Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 January 05


Vol. VI.]

[No. 334.

By HIS EXCELLENCY HENRY WILLIAM BENTINCK, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Colonies of ESSEQUEBO and DEMERARY, and their Dependencies, Vice Admiral, &c. &c.
And, The Honble: COURT OF POLICY, of the said Colonies, &c. &c. &c.
Unto all whom these presents may or shall concern, GREETING, Be it known:
WHEREAS it is necessary again to furnish the Government Chest with Funds to make good the different annual Payments that must be defrayed from it for carrying on the Public Service.
We therefore, on His Excellency the Governor's proposition, have resolved to levy, and hereby do levy, the Capitation Tax due for the Year 1809, to be Paid by each and every Slave holder, agreeable to the established mode and in the same manner as the Tax last raised for the Year 1808, - viz: at the rate of Three Guilders ten stivers respectively for each and every Working Male or Female Slave past 12 Years of Age and of One Guilder for all Children from 3 to 12 Years.
It is also ordered in conformity to the system established by the existing Ordinances of Taxing House Slaves at a higher rate, that all Person Possessing Three Male or Female House or Domestic Slaves or less, shall Pay for each of them the Sum of Six Guilders.
Those Possessing Four, a Sum of Ten Guilders as above.
Those Possessing Five, a Sum of Fifteen Guilders as above.
Those Possessing Six, a Sum of Twenty Guilders as above.
Those Possessing Seven, a Sum of Twenty-five Guilders as above.
Those Possessing Eight, a Sum of Thirty Guilders as above.
Those Possessing Nine and upwards, a rate of Forty Guilders as above.
From which encreased rate of Head Money respecting House or Domestic Slaves, are however to be exempted all Planters residing on their Estates, also the Governor to the number of 20 Domestic Slaves, the Members of the respective Courts, the Secretaries of the Courts, the Receivers of the Government and Colony Chests, and the Vendue Masters, to the number of six House Slaves, and all other Persons in Public Employments, who are obliged to reside in the chief Towns or their Precincts, to that of Four Domesticks.
Tradesmen are to Pay for each Slave they Employ in their respective Arts or Trades, Seven Guilders.
All free Women of Colour shall Pay for their own Persons a sum of Ten Guilders: - the other Regulations respecting free Men of Colour to remain in force as established by other Ordinances in this behalf.
And in order the collecting of the necessary returns and the Payment of the said Head Money may be completed in a regular manner, we do hereby order and direct as follows: -
That all Planters in these Colonies, whether Proprietors or Attornies, shall give in before the 1st of May 1811, exact returns, subscribed by them under a tender of Oath, of the Slaves on each Plantation belonging to them or under their Administration, according to the number of the said Slaves up to the 31st December 1809, which particulars are to be given in as pointed out in the return, a form of which is printed at the foot of the present publication, and whereof blanks will be left besides at the respective Receiver's Offices, to be filled up by those it may concern.
That further such of the Inhabitants as, tho' residents on, are not Proprietors of any Estates, and also those residing in the respective Towns or their Precincts, or in any other place in the Colonies not being a Plantation, shall likewise be obliged to give in exact returns under a tender of Oath, of his, her or their Male or Female Slaves, Domesticks, Handicraft or other Slaves agreeable to the second form printed at the foot of the present publication, and blanks of which may also be had at the respective Receiver's Offices.
The different returns before-mentioned are to be filled up with the utmost accuracy, so as distinctly to state the number of Slaves of each description therein mentioned, as well as the general number of Slaves on each Plantation in the Year 1809.
It is further ordered that Payment of the said Capitation Tax for the Year 1809 shall be made before the 1st of May 1811, at the same time of giving in the returns herein before required, either in Cash, Bills of Exchange to the satisfaction of the Receivers, or in approved Claims against the Government Chest.
It is also ordered that the respective Receivers of the Government Chest shall, for the purpose of receiving the different Returns and Payments herein before respectively required, give attendance at their respective Offices from the date hereof, every day in the Week, (Saturdays, Sundays and Holydays excepted,) from 9 o'Clock in the Morning till 1 o'Clock in the Afternoon; the whole on pain that those who shall be faultive in giving in returns and in making payments in the manner and at the time herein before directed and limited, shall, on the expiration of the said period, be charged and debited in the Books of the Receiver with a sum equal to the amount of the Capitation Tax which they may appear to have paid for the Year 1808, with the addition of one-fourth or 25 per Centum of such amount which amount and additional Sum shall then, if necessary, be recoverable from the defaulters by Summary Execution.
Such Persons as may not be mentioned or occur at all in the former Books of the Receivers and are faultive in giving in their returns in the manner herein before directed, shall immediately forfeit, independent of the Taxes, a penal sum of One hundred and Fifty Guilders, to be applied to the use of the Government Chest.
All those Proprietors of Plantations in both Colonies who (agreeable to the 6th Article of the Regulations respecting grants of land enacted by the former Sovereign on the 24th July, 1792.) are liable to an annual Acre-Money at the rate of 3 Stivers per acre for first depths, and of two Stivers per acre for second depths, are further hereby called upon and required to make payment of the Acre money due by them respectively, before the 1st May 1811, at the Office of the respective Receivers of the King's Chest, on pain, in default thereof, of incurring the penalty provided by the aforesaid Regulations, and of their being immediately, after the 1st May next, debited with double the amount of the rates due by them, and the same to be recovered by Summary Execution.
And that no ignorance may be pretended of what is herein before directed and required, these presents shall be Published, posted up, Printed and sent round for general information.
Thus done in Our Assembly held in the Town of Stabroek, Demerary, on the 6th of December 1810, and Published on the 29th of December next following.
By Command of the Court,
Dy: Secty. of the Colony.

