Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 March 09


Vol. VI.]

[No. 352.

SATURDAY, MARCH 9th, 1811.

Will positively sail the 9th April.
For Freight or Passage apply to
Demerary, March 9th 1811.

The well known ship THOMAS,
Will positively sail a Running Ship the first Springs in April. For Freight or Passage apply to
Demerary 9th March 1811.

The fast-sailing Schr. PHOENIX,
Will sail in Eight Days. For Freight or Passage apply to RYAN & KENNY.
Who are landing on consignment from on board the above Vessel, the following articles, for which Coffee will be received at Cash price: -
Rice in tierces, Superfine Flour,
Ship bread, Tongues in firkins,
Porter in Wood, malaga wine in cases,
Soap and Candles, Irish and Russia Sheeting, &c.
New Town, 9th March 1811.

THE Subscribers still have on Sale, and offer at a very reasonable price for Cash or Bills -
Two Hundred Casks of
Newfoundland Fish,
Imported per Dominicia Packet, which Ship being one of the last arrival thence, and having had a short passage out, it may be presumed her Cargo is in as fresh condition as any at present in the market.
They also yet have on hand, a few remaining thousand feet of Nova Scotia Lumber, Spars for masts, hogsheads of Tobacco, Lime and Terras, puncheons bottled Porter and Ale, and pipes and half pipes of best
London particular Madeira Wine,
of which they are anxious to close sales, consequently will dispose of at reduced rates.
Exclusive of these consignment they of course have in Store their usual supply of general merchandize.
Cumingsburg, 9th March 1811.

PLANTAINS for Sale by the Subscriber, at Plantation VIVE LA FORCE.
Demerary, 8th March 1811.

NOW Landing and for Sale by the Subscriber, the Cargo of the Brig VENUS, Capt DAMRILL, from Portsmouth N. H. -
Fish in Hogsheads and Boxes, Lumber,
R. O. Staves, R. O. Shooks,
W. O. ditto with heading,
Oars, Tar, Crackers in barrels, Small Boats, &c.
March 9th, 1811. SAMUEL MACKAY.

RUNAWAY from the Subscriber, a Negro Woman by name DUTCHESS; about five feet four to six inches high, and of the Congo nation, was far advanced in pregnancy, and had an open tray with Goods, but no pass; she is supposed to be harboured about some of the Plantations of Mahaica, and most likely is delivered - she was seen in the market at the Creek a fortnight ago. A Reward of Four Dollars will be given to any person that will apprehend or deliver the said negro to Mr. PHILIP LOVELL at Mahaica Creek, or to
Stabroek, 9th March 1811.

The Negro Girl named SARAH, advertised in the Essequebo & Demerary Gazette of the 27th of last month, had been seen a day or two previous to the said advertisement cross the Demerary Ferry, and it has been further intimated to me, that after getting on one of the Plantations she was investigated by a person, to whom she artfully replied that the person advertised was an African. - I hereby further inform all persons, that she is a creole of Monserrat; and in addition to the appearance of her features given in the said advertisement, she has several very remarkable fleshy moles in and about her face.
March 9, 1811. SARAH WEBLEY.

PICKED-UP in front of Plant. Grove, a small PUNT. Whoever has lost the same, may have it restored by paying for this Advertisement, giving a reward to the Negroes that found the Punt, and applying as above. Mahaica, 8th March 1811.

THE COMMISSARIES of CUMINGSBURGH advertise that they are wishful of Contracting the substantial reparation of the South Dam of the draining Sluice Trench. Proposals, either jointly or severally, for the re-establishment of the Greenheart Bulwark, supply of such Timber, Plank, and fastenings as may be requisite, as well as for making up the Dam itself, will be attended to by either of the Commissaries, and the Tender or Tenders lowest or most advantageous for the interest of the Town, will be closed without delay. Demerary, 9th March 1811.

Old Madeira Wine.
HUGH MACKENZIE & Co. have on hand a quantity of first quality MADEIRA WINE, 20 month in the Colony. It will be sold either by the dozen, or in Pipes, Hogsheads, or Quarter casks.
Samples will be given at their Store daily to purchasers
Demerary, 9th March 1811.

THE Subscribers respectfully inform the public, that they have this day received invoices by the Ship Friendship, of a general assortment of Provisions, Dry Goods, Furniture, Plantation Stores, &c.
Particulars in next Paper.
Newtown, 9th March 1811.

