Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 April 20


Vol. VI.]

[No. 364.

SATURDAY, APRIL 20th, 1811.

Militia Regulations.

By His Excellency H. W. BENTINCK, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, with their Dependent Districts, Vice Admiral, President of all Courts and Colleges within the same, &c. &c. &c. and
The Honorable the Court of Policy of the said Colonies.
Unto all whom these presents may or shall concern. Greeting! Be it known!
WHEREAS we have deemed it expedient to revise and amend the existing Regulations for the Militia of these Colonies; we do hereby republish the said Regulations, with the amendments and alterations we have thought fit to make in the same, and do enact as following:
Number of Battalions of Militia in both Colonies.
The Militia of both these colonies, shall consist of six battalions or regiments; viz. four in Demerary and two in Essequebo; composed as follows - in Demerary, the first battalion shall consist of all the inhabitants, able and liable to carry arms, residing in the town of Stabroek, and its environs; from Plantation Thomas to Plantation La Penitence. The second battalion shall consist of the inhabitants of the east coast, from Plantation Thomas to Abary Creek, including the Creeks of Mahayca and Mahaycony. The third battalion shall consist of the inhabitants of, both sides of the river, including the Creeks and settlements on both sides. The fourth battalion shall consist of the inhabitants of the West Coast, from the Ferry to Bonasique Creek. And there shall be added to these four battalions, a company of artillery, a troop of cavalry, and a rifle company; to consist of such numbers and to be under such particular arrangements, as the governor may, from time to time, think proper; but, in every other respect subject to the general militia laws.
In Essequebo, the first battalion shall consist of all the inhabitants from Bonasique Creek upwards as far as is inhabited on the east side of the river, including the islands of Leguan, Wakenaam, Varken, or Hog Island, Troolie Island, and all the other Islands in the river, except Tiger Island, and commencing on the west side of Supenaam Creek, and upwards as far as is inhabited. The second battalion to consist of the inhabitants from Supenaam Creek, including Tiger Island, with all the west sea coast, including Pomaroon River.
Number of Companies in each Battalion, and geographical division of the same
Each of the foregoing battalions shall be subdivided into companies, as follows:
The first Demerary Battalion into ten companies, including two coloured companies. Rendezvous, the Armory in Stabroek.
The Second Demerary Battalion into six companies, including one coloured company.
The first company, second battalion, to extend from Plantation Thomas, to Plantation Lusignan, both inclusive; rendezvous Plantation Goede Verwagting.
The second company, second battalion, from Plantation Annandale to Plantation Lancaster, both inclusive; rendezvous, Plantation Paradise.
The third company, second battalion, all plantations and settlements situated on both sides of Mahayca Creek from Plantation Lancaster, upwards; rendezvous Mahayca Ferry.
The fourth company, second battalion, from Plantation Kensington to Plantation Now-or-Never, both inclusive; rendezvous Plantation Fairfield.
The fifth company, second battalion, from Plantation Now-or-Never, to Abary Creek, including all intermediate plantations and settlements on both sides Mahaicony Creek, and west-side of Abary Creek, rendezvous Mahaycony Ferry.
The sixth company, second battalion, all the free coloured men on both sides of Mahayca Creek, and within five miles of it on each side; rendezvous, Mahayca Ferry.
The Third Demerary Battalion, into five companies.
The first company, third battalion, to extend from Plantation La Penitence to Plantation Garden-of-Eden, both inclusive; rendezvous, Plantation Herstelling.
The second company, third battalion, from Plantation Swaenen-Schutz, to Plantation Mindenburg; both inclusive; and comprehending the whole of Canal No. 1. - rendezvous Plantation La Grange.
The third company third battalion, from Plantation Nismes to Plantation Young Rachel, both inclusive, and comprehending Canal No. 2, - rendezvous, Plantation Belle Vue
The fourth company, third battalion, from Habbabboe Creek to Plantation Georgea [sic], on the west side, and from Plantation Garden-of-Eden, to Plantation Soesdyk on the east side of the river; rendezvous, on the west side of the river, Plantation Vreedesteyn; and on the east side of the river, Plantation Calcedonia.
The fifth company, third battalion, from Plantation Georgia upwards, both sides of the river, including all the creeks and settlements.
The Fourth Demerary Battalion into three companies.
The first company, fourth battalion, to extend from Plantation Best to Plantation Leonora, both inclusive; rendezvous, Plantation Ruymzight.
The second company, fourth battalion, from Plantation Leonora to Plantation Greenwich Park, the latter inclusive; rendezvous, Plantation de Kinderen.
The third company, fourth battalion, from Plantation Good Hope to Bonasique Creek, both inclusive; rendezvous, Plantation Bushy Park.
The First Essequebo Battalion to be subdivided into four companies, including one coloured company.
The first company, First Essequebo battalion, to include Fort Island and the upper River on both sides, begining [sic] on the east-side at Bonasique Creek, and on the west side at Supenaam Creek.
The second company, First Essequebo battalion, to comprehend Leguan and Hog or Varken Island.
The third company, First Essequebo battalion, to comprehend Walkenaam and Trooley, and other Islands near it.
The fourth company, First Essequebo battalion, to consist of all the coloured men on Fort Island, and in the upper river from Bonasique Creek on the east, and Supenaam Creek on the west side of the river.
The second Essequebo Battalion to be subdivided into four companies.
The first company, Second Essequebo Battalion to extend from Supenam to Iteroubise Creek.
The second company, Second Essequebo Battalion, to extend from Iteroubise to Capouy Creek, including Tyger Island.
The third company, Second Essequebo Battalion, to extend from Capouy Creek to Plantation No. 1.
The fourth company, Second Essequebo Battalion, to extend from Plantation No. 1. to the River Pomeroon inclusive.
Number and Rank of Officers.
The Militia of each colony shall be commanded by a lieutenant colonel commandant, and each battalion by a major, and each company by a captain and two lieutenants, a first and a second one.
The staff shall consist of one major of brigade for each colony; a surgeon, adjutant, quarter-master, provost-marshall [sic], and serjeant-major, to each battalion; and, to each company, an assistant-surgeon and one drill-serjeant.
The captains and lieutenants shall recommend to the lieutenant colonel commandant their own non-commissioned officers, not exceeding, for any one company, the proportion of two sergeants and two corporals for each forty rank and file.
Who are liable to serve.
