Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 April 23


Vol. VI.]

[No. 365.

TUESDAY, APRIL 23d, 1811.

Militia Regulations.
(Continued from out last.)

How often to Assemble.
For the purpose of exercising and disciplining of the several battalions and companies of militia, as well as to see that all keep their arms in good order, and, at the same time, to enable the respective officers to make up correct returns, as herein after specified, the whole of the militia shall in future assemble as follows:
First battalion Demerary Militia monthly, and all other battalions or companies, in both colonies, quarterly, on such days, and at such places, as the respective commanding officers shall appoint; exclusive of these fixed periods, his excellency the Governor may order the whole or any part of the militia, to assemble as much oftener, in such numbers, and for such purposes, as he may judge necessary.
Respecting Returns.
When any battalion, or company, is assembled on parade, as above-mentioned, the senior officer present shall inspect the arms and accoutrements, and exercise the whole as he may think proper. Observing, that in the country divisions, the inspection of the battalion and companies, and of the arms and ammunition, and the instructing the men in the use of their arms is the chief object. The men shall likewise be accustomed to the firing at targets; and, on such occasions, the majors of the different battalions are to be present, and make their reports of such firings to the lieutenant-colonel commandant, who shall transmit the same to the governor. The senior officer abovesaid, shall immediately transmit a correct report of his inspection, to the next superior officer, and so on successively, until it comes to the lieutenant-colonel commandant, who is to lay the whole of such returns before his excellency the Governor; in order to be by him brought into the Court of Policy; and the respective officers are hereby required, to appoint the days of assembling their several battalions and companies, in such manner, as to give sufficient time for making up these returns, and forwarding them to the Governor, at least eight days before each ordinary quarterly session of the Court of Policy; and any officer neglecting or delaying to give in such returns, or giving in improper returns, shall forfeit and pay a fine of one hundred guilders for every default.
Active Service, how and when required.
The Militia shall be obliged to turn out in case of fire, revolts on plantations, or other disturbances, when in any of these cases the alarm is given. The place, where assistance is required, being known, one half of the burghers on each estate within the division, shall forthwith proceed thither, properly armed; but such place not being known, then to the usual alarm-post, in order to await there, the orders that may be given them: the other half of the burghers shall remain on their respective estates: and when there is but one white person on the estate, the same shall, in case of alarm, not absent himself from the estate.
In case of alarm being given in the town of Stabroek, all the inhabitants thereof, who are enrolled in the militia, shall immediately repair to the Main-Guard or Armoury; and there shall be alarm-posts appointed in each division throughout the colonies, by the respective commanding-officers, to which, in case of alarm, the inhabitants, as above-mentioned, shall repair.
It shall not be permitted to any inhabitant, to arm or send out, any expeditions of white or coloured men, or negroes, except in case of actual revolt, or immediate danger; of which such inhabitant shall, without delay, make report to the nearest militia officer, who shall forward such report, through the commanding-officer of the battalion, to the Governor.
Orders, for communicating Alarms.
In case of any disturbance taking place on any estate, any person living on the spot, or who may receive intelligence thereof, besides employing all means in his power to communicate the alarm, by the ringing of bells, firing guns, or otherwise, shall send immediate notice to the nearest officer of militia, who is, thereupon, to proceed to such place, with as many armed men as can be collected, and exert himself to check further disorders; at the same time, reporting all circumstances of his proceedings to his superior officer, without delay; and such officer is not to quit the spot, until the cause of the alarm is over, or he is properly relieved.
Orders or Requisitions of Officers, in case of alarm, to be attended to by every Inhabitant.
All orders or requisitions, issued in case of alarm, by any officer of militia, either in writing or verbally, through a non-commissioned officer, whether for personal attendance, or any other aid or supply, shall be punctually and promptly obeyed, by every inhabitant, on pain of being compelled, and considered as malevolent persons, and to be punished according to circumstance, at the discretion of the governor and court; and any person conceiving himself to be aggrieved by such orders, may (after having first complied therewith) make representations thereof, to the governor and court, who, on investigation of the case, and finding such complaints well-founded, will procure redress at the expense of the officer who may have given such improper orders; and all articles furnished by an individual, on the requisition of an officer, as above stated, shall be paid out of the colonial treasury; the account being first approved by the governor and court of policy.
Vacant Places of Officers, how Supplied.
His Excellency the Governor has the appointment of all commissioned officers of the militia, by virtue of His Majesty's commission.
Civil Duties of Militia Officers.
Every commissioned-officer of the militia is in duty bound to execute the orders of the civil power, to the utmost of his abilities, when officially communicated in writing; and, if circumstances should render it necessary, that those orders be addressed to a junior officer, he shall immediately comply therewith, and transmit notice thereof to his superior officer; who may, if he thinks proper, execute the service himself, or appoint any other officer of the division for that purpose.
