Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 October 20

Vol. V.]


[No. 312.

Saturday, October 20th, 1810.

Office of Ordnance,
Demerary, 20th October, 1810.
Cash Wanted for L 150 Sterling.
For Bills of Exchange drawn on Messrs. Greenwood & Cox, Army Agents, London, at thirty days sight. Sealed Tenders for the same, or any part thereof, (not under L 50 Sterling each,) Endorsed "Tender for Bills of Exchange" will be received by the Subscriber until 12 o'Clock on Saturday next, the 27th Instant, when they will be opened in the presence of His Excellency Governor Bentinck, and the highest Exchange offered will be preferred.
Jos. Cooper,
Actg. Ordnce. Store-keeper and Paymaster.

Office of Ordnance.
Demerary, 20th October 1810.
Notice is hereby given to all those who may have any Demands against this Office, previous to the 30th September last, to render in the same within fourteen days from the date hereof.
Jos. Cooper,
Actg. Ordnance Store-Keeper.

One Joe Reward. [heading]
Runaway from the Subscriber, on the 14th Instant, a thick-lip'd, black-skinned Negro Man named Cork, a Carpenter by trade, formerly the property of the late - Griffen, King's Carpenter. - He is about five feet, ten or eleven inches high, speaks the English language fluently, had on when he went away a check shirt, white trowsers, brown cloth jacket, shoes, and a silk hat - he has since been seen at the Negro houses of Plantation Rome, playing on a fiddle, the music of which he is extremely fond, and from his proficiency therein may justly be stiled an Amateur. - It is supposed that he will endeavour to pass himself as a free man. Whoever will apprehend the said negro and deliver him to the Subscriber, or lodge him in the Colony Barracks, shall receive the above Reward. - All Persons are hereby forbid harbouring or secreting the said negro under the severest penalty of the Law.
William Good.
Commerce Row, 20th October 1810.

Just landing and for Sale at the Store of the Subscriber, on very reasonable terms for immediate Payment, on delivery, in Coffee of the first quality or Cash:
Newfoundland Cod Fish,
Irish Mess Pork in Barrels,
Irish Mess Do. in half barrels,
Irish Mess Beef in barrels
Saml. Wachope.
N.B. Any Persons having to dispose of Coffee, and are willing to take half the value in the above articles, will receive Cash for the other half if they wish it - provided they call before Friday next.
Demerary, 20th October 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
(For Cash Only.)
A Parcel of fine breeding Sows. Also Boars, Barrows, Shoats and Sucking Piggs. [sic] -
Enquire at Plantation Land of Canaan.
Demerary, 20th October 1810.

Lost [heading]
A Large English Bitch, with cropped Ears, Buff Coloured, - and Xbred between a Newfoundland Water and an English Bull-Dog. -
Whoever will restore the same to the Subscribers will be handsomely rewarded for their trouble.
J. L. & G. M. Forrester.
North-Dam, Stabroek, 20th October 1810.

Runaway from Plantation the Groote Diamond, a Negro Man named Leander, formerly the property of Mr. Jeems; he speaks good English and Creole Dutch. A Joe extra for the securing of him is offered by
J. S. Masse.
Demerary, 20th October 1810.

Drifted from alongside a Ship in the River, a Punt that will carry about 12 Puncheons.
Whoever has picked her up, will be rewarded by giving Notice thereof at the Commercial Coffee House.
American Stelling, 20th October 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
A Schooner Boat 36 feet Keel, 12 feet Beam, and 5 feet hold, Rigging complete, with Anchors and new Cables. Further particulars may be known by applying to
James Parss.
Charles Town, La Repentir, 20th October 1810.

The Creditors of J. W. Salm are requested to render in their Accounts properly attested to the Undersigned in six Weeks from this date, and those indebted are requested to call and pay the same to him, as Acting Executor to said Boedle [sic].
Jno. Griffin.
Demerary, October 20th 1810.

Found in front of Plantation Nouvelle Flandre, - A Six Oared Ship's Boat, painted black and yellow. The Owner may have it by applying on said Estate.
Demerary, 20th October 1810.

