Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 February 05


Vol. VI.]

[No. 343.


THE Cargo of the Schooner UNION, Captain STERNON, from New York, and for Sale by the Subscriber very reasonable for immediate payment. -
Albany boards for flooring,
W. O. Staves and Heading,
Cypress Shingles,
Fresh Flour in half barrels,
Do. Crackers in Kegs.
Best Newfoundland Cod Fish, Salt in barrels, Tar, Mill grease, and Tobacco in hogsheads and barrels, nails assorted from 4dy to 30dy, best Irish mess beef and pork in barrels and half barrels, tongues in half barrels, tripe, vinegar in jars, neatsfoot oil in jars, paints and paint oil, Cogniac brandy, Hollands gin, old rum, cherry brandy and brandy fruits, sauces &c. spices assorted, honey water, rose water and aromatic vinegar, capilaire, orgeat, and raspberry vinegar, fresh teas, and double and single refined loaf sugar, copper scales with beams and weights, &c. Sadlery &c. &c. and a variety of other articles.
Also, Potatoes, landed from the Argo.
Cumingsburg, 5th February 1811.

Cork Rose Butter
NOW Landing from the Ship Argo, Capt. Procter, thirty days from Liverpool.
Hams, Cheese, Lyng Fish, Potatoes,
And a few Tierces and Barrels, Brown-Stout Porter,
which will be Sold Cheap for Cash.
Robb's Town, 5th February, 1811

WANTED to rent, about the end of the Month, two neat ROOMS unfurnished, in an airy situation in Stabroek or its immediate Neighbourhood, at a Reasonable Rent.
A Line with Situation and Terms left with the Printer, addressed to A. R. will be attended to.
Demerary, 5th February, 1811.

THE QUARTER LOT OF LAND and Buildings No. 78, situated in Cumingsburg - Liberal Terms will be given. For further particulars apply to the undersigned.
Demerary, 5th Feby. 1811. ANT. OSBORN.

The Domicilium of the Subscriber is at the Store of Mr. JOSEPH PAXTON, opposite JAMES ROBERTSON'S Esq. New-Town.
Feby. 5th, 1811. THOMAS SHUTE.

ABSENTED herself from the Service of the Subscriber, a few days ago, a Negro Woman called JANE. She is of the Angola Nation, and marked no her arms with her Country marks. She took with her a Boy Child about four months Old.
One Joe will be given on her being returned to
Feb. 5, 1811. E. J. HENERY.

RUNAWAY from Plantation PATTENSEN, East-Coast, Demerary, a Negro lad by the Name of PILLIKEN, well known in and about Stabroek. A Reward will be given to apprehend and lodge him in the Barracks.
Pl. Pattensen, 5th February, 1811.


(TUESDAY, February 5th, 1811.)

Colman's Celebrated Comedy in Five Acts called

Or the Englishman's Fire-Side.
Peregrine - An Amateur.
Sir Simon Rochdale - Mr. Blunt.
Frank Rochdale - An Amateur.
Lord Fitz Balamm - An Amateur.
Hon. Tom Shuffleton - Mr. Vining.
Job Thornberry - An Amateur.
John Bur - Mr. Blunt.
Dennis Brulgruddery - Mr. Jones.
Dan - An Amateur.
Steward, Servants, &c.
Lady Caroline Braymore - Gard.
Mary Thornberry - Fiske.
Mrs. Brulgruddery - Gard.

Between the Play and farce will be Sung the favourite Song of "Tom Starboard."

Murphy's admired Farce in Two Acts, called

Old Philpot - An Amateur.
Young Philpot - An Amateur.
Sir Jasper Wilding - Mr. Blunt.
Young Wilding - Mr. Jones.
Beaufort - An Amateur.
Dapper - Mr. Vining.
Quilldrive - Mr. Jones.
Maria - Gard.
Corinna - Fiske.

Ship Argo,
WM: PROCTER, Master.
Well Armed and Manned - Stands A 1 at Lloyd's, and will positively sail first Springs in March.
For Freight or Passage apply to the said Master, or the Subscriber, who will be very thankful to his Friends and to Shippers in general for their assistance in loading said Ship.
5th Feby: 1811. WM: ROACH.

