Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 January 22


Vol. VI.]

[No. 339.


NEWTOWN, 22d January 1811.
THE time for which the undersigned were chosen to act as Commissaries of this District expires on the 29th Instant.
NOTICE IS THEREFORE GIVEN, that a Meeting of the Proprietors will be held on TUESDAY next the 29th Instant, at Eleven o'Clock at MARSH'S Coffee House, for the purpose of examining the Accounts and Proceedings of the present Commissaries, and of electing new ones by ballot for the ensuing Year; and those Gentlemen who have not paid the last assessed Taxes are requested to pay the same to

At a very reduced Price to an approved Purchaser.
Plantation GREENFIELD,
SITUATED on the East Coast of Demerary, containing 500 Acres of Land, together with the Buildings; and with, or without, 205 Negroes, some Cattle and Sheep. There is a Water Cistern on the Estate that may be repaired at a small expence. About 50 acres of the Land has never been cultivated, and is well adapted for Plantains; the remainder is in Cotton and Plantains. Eighty of the Negroes are Creoles born on the Estate, many of which are in the first gang, the rest will soon be very valuable. Any Person wishing to buy the Land and Buildings separately, may get a good bargain and liberal terms upon giving satisfactory security.
Should the Estate be sold without Negroes, Public notice will be given, in which case the latter will be sold in one or more Lots, not dividing Families. For further particulars enquire of the Subscriber residing on Plantation Lowlands.
Demerary, 21st January, 1811.

A CANOE in which was the Post-holder Mr. HENRY BREMNER with several Indians, having on board a cask of Fish, one Puncheon and a half of Rum, some Molasses, and a quantity of Plantains received from Plantn. Providence, and three Muskets, for the use of the Post; a trunk containing Wearing Apparel, several papers, and Ten Joes Cash, the property of a passenger, J. B. TIMMERMAN, with other small articles; in crossing the River from Plant. Success was upset by a heavy squall in the evening of Thursday the 17th Inst. and every article lost, excepting the Puncheon of Rum and a few bunches of Plantains, which were saved by the goodness of Mr. ILES of Plantation Friesland, who generously sent his Negroes, by whom with the exertions of some of the Indians, all the lives were saved, and conducted to the Coreal of Mr. ILES's House, who treated them with the greatest humanity. The three muskets being lashed to a Troolie tent, which was washed away, would of course float.
A generous reward is offered for any of the articles, and the trunk with its contents, on application to
Mibiri Creek, Demerary, 19th January 1811.

FOR SALE at the Shop of JAMES HOLLODAY, fronting South Street, -
A few Leaden Pumps of superior quality,
Well adapted for either Sugar or Coffee Estates.
Bridge Town, 22d January, 1811.

Eleven Hogsheads SUGAR, and
Six Puncheons RUM.
Newtown, 22d January, 1811. AGENT.


On Tuesday the 29th January, at the Store of HENRY HALKET & Co. -
Beef, Pork, Ling Fish, Potatoes, Hams, Tongues, Tripe, Herrings, Loaf Sugar, Pickles, sallad Oil, Fish sauces, Candles, Soap, Paints and Oil, Lamp Oil, Neatsfoot do. Russia sheeting, Oznaburg, Check, stripe, Salempores, dimities, Jeans, printed callicoes, chintzes, Ginghams, Muslins, Romall, Madras, and Pullicat handkerchiefs, cotton and linen Cambric, Counterpanes, Parasols, Umbrellas, Table clothls, Towels, Irish Linen and Sheeting, Dowlas, Stationary, Tin, Hard, and Glass Ware, Cotton and Coffee Bagging, &c.
At the same time will be sold 12 Negroes, among whom are some Women, also a Punt and Tent Boat.
January 22d. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.

Public Vendue in Essequebo.
ON Monday the 4th of February next, by order of the Executors of the Estate of ED: SCADDING decd: - Seven Negroes.
By order of Mr. B. HEBBELINCK q.q. C. REMY. – Two Negro Women.
Rio Essequebo, Fort Island, 18th January 1811.
Dy. Vendue Master.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

Publique Vendue in Essequebo.
OP Maandag den 4e February aanstd: van weegens de Executeuren ten Boedel E. SCADDING: - Seven stuks Neegers.
Op order van de Heer B. HEBBELINCK q.q. C. REMY: - Twee Meyden.
Rio Essequebo, Fort Island, 18e January 1811.
Coms. Der Vend.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony;-