All white and free coloured male inhabitants from the age of 16 to 50, residing in these colonies, and capable of bearing arms, shall be liable to serve in the Militia, except the kiezers, members of the court of policy or Justice, financial representatives, fiscaals, colonial and government secretaries, the receivers of the colonial and king's taxes, the officers of his majesty's customs, persons in holy orders, practitioners of physic and surgery, vendue and post masters. Such persons as have hitherto claimed exemption from duty on account of having held commissions as officers, shall, nevertheless, be obliged to attend the parades in the regimentals of the battalion, as supernumerary officers, agreeable to the rank they have formerly held; and all persons of this description, are hereby enjoined, in the course of one month, from the publication of this present act, and such as may arrive in these colonies, after the publishing of this act, within one month after their arrival, to exhibit to his excellency the Governor, the commission or commissions which they have so held; and those who shall not so exhibit their said commissions, shall be obliged to join in the ranks, under the penalties of this act.
Persons arriving in the Colonies to be reported by those with whom they reside.
Exclusive of the existing laws, which require every person, on arriving in these colonies, to report themselves to the burgher officers, it shall be further incumbent on the person with whom such stranger or strangers reside, for the space of one month, to report within that time, to the commanding officer of his district, whether or not such stranger or strangers intend to reside in the colony; and if so, such stranger or strangers, if in other respects liable to serve in the Militia, shall be enrolled accordingly; and the person with whom he or they reside, shall be bound to provide him or them with arms and accoutrements, according to law.
Tradesmen and transient Persons, how to serve.
Tradesmen, or others, who are in the habit of removing from one part of the colonies to another, must join in any militia duty going on in the district where they may happen to be, if eight days resident therein; nor shall any person be exempt from militia duty, by advertising his domicilium in a different district to where he may reside; but, if having a house, domicilium, or establishment, in more than one district, he shall be liable to do militia duty in each when present; and if absent without leave, shall be liable to double fine.
Persons removing Residence, to Report.
All militia-men removing their residence from one part of the colony to another, shall give in a written report of their intention so to remove, to the commanding officer, and announce their arrival to the commanding officer in whose district they come to reside in, within eight days after their arrival.
Every Estate to furnish at least, one Man fit for Militia Duty.
As the existing laws of these colonies require, that there should be on each estate, a certain number of white males, in proportion to the number of negroes; it is further enacted, that where the number of whites so required by law, are two or more, there shall be at least one of them able to serve in the militia; so that, on every occasion, where militia duty is ordered, there shall be one man from each estate within the district, present. When only one white, or free coloured person, shall, nevertheless, be obliged to appear on the quarterly parade, mentioned in Article 16. But should there be more than one person able to serve in the militia, on any estate; the whole of that description shall be obliged to attend on every occasion, when active service is required; with this reserve however, that in such case, that there shall always remain or be on each estate, one white or free coloured male person.
All Orders to be punctually attended to.
Every person enrolled in the Militia, must obey all orders of superior officers, on pain of being liable to be fined and confined, as herein after specified, unless prevented by sickness, or other valid reasons, to the satisfaction of the commanding officer; and, in case of sickness, a certificate to that effect, must be procured from a surgeon, or assistant surgeon, of the militia, and forwarded to the commanding officer, before the hour appointed for duty; and, on failure thereof, the defaulter shall be considered as absent without leave unless sufficient good cause is within twenty-four hours, assigned for the neglect of sending the requisite certificate; which cause must be to the satisfaction of the commanding officer.
Persons totally unable to serve, to procure Certificates.
Any person totally unable to serve in the militia, in consequence of bodily infirmity, shall be obliged to procure, from a surgeon or assistant-surgeon of militia, a certificate to that effect, and which must specify the cause of inability and whether or not it is permanent; or, in case of being only temporary, it shall be so specified in the certificate, and the person liable to serve when recovered.
Persons claiming Exemption from Old Age, to make Oath.
All persons, who shall claim exemption from militia service, on account of age, if they cannot produce a register of baptism, by which their age may be ascertained, must, if required by the commanding officer of the battalion, swear to their age; and the majors of battalions are hereby authorised to administer such oaths accordingly.
Arms, Accoutrements, &c.
Every person enrolled in the militia, (commissioned officers excepted,) shall be obliged to furnish himself with a good musket, capable of carrying an ounce ball, with a bayonet to fit it, two cross-belts, a cartouch box to contain twelve rounds of ball cartridges, twenty-four ball cartridges, and two flints; also, a complete dress of such uniform as may be established for the corps in which he serves. And, in order to ensure a more perfect compliance with this order, it is required, that persons in service, shall be found and provided with the abovementioned arms, accoutrements, and ammunition, by their employers, gratis, except the uniform, which, although to be furnished, if necessary, in the first instance, by their employers, may be deducted from the wages of the servant, provided the same exceed six hundred guilders per annum.
Every Estate to be provided with Arms, according to the number of Whites or Free Coloured Persons on it.
Proprietors of estates shall further be obliged to have constantly upon estates, arms, accoutrements, and ammunition, as above-mentioned, for every white or free coloured person rated upon them, according to the number of negroes on such estate or estates; and whether such white or free coloured persons be enrolled in the militia or not.
The Estates to find means of Conveyance for their Servants.
Every proprietor of an estate shall be bound to provide a proper conveyance of horses or mules to carry the servants of it, to whatever place may be appointed for the performance of any militia duty within the district, and provided it is farther than five hundred roods distant, it is positively forbidden to suffer the arms and accoutrements to be carried by slaves, under a penalty of f 22 - to be paid by every person suffering his arms or accoutrements so to be carried.
All Fines to be paid by Employers.
All fines, incurred by persons in service, must, in the first instance, be paid by their employers, but who may deduct the same from the wages of such person or persons, if the default should have been owing to the neglect of the servant.
(To be Concluded in our next.)