Return of Slaves appertaining to Plantation ____________
Working Field People . . . . . .
Children from 3 to 12 Years of Age . . .
Sucking Children and Invalids . . . .
Free Women of Colour . . . .


Return of Slaves appertaining to

Domesticks . . . . . . .
Tradesmen . . . . . . .
Field Negroes . . . . .
Children from 3 to 12 Years . . .
Sucking Children and Invalids . . .
Free Women of Colour . . . .

[right pointing hand icon] In the article concerning the Acre-Money contained in the above Publication an error was made in the copy inserted in last Saturday's Gazette, which is now corrected.

WY H. W. BENTINCK, Gouverneur in en over de Colonien en Onderhoorige Districten van DEMERARY en ESSEQUEBO, Vice Admiraal, President in alle Collegien binnen dezelve, &c. &c.
En RAADEN VAN POLIIE [sic] over gem: Colonien.
Allen de geene die deeze zullen zien of hooren leezen, Salut! Doen te weeten:
NAADIEN het noodig is de Gouvernements Cas weeder te voorzien van de nodige Fondsen tot goedmaaking der Jaarlyksch oukosten, warmede dezelve belast is.
Zoo is het, dat wy, ingevolge voordragt van den Heer Gouverneur, by dezen uitschryven het Hoofd-Geld over den Jaare 1809, op dezelfde voet als hetzelve over den Jaare 1808, lastelyk is uitgeschreeven geweest, te weeten, tegens f 3 – 10 per hoofd voorieder Werkbaare Slaaf of Slaavinne boven de twaalf Jaren oud, en ëën Gulden voor Kinderen van drie, tot twaalf Jaaren; mt verdere bepaaling, agtervolgens het vast gestelde systthema nopens de meerdere berekening voor de Huisslaaf of slavinne zal worden betaald door die geenen die drie of minder zoodanige slaaven of slaavinnen hebben, ses Guldens per hoofd.
Door de geenen, die vier hebben, Tein Guldens per hoofd.
Door die geenen, die vyf hebben, Vyftien Guldens per hoofd.
Door die geenen, die ses hebben, Twintig Guldens per hoofd.
Door due geenen, die zeven hebben, Vyf en twentig Guldens per hoofd.
Die geenen, die agt hebben, Dertig Guldens per hoofd.
En die geenen, die negen of daarboven hebben, Veertig Guldens.
Doch zullen van deeze hoogere berekening op Huis-Slaaven, bevryd zyn, Planters die op hunne Plantagien woonen, als mede de Heer Gouverneur tot een getal van twintig Slaaven, Raaden, Secretarissen, Ontvangers en Vendue Meesters, tot een getal van ses Negers, en laagere Amptenaaren, die verplicht zyn aan de Hoofdplaatsen te woonen, tot een getal van vier Slaaven toe.
Dat voorts de Ambagts Lieden voor de Slaaven, die zy by hun Ambagt emploijeeren, zullen betaalen een Hoofdgeld van Zeven Guldens voor elken zodanige Slaaf of Slaavinne.
Dat de Vrye gecouleurde Meiden zullen hebben optebrengen, ieder voor haar Persoon, Tien Guldens, terwyl de overige Regulatien omtrent de Vrye gecoulerde Mans zullen blyven, als by voorige Ordonnantien dien aangaande bepaald is.
En ten einde de opgaven tot betaaling dezer Hoofdgelden op eene regelmatige wyze te doen geschieden, heben wy verder bepaald, gelyk wy bepaalen by dezen.
Dat een iegelyk Planter in deze Colonie of Rivieren, het zy Eigenaar of Administrateur, verplicht zal zyn voor den 1ŧ Mey 1811, exacte opgave onder presentatie van Eede te doen van het generaal getal slaaven over den Jaar 1809, behoorende tot elk Plantagie, dewelke hun aankoomende is, of onder hunne administratie zich bevindt, verdeeld volgens de Lysten, aan den voet deeser Publicatie gedrukt en welke verder aan de respective Ontvangers comptoiren in blanco, ter opvulling, te bekoomen zyn.