No Officers to do duty out of his division, except in certain cases.
In the country divisions, no officer can be required to attend any kind of civil or military duty beyond the limits of his own district, except in case of alarm, or the special orders of the governor, or an urgent case where his presence is requisite, until notice can be given to, and the arrival of, the proper officer of the division; and, in every call of civil or military service being required of, or to be done by, any officer in the country divisions, he is to give immediate notice thereof to the commanding officer of his battalion, whose orders he is further to follow.
Officers of Militia to maintain the Peace and take Cognizance of any Criminal Act within their Division.
Every officer of militia in the country districts is to maintain the peace and tranquility of his division, as much as possible; and to take immediate cognizance of any criminal act, or breach of the law, that may occur therein, and secure the parties concerned until further orders from the fiscaal, to whom, and his commanding officer, he is to give immediate notice of the occurrence, and of his proceedings, and follow the orders he may receive from the fiscaal.
Misconduct of Non-commissioned Officers and Privates, how punished.
In order to enforce a due attention and obedience to the foregoing regulations, the following fines shall be forfeited and paid, by every person neglecting or disobeying the same, viz.
For every person not reported and enrolled, as required by the 5th and 7th articles, the person with whom the defaulter resides, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of eighty-eight guilders.
For non-attendance on parade, without a proper cause being assigned, as per article the 9th, a fine of twenty-two guilders; and to be doubled for every successive default.
For appearing on parade without proper arms, accoutrements, and uniforms, as required by Article 12, a fine of twenty-two guilders; and if an officer, the above rates to be doubled.
Any person refusing to make returns as required by these regulations; or wilfully making an incorrect or false return, shall, for the first offence, forfeit and pay a fine of one hundred guilders; for the second offence, two hundred guilders; and so on encreasing in double ratio, each time: and officers neglecting to make up correct returns, when required, shall be liable to the same penalties.
Further. Any non-commissioned officer or private of the militia, who shall begin, raise, abet, countenance, excite, or join, in any meeting, sedition, or disturbance, in the battalion, company, or corps, to which he belongs; or in any party, post, detachment, or guard thereof, on any pretence whatsoever; or who, being present at any mutiny or sedition, shall not use his utmost endeavours to suppress the same, or coming to the knowledge of any mutiny or intended mutiny, shall not, without delay, give information thereof, to his commanding officer, or who shall strike his superior officer, or shall draw or offer to draw, or lift up any weapon, or offer any violence against him, or shall challenge, or send or cause to be sent, or shall carry a challenge to, or insult, abuse, or affront him by word or gesture, being in the execution of his duty, or after the battalion, corps or company, or detachment, to which he belongs, shall be discharged, for any matter or thing done, or pretended to have been done, by such superior officer whilst on duty, on any pretence whatsoever, or who shall refuse or neglect to perform such military duty, as shall be legally required from him, or who shall, without leave from his commanding officer, leave or quit the battalion, corps, company, or any party, detachment, or guard thereof, or whatsoever non-commissioned officer or private, shall advise or persuade any other non-commissioned officer or private to quit his battalion, corps, or company, or any party, detachment, or guard thereof, without leave from his commanding officer; or whatsoever sentinel shall be found sleeping on his post, or shall leave it before he shall be regularly relieved; or whoever shall make known the watch-word to any person who is not entitled to receive it, or who shall give a parole or watch-word different from what he received, or shall otherwise misbehave himself, and being convicted of any or either of the aforesaid offences by a general or regimental court-martial, shall suffer such fine and imprisonment, or either, as such general or regimental court-martial shall inflict or award; such fine not to exceed the sum of one thousand guilders, and such imprisonment not to exceed twelve months. All fines to be raised and levied, if necessary, by summary execution, and the imprisonment to take place on a warrant of the governor.
Commanding Officers of the Battalion or Corps, to issue Orders to collect Fines within the same.
The commanding officer of the battalion to which the defaulter belongs, shall have the power of issuing a warrant for the collecting the fines mentioned in the first part of the last preceeding [sic] article; and also, the power to confine any delinquent, until a warrant from the governor can be applied for, which is to be done without delay.
Regimental Courts Martial
Regimental courts martial may be assembled by order of the commanding officer of the battalions, for the trial of any offence committed by non-commissioned officers or privates, and shall consist of three officers, of whom the president must have the rank of captain. They shall only have the power of inflicting fines, not exceeding one hundred guilders, or imprisonment, not exceeding eight days; and when any offence submitted to their decision, merits, in their opinion, a greater punishment, they shall report accordingly, when the commanding officer of the battalion, shall apply to the governor to appoint a general court-martial; which shall consist of 5 officers, of whom the president must have the rank of captain, and which court shall assemble within three days or sooner, and the delinquent may in the mean time, be confined by warrant of the former regimental court-martial, and must be furnished with a copy of the charges against him, at least twenty-four hours before his trial, to enable him the better to answer to the same.
