Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 March 26


Vol. VI.]

[No. 357.

TUESDAY, MARCH 26th, 1811.

                  OFFICE OF ORDNANCE.
                        26th March 1811.
CASH WANTED for £ 2550 Sterling.
FOR BILLS OF EXCHANGE drawn on the principal Officers of His Majesty's Ordnance, London, at Thirty days sight.
Sealed Tenders for which, or any part thereof, (not under £ 50 Stg.) Endorsed - "Tenders for Bills of Exchange" will be received by the Subscribers until 10 o'Clock on Saturday next the 30th Instant, when they will be opened in the presence of His Excellency Governor BENTINCK, and the highest Exchange will be accepted, provided it is equal to the rate at which the Ordnance Bills can hereafter be sold in this Colony, conformable to recent regulations.
Actg. Ordnce. Store-keeper.

                  OFFICE of ORDNANCE.
                        23d March, 1811.
NOTICE is hereby given to any person willing to furnish the Frame of a House, one Story high, to be composed of Hardwood, of the following dimension, viz:-
40 feet Long,
20 feet Broad,
9 do. High.
Will please to apply to this Office, as early as possible.
Actg. Ordnce. Store-Keeper.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

DESERTED from the Schooner NANCY, on Sunday night last, a Sailor Negro named JIM, without any cause whatever. Any person bringing said Negro to the Subscriber, will receive One Joe Reward. – All persons are hereby forbid harbouring or taking said Negro from this Colony, as the Law will be rigidly enforced against the offender.
Demerary, 23d March, 1811. PAUL SMITH.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

For Sale in Berbice.
THE Cotton Estate WILLIAMSBURG, with or without Eighty five prime Negroes, 330 acres of bearing Cotton, and a Plantain Walk of 45 acres, eligibly situated on the Courantyne Coast of that Colony. For particulars, Inventory, and Appraisement, enquire of THOMAS DELISLE Esq. authorised by the Committee for the Creditors, viz: -
March 25, 1811. ALEXANDER HOUSTON.

The fast sailing Sloop MARY,
Will Sail the 30th Instant. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board or to
Who has for Sale. Imported in said Vessel, 400 Bundles W. O. Shooks with Heading, for Rum Puncheons, and for which Rum will be taken in payment.
American Stelling, 25th March 1811.

A PUNT of about Twenty-six feet in length, and eight in breadth; a new one will be preferred. Apply to.
Pl. Best, March 26th, 1811.

And for Sale at very reduced prices
For Immediate Payment: -
[first column]
New Cod Fish,
W. O. Staves & Heading,
W. O. Shooks and do.
[second column]
R. O. Shooks,
Flour in half barrels,
[end columns]
New York W. O. Staves and heading,
22 inch Cypress shingles,
Prime Irish mess beef and pork,
Tripe, potatoes,
Cogniac brandy, Old rum, Holland gin,
Perry and cyder,
Soap, Candles, Tobacco,
Spermaceti lamp oil, Cotton bagging,
And by the latest Arrivals.
Gentlemens Boots and shoes,
Ladies, Misses, and Childrens do. in great variety,
Also boys ditto,
Chaise and Jockey whips,
And sundry other article.
Demerary, 26th March 1811.

THE Cargo of the Brig TRAVELLER, Capt. PARROT, from Portland, N.A. viz: -
Dry Fish in hogsheads and boxes,
Wood Hoops,
R. O. Shooks and Heading,
R. O. Staves and Lumber.
March 25th, 1811. SAMUEL MACKAY.

Is hereby given that the Firm of HEDGES & JONES, was dissolved on the 16th day of February last, by mutual consent. Such as have demands against them will please to render in their Accounts for examination; and such as are indebted to said Firm, will please to make payment without delay to the first undersigned, who is full authorized to receive and give discharges for the same.
Demerary, March 26, 1811. JOSEPH JONES.

A YOUNG MAN who is well acquainted with the cultivation of Sugar, Coffee, or Cotton, and will be willing to enter immediately in employ. A Line addressed to A. B. and left at the Royal Gazette Office, will be duly attended to.
Demerary, 26th March 1811.

STOLEN from the Subscriber, on the 25th February last, from Capoey Creek, a BLACK TRUNK, with Cloaths, and a red Pocket Book with a parcel of papers consisting of Goods and Accounts, and sundry other papers; there was likewise some Cash and a bunch of keys in the Trunk. Any Person that can give any information of the Thief shall receive a liberal reward from
March 25th, 1811. Shoe Maker.