Zullende de Ingezetenen die geen Plantagien bezitten, ofschoon daarop woonende, endezulke, welke niet op Plantagien, niaar op eenige Grond in deze Colonien ofte in de Hoofdplaatzen hun Verblyf houden, mede gehouden zyn onder presentatie van Eede exacte opgave te doen van hunne slaaven en slavinnen; ten welken einde alsmeede door de Ingezetenen in dit gedeelte deezer Ordonnantie behoeld, Lysten zullen moeten ingevuld worden agtervolgens het model meede aan den voet deeser Publicatie gedrukt en aan de Ontvangers Comptoiren te bekoomen. En zullen voorts dezelve Lysten met de meeste naauwkeurigheid moeten worden ingevuld, dusdanig dat men duydelyk kan distingueeren het getal der slaaven van ieder soort in deze op-gaven vermelde, en het volle getal van alle slaaven, die zich op iedere Plantagie in den Jaare 1809 bevonden.
En zal wyders de belasting der Hoofdgelden over den Jaare 1809 hiervooten omschreeven door ieder Ingezeten respectivelyk ter zelve tyd met het doen der opgaaven, ten comptoire der respective Ontvangers, moeten betaald worden voor den 1ŧ Mey 1811, alles in Contante Spetien, Wisselbrieven ten genoegen van den Ontvanger of in Wettige Ordonnantien ten lasten van's Lands of Gouvernements Cas.
Wordende voorts vastgesteld, dat de Ontsangers der Lands Cas, zoo in Essequebo als Demerary tot het aaneemen van deeze Opgaven en Betaalingen zullen moeten vaceeren van heden af, van t' Maandags tot Vrydags inclusief van de klokke 9 Uuren voor de middag tot des naa de middags ten 1 Uur, alles op PĪna, dat die geenen, welke nalatig zullen zyn hunne Opgaven en Betaalingen, in deezen gerequireerd, binnen de daartoe bepaalde tyd, en zoo en in dirvogen, als de Lysten indiqueeren, te doen, daadelyk naa expiratie van de gem: tyd, in des Ontvangers Boeken zullen worden gedebiteerd voor alzulke somma, als door hun aan Hoofdgelden over Jaare 1808 is betaald geweeest [sic], met een vierde verhooging of 25 per Cent meerder dan hunne Contributie in gem: Jaar 1808 heest bedraagen, en de zulks alles om tegens de nalatingen by Parate Executie te worden verhaald.
Terwyl voorts die geenen, welke niet in de Boeken der Ontvangers bekend mogten staan en gevonden worden nalatig te zyn in hunne Opgaven binnen den bepaald tyd, conform dewet, te doen, immediaat zullen vervalle in eene Boete van f 150 , ton voordeele der Gouvernements Cas, onvermindert hunne gehoudenis tot betaaling hunner Hoofdgelden.
Alle zoodaanige Eigenaaren van Plantagien in beide Colonien als welke, ingevolge het 6e Articul van het Reglement nopens Concessien van Gronden op den 24ste July 1792 door den toenmaaligen Souverein deezer Landen garresteerd, gehoulden zyn tot de betaaling van eene Jaarlyksche Recogntitie van 3 Stuivers per Akker van hunne vergunde voorgronden, en van 2 Stuivers per Akker van tweede dieptens, worden mitsdeezen opgeroepen en gewaarschuuwd om de alzoo verschuldigde Recognitien vóór den 1ste May 1811, ten Comptoire van de respective Ontsangers van S'Konings Kas te komen betaalen, op pĪne van te vervallen in de pĪnaliteit by het voorz: Reglement vastgesteld, en om mitsdien, na expiratie van de gemelde tyd, terstond gedeibteerd te worden met het dubbelde beloop van hunne agterstallige Recognitien, dewelke by Parate Executie zullen worden verhaald.
En op dat niemand van dit alles, in deze Publicatie vervat, eenige Ingnorantie voorwende, zal deze worden gepubliceerd geŠssigeerd, met den Druuk gemeen gemaakten aloome rongezonden.
Aldus geŠrresteerd in Onze Vergadering, gehouden 6de December 1810, en gepubliceerde den 29ste December daaraanvolgende.
Ter Ordonnantie van den Hove.
C. T. TINNE, Sects.


