Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 February 19


Vol. VI.]

[No. 347.

[mutilation bottom of 3rd and 4th pages]


On the First day of April next.
THE HOUSE at Yorkshire Hall, to be Let with all its improvements, and three Concessions Land adjoining, in cultivation. Enquire of Messrs. C. H. DE MUNNICK and HOYTEMA.
Demerary, 19th February 1811.

115 Launch Wood SPARS,
Of the largest size. - Enquire of
Feb. 19, 1811. P. BENJAMIN.

THE Subscriber having lodged at the SECRETARY's OFFICE a Bond of Security dated the 12th curt. that the following Papers, which were in his Pocket Book when Stolen on the 28th ult. shall never appear against the persons who are indebted to the Subscriber for the amounts, viz: -
An account of WILLIAM ALLAN's against BRIDGE & HARROWER, accepted by them, balance f 346
JAMES JACKSON & Co. Acceptance on ANTHONY OSBORN's order, balance 206 9
And an Acceptance of T. W. NUTT's for 550
exclusive of Interest. The undersigned therefore requests that payment of the said sums be made to him or his Attornies - hereby warning those into whose hands said papers may come, that if after this notice they are ever presented for payment to the Drawers or Accepters, the persons so presenting them will be liable to prosecution according to Law.
Demerary, 19th February 1811.

The Schooner AMELIA,
H. C. DARRELL Master.
Will sail on Thursday next. For Freight or Passage apply to said Master, or at the Store of Messrs. HYNDMAN & CARY. Feby. 19, 1811.

The coppered sloop Blackbird,
Will Sail on the 3d of March. For Freight or Passage apply to Capt. COVERLEY, or at the Store of
Middle Street, Bridge Town, Feb. 19, 1811.

PICKED UP in front of Plantation La Grange, a PUNT, 32 feet long and 5 wide. Whoever can prove property thereof, can have it restored by applying on said Estate, and paying all expences.
Demerary, 19th February 1811.

A Person well versed in Accounts and with the nature of Business, would be happy to engage with a Merchant on an extensive scale; or would devote his time to the keeping of five or six setts of Books. Respectable references can be given as to Character &c. A line address to A.B. and left with the Printer will be duly attended to. Feb. 19, 1811.


Op de Derde Mey eerstkoomende zal door den Vendue Meester van Essequebo op order van de Executeuren in den Boedel wylen T. DUIM, na bekoomen Authorisatie van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Demerary, als opper Voogden, publicq worden opgeveild en aan de meestbiedende worden verkogt:-
De Suyker Plantage genaamd PERSEVERANCE, voor deese genaamed de Noord Star, geleegen aan de Arabische Kust, tusschen de Plantagien de Goede Hoop en Berlyns Welvaaren, groot 280 akkers land; waarvan circa 40 akkers beplant met Suyker riet, en circa 12 Akkers met Banannen. Op de zelve bevind zig een Steen Kookhuis met een stel ketels, een paarde molen, Pagas Huys, Woonhuys, Ziekhuys, &c. en Vier en Vyftig stuks Slaaven, benevens Ses en Twintig stuks Muyl Ezels.
Bovenstaande Plantagie met het geene zig daar op bevind zal eerst seperately en de Slaven in families worden opgeveild, betaalbaar in vier termynen van drie tot drie maanden, te reekenen van den dag der verkoop en daarna wederom in een Massa worden opgeveild, wanneer een eerste payement van Vyf en Twintig Duysend Guldens binnen ses weeken na den verkoop dag der Eischt word en het resteerende betaalbaar zal zyn is drie termynen van Jaar tot Jaar met den Interest van het resteerende onbetaalde Capitaal.
In dien by de laatste opgeveiling meerder geboden wor dan by de eerste, zal de eerste koop nul zyn.
Ten zelve dage zullen nog worden opgeveild Sestien stuks Slaaven, meede behoorende aan de Boedel van wylen T. DUIM, welke zeedert drie Jaaren op de boven gemelde Plantagie gewerkt hebben, zonder tot dezelve te behooren.
Twee goede Borgen zulln vereescht worden te genoegen van de Commissaris der Venduen.
De verkoop zal geschieden op de Plantage Perseverance zelve, te beginnen s'morgens om tien uuren.
Essequebo, 15 February 1811,
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