JUST Imported in the Brig FAME, Capt. PLUMLEY, from Portland, N. A.
Fish in hogsheads and boxes,
Superfine Flour,
Rice in tierces and half tierces,
Shads, Mackarel,
Cod's Sounds and Palates,
Tar, Pitch, Turpentine,
Smoked Herrings,
W. P. Lumber, Shingles and Clapboards,
W. O. and R. O. Staves,
W. O. Shooks and Heading,
R. O. Ditto and Ditto,
Wood Hoops.
Cumingsburg, 5th February, 1811

120 Tons of Stone and Gravel Ballast
IN the ENTERPRIZE from London, will be given to any one that will come to take it away.
The Ship lays opposite to the Stelling of Messrs. NAGHTEN & FITZGERALD in Cumingsburg. Feby. 5th, 1811.


On Friday next the 8th instant, at the Store of Messrs. McINROY, SANDBACH & Co.
58 tierces Rice, 45 tierces Ship Bread, fine Madrass Handkerchiefs, Seersuckers, strong Cotton Hammocks, Irish Linen, Brown Holland, Cotton and Linen Checks, &c. to close Consignments. Likewise a variety of other Goods.
February 5th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.

On Saturday the 9th Instant will be exposed for Sale at the VENDUE OFFICE. - Superfine Flour in barrels, Beer and Porter in bottles, London particular Madeira Wine in Pipes, Irish Linen, Checks, Callicoes, Cambric, Shawls, Oznaburgs, Coffee bagging, Platillas, Cambric handkerchiefs, Muslins, Brandy in cases, &c.
February 5th KINGSTON & MCBEAN.

On Friday the 15th February, [see 18110126EDRG] . . .
[see 18110202EDRG] . . .
Also by order of Messrs. H. HALKET & Co. – Beef and Pork, Tripe, Refined Sugar, Tea, 20 boxes Candles, 20 do. Soap, 40 kegs White lead, 20 jugs Paint Oil, 1 case very fine Irish Linens, 1 bale Russia Sheeting, 50 pieces Salempores, Caps, Oznaburgs, 1 trunk Checks, 1 do. Stripes. Also Jeans, Dimities, Callicoes, &c. &c.
January 26th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.

On Tuesday the 19th Instant, by order of H. EILS and F. J. HUESTEEG qq the Estate of J: L: EILS deceased, at the House of Mr. HUESTEEG, werk & Rust: - Household Furniture, Negroes, &c. also the following Premises:-
The Concession NO 16, situated in Stabroek, between the Premises of Messrs: OBERMULLER and G: RYK.
The Quarter Concession No 11, in Stabroek, between the House at present occupied by H: CANTZLAAR Esq: and that belonging to J: R: BRANDT Esq:
The Concession No 50, situated in Werk & Rust, called Jerusalem, with the Buildings thereon.
A Lot of Land No 51, next to the Concession Jerusalem, and the Concession No 85, situated in Cumingsburg, with the Buildings thereon, at present occupied by Mr: ABM: HEILIGER.
February 5th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.

On Monday the 25th February [see 18110126EDRG] . . .
[see 18110202EDRG] . . .
Also by order of C: N: BOLLERS and Wm: BOSTOCK, qq the Boedel of James Burton decd: at 3, 6, 9, and 12 Months credit:-
500 Acres Wood land, situated up Demerary River, bounded on the North side of the Lands of the deceased Mr: H: BARROW, and on the South of Watuca Creek.
January 26th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony;-

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

A. Hewlings in 14 days or 6 weeks from 14th Jany.
Peter Kemp, in 14 days or one month, from 18th Jan.
G. Barck, in 14 days, from 22d January.
Henry King, in 14 days or One Month, from 23d Jan.
Peter Halliday, in 14 days or 5 weeks from 23d do.
John Auld, in 3 Weeks or One Month from 23d do.
James Moffat, in do. or do. from 23d do.
James H. Curtis, in 14 days or 3 Weeks from 25th do.
John Henery in 14 days from the 28th January.
Mrs. E. N. Walcott and Family, in ditto from do.
Mary Tape in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 28th Jany
Saml. Dowdle in 14 days from the 1st February.
Antoine St. Felix in 14 days or 6 Weeks from ditto.
Joseph Templeman, in ditto, do. do.
A. TINNE, senior Clerk.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 1/2 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 7 to 7 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 20 to 22 1/2

No arrival from Europe or the Islands since our last.

We have been favoured with a Liverpool Paper of the 29th December last, from which we take the following extracts: -
[Transcriber's note: most European news not transcribed.]