Stolen. [heading]
From out the Subscribers Boat on Thursday night, by some Negroes or Persons unknown, a Chip Hat with a Pocket Book in it, also a silk Hat with the Initials F. A. A. marked on the leather. The Pocket Book contained several Papers and Obligations, amongst which were two orders on H. Van Nooten in my favour for Fifty-five Guilders each, an Order on Plant. Hamburg drawn by John Griffith for f 110, F. W. Tuckerman's Good f 66; a Good of Mr. Ramsay's f 44; do. of Mrs. Christianson's for f 90; and several other Orders, Goods, Obligations, Papers &c. which cannot be ascertained. Whoever will discover the Thief or the perpetrators, or any part of the property, will be liberally Rewarded by application to
Jno. Farrens.
Demerary, 19th October 1810.

Notice is hereby given, that I the undersigned have thought proper to inform the Public that Mr. J. B. Oxley held my Note in December 1805, the sum of the said note is f 650 Guilders, which I paid William King Esq. for a Negro Boy, which was paid for on January 20th 1806; on J. B. Oxley's account. - In consequence he gave me a Receipt, that he had lost the said Note, with a witness thereto, which was on June 23d 1809, in consequence that if any person should hold this note that it may be no use to them.
Octr. 20, 1810 George Stanton.

Theatre [image of a crown] Royal.
On Tuesday Evening, the 23d October
1810, Will be Performed
For the Benefit of Mr. Gard,
Colman's Celebrated Play, called
The Mountaineers.
Octavian - Mr. Gard.
Sadi - Mr. Burke.
Virolet - Mr. Vining.
Killmallock - Mr. Hewit.
Roque - Mr. Freeman.
Lope Tocho - Mr. Hewit.
Buleazin Muley - Mr. Jones.
Ganem - Mr. Freeman.
Zorayda - Miss M. Shaw.
Floranthe - Miss Shaw.
Agnes - Mrs. Shaw.
Muleteers, Goatherds, &c. Messers. Burke, Vining, Freeman, J. Shaw, &c.
After the Play will be Sung by Mr. Vining,
Braham's much admired "Polacca."
Also the Celebrated Duet in Paul and Virginia
by Mr. Vining and Miss M. Shaw.
To Which Will Be Added,
The Musical Entertainment of
No Song No Supper,
Robin - Mr. Burke.
Crop - Mr. Gard.
Endless (the Lawyer.) - Mr. Hewit.
Frederick (with a Song) - Mr. Vining.
Thomas - Mr. J. Shaw.
Margaretta - Miss M. Shaw.
Dorothy - Mrs. Shaw.
Nelly - Miss Shaw.
Louisa - Miss M. Shaw.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Gard, and at the Theatre.
[image of a pointing hand] Mr. Burke respectfully informs his Friends and the Public in general, that his Benefit is fixed for Friday next, the 26th instant.

Wanted to Hire. [heading]
A Gang of Twenty Field Negroes for a Year certain, to Work on a Coffee Estate. Enquire of the Printer.
Demerary, 20th October 1810.