JUST Imported in the Ship FRIENDSHIP, from London, and for sale by the Subscriber, an elegant assortment of fashionable Millinery, from the West end of the Town, consisting of the following articles: -
[first column]
Ladies Head Dresses and morning and half dress caps,
Do. dress & morning gowns.
Ribbons, flowers & feathers
Persian sarsnets and sattins,
Twilled Chambrays,
Lace beading and edgings,
Velvets, crape,
Silk handkerchiefs,
Silk scarfs, and cloaks,
Lace veils,
Baby linen,
[second column]
Ready made cloaths for children,
Infants hats and bonnets,
Womens straw hats and bonnets,
Girls do.
Elegant sattin and silk slippers for dress,
Leather do.
Childrens do.
Girls frocks,
Ready made pelisses and spencers,
Muslins of all descriptions.
[end columns]
[first column]
Flannel, bombazeens,
Bed sheeting,
French cambric,
Cotton do. twilled do.
Gold epaulets,
Military feathers,
Leather cockades,
[second column]
Parasols, umbrellas,
Black and white cotton stockings,
Do. do. silk do.
Silk gloves,
Thread, tape, bobbin, and pins, &c.
[end columns]
New Town, March 9th 1811.

HAS Received the following provisions &c. per the Ship Friendship, Capt. Stripling, from London: -
Excellent small hams, Pine and loaf cheese, Kegs of Beef, Pickled and smoaked tongues, Bologna and pickled Sausages, Sourcrout, Ling fish, Smoaked Beef, Tripe, split pease, Scotch and pearl Barley, Bottled beer and porter, draft porter, Cyder, Perry, old hock, Port wine, Hoffman's cherry and Raspberry brandy, Raspberry Vinegar, Orgeat and Capliaire, Raisins, Almonds and Currants in jars, Loaf sugar, Tea in Cannisters, Vinegar in jugs, Tarragon Vinigar [sic] in bottles, sweet oil, Boots, hats, Hardham's snuff in cannisters, Lined and unlined Jackets, Negro blankets, Paints and oil, Tallow mill grease, Oznaburgs, Checks, Canvas, Russia sheeting, Bed sheeting, Ironmongery, &c. &c.
New-Town, 9th March 1811.

THE Subscribers are now landing a choice Cargo of Portland Lumber, from the Brig Massasoit, Capt. ROBINSON. Also
New Fish in Casks and Boxes,
Smoaked Herrings in boxes,
Staves, W. O. Shooks and Heading,
Laying Shingles, &c.
March 5th, 1811. JAS. H. ALBOUY & Co.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

THE undersigned intending to leave this Colony in April next, requests all persons having demands against him to call for payment; and such as are indebted to him, are requested to make payment of the same.
Demerary, 9th March 1811.

STRAYED or Stolen, a large dark brown EWE GOAT, with both her Ears slit, and a hole at the tip of each horn, she is remarkable for having these marks. Whoever will restore her to the subscriber, or give any information so as to lead to the manner of her going, may receive One Joe Reward.
South Street, Bridge Town, 9th March 1811.

Fresh Medicines,
per Friendship.
THE Subscriber is enabled to offer a considerable addition to his late importations of genuine and very superior MEDICINES just arrived from London per the above Ship, which he will dispose of at his usual moderate, and greatly reduced Prices.
Amongst which are all the various NOSTRUM and PATENT MEDICINES, warranted genuine.
Refined Liquorice in boxes,
Steel Lozenges.
[right pointing hand icon] Note. - To a purchaser taking to the amount of £ 100 Sterling, and making immediate payment, an allowance will be made which will reduce the prices considerably.
Bridge Town, 9th March 1811.
[Transcriber's note: compare with 18110312EDRG where this advertisement has a substantial expansion.]

JUST Imported in the Ship Friendship, from London and for sale by the Subscriber.
Yorkshire hams,
Leaden Hall beef in kegs,
Smoked ditto.
Pickled and smoked Tongues,
Sourcrout, Tripe,
Bologna sausages,
Bath Loaf & Pine cheese,
French olives and Capers,
Split Pease,
Scotch and Pearl barley,
Hyson tea, Refined sugar,
Hock, Perry, and Cyder,
Bottled porter, and table Beer,
Spermaceti and Tallow candles,
Building lime, and Paving Tiles, &c. &c.
Demerary, 9th March 1811.