[Transcriber's note: the upper left of the following item obscured by a paper fold - portions extrapolated by the formulaic nature of the item.]
Sales by Execution,
By Authority obtained, I the undersigned First Marshal will offer for Sale to the highest bidder, in Stabroek, on TUESDAY the 12th of March next, in presence of the Honorable Commissaries of the Court of Justice and their Secretary: -
1st. - In behalf of R. S. TURTON, versus MERCY ANN WARRICKER - a Lot of Land in front of Plantation L'Amitie, in Mahaica Creek, and Dwelling House with a Gallery situate thereon, long 24 feet by 18, more or less; a new side Building, and an old Kitchen, all in the condition as at present occupied by and the property of the said MERCY ANN WARRICKER.
2d. - In behalf of NAGHTEN & FITZGERALD q q G. & R. BLACKBURN, versus WM. HALLSTEAD & Co. - A half Lot of land known under No. 9, situate in front of Plantation Vlissingen, with all rights, duties, and restrictions of old, and lawfully attached thereto, likewise Buildings situate thereon, viz:- A Dwelling House of Colony wood, long about 40 feet by 20, with very broad Gallery, and spacious Store; a long side Building two stories high, containing Stable, Kitchen, Store, &c.
Whoever pretends to have any right of property against the above Execution Sales, will be pleased to state their reasons of opposition in writing to me the undersigned first Marshal, and those who intend to purchase please to attend on the day and at the place abovementioned. Demerary 18th February 1811.
M. SMIT, First Marshal.


On Thursday the 14th of March by order of P. REYNARD & Co. at their house in Robbs Town, the remainder of their merchandize.
Consisting of Gin and brandy, Martinique liqueurs viz. – Noyau [sic], annizette, syrop d'orgeat and cappilaire, bitters, sweet oil, vinegar, water vats, copper pans, cloves, black pepper and many other spices, chaise with harness complete, and horse, several negroes, household furniture, and a number of other articles which will appear on the day of sale.
Also on the same day, at the house of P. REYNARD & Co. by order of Mr. JOSEPH FEUILLET, a piece of land of 250 acres, called La Reserve opposite to the Sand Hill, with the buildings thereon advertised in the Gazette of Sept. last.
A piece of land in Charles-Town, No. 19, well railed in, with the buildings thereon, and a garden; all in good repair, at present occupied by himself.
A large corner lot of land in Charles-town, No. 6, opposite to L. VAN 'S GRAVESANDE, Esq. near the stelling; newly railed in, with mora posts and wallaba staves, with framed gates, bridges, &c.
Also on the same day and place, by order of Madame S. VAN HOVE, the half of a piece of land with the buildings thereon (free of rent), well situated for mercantile business, in Robbs town, opposite the Hon. I. A. VAN DEN PAADEVOORT, and at present occupied by Miss AMELIA UNDERWOOD.
Also a negro cook and washer woman, and good huckstress; a good calvecin [sic] in good order, household furniture, and several other articles.
February 16th. Kingston & McBean.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony;-

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

James H. Curtis, in 14 days or 3 Weeks from 25th do.
John Henery in 14 days from the 28th January.
Mrs. E. N. Walcott and Family, in ditto from do.
Mary Tape in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 28th Jany
Saml. Dowdle in 14 days from the 1st February.
Antoine St. Felix in 14 days or 6 Weeks from ditto.
Joseph Templeman, in ditto, do. do.
Henry Austin in 14 days or one Month from Feb. 4th.
John Buchannan, in 14 days from the 4th February.
Saml. Ramsden, in 14 days, from 11th Feby. 1811.
John Fraser, in ditto or 6 Weeks, from 11th ditto.
John McGarel, in ditto or ditto, from 11th ditto.
C. J. A. Stakman, in 14 days, from 11th ditto.
Jeanette Burton and 3 Children, in ditto, from 14 do.
Mrs. Sarah Nurse, in ditto or ditto, from 14th ditto.
Margt. Fraser, in ditto or One Month, from 15th do.
F. A. Barrow, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 15th do.
John Crone, in ditto or ditto, from 15th ditto.
N. Rousselet in 14 days, from 16th February.
A. TINNE, senior Clerk.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 14 1/2 to 15 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 6 to 6 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 20 to 22 1/2

The Packet from England being now almost hourly expected, we flatter ourselves this is the last number of the Royal Gazette which will make its appearance in a state of political darkness, and without its (humbly presumed) usual attribute of annihilating public anxiety, rectifying public errors, and confirming the public mind in all its just conceptions!

