Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 October 16

Vol. V.]


[No. 311.

Tuesday, October 16th, 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
7 Casks and 60 Bags of Coffee,
5 Puncheons Rum, Colony-Proof, and
A few Bales Cotton.
James Robertson
New town, 16th October, 1810. Agent.

Just arrived by the Admiral Colpoys, and will be landed in a few days, the following articles which will be Sold by the Subscriber at his Stores in Cumingsburg, very reasonable for immediate payment:
Tongues in kegs, fine double Gloster cheese cured in lead, bottled porter, pease and barley in jugs and kegs, black pepper, sago, pimento or Jamaica allspice; fine Jordan almonds, soft shelled do. currants in jars, bloom raisins, nutmegs, cinnamon, cloves, mace and saffron; double and single refined loaf sugar, gunpowder, hyson and souchong tea; mushroom and walnut ketchup, anchovies and Harvey's fish sauce, meat sauce, French olives, capers, walnuts, mustard, &c. best double distilled vinegar in jugs, brown stout do. in bottles , cherry and raspberry brandy, brandy cherries, apricots, pears and guages, raspberry vinegar, capilaire and orgeat, lavender water, honey water, rose water, and aromatic vinegar, Gentlemens dress shoes, made by McLeod, Strand, military, top'd and hessian boots by do. Planters ancle boots, fine beaver and silk hats, Ladies shoes and boots, Gentlemens dress and strong gloves; sadlery, &c. with spare reins and headstalls, travelling collars, portmanteau valesces [sic], patent curry combs, sponges, spring girths, a Lady's side saddle &c. plated spring spurs; stationary, as Estate books, pocket ledgers, post and other paper, blank bills of exchange, quills, ink powder, sealing wax, Indian rubber, rulers, &c. fine India Company's white and yellow long nankeens, short yellow do. India jeans, superfine bread and narrow cloth, coatees and round robbins, nankeen and India jean pantaloons and jackets, fine flannel jackets, waistcoats, drawers and suspenders, cotton cambrics, cravats and cravat muslin, superfine muslin for Ladies dresses, sewing silks of all colours by the pound, deep sea lines, sein and sewing twine, seins 20 fathoms long with funnels. Iron pots assorted, nails 4dy to 30dy, bats [sic] 4dy and 6dy; horse shoe nails, trenching shovels, hoes, felling axes, socket handled hatchets, boat anchors and grapnels, iron puncheon and vatt hoops and rivetts, ivory handled and other table knives and forks with carvers &c. complete, HL hinges, stock locks, &c. copper scales, beams and weights. White, brown, black, yellow, blue and green paints, paint oil, mineral paint, earthen ware, table services of blue willow pattern and brown lined enamelled patterns, very elegant breakfast and tea services of china, also plain services, very neat with black Egyptian ware, foot baths, and Old Rum, &c.
And by the Sir Sidney Smith. -
Real Cogniac Brandy,
And Hollands Gin.
Also on hand from former Importations.
Mess beef in barrels and half barrels, porter and beer, mutton hams, candles and soap, rice in casks and bags, salempores, hard shoe brushes, mane and curry combs, wine coolers, Japan blacking, liquid for cleaning boot tops and saddles, whips of all kinds, spare reins and headstalls, &c. Fine flavoured old rum, brandy, gin, Madeira wine, large folio and letter paper, blotting paper. Oars and Sweeps for Punts, Boats, and Schooners.
At his Cooperage, made of the best materials.
Vatts of any size, Rum Puncheons, Molasses
and Coffee Casks.
A few thousand long wood hoops and Wallaba shingles.
And a few Casks of superior quality Newfoundland Cod Fish.
by the Maria. - For Sale,
Henry Osbn. Seward.
Who will give a Reward for the apprehension of a Negro Woman named Moia, purchased at the Vendue of Mr. Skeys, decd. - She has been away since the day she was purchased at Vendue. She is well known, having belonged to Mrs. Kirton, Dr. Gill, Mr. Crossman, and Mr. Jas. Jackson; or if she will return she may choose another owner, as it is supposed she ran away in consequence of having another owner in view to purchase her.
Also absented himself, a Negro Man Frank, a Grass cutter; he was taken up by Mr. Tinne and lodged in the Barracks and about a fortnight ago was taken out, he cut grass for a day or two and has not been seen since - he is a Mandingo.
Cumingsburg, 16th October 1810.

Just Imported and for Sale by [heading]
A. Bryant:
[first column]
New Irish mess beef in half barrels,
Do. do. pork in do.
[second column]
Ox tongues in do.
Hung beef,
Yorkshire hams,
[end columns]
Also on Hand.
[first column]
Madeira Wine per doz.
Ditto Onions,
Brown Stout and porter,
Hyson tea,
Durham mustard 1-4 lb bottles,
Black pepper,
Paints and paint oil,
Lamp oil,
Neats foot do.
Olive ditto,
White salempores,
Corded Dimity,
Printed calicoes,
Muslin robes,
Gentlemens & ladies silk & beaver hats,
Fash. plated Umbrellas,
Cotton cambrics,
Ditto stockings,
[second column]
White jeans,
Musquito Netting,
Irish sheeting,
Frill'd linen shirts,
Boots and shoes,
Stationary assorted,
Plated candlesticks,
Ditto castors,
Do. table and tea spoons,
Knives and forks,
Japan ware assorted,
Curry combs and brushes,
Hand saws,
Whip and X cut saw-files,
Sod Irons,
Nails assorted,
Cups and saucers,
And various other articles.
[end columns]
American-Street, 16th October, 1810.

