 days, from the 3d October.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

By Virtue of an Order of His Excellency the Governor, are hereby Summoned, all persons who have any Claims against the nett proceeds of the Sale by Execution of the undivided moiety of Plantation Rosett, situate in Canal No. 2, in order to give in their said Claims agreeable to the Advertisements already issued, on the first day of the Ordinary Session of the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of this Colony, which will take place in the month of January 1811, when the Court will proceed to decide on said Claims, after which time no further Claims will be admitted.
Court House, Stabroek, 5th October 1810.
Alex. Tinne, Senr. Clerk.

By Virtue of an Order of His Excellency the Governor, are hereby Summoned, all Persons who have any Claims against the nett proceeds of the Sale by Execution of the Plantation Relief, situate in Mahaicanoy, in order to give in their said Claims agreeable to the Advertisements already issued, on the first day of the Ordinary Session of the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of this Colony, which will take place in the month of November next, when the Court will proceed to decide on said Claims, after which time no further Claims will be admitted.
Court House, Stabroek, Demerary, 5th October 1810.
Alexr. Tinne, Senr. Clerk.

For sale by the Subscribers, the Cargo of the brig Venus, from Portsmouth, N.A. at reduced prices, for immediate payment, consisting of
Fish in hogsheads,
Rice in tierces,
W. Pine Boards, plank, and scantling,
Red oak staves,
White and red oak shooks,
Wood Hoops,
Butt shooks with heading,
W. P. shingles,
W. P. spars,
Tar in Barrels,
A few small Boats for Colony schooners.
Fraser, Campbells, & Co.
Peter Rose.
Cummingsburgh [sic], October, 1st, 1810.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 8 to 8 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 22 1/2

We have not had any arrival since our last. The extracts below, to which we refer our readers, are taken from the Papers which we received by the last Mail.

Lieut.-Colonel Stewart of the Royals, who came Passenger in the Diana, from Liverpool to Berbice, has arrived here.

Died on Wednesday night, in Kingston, Mr. A. P. James.

Theatricals. [heading]
Last Evening Cumberland's Comedy of the "The Wheel of Fortune" was presented at the Theatre - the piece is rather a good Dramatic narrative than a Comedy, it resembles all the other productions of the author, and certainly claims the meed [sic] of good writing, but it is deficient in the two great constituents of Comedy - Wit and Satire. The piece, however, has some faults that would have disgraced a much meaner Dramatist than Cumberland, in one part a character asks with much emphasis, "Why do you pause?" - to which another replies with great gravity, "Because I can't proceed;" - surely this is mere inanity? In another place, if we mistake not, in a sort of metaphor addressed to one of the females, the author talks of "Ornamenting perfection." - We could not have supposed such an error could possibly have escaped from the classic pen of Cumberland!
Considering the heaviness of the Play, the performance was as well as could be expected, and Mr. Gard, who as Penruddock bore away the palm of the evening, far, very far exceeded any thing he had previously attempted; barring a little bad speaking and being rather imperfect in the perclose [sic] of the Play, Mr. Gard's Penruddock, was a respectable piece of acting and in some parts of the character he was excellent. This is Mr. Gard's proper line of business, let him adhere to it, and he will often gratify and never offend. - Mr. Gard, however, seems to have a violent hankering after light Comedy! - light Comedy! for Taste's sake Sir estimate your talents more correctly - you are no more calculated to shoot Snipes! - If however Mr. Gard was a little imperfect, he had a most ample apology, for since the last performance he had it appears painted a scene, which was exhibited in the play, its effect was excellent although it was a day-light scene lighted with candelabras; and its execution reflects much more credit on this tyro in the graphic art than we can easily express. Mr. Burke was respectable in Sydenham, and it is but justice to the Misses Shaw to say that they improve in the profession very rapidly.
The audience appeared much pleased with the Farce - Mr. Burke and Mrs. Shaw were excellent in their parts and deserved all the applause they obtained.

Vessel Entered and Cleared since our last.
Oct. 3 Brig Venus, Capt Donerall, from Portsmouth - Lumber, & Fish.
Brig Elizabeth, Pendleton, New York - fish, flour, rice, &c.
Oct. 6 Brig Tropic, Capt. Sawyer, for Portland.
Hope, Gilbert, New-London.
Mary & Eliza, Watson, Newfoundland.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the
Colony Stocks of Demerary, 6th October 1810.



Brought by


J. B. Henery,

Jos. Feuillet.


Boed. G. F. Engels,



Staal in Berbice,

Pl. Thomas.


J. B. Henery,

Chs. M. Brotherson.



Alex. Reith.


McDavid, Berbice,



Thos. Laurence,

Abary Ferry.


Col. Macrae,



B. A. Vernede,

Pl. Sophia.



Pl. Kitty.


Boed. Rood,



Pl. Diamond,



Pl. Diamond,




Pl. Le Destine.


Pl. Lancaster,

Pl. New Hope.


J. Hopkinson,

Pl. Greenfield.



Pl. Ruimveld.



Pl. Belle Vue.



Abary Ferry.


Dr. Baum,

Pl. Sophia.


Kitty Austin,


S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 07 June 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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