Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 October 30

Vol. V.]


[No. 315.

Tuesday, October 30th, 1810.

The Brethren of Lodge No. 11, is hereby requested to attend a Meeting of their Lodge at the Dwelling-House of Miss Frances Paris, in Kingston, at half past six o'Clock on Monday Evening the 5th November 1810.
By Order of the R. W. M.
Jno. Duncan, Secretary.
Demerary, 30th October 1810.

Wanted to Hire. [heading]
A Hundred able working Negroes,
To Work on an Estate in the River, for November and December. Tenders are requested to be given to, and the lowest offer will be accepted by
Steph. Cramer.
Who has for Sale from 5 to 6000 galls. of Molasses.
Demerary, 30th October 1810.

Notice. [heading]
There are still remaining on board the Braganza, a large parcel of Goods shipped by Mr. Waterhouse of Liverpool, consisting of Soap, Candles, Herrings, Hams, Cordage, &8c. &c. and as the name or address of the Consignee is unknown, it is requested that they may be immediately taken away to prevent their being landed and stored for account and risk of those concerned.
The above Goods are marked TF and being very much in the way cannot be suffered to remain on board any longer.
John Staunton.
Demerary, 30th October 1810.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Ship Richard, Captain John Greenep.
To Sail middle of December, well Manned and Armed. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to
Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Cumingsburgh, 30th October, 1810.

The Subscribers have just Imported in the Richard, Capt. Greenep -
Best Newfoundland and Nova Scotia Cod Fish, White and Yellow Pine Boards, Plank and Clapboarding, Red Oak Staves, and Spruce Spars for Boat Masts - which they offer for Sale at a moderate advance for prompt Payment.
Also, first quality Madeira Wine; salt, temper lime, &c. remaining on hand from former Consignments.
Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Cumingsburgh, 30th October 1810.

A Compendium [heading]
Of Popular Instructions,
&c. &c. &c.
Advertised to be published by the Subscriber, and Printed at the Royal Gazette Office, is now ready for delivery, and may be had of the Author, or the Printer.
At his Druggist's Shop, corner of North-Street, the Subscriber will execute orders for Medicines with great attention to care and neatness; and as large and frequent supplies of Medicines are constantly arriving, they will be furnished on moderate terms. Surgical Instruments of various descriptions on Sale.
J. L. Smith.
N.B. To every Purchaser of Medicines, to the amount of three hundred Guilders, a Book of Instructions will be presented gratis.
Demerary, 27th October 1810.

Wanted To Hire. [heading]
From 20 to 30 Field Negroes,
On a Sugar Estate for Twelve Months. Apply to
Wardrop & Ferguson.
Demerary, 30th October 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
A Strong built Punt, of the best Colony materials, about 30 feet long by 10 feet beam. Enquire at Mrs. Farrington's, Werk & Rust.
Jno. Mackie.
Demerary, 30th October 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
7 Casks and 50 Bags of Coffee,
And 3 bales Cotton.
James Robertson
New town, 30th October, 1810. Agent.

Theatre [image of a crown] Royal.
Demerary, Tuesday, 30th October, 1810.
The Proprietors beg leave to inform their Friends and the Public, that Tomorrow Evening is fixed on for a Benefit to enable them to discharge some pressing Demands against the Theatre, when they beg their Patronage and support - for which purpose
Will be Performed
The much admired Play called
The Point of Honour,
Translated from the French by Mr. C. Kemble.
Chevalier de St. Franc Vlacour - (Officers under the old Government of France) Mr. Gard. Mr. Burke.
Duremil - Mr. Freeman.
Steinberg - Mr. Hewit.
First Officer - Mr. Jones.
Second Officer - Mr. Blunt.
Zenger - Mr. Vining.
Steitel - Mr. J. Shaw.
Mrs. Milford - Mrs. Shaw.
Bertha - Miss M. Shaw.
Procession of Soldiers, &c. &c.
After the Play will be Sung by Mr. Gard (accompanied by Miss Pieck on the Grand Piano Forte, and part of the Band of the Royals), the Celebrated Song of "the Death of General Ralph Abercombie,"
To Which Will Be Added,
The Musical Farce in Two Acts called
The Poor Soldier.
Capt. Fitzroy - Mr. Freeman.
Patrick (the Poor Soldier) - Mr. Gard.
Dermot - Mr. Vining.
Father Luke - Mr. Blunt.
Darby - Mr. Burke.
And Bagatelle - by - Mr. Bryant.
Norah - Miss M. Shaw.
Kathlean - Mrs. Shaw.
Tickets to be had at the Theatre.
[image of a pointing hand] In consequence of next Friday being the Birth-day of His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, - the Miss Shaw's respectfully inform their Friends and the Public that their Benefit is postponed until Tuesday next, the 6th November.

For the Benefit of Miss Shaw and
Miss M. Shaw.
On Tuesday Evening, November 6th 1810,
Will Be Performed
Tobin's much admired Comedy in Five Acts, called
The Honey Moon.
Duke Aranza - Mr. Burke.
Count Montalban - Mr. Vining.
Rolando - Mr. Jones.
Balthazar - Mr. Blunt.
Lampedo - Mr. Hewit.
Campello - Mr. J. Shaw.
Lopez - Mr. Hewit.
And Jacques - by - Mr. Bryant.
Juliana - Mrs. Shaw.
Volante - Miss M. Shaw.
Zamora (the Page.) - Miss Shaw.
Hostess - Mr. Gard.
End of Act the Fourth a Dance by the Characters.
In the Course of the Evening the Comic Song of the "Poor Old Woman of Eighty," in Character - by Miss Jones.
To Which Will Be Added,
O'Keefe's Comic Opera of the
Agreeable Surprise.
Lingo - Mr. Burke.
Sir Felix Friendly - Mr. Blunt.
Compton - Mr. Gard.
Chicane - Mr. Hewit.
Eugene - Mr. Vining.
John - Mr. Jones.
Thomas - Mr. J. Shaw.
Farmer Stump - Mr. Hewit.
Cudden - Mr. J. Shaw.
Cowslip - Mrs. Shaw.
Laura - Miss M. Shaw.
Mrs. Cheshire - Miss Shaw.
Fringe - Miss M. Shaw.
Tickets to be had of the Miss Shaws, at the Theatre, and of Mr. Marsh, Union Coffee-House.
[image of a pointing hand] Mr. Jones respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that his Benefit is fixed for Friday the 9th November.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
A. Van der Stok will Transport to Berbice, in 14 days from 15th October, Fourteen Slaves the property of P. Sythoff, Nom. Exs. the names to be seen at this Office.
Alexr. Cooke, in 14 days from the 16th October.
J. C. H. Koster, in ditto, from 17th ditto.
Ralph Shaw and Family, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 18th October.
Thos. Burke in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 18th Octb.
Richard Hewit, in ditto or ditto, from do.
E. W. Von Firks, in 14 days or one Month, from do.
Hannah Landroy in 14 days, from the 24th Octb.
Charles Sayers, in 14 days or one month, 27th Oct.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 1/2 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 8 to 8 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 22 1/2

The Ship Richard, from Nova Scotia, to Messrs. Cornfoot, Bell & Co. is the only arrival since our last.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
Oct. 30 Schr. Shark. Capt. Hicks, from Surinam, - Shooks
Ship Richard, Greenep, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia - Lumber & Fish.
Oct. 29 Brig Sophia, Capt. Passmore, for Bristol.
Ship Admiral Colpoys, Venables, London.
30 Schr. Juno, Joe, Surinam.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 07 June 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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