Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 February 09


Vol. VI.]

[No. 344.


THE Box containing the Votes of the Inhabitants of this Colony, to fill the situation of a Kiezer, in the room of RT. PATTERSON Esq. having been only opened on the 5th Instant, in presence of the Honble: the Commandeur and the Members of the Court of Justice, it has appeared that JNO. MCPHERSON Esq. was by a great majority of Votes elected as Kiezer aforesaid.
Notice whereof is hereby given accordingly.
By command of the Honble:
Commandeur P. C. OUCKAMA,
Secty. to the Commndr.
Commandement of Essequebo,
this 7th February 1811.

Demerary, 8th Feb. 1811.
AT a Meeting of Creditors of the late F. KROLL, held this Day, by Desire of the acting Executors according to Advertisements issued by them to that Effect.
For his Firm of Bothamley and Jackson.
For the Firm of Heathcote, Southern, and Co.
D. N. H. VAN NOOTEN, qq.
J. PANTLITZ, qq. Boedel MUTZ.
Ditto, qq. E. N. WICHERS.
Ditto, qq. HAASEMAN.
W. Mcbean, qq. J. WALCOTT.
Ditto, for R. KINGSTON.
Ditto, qq. PORTEIJE.
Ditto, qq. MADDEN and Co.
Ditto, qq. C. C. SIX.
Ditto, qq. Estate of HASLEN.
P. ROSE, for H. TULLOH and Co.
Ditto, for GOPPY and Co.
Ditto, for J. BONJES
J. CEURVORST, for the Vice Chamber,
Ditto, for Boedel YOUNGHUSBAND.
No. 1. Was resolved by the foregoing Creditors present, with the exception of W. McBean, P. Rose, and C. M. Overweg, that the Produce now on Plantation SOPHIA, should be Sold among the Creditors to the highest Bidder, in Lots of Ten Bags of Coffee, or Two Bags Cotton: and that when any sufficient Quantity is ready, Notice shall be given in the Gazettes Fourteen Days before, for the Creditors to meet at this House, to bid for said Produce, the First Sale to take place on the 1st March next.
No. 2. Was resolved, that such of the Creditors as do not chuse to conform to the foregoing Resolution, shall be paid their Dividends of the Crop on Hand, calculating the same at Cash Price.
No. 3. Was resolved, that these Resolutions be left with Mr. C. Macrae, for the perusal of such Creditors as are not to-day Present, and that every Creditor shall be requested to Sign for which of the above Plans he prefers, leaving the option to all to decide thereon, until the 1st Day of March next; and those who do not declare themselves before that time, shall be excluded from any Dividend or Share of this Year's Crop.
By Order of the Meeting,

Mahaica, 8th February 1811.
PLANTAINS will be contracted for at Six Stivers per Bunch, for Six Months certain.

To Sail the Second Springs in March.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or to
Demerary, 9th February 1811.

THE Undersigned intending to leave this Colony in the month of April next, for Europe, requests that all those who are indebted to him will come forward with payment, and those to whom he is indebted, will call at his house for payment.
Demerary, 9th February 1811.

NOW LANDING, and for Sale by the Subscribers, the Cargo of the Brig Penelope, Capt. PERKINS, from Boston, and the Brig Merchant, Capt. ELDRIDGE, from Kennebunck: -
Tobacco, Fish Flour.
Pilot Bread, Rice, Herrings, Salmon, and Mackarel,
Tar and Pitch,
Lumber and Joist,
R. O. Staves and Shooks,
W. O. Shooks with Heading,
Oars, &c.
Demerary, 9th February 1811

THE Sugar Plantation ONDERNEEMING, on the West Coast of Essequebo, containing from four to five Hundred Acres Land, one Hundred and Sixty prime Negroes, a Windmill, Cattle Mill with Twenty four Mules, Boiling House with two sets Coppers, Three Stills, and every necessary appurtenance for making a large crop.
The above will be sold upon reasonable and extended terms, to an approved purchaser, but none need apply who cannot advance Five Thousand Pounds, and give most undeniable security for the Payment of the remainder. - For further particulars apply to
Execrs: of P. P. LUYKEN.
Demerary, 9th February 1811.