Demerary, 14th October 1810.
Bills at Sixty days sight on Lancaster, payable in London, for the following sums,
For Sale.
L 100.
150. - L 500 Sterling.
A. T. Browne.

Just Imported in the Ship Albion, Capt. Holmes, from Dublin, and for Sale on moderate terms by wholesale or retail. -
Mess Beef in barrels & half barrels.
Hyndman & Cary.
Cumingsburg, 16th October, 1810.

Imported by the Sir Sidney Smith, and for Sale by the Subscriber: -
A few Pipes Cogniac Brandy,
And 10 Cases prime Champagne.
Thos. Delisle.
Cumingsburg, 16th October 1810.

Runaway from the Subscriber on Sunday last, a Negro Wench named Phillis - about Twenty-five years old. A Reward of Twenty-two Guilders will be paid for her apprehension on delivering her in the Colony Stocks or at the House of the Subscriber.
J. Bishoff.
Demerary, 16th October 1810.

Public Vendues. [heading]

[addition follows]
On Saturday the 20th instant, at the Vendue Office, - Prime Mess Beef and Pork in barrels and half ditto, Butter in firkins, Dry Goods, &c. &c.
October 16th. Kingston & McBean.
[end addition]

On Tuesday the 23d instant, will be exposed for Sale, by order of J. F. Le Tesser Esq. q.q. at the Timber yard of L. D'Helliand in Charles Town; payable at Six Months. - Several fine Negroes left unsold on Monday last, - Colony boards and plank of all dimensions, as Greenheart, Crabwood, Determa, Silvabolly, &c. - and for the accommodation of purchasers they will be sold by Lots of 500 feet. Sawyers' tools tempered for sawing hardwood, Carpenters do. a quantity of rum puncheons, puncheon iron hoops, some cordage, sails and tables, a four-oar'd tent Boat and a Yawl both in good order. A half Lot of Land situated in New Town, with a Dwelling House and side buildings thereon, and a small Building erected in front of the Dwelling House; also the Lot No. 12 and Water Lot situated in Charles Town, with the buildings now occupied by the seller; these premises are very convenient, and suitable for any kind of business. A Horse and saddle, a milch Cow and heifer calf, and what may further appear on the day of sale.
October 16th. Kingston & McBean.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
James Northey, with his Wife, in 14 days or six Weeks, from the 24th September.
Dorothy Jackman, in 14 days from the 24th Sept.
William R. Cobb, in 14 days from 26th Sept.
Edward Drayton, in ditto, from ditto.
Hugh McColl, in 14 days from 28th Sept.
C. F. Veiel in 14 days or one Month from 1st Octb.
Edwd. H. Moore, in ditto or ditto, from do.
Lucius Cary, in 14 days, from the 1st Octb.
A. Hewlings, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 2d Octb.
W. B. Liott and Family in 14 days from 2d Octb.
Wm. Douglas, in 14 days, from the 3d October.
Saml. Dowdle, in 14 days, from the 8th October.
John Foal, in ditto, from the 9th do.
Mrs. E. N. Walcott and Family in do. from 10th do.
John Hewit, in 14 days, from the 10th October.
Pat. McIntyre, in 14 days or one month, 11th Octb.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

Commissariat's Office,
Demerary October 14th, 1810.
Cash Wanted
For the following Bills of Exchange drawn by the Deputy Paymaster General Barbados, on the Right Honble. the Paymasters General of His Majesty's Forces, London, viz: -
No. 1964, L 300,
1965, 300,
1966, 300,
1967, 200,
1968, 200,
1969, 200,
1970, 200,
1971, 100,
1972, 100,
1973, 100. - L 2000 Stg.
Sealed Tenders in Quadruplicate, marked "Tenders for Bills," to be sent to this Office until the 22d Inst. when they will be opened in the presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and the highest if approved accepted.
Alex. Pitman, Assist. Comsy. Gen.
N.B. Payment for the above Bills to be made in Gold, Silver, or Colonial Coin.

The Gentlemen who wished to establish a place of Divine Worship at Mahaica, now have an opportunity of a choice situation of a House and Lot, Advertised to be sold at Vendue on the 22d Instant.
Such easy conditions may occasion them to be unanimous, and it is with deference presumed that no unfavourable impressions can be entertained of this suggestion of the
Oct. 16th, 1810. Author.

Imported in the Ship Diana, from Madeira, and for Sale by the Subscribers for immediate Payment in Cash or approved Bills, -
Best Old London Particular
Madeira Wine,
In Pipes, Hogsheads and Quarter-Casks.
Fraser, Campbells & Co.
Cumingsburg, 16th October 1810.

Yesterday arrived the Blackbird Sloop from Barbados. By her we received several papers - they contain nothing of importance.

Rear-Admiral Sir Francis Laforey, Bart. had been presented to the King on his promotion, and appointment to Command at Barbados, and the Leeward Islands.

[no Average Cash Prices found in this issue]

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 07 June 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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