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

Aaron Bryant, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from Dec. 24.
A. De Rick, in 14 days, from 27th do.
Isaac Lazarus, in do. from 28th do.
P. C. Mickerts will send to Berbice, in 14 days from 2d January 1811, a Negro Woman named Phillis, the property of A. G. Burmester.
Jane Wise, in 14 days, from the 2d January 1811.
P. L. Monier, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from Jan. 4th.
Mary Lynch, in 14 days, from the 5th January.
Chas. Wrathell, in 14 days, from 7th Jany.
David Black, do. do. from 8th do.
William D. Boon, Family, and two Servants, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 8th January.
Mrs. M. Neilson, and one Servant, in 14 days, from 10th January 1811.
A. Hewlings in 14 days or 6 weeks from 14th Jany.
Archd. Harriot will send to Barbados in 14 days from 14th January 1811, a Negro Girl named Nancy, his Property.
Peter Kemp, in 14 days or one month, from 18th Jan.
A. TINNE, senior Clerk.

                  Mahaica, 16th January 1811,
PLANTAINS will be contracted for at Eight Stivers per Bunch, by the Year.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 1/2 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 7 to 7 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 20 to 22 1/2

Since or last we have nothing new to offer - no arrivals occurring to furnish us with any intelligence.

The Brig Cleopatra, from New London bound to Surinam, with forty Horses, &c. ran on a sand reef, a few days ago, off Surimac [sic]. - The Vessel and cargo were totally lost, nor had the people time even to loosen any of the Horses, but the whole of the crew and passengers were saved.

2 o'Clock P. M. – A Ship is now standing for the River. She is said to be the Perthshire, from Berbice.

A gentleman, who has recently arrived from Holland, states, that the accounts which have appeared in the English papers of the distress occasioned in that country, by BONAPARTE's decrees for the prohibition of all commerce, and of the rigour with which those decrees are executed, fall very far short of the truth. No pereson can go even a mile out of town, without being minutely searched, both upon his leaving it, and upon his return: and if he should happen to meet an Officer of the Customs (Douanier) in his walk: the same ceremony is repeated. The seach for prohibited goods, in the houses of individuals is carried on, if possible, in a more vexatious manner. The Officers very frequently choose to make their search in the middle of the night; every individual in the house is forced to get up immediately, and every drawer, chest, closet, &c. must be opened. This visit and examination may be repeated just as often as the officers please; and the slightest opposition is punished with the most unrelenting severity. Every appearance of trade was vanished; the merchants have shut up their counting-houses, and, of course, all the persons in their service have been dismissed without the possibility of obtaining any employment. But the most distressing part of this statement is that which relates to the Hospitals and charitable institutions. – Their chief, and indeed their only support, was the property they had in the funds; for, in the present wretched state of Holland, it is in vain to look for voluntary contributions by BONAPARTE's decree respecting the public funds, these institutions were at once deprived of all their resources, and of course the unhappy objects whom they supported have been left destitute. Upwards of 10,000 unfortunate beings have, in consequence of this measure, been turned out of Hospitals and other charitable institutions, to perish and starve in the streets. – (London Courier, 12th Nov. 1810.)


In Woolstonecroft's page, Bridget Bearwell was skill'd,
And her fancy with novel inventions was fill'd;
But Bridget improve'd on Miss Woolstonecroft's plan,
And projected some small revolution in man.
"'Tis plain," she exclaim'd, "that the sexes should share,
In each other's employments, amusements and cares.
I'm taught in man's duties and honour to join,
And, therefore, let man be partaker of mine:
Since to share with my husband in logic I'm fit,
In classical lore, mathematics, and wit;
In return, he shall yield the pot, kettle, and ladle,
And unite in the charge of the kitchen and cradle."
Thus Bridget resolv'd things in future should be,
As she handled two twins, a week old, on her knee.
When her husband came home, she develop'd her plan,
And bade him begin those new duties of man:
"Henceforth, John," she cried, "our employments are common,
Be woman like man, and be man like to woman;
Here, take up this child, John, and I'll keep his brother:
While I wet-nurse the one, you shall dry-nurse the other."

An emigrant nobleman lately asked Lady Wallace, "Why it was generally remarked abroad, by foreigners, that the Scotch, who travelled, were men of parts and learning, while the English were generally wanting in both?" Her Ladyship, with her usual vivacity, replied – "That only fools went out of England; but for Scotland, none but fools would stay in it." A Scotch Nobleman, neither famous for parts or learning, observed – "That her ladyship was right with regard to the Scotch; for," says he, "there are offices established in Scotland where every Scotchman must apply for a passport before he can leave the country; and previous to the granting thereof, he is examined with regard to his intellect and education: and should they not arrive to the standard fixed, no passport is granted, but he is sent back for improvement: on a second application, the same form is observed, but should he apply a third time, and then be found wanting, he is remanded back for life." – "Then," replied her ladyship, "I am sure your lordship was [illegible]uggled!"

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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