THE Sequestrators of Plantation Strandgroen, belonging to Mr. D. TIMMERMANS [sic], having observed in the Essequebo and Demerary Gazette of the 17th instant, a letter to the editor, under the fictitious signature of A Creditor, in which the most serious charges are brought against their characters and conduct; made immediate application, for the purpose of learning the name of the author; but, which very much to their surprise, they have not succeeded in obtaining.
It will not be expected, that they are to enter into a newspaper discussion, with an anonymous libelist. It is, however, due to themselves, to state to the public, that, there is not, in the letter in question, a single charge, or insinuation, against the undersigned, that is not directly repugnant to truth; nor one which, (if the author be what he styles himself, a Creditor, but which they have the strongest reason to think he is not,) he must not have known to be false. To prove this to be the case, the most satisfactory documents are open to the inspection of any person, whether interested in the affairs of Mr. TIMMERMAN, or not, who may chuse to apply for them, to either of the undersigned.
It will, probably, not be uninteresting to the public, to be informed, that a paper, containing charges of corruption and dishonesty, against respectable individuals; has been published, in a newspaper here, without the name of the author being required from any authority, better than that of a negro boy.
This subject, the undersigned intend submitting to the consideration of a legal tribunal, which will decide to whom responsibility, in such case, is to attach.
AD. SMITH, Executor of
Demerary, 19th April, 1811. W. Heathcote, late Seqr.