16 Mules and 21 Horses,
By the Subscriber at his Stables, the Cargo of the Schooner GOVERNOR BENTINCK, WM. MCKENZIE Master, just arrived from Oroonoque [sic].
Demerary, 9th February 1811.

THE Subscriber informs his Friends and the Public, that he has commenced the BAKING OF BREAD, BISCUIT, &c. in the Middle-Street No. 24, - and hopes to give general satisfaction to those who may favour him with their Custom.
Bridge-Town, 9th February 1811.

ABSENTED from the Subscriber, a yellow-skin Lad called COBINNA, - a reward of ONE JOE will be given for apprehending and delivering him to Mr. HENRY AUSTIN in Bridge-Town, or to J. B. SANDIFORD.
NB: If he returns of his own accord the offence will be pardoned. Feby. 9th 1811.

A Mouse-coloured Riding MULE, the fore legs marked with Zebra stripes, the back much galled with the saddle. It was seen grazing yesterday morning in front of Plant: Vlissingen. ONE JOE Reward will be given to any person on delivery of the said Mule to
February 9th, 1811. JNO. ASHLEY.

Sales by Execution.

BY Authority obtained from the Honorable Court of Justice, dated 26th January 1811, I the undersigned First Marshal will offer for Sale on SATURDAY the Second day of March next, in presence of the Honorable Commissaries of said Court and their Secretary, and in behalf of JONAS FILEEN as Mortgagee.
The Plantation NOOIT GEDAGT, situate in Mahaica Creek, with all its appurtenances, buildings, cultivation, slaves and dependencies, the property of the Widow of the late J. CUCHE.
Whoever pretends to have any right or claim to oppose the Execution sale of said Plantation, will be pleased in due time to state their reasons, in writing, to me the undersigned Marshal, and those intending to purchase, will be pleased to attend on the day and Plantation abovenamed.
Rio Demerary, 5th February 1811.
M. SMIT, First Marshal.
NB. - The Inventory of the abovementioned Plantation may be seen daily at the Marshal's Office, (Sundays excepted).
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

BY Authority obtained, I, the undersigned First Marshal, will offer for Sale, at the Court-House, in Stabroek, on Tuesday the 12th of February next, in Behalf of ROBERT KINGSTON and WILLIAM MCBEAN, Acting Vendue Masters of this Colony, and in Presence of the Honourable Commissaries of said Court, and their Secretary:
A Mulatto Woman, named Mary.
Whoever intends to Purchase the said Mulatto Woman will be pleased to attend on the day, and at the place, above-mentioned.
Done at Demerary, the 8th of February, 1811.
M. SMIT, First Marshal.


On Monday and Tuesday the 11th and 12th Instant, [see 18110202EDRG] . . .
Also One Hundred Barrels and half Barrels of Baltimore Superfine Flour, and a few Pipes & Hogsheads of Madeira Wine, just arrived in the Schooner Energlen.
February 2d. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.

On Wednesday the 13th February, at the VENDUE OFFICE. - Forty to 50,000 feet lumber, deliverable from on board or on shore, at the option of the purchaser.
Also One Hundred pieces of fine Irish Linen.
And a quantity of Prime Mess Beef in Barrels.
February 9th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.

On Thursday next the 14th Inst. at the shop of WILLIAM A. ELLIS, in Bridge Town - Sundry Articles of Jewellery for the repairs. Likewise Gold and silver Work suitable for Huckstering; Finger ring, Broach & Watch glasses, some Bukka beeds, and the most necessary Tools for a Goldsmith, with Glass cases, &c. which will be set up seperate to suit those who wish to purchase. - And what further may appear.
February 9th. KINGSTON, & MCBEAN.