Summons by Edict. [heading]
By Virtue of an appointment by His Excellency the Governor of these Colonies, &c. &c. Are herewith by me the underwritten Marshal of the Honble. Court of Justice in Demerary.
For the First time by Edict Summoned.
In the name and behalf of Joseph Cooper, John Crossman, and John Brown, Executors to the last Will and Testament of John Skeys deceased.
All known and unknown Creditors of the Estate of said John Skeys deceased, to appear before the Honble. Court of Justice, at their Session to be holden on the 19th November next and following days - In order to render their Claims or Demands against said Estate properly testified.
Whereas after the expiration of this first, the second, third and fourth Edicts, will be proceeded to obtain a perpetual silence.
Rio Demerary, 16th October 1810.
D. P. Simon, Marshal.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Wednesday next the 24th instant at the Vendue Office, by order of Mr. G. Bank. -
London particular Madeira Wine in pipes, Vin de Graaf and Martinique liqueurs in cases of a dozen each, Bristol tripe in jars, elegant china tea services, Oil paintings in gilt frames, superfine broad cloth assorted, fancy chintzes and calicoes, light water-proof silk Hats, Boots, Canvas No. 1, 2, 3, and 7, Tar in Barrels, &c. &c.
October 20th. Kingston & McBean.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
James Northey, with his Wife, in 14 days or six Weeks, from the 24th September.
Dorothy Jackman, in 14 days from the 24th Sept.
William R. Cobb, in 14 days from 26th Sept.
Edward Drayton, in ditto, from ditto.
Hugh McColl, in 14 days from 28th Sept.
C. F. Veiel in 14 days or one Month from 1st Octb.
Edwd. H. Moore, in ditto or ditto, from do.
Lucius Cary, in 14 days, from the 1st Octb.
A. Hewlings, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 2d Octb.
W. B. Liott and Family in 14 days from 2d Octb.
Wm. Douglas, in 14 days, from the 3d October.
Saml. Dowdle, in 14 days, from the 8th October.
John Foal, in ditto, from the 9th do.
Mrs. E. N. Walcott and Family in do. from 10th do.
John Hewit, in 14 days, from the 10th October.
Pat. McIntyre, in 14 days or one month, 11th Octb.
F. Munroe and Family, in 14 days form 15th Octb.
A. Van der Stok will Transport to Berbice, in 14 days from 15th October, Fourteen Slaves the property of P. Sythoff, Nom. Exs. the names to be seen at this Office.
Alexr. Cooke, in 14 days from the 16th October.
J. C. H. Koster, in ditto, from 17th ditto.
Ralph Shaw and Family, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 18th October.
Thos. Burke in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 18th Octb.
Richard Hewit, in ditto or ditto, from do.
E. W. Von Firks, in 14 days or one Month, from do.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

At the Commissary Court of the 12th November, will be Passed the following Transports and Mortgages, Viz: -
By the Executors of the free Negro Woman Margaretha, Transport of the 1/2 Lot situate in Werk & Rust, known by the Chart by No. 40, with all the Buildings thereon, to the free Mulatto Magdelaine Martin.
By Benjn. Maynard Transport of the Lot No. 65, situated in the front of Plantation Eve Leary, called Kingston, with all the Buildings thereon, to Edward Austin.
By Marts. Smit Transport of the Plantation Tyd en Vlyt, situated in the Canal No. 3, between the Plantations Hoagsche Bosch and Perseverance, with 21 Slaves to the representatives of the Boedel T. Duim.
By William Brereton a Mortgage on Plantation Peter's Hall, cum annexis, in favor of His Trustees on behalf of his Concurrent Creditors.
Demerary, Secretary's Office, 19th October 1810.
Alexr. Tinne, Senior Clerk.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 1/2 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 8 to 8 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 22 1/2

We have had no arrival since our last, and are therefore destitute of news.

Yesterday Major-General Dalrymple arrived here from Berbice.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
Oct. 15 Schr. Juno, Capt. Joe, from Surinam, Wines, dry goods, provisions, &c.
Oct. 16 Sloop Blackbird, Capt. Coverley, from Barbados, fish, beef, pork, &c.
Oct. 17 Schr. Shark, Capt. Hicks, for Surinam.
18 Brig Penelope, Perkins, Boston.
20 Sloop Mary, Caple, Tobago.
Ship Maria, Cowley, Liverpool.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the
Colony Stocks of Demerary, 20th October 1810.



Brought by


J. B. Henery,

Jos. Feuillet.


J. B. Henery,

Chs. M. Brotherson.


Boed. G. F. Engels,



Staal in Berbice,

Pl. Thomas.



Alex. Reith.


McDavid, Berbice,



Thos. Laurence,

Abary Ferry.



Pl. Kitty.


Boed. Rood,



Pl. Diamond,



Pl. Diamond,




Pl. Le Destine.


Pl. Lancaster,

Pl. New Hope.


J. Hopkinson,

Pl. Greenfield.



Pl. Christopher.


J. M. Baugh,

Pl. Unity.



Pl. Golden Grove.



Pl. Farm, Mahicony.


Dr. Deeges,

Pl. Chateau Margo.


Mrs. Greeve,

Pl. Rotterdam.


J. L. Looff,

Moses Picket.

S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 07 June 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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