                        Commissariat Office,
                              16th April 1811.
Wanted for the use of His Majesty's
Troops in this Colony.
PERSONS willing to Supply about Three Thousand Pounds of the first and Two Thousand Pounds of the latter article every two months, will pease [sic] send Tenders in quadruplicate to this Office, sealed and marked "Tenders for Sugar or Coffee," until Wednesday next, the 24th Instant, when they will be opened in presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and the lowest if approved be accepted.
The Contract to be in force for six months, and the Contractor to bind himself in the Penalty of Two Hundred Pounds Sterling, for the due performance of his contract.
Assist. Commis. Gen.

                        Commissariat Office,
                              14th April, 1811.
WANTED for the use of this Department, for Six Months from the 24th instant.
Tenders in Quadruplicate, marked "Tenders for Labourers," will be received at this Office until Wednesday next, the 24th Instant, when they will be opened in presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and the lowest if approved accepted.
The Contractor to be bound in the penalty of Two Hundred Pounds Sterling for the due performance of his Contract.
Assist. Comsy. Genl.

                        Commissariat Office,
                              18th April, 1811.
FOR the following BILLS OF EXCHANGE, drawn by JOSEPH BULLOCK, Esquire, Commissary General, on the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, London, at SIXTY DAYS Sight.
No. 1795, . . . . . £ 400.
1796, . . . . . 400.
1797, . . . . . 300.
1798, . . . . . 300.
1799, . . . . . 200.
1800, . . . . . 200.
1801, . . . . . 100.
1802, . . . . . 100. - £ 2000 Stg.
For which Tenders in Quadruplicate (and on half sheets foolscap paper), sealed and marked "Tenders for Bills of Exchange," will be received at this Office until Wednesday the 1st May, at 10 o'lock [sic] in the morning, when they will be opened in presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and the highest offer or offers accepted.
Assist. Comsy. General.

                        Commissariat Office,
                              19th April, 1811.
Wanted for His Majesty's Service.
THE following Articles, to be approved of by the Assistant Quarter and Barrack Master General, and delivered at his Store at Fort William Frederick, agreeable to his requisitions. -
269 feet Wallaba Timber,
18,000 Wallaba Shingles,
5,000 feet American Boards,
700 feet ditto Plank,
196 lbs. 6dy. Nails,
150 lbs. 10dy. ditto,
34 Pair Window Hinges,
2 Pair Door ditto,
17 Window Bolts,
1 M. Bricks,
1 Hhd. Building Lime,
For which Tenders in Quadruplicate (and on half sheets foolscap paper) sealed and marked "Tenders for Lumber, &c" will be received at this Office until Wednesday next the 24th instant, when they will be opened in presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and the lowest offer or offers (if approved) accepted.
Assist. Comisy. Gen.

CASH or GOVERNMENT ORDERS on the Colonial Receiver, wanted for BILLS OF EXCHANGE, to the amount of FIVE HUNDRED POUND Sterling, at 90 day sight on London, in any sums to suit Purchasers. Apply to
Demerary, 20th April 1811.


BY Virtue of an Order, granted on the Petition of J. SARGENTON, in quality of Curator to the Person and Property of JAN ABEL SARGENTON, in this Colony. Are hereby by me the undersigned first Marshal, -
For the First Time by Edict Summoned!
All known and unknown Creditors of above said JAN ABEL SARGENTON. - To appear before the Honourable Court of Justice, at their Session in the Town of Stabroek, on the 20th May next and following days.
In order to give in their claims, according to Law.
Whereas after the expiration of the Fourth and last Edictal Summons, there will be proceeded for obtaining an order of perpetual silence against the non-appearers.
Rio Demerary, 20th April, 1811.
M. SMIT, First Marshal.