On Friday the 15th February, [see 18110126EDRG] . . .
Also by order of Messrs. H. Halket & Co. - Beef and Pork, Tripe, Refined Sugar, Tea, 20 boxes Candles. 20 do. Soap, 40 kegs White lead, 20 jugs Paint Oil, 1 case very fine Irish Linens, 1 base Russia Sheeting, 50 pieces Salempores, Caps, Oznaburgs, 1 trunk Checks, 1 do. Stripes. Also Jeans, Dimities, Callicoes, &c. &c.
January 26th. Kingston & McBean.

On Monday the 18th February next, will be exposed for sale by Public Auction, at the Vendue Office, by order of J. P. MUNCKER and L. McBEAN Esqrs. Executors to ROBERT YOUNGHUSBAND decd.
The undivided two thirds of Plantation HACKNEY, situated in Pomeroon, with the Buildings thereon, &c. Inventory of which may be seen at the Vendue Office at any time previous to the day of Sale. Credit 3, 6, and 9 months. Also 37 Field Negroes, Sheep, &c. at 3 and 6 months Credit.
On the same day by order of WILLIAM GOOD Esq. an Excellent Carpenter Negro.
January 12th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.
[NOTE: verify date of month and day of week for 18110112EDRG where date is Monday the 17th; in the current item there is 'on the same day'.]

On Friday the 22d February by order of Mr. J. A. LALOGE, will be sold at the House of J. DE ROOY at 3 and 6 months credit. – 24 Negroes, being Carpenters, Sawers, 1 Mason, 2 Women & 3 children; An excellent Carpenters tool chest with drawers, and other Carpenters tools, Saws, 10 kegs nails, Latches, 1 Punt, 1 Tent Boat 1 Yawl, 1 Cow, Greenheart Plank of different sorts and dimensions, &c. &c.
February 9th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.

On Monday the 25th February [see 18110126EDRG] . . .
[see 18110202EDRG] . . .
Also by order of C: N: BOLLERS and Wm: BOSTOCK, qq. the Boedel JAMES BURTON decd: at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months credit:-
500 Acrel Wood land, situated up Demerary River, bounded on the North side of the Lands of the deceased Mr. H: BARROW, and on the South of Watuca Creek.
January 26th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.

Op den 22e February, op order van J. A. LALOGE, ten huisen van J. DE ROOY, verkogt worden, op 3 en 6 maanden credit: - 24 Neegers, als Timmerneegers, Saagers, 1 Metzelaar, en 2 Negerinne, met haar 3 Kinderen; een excellente Timmergereedschap Kist, en andere Timmergereedschappen, Saagen, Knippen, 10 vaaten spykers, een Pont, een Tent Boat, een Joll, een Kooi, Sepire en differente soorten Planken.


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony;-

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

A. Hewlings in 14 days or 6 weeks from 14th Jany.
Peter Kemp, in 14 days or one month, from 18th Jan.
G. Barck, in 14 days, from 22d January.
Henry King, in 14 days or One Month, from 23d Jan.
Peter Halliday, in 14 days or 5 weeks from 23d do.
John Auld, in 3 Weeks or One Month from 23d do.
James Moffat, in do. or do. from 23d do.
James H. Curtis, in 14 days or 3 Weeks from 25th do.
John Henery in 14 days from the 28th January.
Mrs. E. N. Walcott and Family, in ditto from do.
Mary Tape in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 28th Jany
Saml. Dowdle in 14 days from the 1st February.
Antoine St. Felix in 14 days or 6 Weeks from ditto.
Joseph Templeman, in ditto, do. do.
Henry Austin in 14 days or one Month from Feb. 4th.
John Buchannan, in 14 days from the 4th February.
A. TINNE, senior Clerk.

At the request of Mr. JAMES FOTHERINGHAM, Notice is hereby given that the Firm of FOTHERIGHAM, THOMSON & Co. has been by mutual consent dissolved, and that no credit may from this date be given to said Firm
Secretary's Office, Demerary, 7th February 1811.
ALEX. TINNE, Senior Clerk.