The fast-sailing Schooner
With good accommodations for passengers, will touch at Barbados, Martinique, and St. Kitts, and will positively sail in six or seven days. For Freight or Passage please apply to Wm: KING, Goldsmith, or to
Demerary, 26th March 1811. Wm. CRABB.

DEN Ondergeteekende in qualiteyt als door den Ed: Achtb: Hove van Justitie alhier, dato 23e deezer Maand, in plaats van den Heer P. A. DE VEER, aangesteld zynde als Curator over de Persoon en Gooderen van JAN ABEL SARGENTON, verzoekt by deeze alle de Crediteuren van voornoemde J. A. SARGENTON, op den 4 April aanstaande, den voormeddags ten Elf uuren, zig te vervoegen, ten Huyze van den Heer H. A. EBERHARDI, Plantage Werk en Rust, voorzien van dezelven Pretensien, om is het moogelyk, in schikkengen van accoord te koomen.
Demerary, 25e Maart 1811.


On Friday 29th March [see 18110312EDRG] . . .
[Transcriber's note: date and terms of vendue remain unchanged; however, the posting date changes from March 12th to March 19.]


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony:

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

Thomas Vining, in 14 days, from 12th March.
Louis Cartel, in do. from 12th do.
B. Staunton, in do. from 12th do.
Eliz. Bruce, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 12th do.
Margt. Hogsturd, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 18th March 1811.
John Ryan and Family, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, from do.
John Croal, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 19th do.
William Sloane, in do. or do. from 21st do.
Ann Perry, in do. or 3 Weeks, from 21st do.
Dirk Fleischman and Family, in 14 days, from 21st do.
C. Van Baerle, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 22d do.
Jan Van Ostrum, in 14 days, from 23d do.

Secretary's Office, Essequebo.

PUBLIC Notice is hereby given, that Mr. A. VAN RYCK DE GROOT, with the Commissarial Meeting of April next, will execute a Mortgage Deed in favour of his natural and adopted Children, procreated by M. J. F. MULLERT. Proper notice to be given of any opposition intended.
Secretary's Office, Essequebo, this 12th March 1811.
J. P. ROUSKOLB, first Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

Van wegens A. VAN RYCK DE GROOT, zal met de aanstaande Commissariaale Vergadering van April, worden gepasseerd een act Obligatoir, ten behoove van zyne naturalyke en geadopteerd kinderen bevoorens verwekt by M. J. F. MULLERT. Imand recht van oppositie sustineerende addressere zig daar en zo 't behoord.
Actum Secretary in Rio Essequebo, den 12e Maart 1811
J. P. ROUSKOLB, Eerste Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

WHEREAS the Honble: Court of Justice of this River, has been pleased (by their Resolution dated 7th of February last, taken on the prayer of ALBERTUS BACKER, inhabitant of this Colony, presented on the same day), to place the person and effects of PAUL LIOT BACKER, (Son in Law and adopted Son to said ALBERTUS BACKER), under temporary (provisional) Curatorship, and to name and appoint Curator thereto the said Mr. ALBERTUS BACKER. I, the undersigned Secretary, by order of said Honorable Court, do hereby give notice thereof accordingly unto all and every person whom it shall or may concern.
Secretary's Office in Rio Essequebo, 12th March 1811.
J. P. ROUSKOLB, first Clerk, L.S.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

WHEREAS the Honble: Court of Justice of this River has been pleased (by their Resolution dated 7th of March last, taken on the prayer of JAN BONJES, inhabitant of this Colony, presented on the same day), to place the person and effects of JAN HELMERS, (Son in Law to said Mr. JAN BONJES), under temporary (provisional) Curatorship, and to name and appoint Curators thereto the said Mr. JAN BONJES together with Mr. P. J. DE KOKER.
I, the undersigned Secretary, by order of said Honourable Court, do hereby give notice thereof accordingly unto all and every person whom it shall or may concern.
Secretary's Office in Rio Essequebo, 12th March 1811.
J. P. ROUSKOLB, first Clerk, L.S.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

