Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 January 19


Vol. VI.]

[No. 338.


The Repairing of the Bridge over Hobabbo Creek.
THE Work to be done is as follows: -
To take up the Bridge 32 feet in length, on the side of Plantation VRIESLAND, and lay it to the proper level, with two Gallowses of Greenheart 8 Inches square, four posts in each.
To add 22 feet of new Work to the same end, with Greenheart Beams of 8 Inches, supported on two Gallowses of 8 inch Timber four Posts in each, and planked fifteen feet wide with two inch Greenheart, with sufficient Rails, and covered with Dirt six Inches thick.
Tenders for the same, materials included, to be give in at the SECRETARY'S OFFICE before the 26th day of this Month.
Court House, 19th January, 1811
By Command of the Honble: the Court of Policy.
C. T. TINNE, Dy. Secty.

THE Public is respectfully informed that the PANORAMA will not open on the 21st instant, as was announced some time back - but early Notice will be given (in the Papers of next Week) of the day on which it will be exhibited.
Demerary, 19th January 1811.

At the Store of the Subscribers:
LONDON PARTICULAR MADEIRA WINE, which has been in the Colony for some time, in Pipes, Hogsheads and Quarter casks and per dozen. Port Wine in Tierces of six dozen each and per dozen.
First Quality Newfoundland Fish, in 3, 4, 6 and 8 Quintal Casks.
Demerary, 19th January 1811.

THE Premises in the American Street nearly opposite the Vendue Office, and at present occupied by Mr. BLACKWOOD, which for conveniency for business is one of the first stands in the Street.
Also a House and a Lot and a half of Land, situated in the cross Street behind the Ordnance Office in Kingston.
And a Schooner which will carry twenty hogsheads Sugar, Boat Negroes &c. all belonging to the late concern of
Demerary, 19th January 1811.

SUCH of the Late JAMES BROWN's Creditors, who have not yet come forward to substantiate their Claims and receive Payment, are requested to do so previous to the 4th of next Month; and those Indebted to the Estate are entreated to settle without further delay, whereby disagreeable measures will be prevented which must otherwise be pursued.
ALEXR. REITH, [right pointing brace, indicating 'Executors.']
Demerary, 19th January 1811.

THE Undersigned intending to leave this Colony, in the beginning of March next, or sooner, if possible, gives hereby notice, that for the last time he shall appear before the Honourable Court of Justice in Demerary, in the Month of January, 1811; - And requests all his Clients to call at his Office to receive their Papers before the 15th February ensuing on paying the Salary and Expences already incurred, as he is positively determined to deposit such papers, at the Secretary's Office as are not called for at that period.
Attorney at Law.
Demerary, 19th January 1811.

THE HOUSE in Middle Street, Robb's-Town, lately occupied by Mr. W. D. BOON, Goldsmith, and next to that of Mr. H. FOX.
Apply at the Royal Gazette Office.
Demerary, 19th January 1811.

ALLE die geenen welke Eenige HORGLOGIEN ter reparatie gegeeven hebben aan nu wylen den Heer F. RICHARDET, worden verzogt dezelve teegens betaaling der Onkosten te koomen afhaale huyze de Heer SORET.
J. A. CART Jr. q.q.
Demerary, 19th January 1811.

THE Proprietors beg leave to inform their Friends and the Public in general, that in the course of the following Week will be performed
Colman's much admired Comedy in five Acts called
Or the Englishman's Fire-Side.
With other Entertainments as will be expressed in Tuesday and Wednesday's Papers.
Demerary, 19th January 1811.

STOLEN from alongside the Ship HUNTER, by two of the Crew early on the morning of the 16th Instant, a PINNACE, about 22 feet long, white bottom, black sides, and white upper strake. Whoever has picked up the said Boat and will give information of the same to the Master on board or to Messrs. JOHNSON, DYETT, MCGAREL & Co. will be liberally Rewarded.
Demerary, 19th January 1811.

THE Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the Undersigned is at Plantation Het Hof van Aurich, Essequebo.
19th January 1811. D. C. Kok.

THE Domicilium of the Undersigned is at the House of Mr. JAMES CAMPBELL.
Demerary, 19th January 1811.

PICKED UP adrift, a Ship's SMALL BOAT with two Oars in her. The Owner may have her by applying at the BLOCK-HOUSE and paying the expences. Demerary, Jan. 19, 1811.

Two Pipes of choice particular old Madeira WINE, Barbados Gauge, which have been some Months in this Colony, having been ordered out for the use of a Gentleman who left it previously to their arrival. They are of excellent flavour and well worth the notice of lovers of good Madeira. - Price fifteen hundred Guilders in Cash or a Bill.
Six Puncheons RUM,
11 Hogsheads SUGAR – in Town.
And a parcel of COFFEE,
Newtown, 12th January, 1811. AGENT.
[Transcriber's note: compare with original advertisement – 18110112EDRG.]


On Monday next the 21st instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of Messrs. WARDROP & FERGUSON, for account of those concerned - three Bales of damaged Oznaburgs and Bagging.
On the same day, one package of slops, India goods &c.
January 19th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.