Summonses by Edict.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons, that I the undersigned First Marshal of the Honorable Court of Justice of Demerary, by virtue of open letters of benefit of inventory, dated 20th February last, obtained from his Excellency Governor H. W. BENTINCK, by and in behalf of J. P. VALZ in quality as Testamentary Executor and instituted heir to the Estate and effects of GEERTRUY DE BRUYN decd. formerly Widow of J. DE SALIGNAC, and latterly of J. BASTIAANSE J.N.Z. and at the request of J. P. VALZ aforesaid, have Summoned, as I do by this Public Edict accordingly: All uncertain and unknown creditors (if any) of GEERTRUY DE BRUYN, formerly Widow of J. DE SALIGNAC, and latterly of J. BASTIAANSE M.Z. [sic] aforesaid, and all others that shall in any manner resist and make opposition against the said letters of benefit of inventory, founded on their right as creditors or legatees of the aforesaid Estate.
To come and appear, if they chuse to do so, on the 30th day of March next, about 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Plantation Zel den Rust, situate in Great Courabana, the dwelling of the deceased abovementioned, or elsewhere.
In order to take an inventory on that and following days, and appraise all the effects left by the deceased, in presence of two Commissaries of the Honorable Court of Justice, and the Secretary of this Colony, and to set that due security be given by the said J. P. VALZ.
And I do moreover, at the request of J. P. VALZ in his quality aforesaid, by this Public Edict summon, all such uncertain and unknown creditors of the Estate of GERTRUY DE BRUYN deceased, formerly Widow of J. DE SALIGNAC, and latterly of J. BASTIAANSE M.Z. - To appear or send attornies before the Honorable Court of Justice, at its session in Stabroek, on the 20th of May next, and following days; in order to see the said letters of benefit and Inventory confirmed, or debate the same, with intimation to them (if any) that whether or not they appear or send attornies, there nevertheless will be proceeded by the Honorable Court of Justice for confirmation or otherwise of said letters of benefit of inventory, according to Law.
Done in Demerary, this 8th March 1811, affixed at the Court House, and published in both Gazettes of Essequebo and Demerary. By me
M. Smit, first Marshal.


On Tuesday the 12th Inst. will be exposed for sale at the VENDUE OFFICE, by order of Mr. JAMES FOTHERINGHAM. - Several head of creole Cattle, Books, Furniture, &c.

On Tuesday the 19th instant at the store of THOMAS FINLAYSON Esq. the following Goods just received on Consignment - Beef and pork in whole and half barrels, pearl and Scotch barley in jugs and kegs, split pease in do. New superfine flour, salt in barrels, Tobacco, Rice, potatoes, White wine Vinegar in jugs, Tea in chests and cannisters, Boxes Anchovies, Capers, Olives and India pickles, Candles, Boxes soap, Rock cement Paint, White lead and paint oil, pots blue paint, patches calico, Ginghams, Brown holland, Britannias, platillas, Carlisle check, Madrass handkerchiefs, pullicat handkerchiefs, pocket do. Brown jeans, yellow nankeen, Irish linen, fine and coarse dimities, an assortment of Nuns thread, No. 6 to 40, Gentlement [sic] silk, Leghorn, and beaver hats, Do. boots and shoes, Ladies and Gentlemens fine cotton hose, three trunks containing Ladies fashionable dresses, Negro cloathing, Canvas and small rope, a large assortment of nails and Carpenters and Coopers tools, Hhds. and puncheon truss hoops, vat and puncheon Iron hoops, Hoes and shovels, Brass wire, first quality Madaira [sic] Wine in pipes and per dozen, a few bags Corks, 12 window frames with glass complete &c.

On Wednesday the 20th at the stores of Messrs. MCINTYRE, SAYERS & Co. the following assortment of Goods just arrived in the Ship Thomas, from Liverpool and will be sold without reserve - Beef and pork, hams, Cheese, Beer, Porter, Lyng fish and potatoes, Tea, Refined sugar, Almonds, Raisins, Soap and Candles, Nails, Cordage, Canvas, Paints and oil, Earthen and Glass ware, and a large assortment of Dry goods consisting of Corded dimity, Jeans and Jeanets, Princess Cord, Painted calicoes, Cotton and Linen Cambric, Do. Britannias, Do. checks, French, Madrass and Romal Handkerchiefs, &c.