General Courts Martial.
General courts martial are in every case to be assembled by order of the governor; and shall consist, as above-mentioned, of five members.
A general court-martial, shall be the only competent court for the trial of officers guilty of any misconduct, and who may be cashiered, fined, or imprisoned: - the fine never to exceed two thousand guilders, or the imprisonment twelve months. No officer under the rank of the delinquent, shall preside, and a majority may either condemn or acquit the party.
All Decisions of Courts Martial to be submitted to the Governor.
All sentences of courts martial, whether regimental or general, shall be submitted to the governor, for his approval thereof; who shall cause such sentence to be put into execution, mitigated, or remitted.
No Officer, Non-commissioned Officer, or Private can be tried twice for the same Offence.
No officer, non-commissioned officer, or private, once convicted or acquitted of any offence, can be tried a second time for the same; except when the accused may chuse to appeal from the decision of a regimental to a general court martial; which every non commissioned officer and private shall have the option of doing, by permission of the governor; and who may, in such case, if he thinks proper, keep the accused confined until the ultimate decision of a general court-martial on his case is known.
If any officer, non-commissioned officer, or private, think himself aggrieved, or ill-treated, by his superior, while on duty, and shall, upon application to the commanding officer of the corps to which he belongs, be refused redress, he may complain to the governor by petition, in order to obtain justice, and who shall then examine into the complaint, and order a regimental or general court-martial, as the case may require, to do justice and decide the same.
All Officers summoned to attend Courts Martial, and neglecting to attend, to be fined; and persons refusing to give evidence, or otherwise behaving improperly at a Court-Martial, how to be dealt with.
Any officer refusing or neglecting to attend a regimental or general court-martial, when regularly summoned for that purpose, and not assigning a sufficient good cause for his absence, to the satisfaction of the other members of such court, shall forfeit and pay a fine of two hundred guilders. And all persons, enrolled in the militia, summoned to appear as evidence or otherwise, to attend courts martial, and neglecting to do so, or behaving improperly, or contumaciously, in the presence of a general or regimental court-martial, may be imprisoned instantly, at the discretion of such court, for any length of time not exceeding ten days; or brought to trial before a general court-martial, should the offence be deemed of a nature to deserve greater punishment.
And any person, not enrolled in the militia, so offending as aforesaid, shall be immediately reported to the governor, who shall then take such steps, with regard to such offender, as His Excellency shall see meet.
All fines incurred, as stated in these Regulations, when refused to be paid on the first demand, by the person thereto authorised by the commanding officer of the corps to which the party belongs, may, by warrant of the governor to the provost-marshal, be levied by summary execution; or the offender immediately imprisoned; where he shall remain until the fine incurred shall be paid.
Appropriation of Fines.
All fines incurred, shall be received, and accounted for, by the persons authorised to collect them, to the commanding officer of each corps, respectively within which they shall be collected; and they shall account for the same, to the lieutenant colonel commandant monthly, who shall lay an account of the whole collectively, before the court of policy, at their ordinary session in the month of October, each year, to be by them disposed of as they shall think proper.
Commanding officers may, nevertheless, appropriate such part of the fines, received by them, to defray any necessary expences, incurred for the good of the service, as they think proper, subject to the approval of the lieutenant colonel commandant; to whom an account thereof is to be given accordingly.
Persons appointed Officers, to wait on the Governor to take the Oath.
Every person, appointed an officer of militia, upon official notice being given him of his appointment, shall, as soon as possible, and previous to exercising any duty, wait upon the governor to take before him the following oath:
"I promise and swear, under my oath of allegiance, that in my capacity as [blank] of the militia of this colony, I will obey, and cause to be obeyed by the burghers under my command, all orders from the governor, (and also of the commandeur, if in Essequebo) as well as from my superior officers, in matters of service; that I will assist in opposing all riotous meetings, and other seditious practices whatsoever; and that I will fully comply with the general militia regulations already enacted, or yet to be enacted, by the court of policy, and will on all occasions, render my services for the preservation of internal tranquility, without fearing the loss of property or life and lastly, that I will conduct myself, in all respects, as a faithful officer of burghers is bound to do."
In the country battalions, the duty of adjutant and provost marshal shall be done by one person, who shall have the rank of captain, and an annual salary of three thousand guilders, from the colony; together with one half of the fines he may collect.
The Governor and Court of Policy reserve to themselves the power of altering, amending, or explaining the foregoing Regulations, as they may judge proper.
And we do hereby require and enjoin, all and every persons in this colony, whom it may concern, strictly to comply with and conform to the Regulations herein before inserted.
Thus enacted, in our ordinary assembly, held at the court-house, in the town of Stabroek, the 31st day of October, 1810, and published on the 27th day of March, 1811.
By Command of the Court.
C. T. TINNE, Dep. Sec.