At the request of N. M. MANGET, as Executor of A. COUTELAT decd. Notice is hereby given, that all Persons having Demands against the Estate of said A. COUTELAT decd. are requested to render in their Account, and such as are indebted to the said N. M. MANGET on Plantation Ruimveld.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, 7th February 1811.
ALEX. TINNE, Senior Clerk.

BY Virtue of an Order of the Honourable Court of Justice of the Colony and Dependent Districts of Demerary, dated 25th January 1811, are hereby summoned all Creditors to the Insolvent Estate of the late L. VAN BUUREN, deceased (to which Estate F. A. VERNEDE has been appointed Curator), to give in, at the Secretary's Office of this Colony in the chief town of Stabroek, their claims, with the vouchers relating thereto; within six months, from the date of these presents; after the expiration of which time, the Court will decide on the preference or priority of such claims, and decree perpetual silence with respect to those who shall not have given in their claims by that time.
Court-House, Stabroek, this 5th February, 1811.
C. T. TINNE, Dep. Sec.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

UYT kragte van Appoinctment van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie der Colonie Demerary, de dato 26e January 1811, worden hiermede opgeropen alle crediteuren van den Insolventen Boeel van wylen L. VAN BUUREN, (waarin F. A. VERNEDE als Curator gesteld is), om hunne pretensien en sustenuen lasten gemelde Boedel ter Griffie van den Hove voormeld in de Hoofdpaatse Stabroek alhier, te fourneeren binnen den tyd van zes maanden, van heeden afgerekend; zullende by, welgemelde Hove, na expiratie van die tyd worden geprocedeerd tot het reguleeren der praž [sic] en concurrentie in voorsch. Boedel en tot het imponeeren van eeuwig stilswygen aan de niet opgekoomen crediteuren.
Actum ten Raadhuise binnen de Hoofplaatse Stabroek, in Demerary den 5e February 1811.
C. T. TINNE, Sects.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

BY Virtue of an Order of the Honorable Court of Justice of the Colony and Dependent Districts of Demerary, dated 26th January 1811, are hereby Summoned, all Creditors to the insolvent Estate of the late J. THEYSSE, (to which Estate J. B. THEYSSE has been appointed Curator), to give in, at the Secretary's Office of this Colony in the chief Town of Stabroek, their Claims, with the vouchers relating thereto; within six Months, from the date of these presents; after the expiration of which time, the Court will decide on the preference or priority of such claims, and decree perpetual silence with respect to those who shall not have given in their claims by that time.
Court House, Stabroek, Demerary, this 5th February 1811.
C. T. TINNE, Dy. Secty.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

UYT kragte van Appoinctement van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie der Colonie Demerary, de dato 26 January 1811, worden hiermede opgeroepen alle crediteuren van den Insolventen Boedel van wylen J. THEYSSE, (waarin J. B. THEYSSE als Curator gesteld is), om hunne pretensien en sustenueen lasten gemelde Boedel ter Griffie van den Hove voormeld in de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek alhier, te fourneeren, binnen den tyd van zes maanden, van heeden afgereekend; zullende by welgemelde Hove, na expiratie van die tyd worden geprocedeerd tot het reguleeren der prž en concurrente in voorsch. Boedel en tot het imponeeren van eeuwig stilswygen aan de niet opgekoomen crediteuren.
Actum ten Raadhuise binnen de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, in Demerary den 5 February 1811.
C. T. TINNE, Sects.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

BY Virtue of an Order of the Honourable Court of Justice of the Colony and Dependent Districts of Demerary, dated 27th October last, are hereby summoned all Colonial and other Creditors to the Insolvent Estate of the late HENRY FARLEY deceased (to which estate S. CHALLONER & WM: AUSTIN qq. D. & G. HALL, have been appointed Curators), to give in, at the Secretary's Office of this Colony, in the chief town of Stabroek, their claims, with the vouchers relating thereto; to wit, the Colonial Creditors within six months, and the other Creditors within twelve Months from the date of these presents; after the expiration of which time, the Court will decide on the preference of [sic] priority of such claims, and decree perpetual silence with respect to those who shall not have given in their claims by that time.
Court House, Stabroek, Demerary, this 5th February 1811.
C. T. TINNE, Dy. Secty.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