"Ministers have settled with the English Distillers, that if they shall continue to use sugar only in the distillation, after the 31st of this month, they will propose to Parliament to equalize the duty – that is, abate the 9d per gallon, extra duty, which would otherwise attach on the expiration of the Act. – The same proposals have been made to the Scotch Distillers.

A Deputation of merchants trading to the United Sates, waited on Saturday upon the Marquis Wellesley, for the purpose of ascertaining if his Lordship, had any answer to communicate to the application that had been made a short time back on the subject of the Berlin and Milan Decrees, and the Orders in Council; and also on what had recently occurred in the United States. Lord Wellesley officially replied, that he was not yet enabled to return an answer to the application alluded to.

From a late American Paper.

Among the documents, submitted by the President to Congress, is the following letter to Mr. Pinckney, ordering his return to the United States, in case a minister of high rank, &c. is not sent to this country. Thus the plot daily thickens, and there is ever prospect that it will end in deep tragedy. The British Government have probably more honourable employment for their "men of rank" than to send them to this country to be vilified and insulted by our Secretary of State and mobbed by the populace. Had the dismission of Mr. Jackson been right and just, this step would not have been improper; but, as that was outrageously wrong, every thing growing out of it is wrong.


SIR – From a review of the conduct of the British Government, in relation to a Plenipotentiary successor to Mr. Jackson, as presented in your several communications, including even those brought by the Hornet, at which date and on which inviting occasion the subject does not appear to have been within the attention of government, the President thinks it improper, that the United States should continue to be represented in London, by a Minister Plenipotentiary. In case, therefore, no appointment of a successor to Mr. Jackson, of that grade, should have taken place at the receipt of this letter, you will consider your functions suspended, and you will accordingly take you leave of absence, charging a fit person with the affairs of the Legation.
Considering the season at which this instruction may have its effect and the possibility of a satisfactory change in the system of our relations with Great Britain, the time of your return to the United States is left to your discretion and convenience.
(Signed) R. SMITH.

DIED. - On Sunday the 3d Inst. at his house in Cumingsburg, deeply regretted by his numerous Friends, WILLIAM HEATHCOTE Esq. His many public and private virtues, and well-known abilities, will make his loss long felt and lamented in this community.

On the same Night, Mr. DYRE KINGSLEY, Journeyman Printer to this Office.

Yesterday, at Pl. Jealousie, Mr. COLIN CAMPBELL.

Last Night at the House of P. BENJAMIN Esq. Mr. CALEB S. BULL.

This Morning, at the House of Messrs. JAS. JACKSON & Co. Mr. JOHN MILLER.

The four last were all young Men, recently arrived in the Colony.

The following has been handed us by a Correspondent:

Died on Sunday Evening, at his House in town, aged 52, WILLIAM HEATHCOTE Esq. a Gentleman adorned with many amiable qualities, which made his company sought after by most of the respectable Persons in the Colony, and very deservedly; - as he was conspicuous for a goodness of heart, a benevolence and uprightness of character, that almost always lastingly attached to him those who had once been so fortunate as to become of his acquaintance! - He was foremost on all occasions of doing good! - Was a parent to the Orphan! - And many will lament his loss with sincere sorrow!! - In the cause of a friend he shewed a zeal so ardent, no difficulties could abate it, and was constantly observed to be infinitely more attentive to the interests and welfare of others than to his own. 'Tis said of him that he was never known to have paid a shilling to a Lawyer to prosecute a suit for him, tho' very few Persons in the Colony have had more extensive concerns than he had, or been more artfully dealt with than he has been, in his progress thru' life! On the other hand - the slightest intimation to him of a case of distress made a claim on his immediate protection. He continued for many years past with an inflexible constancy in avoiding all occasions of attracting public notice. - tho' his great abilities would well have merited popularity. - Living, very retired on his Estate Perseverance, respected and loved by his neighbours, to whom, as well as to a large circle of acquaintances and Friends, he had greatly endeared himself by his very communicative kind disposition, blended with such urbanity and sweetness of manners as were almost irresistible. Tuesday, 5th Feb.

Feb. 4 Schr. Union, Capt. Shennors, from New York, Flour, Lumber, &c.
5 Brig Fame, - Plennley, - Portland, - Fish, &c.

Feb. 4 Schr. Eagle, Capt. Killman, for Boston.
Brig Hare, - Lincoln, - Ditto.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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