On Wednesday the 1st May, at the VENDUE OFFICE, by order of Messrs. WARDROP & FERGUSON - Fifteen to twenty valuable Negroes, who have been accustomed to work on board of Ships and Colony craft, and are capital Sailors. Also two good Coopers.
On the same day, by order of Mr. JOHN M'FARLANE. - Five prime Field Negroes, who are sold on account of their owner leaving the Colony.
April 20th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.

On Thursday and Friday the 2d and 3d may, by order of M'INTYRE, SAYERS & Co. at their Store.
Beef in barrels, rounds beef, tea and refined sugar, ling fish and potatoes, brown stout, porter, cherry and raspberry brandy, raisins, currants, and figs in jars, split pease and barley in do. tobacco in barrels, salt in do. soap and candles, nails assorted 4dy to 30dy. fowling pieces, 50 dozen of old London particular Madeira wine. A large assortment of dry goods, consisting of Ladies' rich lace dresses, do. do. handkerchiefs and scarfs.
To be sold without reserve, to close a Consignment - Irish linen, brown holland 4-4 and 6-4 cambric muslin, do. black cambric, fashionable muslin dresses, cotton and linen check, do. do. stripe. Some damaged cotton and coffee bagging, and Madras handkerchiefs, sold on account of the underwriters.
Also a few Field Negroes, &c.
April 20th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony:

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

John Oliverson, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from April 2.
John Hosack, in do. or do. from 3d do.
Henry M. Mathews, in do. or one Month, from 4th do.
Hugh McKenzie, in do. or 6 Weeks, from 4th do.
John Buchanan, in 14 days, from 4th do.
M. M'Donald, in 14 dads [sic] or 6 weeks, from 6th April
C. B. Bauerman, do. or 3 weeks, from 8th.
A. Jordan, do. or 6 weeks, from 9th.
T. DeLisle, do. from 12th.
Mrs. Sarah Walcott, do.
John Mitchel, do.
Colin Dunlop, do.
Miss Kightley, in 14 days, from 13th April.
John Lewis, in do. from 13th do.
C. T. Tinne, in do. or 3 Weeks, from 13th do.
William Mitchell, in do. or 6 Weeks, from 16th do.
Davd. Redfern, in do. or do. from 19th do.
Thos. Boon, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 19th April.
James Isherwood, in ditto from 20th ditto.

ALZO CRESWELL SPENCER, meerderjaarige Jongman, gebooren te Engeland, Woonachtig alhier, ter Eenre, en
Mejuffrouw MARY ORIANA THOMAS, minderjaarige Jonge Dochter, gebooren te Barbados, en geadsisteerd met haar Edele Moeder Mej. ORIANA LAWRENCE, - ter andere zyde.
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, wartoe by op den 20e April 1811, door Heeren Raaden Commissarissen, uit den Edele Achtb: Hove van Justitie in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen. Zoo word zulks aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich tegens het voltrekken van dit Huwelyk te kunnen, oponeeren, zulks in tyds zoude kunnen doen daar en 't behoord.
Actum Secretary van Demerary, den 20e April 1811.
Zynde die de Eerste Bekendmaaking.
ROBERT PHIPPS, loco Secretarii.

Between Mr CRESWELL SPENCER, Batchelor, born in England, And
Miss MARY ORIANA THOMAS, Spinster, born in Barbados; assisted by her Mother, Mrs. ORIANA LAWRENCE. - For the 1st Time.
Any Person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office. - Demerary, 20th April 1811.
ROBERT PHIPPS, loco Secretarii.

The Antigua Packet, and the Admiral Colpoys, in company, from London, after a passage of 35 days, have arrived since our last; and the same friendly promptitude respecting the loan of London Papers, has been evinced by our neighbours, as on former similar occasions. Their dates are up to the 5th of March.

The Schooner Jackman, from Barbados, is also arrived, by which we received Papers to the 9th inst.