Opgaave der Slaaven, van de Plantagie


Werkbaaren . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Van 3 tot 12 Jaaren . . . . . . . . .


Zuigelingen, Malingers en Macroenen




Totaal Slaaven.


Vryde Meyden . . . . . . . . . . . .



Opgaave der Slaaven, behoorende aan


Huis Slaaven . . . . . . . . . . .


Ambachts Slaaven . . . . . . . . . .


Van 3 tot 12 Jaaren . . . . . . . . .


Zuigelingen, Malingers en Macroenen


Zuigelingen, Malingers en Macroenen




Totaal Slaaven.


Vryde Meyden . . . . . . . . . . . .


[right pointing hand icon] In het articul betreklyk tot de betaaling der Akkergelden in voorenstaande Publicatie geinfereerd is, in het afdruksel van ged. Publicatie in de Courrant van H. Zaturdag vervat, een erreur insgesloopen – welke thans gerectifieerd is.

Summonses by Edict.

BY Virtue of two extracts of the minutes of the Honorable Court of Justice, dated 31st December 1810.
Are herewith by me the undersigned First Marshal, in the name and behalf of J. CROSSMAN, as Attorney to the Widow of the late PHILIP YATES deceased, and JOSEPH COOPER, JOHN CROSSMAN, and JOHN BROWN, as Testamentary Executors to the Estate of the late JOHN SKEYS deceased.
For the Fourth Time Exsuperabundantie by Edict
All known and unknown Creditors of said Estates, to appear before the Honble: Court of Justice, at their Session in the Town of Stabroek, on the Twenty-first day of January, and following days. - In order, as yet, to deliver and make good their Claims.
Whereas after the expiration of the present Edict the non-appearers will be proceeded against according to Law. Rio Demerary, 4th January 1811.
M. Smit, First Marshal.


On Thursday the 10th January 1811, [see 18101229EDRG] . . .
On the same day, by order of The Assistant Commissary, - a parcel of Empty Pipes and Puncheons.
December 29th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.

On Monday the 21st instant, at the VENDUE OFFICE, by order of RICHARD JONES Esq. q.q. - Fourteen Prime Field NEGROES.
January 5th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.

On Thursday the 24th instant, on the Premises, by order of JOHN MITCHEL, at Six Months Credit, - a Lot of Land NO. 68, and the Buildings thereon situated in Kingston; - the Premises can be viewed at any time previous to the sale.
January 5th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony;-

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

John Foal, in 14 days from the 14th Decb.
Aaron Bryant, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from Dec. 24.
A. De Rick, in 14 days, from 27th do.
Isaac Lazarus, in do. from 28th do.
P. C. Mickerts will send to Berbice, in 14 days from 2d January 1811, a Negro Woman named Phillis, the property of A. G. Burmester.
Jane Wise, in 14 days, from the 2d January 1811.
P. L. Monier, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from Jan. 4th.
Mary Lynch, in 14 days, from the 5th January.
A. TINNE, senior Clerk.