By Virtue of an Order of the Honourable Court of Justice of the Colony and Dependent Districts of Demerary, dated 26th January 1811, are hereby summoned all Creditors to the Insolvent Estate of the late J. J. ROCQUETTE, (to which Estate J. S. MASSE has been appointed Curator), to give in, at the Secretary's Office of this Colony in the chief town of Stabroek, their claims, with the vouchers relating thereto; within six months, from the date of these presents; after the expiration of which time, the Court will decide on the preference or priority of such claims, and decree perpetual silence with respect to those who shall not have given in their claims by that time.
Court-House, Stabroek, Demerary, this 5th February 1811.
C. T. TINNE, Dy. Secty.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

BY Virtue of an Order of the Honourable Court of Justice of the Colony and Dependendent [sic] Districts of Demerary, dated 27th October 1810, are hereby summoned all Colonial and other Creditors to the Insolvent Estate of ROBERT CRAIG deceased, (to which Estate HUGH DOUGLAS and R. B. KNIGHT have been appointed Curators), to give in, at the Secretary's Office of this Colony in the chief town of Stabroek, their claims, with the vouchers relatin [sic] thereto; to wit, the Colonial Creditors within six months, and the other Creditors within twelve months from the date of these presents; after the expiration of which time, the Court will decide on the preference or priority of such claims, and decree perpetual silence with respect to those who shall not have given in their claims by that time.
Court House, Stabroek, Demerary, this 5th February 1811.
C. T. TINNE, Dy. Secty.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

UYT kragte van Appoinctement van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie der Colonie Demerary, de dato 27 October 1810, worden hiermede opgeropen alle binnen en buitenlandsche crediteuren van den Insolvent Boedel van wylen ROBERT CRAIF, (waarin HUGH DOUGLAS en R. B. KNIGHT als Curators gesteld zyn), om hunne pretensien en sustenuen lasten gemelde Boedel ter Griffie van den Hove voormeld in de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek alhier, te fourneeren, namentlyk de binnenlandsche crediteuren binnen den tyd van zes maanden, en de buitenlandsche crediteuren binnen den tyd van twaalf maanden, van heeden afgereekende; zullende by welgemelde Hove, na expiratie van die tyd worden geprocedeerd tot het reguleeren der prž en concurrentie in voorsch. Boedel en tot het imponeeren van eeuwig stilswygen aan de niet opgekoomen crediteuren.
Actum ten Raadhuise binnen de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, in Demerary, den 5 February 1811.
C. T. TINNE, Sects.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

Never did we more regret our distance from the mother-country, than at the present moment; for hence it is, the usual interval has past since the publication of our last number, and we are not yet enabled to allay the loyal and affectionate anxiety of the public, either by the announcement of such a change having taken place, as might dead us to expect that our beloved and venerated Monarch will speedily be capable of exercising the royal functions, and tat too with his former energy and wisdom; - or that Heaven has thought proper to remove him from his people, into its own bosom, and change his temporal to an eternal crown! – True it is, that reports on the latter subject have been in circulation, but we hope and believe, that they are mere "airy nothings," to whom busy Invention has given "a local habitation and a name!"

In the circle of those immediately concerned in the trade between Great Britain and America, war with that power is considered inevitable; but for our parts, we think too highly of the wisdom of both governments to entertain for a moment such a belief.