On Tuesday the 22d Instant, [see 18110302EDRG] . . .
On the same day the following articles being the property of a Military Gentlemen [sic] leaving the Colony, - Five or six Capital Saddle or Draught Horses, a Ph¾ton and Curricle with Harness Plated &c.

On Monday the 25th inst. will be exposed for sale on the premises, by order of Doct. A. BAUM. - A piece of Land, part of Lot No. 2, 100 feet long, situated in Werk & Rust, with a house 26 1/2 feet long with a Water Lot opposite 30 feet. Also a House forty feet long by 20 wide, on lot No. 2, two stories high. Terms of payment 6, 12, and 18 months credit.
Dry Goods, &c.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement gets modified in 18110312EDRG with a new posting date.]

On Wednesday the 27th inst. at the store of JOSEPH HILL Esq. - Printed Calicoes, Cambric, Jaconet and Fancy muslins, Table cloths, Towels, Furniture chintz, Checks, Irish linens, Platillas, Britannias, Sheetings, Huckaback, Pocket handkerchiefs, Negro clothing, Green baize, Bedtick, Romal and Madrass handkerchiefs, Black silk and other vests, Trowsers, Jackets, Cloth pantaloons, shirts, hosiery, silk and cotton umbrellas, hats of every kind, saddles, bridles, Japan and tin ware, Ironmongery, Tripe, Tongues, Hams, Cheese, Butter, Potatoes, Split pease, soap, candles, vinegar, paint and lamp oil, white lead and other paints, hoes, shovel, cutlasses, Cogniac brandy, perry, porter and ale, Blackpepper [sic], Loaf sugar, Raisins, Currants, Tea, spices, Powder and shot, Broad Cloth, Jewellery, London made Boots and shoes, slippers, Glass and Earthen ware, Bar Iron of various kinds, Puncheon hoops &c.

On Monday the 15th April, will be exposed for sale at Public Auction, precisely at 10 o'clock, at Yorkshire Hall, by order of N. ROUSSELET Esq. - A large assortment of excellent Furniture, a great variety of Plate, and several valuable Negroes, &c.
[Transcriber's note: date of vendue changes from Monday the 15th April to Wednesday the 17th April in 18110323EDRG.]


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony:

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

N. Rousselet in 14 days, from 16th February.
Fras. Haggart, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, from 18th Feb.
Miss Leah Ince in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 20th do.
Luther Bradish, in 14 days from 23d Feby.
Louis Tapin, in do. from 23d do.
H. C. Bate, in do. from 23d do.
J. G. Tout, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 2d March.
C. L. Robertson, in ditto or ditto, from 2d ditto.
J. Helmers, in 14 days from 5th March.
Allen Dalzell, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, from 8th do.
Geo. Milleman, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 8th do.
Richd. Ferguson, in 3 Weeks, from 8th do.
John Laing, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 8th do.

AT the COMMISSARY COURT of the 11th March 1811, will be Passed the following TRANSPORTS and MORTGAGES, Viz: -
. . .
By JOSEPH STATHAM, Transport of the half Lot No. 8, situate in the front of Plantation Werk en Rust, with the Buildings thereon, to LOUISA WARNER.
. . .
By H. A. EBERHARDI q.q. Transport of the South half of Lot No. 8, situate in the front of Werk en Rust, to LOUISA WARNER.
By H. A. EBERHARDI qq. Transport of a piece of Land on the South side of the 1/3 Lot No. 8, situate in the front of Werk & Rust, to LOUISA WARNER.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, 22d February 1811.
ALEX: TINNE, Senior Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: two transports referencing Lot No. 8 appeared in the original advertisement (see 18110223EDRG); a third (the last) appears as an addition here; the sum of the portions of Lot No. 8 exceed the whole of Lot No. 8.]

On the arrival, yesterday, of the Friendship, Capt. Stripling, from London, we were obligingly favored with Papers to the 19th of January.

We have received Barbados Papers up to the 2d Instant, but their contents are of little importance. – The William, from our port, for Liverpool, was off the Island at the time they went to press. – They announce the death of Thomas Hunt, Esq. Prothonotary of the Island, and Benjamin Power, Esq. Captain of the Port; - A Proclamation, allowing bounties on the importation of Cod-fish, Flour, Rye, Corn-meal, Rice, &c. into the Island of Martinique, has been lately published.


March 9 - Schooner Phoenix, Allison, Barbados.

