Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 February 23


Vol. VI.]

[No. 348.


THE Subscriber being fully authorized, by special powers duly recorded, to grant Receipts and Acquittances for the late Firms of NICHOLAS OSBORN & Co. and RICHD. COLLIER & Co. He requests the favor of all those who remain Indebted unto said late Firms to come forward with payment and prevent Law suits being entered against them.
Demerary, 23d Feb. 1811. For said late Firms.

TO an approved purchaser on very easy and liberal terms, for f 395,000 - f 19,000 down.
A well situated COFFEE ESTATE in the River Demerary, consisting of 1190 (but sold for 1000) Acres of Land, being an excellent soil for Coffee and Sugar, Plantains, and any other provisions; with 150 to 160 Slaves, Buildings, Sluices or Cokers, in perfect order and mostly new, 80 to 90,000 Coffee Trees, which produced about 130 to 140,000lb. last crop; a Plantain Walk just bearing, &c. sold only to make good other engagements. For further particulars, Letters to I. X. delivered at the Printing Office, will be duly attended to. Demerary, 23d February 1811.
Part of the Land fronting the River may be had separately, (without Buildings or Slaves) should the whole not be disposed of.

WILLIAM POSTLETHWAITE's Creditors are hereby informed there will be
Fifty Casks Sugar and Twenty Bales Cotton.
ready to be delivered on Monday the 11th March, for which Tenders are requested to be given in at the VENDUE OFFICE, which will be opened at 12 o'Clock on that day, in presence of such of the Creditors as please to attend, and the highest offer for the whole or part will be accepted of.
After the delivery of which a statement of the TRUST will be immediately made up to show the Creditors what has been done under it, and what is further to do, to satisfy all the demands of the Colonial Creditors, who are requested to meet at the Vendue Office on Monday the 18th March next, for that purpose, or call any subsequent day to satisfy themselves as to the propriety of what has been done and of the means to accomplish the object originally intended. Demerary, Feb. 22, 1811.

Late Proprietor of the COMMERCIAL COFFEE HOUSE,
American Stelling,
GIVES this public notice, that he has declined carrying on that Business, and therefore earnestly entreats all those that are indebted to him, either by Goods or open Accounts, to call and pay them before the 31st March next; those that remain unpaid at that period will be advertised for sale at Public Vendue, being actually necessitated to do the utmost in his power for the benefit of his own Creditors.
Demerary, 23d February 1811.

ABSENTED himself from the Subscriber, a stout Negro Boy by name CHARLES, of the Congo Nation, about fourteen years old, and has a remarkable scar in a semicircular form just over one of his eyes, occasioned from the kick of a Horse. One Joe Reward will be given to whoever will apprehend and deliver him to the Subscriber on Plantation Land of Canaan, or lodge him in the Colony stocks.
Demerary, 23d February 1811.

NOTICE is hereby given, that those persons interested in the part of the front lands of Werk & Rust, known by the name of Vryburg, are requested to meet at the House of the second undersigned, at present occupied by J. PANTLIZ Esq. on the 26th instant, at one o'clock, in order to hear and determine upon such proposition as will be proposed for the repair of the Stelling situate between the Houses of the Subscribers; as also for the repair of the roads and bridges in the said town.
Demerary, 23d February 1811. J. BERGH.

DE Geintteresserdens van de voorgrond der Pl: Werk en Rust, bekend onder de naam van Vryburg, worden vriendlykit versogt te compareeren ten huise van de twde Ondergeteekende thans bewoond door de Heer J. PANTLIZ, tegens den 26 deezer maand, ten een Uur, om aldaar aan te hooren zodanige propositien omtrend het reparaen van de Stelling tusschen de huisen van de Ondergeteekendens; als meede tot het maaken van benoodige bruggen en bestraate van weegens als de genamentlyke geinteresseerdens zullen considereeren het best te zyn.
Demerary, February 23, 1811. J. BERGH.

THE Undersigned respectfully inform their Friends and the Public, that they intend carrying on that line of Business, and beg the favor of their Patronage.
Their Residence is between the Premises of JOS. WARD and J. F. MEYER Esqrs.
Werk & Rust, 23d February, 1811.

NOTICE is hereby given, that the Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the undersigned is at the House of Mr. H. TULLOH, in Cumingsburg.
Demerary, 23d February 1811.