Feby. 7 Sloop First Attempt, Capt. Thomas, from Barbados, - Ballast.
9 Schr. Energlen, - Cox, - Barbados, - Wine, Flour, &c.
---- Governor Bentinck, - McKenzie, - Oronoque, Mules, & horses
Feby 6 Brig . . . Susan, Capt. Lincoln, for ------
7 Cutter Telegraph, - Watson, - Tobago.
9 Ship Eliza Ann, - Ross, - London.
Brig Hope, - Bows, - Liverpool.
---- Henry, - McDouall, - Do.

We are happy to announce to our mercantile neighbours, that the Admiral Colpoys, from this port; and the Eliza, and the John Frith, from Berbice, are safe arrived in the River Thames. Also, that the Maria, the Westbury, and the Fame, from this port; and the Mercury, from Berbice, are at Liverpool.

AN OBSERVER'S Sketch of the State of Society in Demerary cannot be inserted in the Royal Gazette: - it is well written, but we wish not to offend, or to sow the seeds of party, disaffection, and jealousy, in such a soil.

Barbados, Jan. 22. – From Trinidad we learn, that the Province of Caracas has lately established a form of Government under the appellation of "The Congress of South America," which presents to the Inhabitants of that territory, the prospect of not only being emancipated from the state of ignorance and oppression under which they have so long laboured, but also of giving to that part of the world the blessings of a liberal and well-conducted polity. The first Meeting of this Congress (held on the 2d November last) was attended by two hundred and thirty Representatives, chosen by the common consent of the People, whos dearest interests they are to vindicate and protect; and the most orderly condut was evident throught the proceedings of that sitting. Having apponted a President for the purpose of conducting the business of the Meeting, and, if requisite, to command decorum, the most profound attention prevailed; when, after invoking a blessing on their undertaking, the President addressed them on the nature of their new establishment, which professes the most strict allegiance to their Sovereign, Ferdinand VII, for the better securing of whose rights they have appointed six Deputies, to meet in National Congress.

Lord Liverpool has forwarded a letter of the Governor of Trinidad, informing him of the progress of His Majesty's Government in their considerations on the Petition of the Inhabitants of that Island, for the institution of British Laws, &c. – He concludes,
"Upon the second point. – The introduction of British Laws into the Island of Trinidad – I am not as yet enabled to give you a decided opinion. The subject is necessarily extensive and complicated. It is at this time under the serious consideration of His Majesty's Government, and I hope to be soon able to communicate to you, at large, their sentiments upon it. But I thought it of importance that no time should be lost in conveyeing to you the determination of His Majesty's Government, for the information of the Inhabitants of the Colony, upon the important subject of an Internal Legislature."

By an arrival from Antigua, we understand that Brigadier-General Bonham and Family left that Island in in [sic] the Emma Army ship on the 14th inst. to take the Command of Surinam.

The Command of Antigua, in consequence, devolves again on Major O'Hara, a circumstance pleasing to the Colony, as may be ascertained from the following Extract of a Letter from Governor Elliot, inserted in Brigade Orders previous to the General's departure:-

"No Garrison, I believe, ever possessed more thoroughly the good opinion of the Colony in which it was stationed, and no Commanding Officer ever enjoyed a greater share of the respect and attachment of its principal Inhabitants, than Major O'Hara, from whose civilities and attention to me during my temporary and unprofessional command I am under infinite obligations, and I hope I may, without impropriety, entreat you to communicate to him the expressions of my gratitude."

The Brig-Gen. felt extremely gratified at having it in his power, at so early a period, to insert so handsome a tribute to the merits of Major O'Hara, and the Garrison.

Bonaparte, Jefferson & Madison.