Rumours are innumerable; and, did we wish to mislead, a better opportunity never offered! But we are not retailers of common reports; and if, by chance, an erronious [sic] one did ever "steal a subtle passage" to that part of our paper which we could ever wish to be sacred alone to truth, we have always possessed grace enough to contradict it, and apologize for the involuntary delusion! - And yet, averse as we are to give unauthenticated information, the Barbados Papers, received by the sloop Blackbird, have, in the present instance, seduced us from our accustomed practice, by "something so pleasing," so truly gratifying to the feelings of affectionate loyalty, that we cannot resist the insertion of the following article:

"By a running ship, arrived at Surinam, we understand London Papers were received, to the 7h and 8th of January, which state


To be in a progressive state of recovery!"

The Windsor Castle Packet, the Brig William Rathbone, and the Ship Caledonia, are arrived at Barbados.

The House of Assembly at Jamaica, with its usual patriotic alacrity, has already taken up the subject of the new arrangements made by the Postmasters-General, relative to the West India Packet, and a Report is now before His Excellency the Governor, which will, no doubt, soon find its way into the British Cabinet. – A similar conduct in Demerary, Surinam, and Berbice, would perhaps be attended with the mos beneficial consequences.


Feby. 18. Sloop Blackbird, Capt. Coverley, from Barbados - Sundries.
-------- Schr. Good Intent, Strickland, Do. do.
-------- Amelia, Darrell, Dominique, - Seasoned Slaves.

Feby. 15. Bark Jane, Capt. Cross, for Portland.
----- 16. Schr. Energlen, Cox, Barbados.

[Mutilated - cut out - bottom half of the middle column]


American Papers have been received, the contents of which are of much political importance, not only as concerning the situation of affairs between that country and Great Britain, but particularly, interesting as it regards France. The President of the United States has laid before Congress a late correspondence between General Turreau, Minister Plenipotentiary of the French Emperor, in America, and Mr. Smith, Secretary of State, relative to certain restrictions in the allowing of Certificates of Origian to American vessels, which would prevent their trading to any other port than those of France – not even the allies of that country. Mr. Smith remonstrated against this mode of proceeding, and explained, in an apparently spirited letter to the French Minister, that this would be merely a nominal favour under the repeal of the Decrees of his government, and such as could not be admissible by America. The articles of cotton and tobacco being also specifically prohibited to be imported into France, the American Secretary justly observes, that these repeals have been merely changed by substituting in their stead a law by which nothing favourable is granted to the United States on the part of France, and that therefore the Merchants were placed in an equal dilemma, and might as well keep their vessels in port, as the freedom of trade, which the revocation of the Decrees, led them to suppose the enjoyment of, was thus prevented. These remonstrances were answered by references to later communications received by the Consul General of France in America, than those Gen. Turreau, had in possession, which he professes to have only been informed of since Mr. Smith last addressed him; these instructions of his Government allow the importation of Cotton under certain regulations, and he had no doubt but that other modifications would be adopted.

The mode intended to be adopted by America in the event of our not acceding to her demand in this respect, it would appear, is not that of a general Non-intercourse, but simply the enacting of a Non-importation Law, that will prohibit the receiving of manufactures, &c. from Great Britain or any part of her dominions, but which will allow exportations from the United States to Foreign Ports, without being liable to the restrictions imposed by the former Non-intercourse Act. Petitions from Merchants in various parts of the Union, for an exemption from the operations of this Law, have been presented to congress, and referred to a Committee selected for that purpose.

[Transcriber's note: most European news not transcribed.]

The sentence in the case of the American ship Brunswick, carried into Antigua in June, 1808, and condemned as French property, has been reversed by the Court of Appeals in London.

The Poetical Communication of E - will appear in our next number, in its present state if required - but we would recommend it to his re-consideration; in which case we make no doubt, it will attain that degree of perfection he appears so capable of bestowing upon it.

Does L. Z. conceive that the Royal Gazette will ever become the vehicle of such trash as we have received from him; an article without sound or sense; in fact, neither poetry or prose [sic – neither/or]; forbid it Genius!

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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