                              23d February 1811.
By Permission of His Excellency the Governor.
Miss EMILY and LOUISA PIECK solicit the Patronage of their Friends and the Public, and inform them that on Friday next, the 1st March, will be Performed at the Theatre Royal of their Benefit:

The Gentlemen of the Theatre having kindly offered their services, will Perform, after the Concert,
The much-admired Farce called
Particulars will be given in Hand-Bills.

RUNAWAY from the Plantation Woodlands, about ten days ago, a Yellow-skinned Negro of the Congo Nation, named BOB, about 5 feet 6 inches high. Any information respecting said Negro will be thankfully received, and a handsome reward paid to any person that will lodge him in the Barracks.
Demerary, 23d February 1811.


On Thursday 28th Inst. will be exposed for sale at the VENDUE OFFICE - Two Anchors and one Cable, that were lost on the Bar by the Ship Eliza Ann, WILLIAM ROSS Master, sold for account of the Underwriters. They are laying at the house of L. McBEAN Esq.
Also Dry Goods, Madeira Wine in Pipes, &c.
February 23d. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.

On Friday the 15th March, will be exposed for sale at the VENDUE OFFICE, by order of the Executors of Wm. HEATHCOTE Esq. deceased. - One hundred dozen of choice Madeira Wine, being many years in bottles. Also Dry Goods, Provisions, &c.
February 22d. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony;-

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

Saml. Dowdle in 14 days from the 1st February.
Antoine St. Felix in 14 days or 6 Weeks from ditto.
Joseph Templeman, in ditto, do. do.
Henry Austin in 14 days or one Month from Feb. 4th.
John Buchannan, in 14 days from the 4th February.
Saml. Ramsden, in 14 days, from 11th Feby. 1811.
John Fraser, in ditto or 6 Weeks, from 11th ditto.
John McGarel, in ditto or ditto, from 11th ditto.
C. J. A. Stakman, in 14 days, from 11th ditto.
Jeanette Burton and 3 Children, in ditto, from 14 do.
Mrs. Sarah Nurse, in ditto or ditto, from 14th ditto.
Margt. Fraser, in ditto or One Month, from 15th do.
F. A. Barrow, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 15th do.
John Crone, in ditto or ditto, from 15th ditto.
N. Rousselet in 14 days, from 16th February.
Fras. Haggart, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, from 18th Feb.
Miss Leah Ince, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 20th do.
A. TINNE, senior Clerk.

AT the COMMISSARY COURT of the 11th March 1811, will be Passed the following TRANSPORTS and MORTGAGES, Viz: -
By JOHN G. REED qq. GEORGE REED, Mortgage on the Plantation Dochfour, cum annexis, situate on the East Coast of this Colony, with right of first Mortgage, in favor of JOHN GLADSTONE of Liverpool.
By ditto ditto, Mortgage on ditto, with right of second Mortgage, in favor of ditto.
By ditto ditto, Mortgage on the undivided half of Plantation Craig Miln, cum annexis, situate on the East Coast of this Colony, in favor of ditto.
By LACHLAN CUMING q.q. Mrs. JENNINGS, Transport of a Lot of Wood Land, situate on the West bank of this River, being One Hundred Rood façade, and measuring from Camoeny Creek North side, part of the former Plantation Beehive, to HENDRIK LAMBO.
By JOHN MITCHEL, Transport of the Lot No. 69, situate in Eve Leary, with the Buildings thereon, to FRANCES WINGATE.
By JOSEPH STATHAM, Transport of the half Lot No. 8, situate in the front of Plantation Werk en Rust, with the Buildings thereon, to LOUISA WARNER.
By THOS. and WM. FRASER, Mortgage on forty-three Slaves, (names to be seen at this Office) in favor of D. C. CAMERON, of Berbice.
By the Attornies of ALEXR. TULLOH, Transport of the Lots No. 71 and 84, situate in Cumingsburg, with the Buildings thereon, to JOHN MADDEN.
By THOS. NAGHTEN q.q. H. MCCALMONT, Transport of the West half of Lots No. 41 and 42, situate in Cumingsburg, with the Buildings thereon, to HENRY CLEMENTSON.
By WM. NIELL, Transport of the Buildings situate on the South side of Robb's Stelling, in front of Pl. Vlissingen, together with the right and title to the Land during the present Lease, to HENRY CLEMENTSON.
By HENRY CLEMENTSON, Mortgage on Lot West half No. 41 and 42, situate in Cumingsburg, with the Buildings thereon, as well as on part of the Mud Lot on the South side of Robb's Stelling, with the Buildings thereon, in favor of JOHN and Chas. Mcgarel as Trustees for FRAS: COX and her Children.
By WM. BRERETON, Transport of the Lot No. 58, situate in Cumingsburg, with the Buildings thereon, to G. J. FURNACE.
By H. A. EBERHARDI q.q. Transport of the South half of Lot No. 8, situate in the front of Werk en Rust, to LOUISA WARNER.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, 22d February 1811.
ALEX: TINNE, Senior Clerk.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek
Cotton - 14 1/2 to 15 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 6 to 6 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 20 to 22 1/2