On Friday the 25 Instant, will be exposed for Sale at the VENDUE OFFICE. - Superfine Flour in barrels, Beef in do. Dry Goods, &c.
January 19th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.

On Tuesday the 5th and Wednesday the 6th of February, at the Store of Messrs. HU: MACKENZIE & Co. in Middle Street - an extensive assortment of goods.
[right pointing hand icon] See their advertisement in the last Page of this Paper.
January 19th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.
[Transcriber's note: see 18101229EDRG for the Mackenzie advertisement.]


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony;-

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

Aaron Bryant, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from Dec. 24.
A. De Rick, in 14 days, from 27th do.
Isaac Lazarus, in do. from 28th do.
P. C. Mickerts will send to Berbice, in 14 days from 2d January 1811, a Negro Woman named Phillis, the property of A. G. Burmester.
Jane Wise, in 14 days, from the 2d January 1811.
P. L. Monier, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from Jan. 4th.
Mary Lynch, in 14 days, from the 5th January.
Chas. Wrathell, in 14 days, from 7th Jany.
David Black, do. do. from 8th do.
William D. Boon, Family, and two Servants, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 8th January.
Mrs. M. Neilson, and one Servant, in 14 days, from 10th January 1811.
A. Hewlings in 14 days or 6 weeks from 14th Jany.
Archd. Harriot will send to Barbados in 14 days from 14th January 1811, a Negro Girl named Nancy, his Property.
Peter Kemp, in 14 days or one month, from 18th Jan.
A. TINNE, senior Clerk.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 1/2 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 7 to 7 1/2. Rum (C. P.) - 20 to 22 1/2

The Schooner Good Intent, arrived from Barbados last night, and this morning the Shark, from Surinam. - By the former we received the Mercury of the 5th and 8th, from which we have made some extracts.

The Mercury dose not contain any foreign European news of which we were not previously in possession.

DIED. - In Childbed, this moring, at 4 o'clock, Mrs. CHARLOTTE ANN AUSTIN, Wife of Mr. HENRY AUSTIN, Bridge Town. Her loss, which will be deeply deplored by all her relatives, is rendered doubly distressing from the circumstances attending it.


The enemy has renewed his exertions to annoy or Commerce in this quarter, by adopting the privateering system and is endeavouring to retaliate; as far as his means will admit, on our subjugation of his Colonies. This he appears to have been too successful in; but the promptitude of our Navy, now that his cruizing station is pretty well ascertained, gives us every hope that it may ere long be put a stop to. By accounts from St. THOMAS via Gaudeloupe [sic]; it seems that a brig privateer (the Duc de Dantzic){ has been lately cruizing between the Island of Sombrero and the Mona passage, and has taken many of our vessels; - among these the Ceres, which left Martinique on the 15th Dec. last, bound to Liverpool; and the Bonetta, from Gaudaloupe [sic] bound to Charleston (South Carolina), have fallen into his possesion. – The following are the particulars of the latters [sic – latter's] capture: -
"Sailed from Gaudeloupe [sic] on Sunday the 2d December, and on Tuesday morning the 4th at 10 A.M. the island of Sombrero bearing E. by S. distance five or six miles, we described [sic] a vessel bearing E.S.E. under a crowd of sail. At meridian, gaining fast upon us, she fired a shot being at a distance from her, we did not shorten sail, but continued on course until two more shots were fired at us, when we hauled up our courses, concluding her to be an English brig of war. The wind continuing light, the brig did not come up with us until 7 P.M. when he hailed us in English. Benig answered from whence and where bound, he desired ups to hoist our boat out, and send our papers on board; upon our asking what brig it was, he replied his Majesty's brig --- ---. I immediately went on board, when she proved to be the French privateer brig Le Duc de Dantzic, commanded by Francois Aregnaudeau, mounting fourteen 48-pound carronades and about 100 men, two months out from Nantz; having made a great many captures, all which he had destroyed, with the exception of the British ship Ceres, from Martinique bound to Liverpool, laden with sugar and coffee; and the Bonetta, laden with sugar; both which vessels he sent for France. Two of the vessels destroyed were the British schooner Industry, Joseph Moore, Master, 24 hours from St. Kitt's bound to Wilmington (N.C.), and a Spanish three-masted schooner from Cadiz bound to La Vea Cruz, laden with dry goods. During our detention on board the privateer, we lived with the Captain, and experienced every possible attention: the greatest respect was paid to private property, as our baggage was never examine.

On the 6th, at 10 A.M. myself as well as the prisoners, were put on board the American brig Triton, Wm. Brown Master, who landed us at St. Thomas, the 10th inst. Lost sight of the privateer at 5 P.M. in the evening – she was then steering for Sombrero.

"The privateer is built after the model of the General Ernouf privateer, yellow sides, pierced for 18 guns, but only shews 14 – looks much life a brig sloop of the first class, and sails uncommonly fast."