Alzoo de Heer LUBERTUS VAN ROSSUM, meerderjaarig Jongman, gebooren in Holland, ter Eenre, en
Mejuffrouw CHRISTINA JOHANNA BUSE, minderjaarige Jonge Dochter, geboren in de Colonie Berbice, met het consent van haar Ed's Voogden, - ter andere zyde.
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, wartoe hy op heden den 29 Decb. door Heeren Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtb. Hove van Justitie in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen.
Zoo word zulks aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich tegens het voltrekken van dit Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds zoude kunnen doen daar en zoo 't behoord.
Actum Secretary van Demerary den 29e December 1810.
Zynde dit de Tweede Bekendmaaking.
In kennisse van my
ALEXR. TINNE, oudste Clercq.

Between LUBERTUS VAN ROSSUM Esq. Bachelor, born in Holland, and Miss CHRISTINA JOHANNA BUSE, born in Berbice; with the consent of her Guardians, - for the 2d time.
Any Person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office. - Demerary, 29th December 1810.
ALEXR. TINNE, senior Clerk.

Demerary, 5th January, 1811.
for Ŗ 200 Sterling.
FOR BILLS OF EXCHANGE drawn on Messrs: GREENWOOD & COX, Army Agents, London,
at thirty days sight. Sealed Tenders for the same, or any part thereof, (not under Ŗ 50 Sterling each,) Endorsed "Tender for Bills of Exchange" will be received by the Subscriber until 12 o'Clock on Friday next, the 11th Instant, when they will be opened in the presence of His Excellency Governor BENTINCK, and the highest Exchange offered will be preferred.
Actg. Ordnce: Store-keeper and Paymaster.

THE Military Letters from bERBICE to this Colony, sent from thence on the 5th December, never came to hand, among which was a letter containing a Five Joe Paper of this Colony - No. 11,370, dated 15th March 1810. Whoever can give information so as to lead to the recovery of same five Joes, will be Rewarded by
Captain & Assist Quarter-Master.
Fort St. Andrew, Berbice, 29th Decb. 1810.

IMPORTED in the Ships BELLEISLE and EGLINGTON and for Sale by the Subscribers, the following Goods per package. - Three months credit to approved purchaser: -
4 trunks containing each 180 pair Men's shoes assorted,
5 do. do. do. 50 pieces cotton check.
6 do. do. do. 120 pieces ginghams assorted,
2 do. stationary assorted, 1 puncheon sadlery,
30 boxes mould candles, do. brown soap,
40 kegs white lead ground in oil, 40 jars paint oil,
60 casks nails, 200 bundles iron hoops and keg rivets,
15 puncheons London bottled porter.
Berkley and pine cheese, Yorkshire hams, half barrels beef, old Tobago rum and shrub, Spanish tobacco and segars, Balsam copaiva, Tea, Perfumery, Jewellery, double gilt metal buttons, Engravings and Dry Goods of every description.
Demerary, 5th January 1811.