On handing to our numerous and respectable subscribers, the Gazette of Tuesday, we also delivered to them the hopes and expectations we entertained of being able, through arrivals from Europe, to make its successor the vehicle of important and authentic information, and the rectifier of the errors of Public Report: - but we are again disappointed, and, of course, must, however unwillingly, extend the same to others.
The unpleasantly delayed arrival of the Packet, and the long-expected Mercantile Vessels, will afford some colour to the suggestions which perhaps have, or will be, made to the public, by those who delight to be premature reporters of unfortunate occurrences: but, for our part, though as deeply interested as any one, we entertain no serious apprehensions of their safety; knowing, as we do, that, at this season of the British year, a wished-for departure from its coast, is often forbidden by a Westerly Wind!
Nor from America (that seat of political agitation, and dubious intent as to its future conduct towards a country (England) which it ought, for its own ultimate welfare, to be in a state of eternal amity with;) has a vessel arrived in our river since our last: which is another case of regret, though not of such magnitude as the first. - From Barbados too we are without arrivals.


Feb. 21. Schr. Rhoda, Capt. Hunt, from Bath, - Lumber.

Feb. 23. Ship Perthshire, Capt. McInlay, for Glasgow.
----------- William, Foden, Liverpool.
----------- Kelton, Croft, London.
-------- Sloop First Attempt, Thomas, Barbados.
-------- Schr. Amelia, Darrell, Ditto.
------------- Good Intent, Strickland, Ditto.


Mr. Editor,
It may be gratifying to the Irish part of the community here, to know, that their native melodies, which, like their country, have too long experienced the neglect, or somewhat worse, of the vulgar great, are now publishing in a collected form; the music arranged by Sir J. STEVENSON, - the poetry of Mr. T. MOORE. - A genuine Son of Erin will doubtless lament the loss of those wild, heart-thrilling strains, which he has often breathed with rapture in his native tongue, but he will find something to qualify his regret in the admirable compositions of the Anaereon of his country - Moore!
The following is an unpublished specimen of the poetry intended for the Irish Melodies:

Fly not yet! 'tis just the hour
When pleasure, like the midnight flower*
That scorns the eye of vulgar light,
Begins to bloom on sons of night,
And maids who love the moon!
'Twas but to bless those hours of shade,
That beauty and the moon were made!
'Tis then, their soft attractions glowing
Set the tides and goblets flowing:
Oh, stay! on, stay!
Life so seldom weaves a chain
Like this to-night, that, oh! 'tis pain
To break its links so soon!

Fly not yet! - the fount that play'd
In times of old, thru' Ammon's shade; #
Tho' icy cold by day it ran,
Yet still, like souls of mirth, began
To burn when night was near!
And thus shou'd woman's heart and looks,
At noon be cold as winter brooks,
Nor kindle 'till the night returning,
Brings the genial hour for burning!
On, stay! oh, stay"
When does morning ever break
And find such beaming eyes awake
As those that sparkle here?

* Night-blowing Ceres.
# Fons Sulis in the Temple of Jupiter Ammon.


It is well that Miss LUNA informs us, that the Poem she has sent is on the Fire-Fly, for we should perhaps have made the ludicrous mistake of dedicating it to the Lizard - it being certainly more descriptive of the latter than the former.
We shall be happy to insert any communication from the pen of ZO, of Berbice, being conscious that it will be equally honorable to both the author and publisher.

LIST of Runaway and Arrested SLAVES in the
Colony Stocks of DEMERARY, 23d February 1811.



Brought by





Boed. F. C. Engels,



Boed. Rood,






Doct. Arenburg,






Boed. Ross, Berbice

Pl. Eendragt.


Rool, (Berbice)



Pl. Pouderoyen,

Pl. Nismes.



Pl. Golden Grove.


Fraser (Correntine)

Pl. Friendship.



Pl. Helena.


Sue Donnavan,




Pl. Vlissingen.


James Goodman,

W. McBean.

S. G. MARTENS, Drossart.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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