I charge ye both, cat in conformity to my royal will and high intent. I, who have, in the fullness of self-created imperial authority, bestrid the world from the rising to the setting of my imperial luminary, the sun, whose duty I've assigned to be, lighting me to universal empire! I, who have created and deposed kings, emperors, pope,s principalities, and powers! I, who am a second Alexander, all but for the interference of that virulent race, named Britons; who impious, against my will, vauntingly deem the spot they inhabit- invulnerable!
Now hear ye my imperial word! 'Tis the voice of Napoleon the CHASTE! As I live, so have I willed it, - call forth your tryed champions, and your young conscript warriors, to the field – equip your navy, be it composed of calm-fighting gun-boat, invincible frigates, running sloops of war, and depredating privateers.
Inculcate into the minds of your sailors and soldiers, the high-born, religious, moderate, firm, and humane sentiments of NAPOLEON the CHASTE!
I shall forthwith decree, than an imperial fleet shall join and act in conjunction with yours, named, and displaying the royal flag of the Napolean Armada! They will avoid British barking, and, if possible, out-sail the wind!
      With this associated force united, we
      Defiance bid – the tyrant of the sea!!!!
The federal eagle's claw, with my invincible force, shall establish Neapoleon [sic] supremacy on earth!
To effect this desirable end, you must retain Louisianna [sic], subjugate the Floridas, and maintain the uncontrouled navigation of the Mississippi! Also, it will be expedient for you to march a sufficient force of conscripts to Albany, and convey them from thence to Montreal, for the purpose of taking forcible possession of the Canadas. An immediate decree shall issue under my imperial seal, for the reduction of Quebec; whereby we will secure the benefit of its confluence, and the new-acquired possessions in that quarter, placed under imperial protection.
Your States' aversion to royalty shall be done away!! – Kings, princes, dukes, lords, and a long list besides, only shall govern your councils; in which list, I pledge my imperial word, you will be first remembered.
To arms, then, allies and brothers! against a nation we alike detest.

August Sire! long and assiduously have I, in union with my chosen associates, laboured to promote the consular, princely and imperial views of Napoleon the Chaste. Your enemy, Sire, has ever had my hatred, and enjoyed my deception, on every occasion possible for me to exercise the one, and practise the other; nor has it been owing to neglect, that my hopes have been checked, and my plans thwarted.
Your Imperial Greatness is long since acquainted with my heart-chosen motto – "Downfall to England, and rising glory to France."

Imperial Sire! – I greet you in affectionate and perfect consideration; my predecessor's political and religious creeds being one and indivisible with mine, he has sounded in your imperial hearing the firm intention, and inmost feelings of my heart.
I will not toil your royal attention with a rehearsal of the past proceedings of our executive and legislative bodies, or of their future intents; care will be taken that every important item shall reach your royal notice.
Restriction of trade or Congress subsidy, are doctrines which the less understood among us the better, especially as things can be done in a more compact way, reaching the same point in effect, though not in form.
The crops of our citizens last year, were abundant; nor did the trades-people relax in their industry. The current year promises highly to the farming interest; the stores of the United States will be overstocked with the productions of America, and our harbours crowded with idle vessels. The people, naturally restless, will become impetuous by a revival of the non-importation and non-intercourse acts. A fit time to revive these our correspondent edicts, at the same time granting the usual dormant license to the several principles of our united customs.
In pursuance of this quiet refloresence of exports, the decaying product of our fields, would be wasted east, west, north, and south, by our long unimployed craft.
Under the plausible pretence of guarding our self-interdicted waters, your required number of armed craft shall be fitted for sea, their destination to such ports in your imperial dominions as you may direct. These, in concert with such as your royal wisdom may deem proper to annex, may furnish a sufficiency of pilots to conduct the floating treasure of Columbia to your imperial treasury; - a rare subsidy but not an unaccustomed mode of levying. The citizen's minds must be quieted.
To your royal will my hours, my interest shall be devoted; your decrees shall be necessarily explained, and English Orders as necessarily remonstrated against even unto condemnation.

LIST of Runaway and Arrested SLAVES in the
Colony Stocks of DEMERARY, 9th February 1811.



Brought by





Boed. F. C. Engels,



Boed. Rood,






Doct. Arenburg,



Boed. Duym,






Boed. Ross, Berbice

Pl. Eendragt.


Betsy Garaway,



Pl. La Jenet,



C. N. Bollers,

M. Spooner.

S. G. MARTENS, Drossart.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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