IMPORTED in the Ship Mary, JOHN FERGUSSON Master, from Liverpool, and for Sale by the Undersigned, on very reasonable terms for immediate payment, at their Store opposite that of PETER VERBEKE, Esq.
[first column]
Hams, cheese, butter,
Mess beef in half barrels,
Tripe, spiced salmon,
Hyson tea, loaf sugar,
Pearl barley, split pease,
Black peppers, pickles, and sauces,
Mustard, olives eating oil,
Almonds, currants, raisins,
Preferred goose-berries,
Damascines, apricots &c.
Port wine, porter and ale,
Glass and Queen's ware assorted,
Sheet lead, nails 4dy a 30dy
Boat anchors, iron pots,
Sugar boilers, copper ladles
Skimmers and boiling-house lamps,
Grating bars, hoes, shovels,
Cutlasses, felling axes,
Frying pans, grid irons,
Tea kettles, hinges assorted
Gardners pruning shears,
Coffee biggins, plated candlesticks with snuffers & stands,
Table and tea spoons,
Sets of ivory, bone and buck handled knives and forks complete,
Tea trays, waiters,
Coffin furniture,
Brass butt and wine cocks,
Coffee mils [sic], stock and chamber door locks,
Padlocks, bolts, corkscrews and a general assortment of Cooper's and Carpenters tools,
Paints and oil, lamp black,
Lamp and neatsfoot oils,
Crown window glass,
Starch and blue,
Candles and soap,
[second column]
Cordage from 1 to 6 1/4 inches
Seine and Sewing twine,
Cotton bagging, canvas,
Oznaburgs, salempores,
Irish linen and sheeting,
Checks, platillas, calicoes, in small trunks,
Furniture chintz, Russia sheeting, corded dimities,
India jean, counterpanes,
Musquito lawn, handkerchiefs,
Toweling, diaper, longlawn
French cambric, silk and cotton hose,
Gentlemen's hats, coats, coatees, waistcoats, pantaloons, and flannel jackets,
Hessian, Military, Jockey, and Swiss backstrap boots
Dress and ancle shoes,
Ladies and Gentlemens slippers, umbrellas,
Guaging rods,
An assortment of stationary
Hunting saddles,
Hanoverian ornamented cavalry bridles,
Portsmouth do.
Military spurs with silver, grasps,
Plated hunting do.
Curry combs and brushes,
Horse nets and whips,
Consisting of sideboards, tables, chairs, bedsteads with mattresses, curtains, &c. complete,
Toilet glasses,
Backgammon boxes complete,
Brass bound writing desks.
[end columns]
Also, a few thousand bricks, and a general assortment of Negro clothing.
Demerary, 5th January 1811.

ABSENTED herself since the 1st instant, a small-boned Creole Negro Girl named NANCY, well known about Town, has a slight scar on the right side of her neck, and had on when she absconded a red callico petticoat. She is suspected to be about the neighbourhood of Little Courabana or at Mahaica, where she has relations. A liberal Reward will be given to any Person who will bring her to the Subscriber at the House of F. C. OTTO Esq.
Cumingsburg, 5th January 1811.

THIS is to give notice to all whom it may concern, that the undersigned having come to a final arrangement of all their Copartnership affairs, by which arrangement it is mutually agreed that the first Subscriber takes over and assumes all debts due to and by their late Firm of JOHN MADDEN & Co. All Persons who have any demands against the same will please to apply to him for payment; and all who owe on open Accounts or other ways to the said Firm, are hereby requested to settle with and pay to him in like manner.
Demerary, 2d Jany: 1811. JOHN MADDEN.

FOR 37 Hogsheads First quality Sugar and two thousand five hundred Gallons Rum, colony proof. - the Sugar at 3 1/2 sts. per lb. and the Rum at 22 sts. per gallon, payable on delivery.
Enquire of the Printer. - Demerary, 5th Jan.

Will lay off Messrs. HYNDMAN & CARY's Stelling, in order to take Passengers for Fort Island, (Essequebo) during the meeting of the respective Courts, and will sail at Nine o'clock on Sunday and Monday morning. Apply to Mr. L. HOOPSTAD in Charles Town. Demerary, 4th Jany. 1811.

Commercial Coffee House.
JOSEPH TAYLER returns his thanks to his Friends and the Public that have so kindly visited his COFFEE HOUSE, and sincerely hopes by the general tenor of his conduct to insure their future attendance. Those who are indebted to him, either in Goods or open Accounts, are hereby earnestly entreated to pay them, in order to enable him to liquidate demands against himself.
N. B. - Board and Lodging for Gentlemen.
Demerary, 5th January, 1811.

THE Domicilium of the Subscriber is at the House of JOHN CROSSMAN in New-Town.
Demerary, 5th January, 1811.

Apply to the Printer. - Jany. 5th 1811.

THE following Goods (a Consignment) imported in the Ship Mary, from Liverpool, are offered for Sale at low Prices for Cash: -
Beef in Barrels and half barrels,
Pork in half Barrels and Barrels,
Irish Rose Butter in firkins,
Cumberland Hams,
Rounds of Beef in Tubs,
4-4 Irish linen from 1 to 6 Joes per Piece.
Cumingsburg, 5th January 1811.