A report is in circulation, that the Guiana Packet, for January, touched upon a rock, and was obliged to return to Plymouth in consequence of the damage she sustained. Hence our fears for her having been captured, are allayed for the present.

The most important contents of the London Papers have America for their subject. The Non-Intercourse Bill is finally passed, and 70 large ships, it appears, are to be put in commission, and placed at the disposal of the Executive, to assist in preventing the infraction of the prohibitory law, throughout the vast range of coast of the United States. This, with the circumstance of Mr. Pinkney's departure from the British Court, (that Ambassador having had his audience of leave of the Prince Regent, on the 28th of Feb.) might naturally be supposed to have caused some degree of agitation in the Mercantile Mind; nor was it calmed even by the American proviso, that "seizures, however, were not to take place of vessels which had departed from any British port, before the 2d of February;" until it was known that Mr. Whitbread had drawn, in the British House of Commons, the following consession [sic] from the Chancellor of the Exchequer – That notwithstanding Mr. Pinkney's departure, all may yet be well, as Mr. Foster was immediately going out, charged with such propositions as the British Government conceived entitled to a favorable reception from that of the United States.

Died, on Thursday the 11th instant, on Plan. Vigilance, M[illegible]gus M'Kenzie. Also on Thursday Night last, Mr. T. [illegible]ee, Manager of Pl. Princess Carolina.


[illegible] Schr. Shark, Capt. Hicks, from Surinam, - Salt fish.
[illegible] ----- Nancy, - Merry, - Barbados, - Brandy, gin, &c.
[illegible] Ship Admiral Colpoys, - Venables, - London, Gen. cargo.
[illegible] Antigua Packet, - Mares, - Do. Ballast.

April [illegible] Ship John, Capt. Tyrer, for Glasgow.
2 [illegible] Schr. Joseph, Pasley, Surinam.
------- Nancy, Merry, Barbados.
------- Venus, Shackforth, Portsmouth.


[Transcriber's note: most European news not transcribed.]

England, we are happy to find, will no longer, at least with so much justice as formerly, be denominated by Foreigners, The Gibbet of Europe; as Sir, S. Romilly has now three Bills on the table of the House of Commons, having for their object, certain substitutes for the punishment of death, in cases of minor crimes, such as stealing from houses, shops, barges, &c. goods to the value of forty shillings, &c. and all are expected to be finally passed.

From Rio Janiero, we learn, that no doubts are entertained of the ultimate success of the Juntas of Spanish America. The Naval force from Monte Video had raised the blockade of Buenos Ayres for a few days, and several American vessels had got into port. The blockade has, however, been resumed, with a firm determination to exclude all vessels, except those bearing that flag to which permission had been granted to enter by arrangement with admiral DE COURCY.

Judge LIVINGSTON is appointed American Minister Plenipotentiary to France, in the room of Gen. ARMSTRONG.

It is stated, that in a very short interval, from the ports of London and Liverpool, only, property has been sent to America, laden in about 30 to 40 ships, to the value of one million and a quarter sterling.

There is a capital of British merchants, in the hands now of those of America, to the amount of 12 millions.

A letter from St. Michael's (one of the Azore islands), dated February 17, says, on the 31st ult. A most awful and tremendous explosion of smoke and flames issued from the sea, at the distance of half a league, or two English miles from the shore, in the western direction of the island. From the bowels of the inflammatory substance, forming its passage upwards of 80 fathoms deep in the ocean, issued smoke, fire, cinders, ashes, and stones, of an immense size. Innumerable quantities of different kinds of fish, some nearly roasted, and others as if broiled, floated on the surface of the sea towards the shore.

A Commission of inquiry has lately been appointed by Mr. Perceval, consisting of a Commissioner of the Customs, the Plantation Clerk, and another gentleman, attended by a Clerk of the Custom House, on a very expensive establishment, which might have been avoided, and the necessary corrections of the abuses more completely answered. The subject of investigation is the conduct of the Collectors of the Customs and other officers of that revenue in the several British Islands in the West Indies wherein one of them, it is said a collector, has made in two years time eighty thousand pounds. Every person conversant in this department at home knows to what end such inspections here tend, and the time spent in them, but who shall say when such an appointment will terminate unless suddenly recalled. On every occasion of accused or well founded suspicion of material delinquency why not recal the individual to answer for his conduct personally at a Public Board of the Treasury or of the Privy Council, this would assuredly be the shortest, best, and most exemplary mode of proceeding.