J. E. FRANTZEN and Wm. MOOY, (as Guardians to the Minor Heirs of the late B. F. STOLL's Estate), having addressed themselves to this Honourable Court by prayer, dated 7th March last, thereby requesting the Court's approbation and sanction of certain Contracts, made and privately entered into by A. F. STOLL on the 5th of November and 8th of December 1810, whereby (amongst other matters) the said A. F. STOLL does transfer and give over to their immediate possession (as Guardians aforesaid) for the time of Eighteen months, the following Eleven Negroes, by name: - Prins, Protest, Fortuyn, George, Ben, John, Moses, Betty, Ackosiba, Jenny, and her infant child Daniel; under proviso that said Slaves (as his property, and as security only) shall be obliged to work under the care and directions of the Representatives of the Boedel B. F. STOLL, (however for account and risk of the said A. F. STOLL) and that the nett proceeds of their labour should be paid out to his rightful Creditors; namely, agreeable to such arrangements as he should make with them; further reserving, that at the end of those Eighteen Months, he (A. F. STOLL) might (if inclined) without any recourse to Law whatever, claim as his property and take back in his possession the abovementioned slaves; untouched however the right of legal Mortgage on the same, belonging to the minor Heirs of B. F. STOLL, until the final liquidation of the Boedel B. F. STOLL aforesaid.
Then and secondly, he (A. F. STOLL) has sold unto said Guardians of the minor Heirs B. F. STOLL, his place and Grounds situated on the West Coast of this River, by the Creek Mamoera Caboera, between the Lands of J. E. FRANTZEN on the upper and the place of K. H. SCHREIBER on the lower side, being 350 roods front more or less, with full depth as by chart; with all the Buildings and Cultivation thereon, or whatever else might be thereto belonging, for the sum of f 4071 1 8, the payment whereof should be made as follows, viz: -
The sum of f 721 1 8 in a demand from the Boedel B. F. STOLL, of date 25th December 1802, against said A. F. STOLL. – The remaining f 3300 in three notes of hand, each for f 1100 payable in Eight, Sixteen, and Four and Twenty months, with the Interest of 1/2 per cent per month; drawn by said Guardians in favor of A. F. Stoll, the whole agreeable to said contracts, to be seen at the Secretary's Office here.
Therefore, I, the undersigned Secretary, by order of the Honourable Court of Justice of this Colony, do hereby inform all known and unknown Creditors of said A. F. STOLL, of these agreements made and entered into as before stated, in order that (should they intend opposition against, or not be willing to agree to the same) they, in such case, might (with exhibition of their claims) appear before the Honorable Counsellor Commissaries of this Court, on the 6th of May next; there to explain in writing their reasons of opposition, which will be received by said Commissaries and by them transmitted to the Court, who will then ultimately dispose on the prayer of said petitioners as to them shall seem fit.
Secretary's Office in Essequebo, the 12th March, 1811.
J. P. ROUSKOLB, first Clerk, L. S.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

The Blackbird entered our river last night from Barbados, and brought Papers to the 19th instant. They contain no intelligence from Europe than what has already appeared.

The London Fleet, under convoy of the Africa, arrived at Barbados on Friday last.

It is the intention, we understand, of the Fraternity of Ancient Masons in Barbados, to give a ball in compliment to the Lady of their Provincial Grand Master, Brigadier-Gen. Sir C. Shipley.


March 25 Sloop Mary, Cap. Bowen, from Barbados, W. O. Shooks.
----- 26 ----- Blackbird, --- Coverley, -- Do., Oats, &c.
---- Brig Traveller, -- Parrot, --- Portland, - Fish & Lumber.

March 25 Schr. Three Friends, Capt. Mercen, for Bath.
-------- Brig Lord Nelson, -- Williams, -- Bermuda.
----- 25 ---- Union, --- Barlow, --- Liverpool.
-------------- Cataract, -- Emery, --- Boston.

The following is the substance of a new decree by Bonaparte; by which the tobacco manufacture in France, is converted into a government monopoly. – He condemns, with his usual effrontery, the conduct of the old government of France in financial affairs, at the moment he his servilely copying it. If there is any force in the considerations in the preamble to the decree, they would equally justify the engrossing every other branch of trade or manufacture from which a revenue may be raised. The inducement held out to the people to acquiesce in this new regulation is, that it will enable him to abate the sum of 30,000,000 of franks in personal and real taxes. He takes care, however, to avoid any pledge that he will avail himself of the facility so afforded to effect an actual reduction in imports of that class: - on the contrary, he intimated the necessity of a very considerable augmentation of the revenue, during the continuance of the war. The admission of only a fifth part of foreign tobacco, will not be looked upon by the Americans as a favorable specimen of his friendly intentions. – After the enactments to the above effect, come these articles-
"Art. 26. It shall not be lawful for any private individual to have any other manufactured tobacco, than what is produced by the imperial manufactories or by such other manufactories, as are expressly authorized by the committee.
"Art. 27. It shall not be lawful to import any manufactured tobacco, not even that of Holland.
"Art. 29. Every offence against the articles of this decree, shall be punished with a fine of 1000 francs, and the confiscation of the tobacco."