[first column]
Best Cork Better,
Lyng Fish,
[second column]
Turkey Figs,
Tea and Sugar,
Paints and Oil,
Soap and Candles,
Hoes and Shovels,
Nails, &c.
[end columns]
And as assortment of first Quality Cordage from 12 thread Ratline to 6 inch cable.
Robb's Town, 5th January, 1811.

THE Subscriber has for Sale the cargo of the cutter Telegraph, Capt. FRASER, from Glasgow, very reasonable for prompt payment, viz: -
[first column]
New Irish rose butter in whole and 1/2 firkins,
Do. mess beef and pork in whole and 1/2 barrels,
Do. tongues in whole and half firkins.
Ling fish and potatoes,
Pickled herrings,
Tripe and Boulogna sausages,
Mutton and bacon hams,
Single and double Gloster cheese,
Small boxes pickles and sauces assorted,
Nutmegs, cloves, cinnamon,
[second column]
mace, almonds, raisins, currants, sweetmeats, old port wine,
Porter and small beer,
Medicines consisting of Peruvian bark, jalap, calomel, rhubarb, magnesia, cream of tartar, opodeldock, &c.
Green and white split pease
Iron bolt rods,
Puncheon and vat hoops,
Small cambooses,
Irish linen,
Fashionable coats, coatees, vests, &c. &c.
[end columns]
American Stelling, 5th January, 1811.

Entre dos muelas co[illegible]dales,
No pongas tus pulgares.
Your learned employers have made but a sorry fist [sic] of it. - They were the first to declare an unprovoked war against me, - they have carried it on for above three weeks now that I have surrounded them, they cry out, "we do not chose to wage war with School-boys!" Surely they must be panic-struck and know not what they say, otherwise one would hardly suppose that they would talk of not choosing to wage war at a time when they are near the end of the Campaign.
They need not put me in mind of having told them some time ago, that my Latin Rhymes were written as a serious piece - I do assure you, I was serious when I wrote them, and I was serious when I set the trap, and I hope and trust that it has proved a serious trap to them. No doubt they are seriously affected, and I flatter myself that every body who has read our campaign, will allow, that I have given the literary character of that learned public a serious shake. You know, Mr. Secretary, before the Latin Rhymes appeared, that your employers were considered as men who had acquired a considerable knowledge of the Latin and English tongues; but now alas! how changed the scene! - how lost, how dead, how faded their renown. - A School-boy (see their own avowal in Saturday's Paper) a fribbling School-boy has pointed out and proved above half a dozen notorious faults in the productions of this self-dubbed learned Club. - They cannot answer him, they cannot contradict him. - "That it is here, is judged - that it is fled, is told - talents who - wanders after four nouns - to mistake the Accusative for the Nominative case - requiescant in urna, Dominus miserere, are too glaring." - Add to these a general want of idiom, and errors without end in BICKERSTERN's criticisms; and the best of it is, this BICKERSTERN is a leading character in this learned public.
If it is galling for him, who would wish to pass for a scholar, to have his faults pointed out even by a superior, if it is still more galling to have them pointed out by an equal, - how very galling it must be to have them pointed out by a fribbling pedantic school boy! - And O ye who read this, whoever ye are, say, can ye blame a poor school-boy, for setting a trap to catch Noddies, and for standing up for himself, and for beating off and defeating a learned public, which attacked him without the least provocation! -
And now, Mr. Secretary, farewell, probably by the declaration of your employers in Saturday's Paper, the war is now terminated. - Should this be the case, I will lay down the club, but beg you to assure them, on my part, that I will be ready to take it up again at a moment's notice. Allow me, Mr. Secretary, to take my leave of you in the two following Latin verses.
Me puerum, Domini, voluerunt sternere docti,
Ast ilios stravi. - Scriptor amice vale.
January 1st, 1811. STRAVIT.