In the following remarks in an American Paper of the 9th Nov. be any way guided by the professions of that Government, or the apparent sentiments of the Members of Congress, we may shorly expect an interruption to the present frequency of arrivals from the United States. Speaking of the nature of the dispatches that were to be immediately forwarded to England and France, it proceeds: - "It is understood, that the Essex has been specially dispatched with the Proclamation of the President, to be officially communicated to the two Belligerants. We shall not at this time offer an conjectures upon the probably Instructions sent to Mr. Pinkney, and what will be the probable relust, but we shall not be surprised if that Gentleman return in the Essex. The revokation [sic] of the Orders in Council are but secondary considerations with the ruling party. Great Britain must not only revoke those Orders, but she must also renounce her Rule of 1756, and conform to the modern system of blockade – that is, the Napoleon Code; and she must further desist from taking her subjects out of our merchant ships."

January 8. – The Captains employed in the Packet service have so highly distinguished themselves in resisting the attacks of the enemy's privateers, and in no quarter of the world more successfully than in this, that any further observations on their general merits are rendered unnecessary. It is with pleasure, however, that we present the reader with another instance of their valour, by insterting the following particulars of an engagement between the Princess Charlotte Packet, Capt. KERR, and a French privateer of 14 guns, on her passage from Lisbon to Falmouth, in the month of November last, which she succeeded in beating off, after an action of two hours.

"The French privateer was one of those long, low, fast-sailing schooners so common in that service. She had dogged the packet the greatest part of Thursday the 8th, and came up with her about midnight. The following wer passengers in the packet; Rev. Mr. Correa, a Portuguese priest; Capt. Stested, 18th dragoons; Lieut. Blanchford, 14th dragoons; W. Duk, Esq. (a young Gentleman on his travels); Mr. J. N. M'Combe, Mr. W. Cade, Mr. Rawdon and Mr. Harrison, merchants; John Dupen and John Johns, seamen, and Joseph Drewley (Mr. Duk's servant). The whole of these armed themselves with mustkets while the ladies retired to the cockpit with the Surgeon. The privateer took such an oblique position on the quarter of the packet, as equally to avoid her stern and side guns. The contest was maintained an hour chiefly with musketry. It was moonlight, and a man was observed standing on the Frenchman's boom armed with grapling irons preparatory to boarding. When the enemy dropt so far astern as to be exposed to the packet's stern guns, or ran so far ahead as to meet her side battery, her guns were fired with such precision as to produce the most dreadful shrieks from the Frenchmen. The packet is peppered with musket shot in her stern, quarters, masts, yards and rigging. Poor Mattack received tow musket balls in the back as he stood at the helm, of which he died on Tuesday last. Mr. M'Combe was describing to a fellow passenger his narrow escape, when a bullet passed through his body, of which he died, and was buried in Falmouth on Saturday. – The Gentleman has left a wediow and six children in America. As a native of that country, he would not have been a prisoner, had the packet been taken; but his mind was frank, social and brave, and in the spirit of good-fellowship he fought with courage, nor ever repined at his fate. Indeed all the passengers, even to the poor emigrating priest, plied their muskets with zeal, and even the Ladies assisted the Surgeon, Mr. Hunsley, to whose professional abilities and humane attention Capt. Kerr bears honourable testimony. – The officers and seamen supported the character for bravery which the Falmouth packets-men have established for themselves in so many well-fought actions. Their last gun full charged with grape and canister shot, threw such a dose into the enemy as produced a dreadfull yell, and brought down his mainsail about his ears. He then made off, while Capt. Kerr brought his ship and Mail safe into Falmouth.

"A word or two about bullets. A French surgeon lately told a fine story in one of Bonaparte's newspapers, about the cruelty of English tar who jagged their bullets. We have handled the bullet that passed through the body of M'Combe, it is somewhat the shape of an almond kernal, but "jagged" out of all regularity; and was this done by the cruelty of French sailors" No. – When is a leaden bullet found again in the same shape in which it entered the musket? Experience shews, that a slight resistance changes their form.

"The privateer that fought the packet has since been taken by His Majesty's sloop Curacoa; she mounted 14 guns and 67 men; had her sails, and rigging cut to pieces, with five of her men killed and 14 desperately wounded, among the former of whom is her Second Captain, who is also an American. The spirited and judicious defence thus made by the Princess Charlotte packet, places the name of Capt. Kerr high in the list of meritorious Captains in the service of the Post-Offic."

LIST of Runaway and Arrested SLAVES in the
Colony Stocks of DEMERARY, 19th January 1811.



Brought by





Boed. G. F. Engels,



Boed. Rood,




Arabische Kust.






Mahaicony Ferry.


Colrd. Man Louis

Pl. Perseverance.


Ths. Lawrence,

Garden, King & Co.



Mrs. Cooke.



G. Anderson.



Pl. Schoon Ord.



Pl. Rome.


Pl. La Grange,



Mary Ivers,



Dr. Waddle,

P. De Weever.





Boed. Post,



Pl. Land of Canaan,

Pl. Farm.

S. G. MARTENS, Drossart.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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