There have been issued by the Bank of England, between the 8th of February, 1810, and the 19th of February, 1811, stamped dollars No. 1,970,274.

The Bank had advanced to Government, on the 5th of January last, on Malt Duty, Supply, and Loan, in total 8,670,799l.

The whole amount of Silver and Gold, imported and deposited in the Bullion Office of the Bank, between the 30th of March, 1810, and the 19th of February, 1811, is-


£ 896,000






£ 1,070,500

Built in 1810, Coppered, armed with Sixteen Guns, and Men answerable; intended to sail in three Weeks. For Freight or Passage please apply to Captain MARES, or
Demerary, 20th April 1811.

The fast-sailing Schooner NANCY,
THOS. MERRY, Master.
Will positively sail on or before Tuesday next. Fro Passage apply to said Master, or at Doct. J. LEWIS's.
Demerary, 19th April, 1811.

The fast-sailing Schooner JOSEPH,
Well Arm'd, will sail in about Twenty days. For Freight or Passage apply to
Demerary, 20th April 1811.

THE Subscriber intending to leave the Colony for a short time, informs those concerned, that his Domicilium is at the House of Messrs. ARCHD: IVER & Co. Stabroek.
Demerary, 20th April 1811.

THE Undersigned being under the necessity of leaving the Colony as soon as possible, on account of bad health, requests all those whom he is indebted to render their accounts for settlement; and those who are indebted to him, to come forward with payment, before the 1st of May next, when all unsettled demands will be delivered to his Attornies at law, Messrs. CANTZLAAR & DE VEER, for recovery.
The undersigned's Domicilium is at Plant. Rome
Demerary, 18th April, 1811.

ALL Persons having demands against the Estate of the late Mr. ANGUS M'KENZIE, are requested to render in a statement of their claims to the first two Subscribers, and all persons indebted to said Estate, will oblige them by making payment as early as possible.
[Transcriber's note: all four names above enclosed by a right pointing brace, indicating 'Executors.']
Demerary, April 19, 1811.

THE HOUSE and Out-Buildings next to that of Mr. REITH, on Robb's Stelling. – The Premises are well adapted for a Mercantile establishment, having the advantage of two fronts, and sufficient spare ground to erect a platform thereon. To an approved purchaser liberal terms will be given, and no immediate payment required. For particulars apply to the undersigned.
Who also offers for sale,
Best London particular Madeira Wine,
At f 36 per dozen, for Cash only.
Cumingsburg, 20th April, 1811.

ON SALE for Cash, at the Store of the Subscriber, next the VENDUE OFFICE-
New Yorkshire Hams.
Demerary, 20th April 1811. WM. HEDGES.

THE Colonial Receiver, does hereby remind all and every one whom it may concern, that the limited time for making their return and discharging the respective Taxes, will expire on the first day of the ensuing month.
Demerary, 20th April 1811.

THE Premises adjoining the house of Messrs. RYAN & KENNY, on the American Stelling, consisting of a Roomy Store, Dining Room, Bed Chamber, Kitchen &c. &c. The house is at present occupied by Mr. D. SMITH, but will be vacant on the 1st of the ensuing Month, the situation as a stand for the retail business is well known, and requires no further recommendations.
Please apply to the above firm at their store on the American Stelling.
Demerary, 20th April 1811.

ON the Night of the 16th instant, from Cumingsburg, a Bay Mare, with black mane and tail, a white spot in the forehead, and a sore on one of her hindmost legs. Whoever has this Mare in their possession, are requested to give such information at this office, when the usual remuneration will be paid.
Demerary, 20th April 1811.

LIST of Runaway and Arrested SLAVES in the
Colony Stocks of DEMERARY, 20th April, 1811.



Brought by





Boed. F. C. Engels,



Sue Donnavan,




Pl. Vlissingen.



A. Simpson,

Saint Pierre,

St. Deeges,

La Reduite,


Rule, Berbice

Pl. Profit,


Greem, do.




De Ryk.


Greem, Berbice,

Pl. la bon intention





Pl. Meerzorg,

Pl. Vrees en Hoop,






Pl. Providence.

S. G. MARTENS, Drossart.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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