If THISTLE is interested in knowing how CARLOS conducted himself in the affair to which he has alluded, let him apply, as any Gentleman interested would apply, and then CARLOS will convince him that he acted as a man of honor.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 1/2 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 7 to 7 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 20 to 22 1/2

By His Majesty's Brig Liberty, from Barbados, (mentioned in our last) we received the Journal of that Island to the 22d ult. by which it appears that the Naval command on that station was assumed by Rear Admiral Sir FRANCIS LAFOREY, on the 12th ult.

We understand that the November Packet for these Colonies, has arrived at Berbice, we may therefore expect her here in a day or two.

We have now an opportunity of inserting a Circular Proclamation from the Treasury Department of the United States of America, which we think of considerable consequence to Persons in Commercial Intercourse with that Government –

TREASURY DEPARTMENT. – November 2d, 1810.

SIR, - You will herewith receive a copy of the Proclamation of the President of the United States, announcing the Proclamation ooof the edicts of France which violated the neutral commerce of the United States, and that the restrictions imposed by the Act of 1st May last, accordingly cease from this order in relation to France. French armed vessels may therefore be admitted into the harbours and waters of the United States, any thing in that law the contrary notwithstanding.
It also follows that if Great Britain shall not, on the 2d. day of February next, have revoked or modified in like manner, her edicts violating the neutral commerce of the United States, the 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 18th sections of the "Act to interdict the commercial intercourse between the United States, and Great Britain and France, and their dependencies, and for other purposes," shall, in conformity with the act first above-mentioned, he revived and have full force and effect, so far as relates to Great Britain and her dependencies, from and after the said 2d day of February next. Unless therefore you shall before that day be officially notified by this department of such revocation or modification, you will, from and after the said day, carry into effect the above-mentioned sections, which prohibit both the entrance of British vessels of every description into the harbours and waters of the United States, and the importation into the United States of any articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the dominions, colonies and dependencies of Great Britain, and of any articles whatever brought from the said dominions, colonies and dependencies.
I am, respectfully,
Sir, Your obedient servant,
The Collector of the Customs
For the district of [blank]

The establishment of British Laws in the Island of TRINIDAD is immediately to take place, Ministers having given assurances to that effect, to the Agent for that Colony.

DIED - On Wednesday last, Mr. John Gill.
On Thursday last, Mr. THOMAS SLADE, and on the evening of the same day, Mr. JOHN ATHERTON, both Clerks to Messrs. CHORLEY & COOK, arrived in this Colony only a few months ago.
Also on Thursday evening, a Son of Mr. WM. GIBSON.


Dec. 31 Ship Jane, Capt. Cross, from Portland, - Lumber.
---- Brig Abeona, - Blunt, - Portsmouth, Do. Cattle, &c.
---- Betsey, Kilbourne, - New London, - Horses, flour, &c.
---- Cutter Telegraph, - Fraser, - Port Glasgow, Provisions, &c.
Jany. 2 Ship Mary, - Fergusson, - Liverpool, - Gen. cargo
---- Brig Traveller, - Nowlan, - New London, - Horses.
---- 4 Schr. Sally, - Davis, - Portsmouth, - Lumber, sheep, &c.
---- 5 Brig Hare, - Lincoln, - Bath, - Lumber. –


Dec. 31 Schr. Augusta, - Capt. Kemball, - for New-York.
Jany. 4 Brig Margaret, - Moodie, - Do.
---- 5 Sch. Barbados, - Tynes, - Charleston St. Carolina. [sic]

LIST of Runaway and Arrested SLAVES in the
Colony Stocks of DEMERARY, 5th January 1811.



Brought by





J. B. Henery,

Jos. Feuillet.


J. B. Henery,

Chs. M. Brotherson.


Boed. G. F. Engels,



Boed. Rood,



Pl. Bachlrs. Adventr

Pl. Greenfield.



Pl. Bylgezigt.



Pl. Industry.


Pl. Golden Grove,




Arabische Kust.





Pl. Lancaster

Pl. Coldingen.






Mahaicony Ferry.


Colrd. Man Louis

Pl. Perseverance.


Juff. Van Dorston,


Lizette and Kind,

H. Buckoll,



Ths. Lawrence,

Garden, King & Co.



Mrs. Cooke.



G. Anderson.



Pl. Schoon Ord.



Pl. Rome.



Pl. Palm.

S. G. MARTENS, Drossart.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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