                        Paris, Dec. 10, 1810.
SIR- I have this moment learnt that the American brig New Orleans Packet, lately arrived at Bourdeaux, has, with her cargo, the bona fide property of the citizens of the United States, and laden at the port of New York, been seized by the Director of the Customs, under the Berlin and Milan Decrees. I have also been informed, that this Director of the Customs, not satisfied with this hardy violation of the solemn assurances given by your Excellency to General Armstrong on the 5th August last, and confirmed by your letter to him on the 7th September, that these Decrees were revoked and would cease to operate from the first of Nov. has, without regard to the plighted faith of his government, announced his intention of selling the provisions which constitute a part of the cargo, under the pretext that they are perishable.
The clear and unequivocal manner in which the revocation of the Berlin and Milan Decrees was announced by your Excellency, forbid me for a moment to suppose, that the violent proceedings of this man will be sanctioned by His Majesty the Emperor and King, or that the least delay will be allowed in placing the property thus arrested at the free disposition of the rightful owner, whose confidence alone in the good faith with which it becomes nations to perform their engagements, has brought him to the place where he is so inhospitably treated.
I am persuaded, that your Excellency will not, on this occasion attempt to remind me of the conditions of which the revocation of those Decrees was predicated? These conditions were in the alternative, and the performance of either is sufficient to render absolute and perpetual that revocation. It is of no importance that the British Orders in Council have not been withdrawn, if the United States, in due time, perform the condition which depends alone on them. And what is this condition? Why, to exercise an Act of Congress against the English, which, to be thus executed, requires the previous revocation of those very Decrees. The letter of your Excellency of the 5th of August, appears to have been written with a full knowledge of this requistion of the law, and manifestly with the intention to comply with it, in order that it might be competent for the President of the United States to exercise the contingent power which had been given to him.
It will not be pretended, that the Decrees have in fact been revoked; but that the delay of the United States in performing the condition presented to them authorised their revival. The case of the New Orleans Packet is the first which has occurred since the first of November, to which the Berlin and Milan Decrees could be applied; and if they be applied to this case, it will be difficult for France to shew one solitary instance of their having been practically revoked. As to delay on the part of the United States, there has been none. No official information of the letter of your Excellency of the 5th of August left France for the United States, owing to circumstances which it was not in the Power of Gen. Armstrong to controul, until the 29th of September, and to this moment I have not learnt that such official information has been there received. I might indeed have learnt it, and been able now to have communicated to your Excellency the measures on which the President has decided in consequence of it, had not the frigate the Essex, dispatched by him, been put under quarantine on her arrival at L'Orient, for the want of a bill of health, and the messenger thereby detained since the 4th of this month.
I will not undertake to decided whether the Bill of Health ought, in courtesy, to be exacted of a frigate of a friendly power, coming in the winter season from a place not known to have been lately afflicted with any malignant disease; but surely the delay which this exaction occasions, cannot be imputed to a want of due diligence on the part of the American Government.
It is from this view of the subject that I am thoroughly convinced that the application of the Berlin ol Milan Decree, by the director of the Customs of Bordeaux, to the New Orleans Packet will not be approved by His Majesty, but that prompt and efficient measures will be taken to correct a procedure, which, if persisted in, might produce a state of things which it is the obvious interest of both nations to avoid.
I pray your Excellency to be assured of my most distinguished consideration, &c.


The Communication of Z, is received, but we must decline the insertion - for reasons as well known to the writer, as ourselves.

The observations of CRITICUS are very just, and the errors he mentions certainly of too conspicuous a nature to have been, before insertion, overlooked by us, but the VISITOR particularly desired that his article on the ball should be inserted as per copy.

B. T. to ARGUS shall appear in our next - but S. C. C. (on the same subject) appears to forget, that the Royal Gazette is perused by Ladies of different principles and characters to those of Cecelia.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 14 to 14 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 5 1/2 to 6. Rum (C.P.) - 20 to 22 1/2

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

[Transcriber's note: the issues between this date and April 16, 1811 are missing in the microfilm]

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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