----- 6 - Sloop Blackbird, Coverley, Barbados.
----- 7 - Brig Penelope, Perkins, Halifax.
--------- Ship Douglas, Evans, Liverpool.
-------------- Mary, Ferguson, do.
----- 8 - Schooner Miranda, Perkins, Kennebunk.
--------- Brig Merchant, Eldridge, do.
-------------- Hunter, Greely, St. Bartholomews, &c.
----- 9 ---- Fame, Plumley, Boston.

DIED - on the 5th Inst. Mr. HENRY WILLIAM ROSSER, on Plantation Letter T. Abary; having been employed on that Estate as Overseer.
On Thursday, GEORGE CHARLES, second Son of JAMES ROBERTSON, Esq.
Yesterday, at the age of 23 years, LUCY ADRIANA ROUSSELET, (Wife of C. H. DE MUNNICK, Esq.) lamented and esteemed by all her friends; leaving a disconsolate husband and a father who deplore her loss.

The following most judicious document has been addressed to the army serving in Ireland, by the Earl of Harrington, Commander in Chief:-


            "Adujutant-General's Office, Dublin, Jan. 1811.
"Reports having been circulated, that Catholic Soldiers have been prevented from attending Divine Worship according to the tenets of their religion, and obliged, in certain instances, to be present at that of the Established Church, the Commanding Officers of the several Regiments are to be attentive to the prevention of such practices, if they have in any instance existed in the troops under their command, as they are in violation of the Orders contained in the Curcular Letter of the 14th of May, 1806, and since repeated to the Army; and the Catholic Soldiers, as well as those of other Sects, are to be allowed, in all cases, to attend the Divine Worship of the Almighty according to their several persuasions, when duty does not interfere, in the same manner, and under the same regulations, as those of the Established Church.
"WM. RAYMOND, Dep. Adj. Gen.
"N. RAMSEY, Maj. Assist. Adj. Gen."

So late as January last, some of the artillery, privates and drivers, quartered in Enniskillen, continued to do duty with turned coats, the most mortifying punishment ever inflicted on a brave man, and this merely for having attended according to law, to the worship of their church; but on the evening of that day the scene was somewhat changed – the General Order arrived; on the following morning the Officer accused of the oppression departed for Dublin; and on Sunday the Catholic soldiers of the Garrison were MARCHED TO THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHAPEL, ACCOMPANIED BY TWO OFFICERS OF THAT RELIGION; and on Sunday also, for the first time, the Catholic soldiers of the 59th were marched to the Chapel in Newry by three Officers of that regiment.

The Captain of the galliot North Star, of Papenburgh, arrived on the 9th ult. At Aberdeen, from Christiansand in Norway, reports that a Revolution had taken place over all Norwa, in consequence of Bonaparte having demanded a certain number of Norwegian seamen to man his navy. The forts on the Norway coast are all in possession of the insurgents, consisting of the whole military, and naval force of the country; the former having been ordered to enforce obedience, the latter not only refused, but joined them.

Upwards of 600 sail of ships have arrived this year at Quebec for timber; and the exertions which are making to give effect to the same, by the erection of steam-engines, &c. cannot fail to render it more advantageous to Great Britain, as it will supersede, in a great measure, the importations from Norway or the Baltic.

Intelligence has been received of an attempt having been made by French emissaries to shake the allegiance of the people of the Phillipine Isles to Ferdinand VII. which was, however, frustrated by the Governor.

A letter from the French Minister of Justice to the President of the Council of Prizes, at Paris, dated Dec. 25, after referring to the Proclamations of the President of the United States of America, directs, "that all causes pending in the Council of Prizes, on account of captures of American vessels, made from the date of November 1, and those which shall be thereafter made, shall not be judged according to the principles of the Berlin and Milan decrees, but that they shall remain in sequestration; the vessels taken or detained before being alone under sequestration, and the rights of their proprietors being reserved till the 2d of February next."

LIST of Runaway and Arrested SLAVES in the
Colony Stocks of DEMERARY, 9th March 1811.



Brought by





Boed. G. F. Engels,



Boed. Rood,






Sue Donnavan,




Pl. Vlissingen.



A. Simpson.


Fairbairn (Berbice)

M. Perkins.


Pl. Golden Grove,



Ths. Laurence,

Pl. Chateau Margo.




S. G. MARTENS, Drossart.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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