On Wednesday the 1st May, [see 18110420EDRG] . . .
Also a large strong Punt, 36 feet Keel.
April 20th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.

On Tuesday the 7th May, at the VENDUE OFFICE, by order of HENRY HALKET, Esq. - Fourteen Field Negroes.

On Tuesday the 14th May next, will be sold by order of Wm. S. KIRTON, at his House in Bridge Town, the whole of his stock on hand, consisting of -
Hams, cheese, potatoes pease [sic - no comma], barley, tripe, raisins, currants, figs, almonds, sweetmeats, mixed spices, pickles, mustard, glass, crockery, and tin ware, tobacco in barrels, pipes in boxes, soap, candles, buck beads and glasses, an assortment of cutlery, a piano forte, two water vats, dry goods, &c.
Also the Premises he at present occupies, and four or five valuable Negroes.


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony:

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

M. M'Donald, in 14 dads [sic] or 6 weeks, from 6th April
C. B. Bauerman, do. or 3 weeks, from 8th.
A. Jordan, do. or 6 weeks, from 9th.
T. DeLisle, do. from 12th.
Mrs. Sarah Walcott, do.
John Mitchel, do.
Colin Dunlop, do.
Miss Kightley, in 14 days, from 13th April.
John Lewis, in do. from 13th do.
C. T. Tinne, in do. or 3 Weeks, from 13th do.
William Mitchell, in do. or 6 Weeks, from 16th do.
Davd. Redfern, in do. or do. from 19th do.
Thos. Boon, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 19th April.
James Isherwood, in ditto from 20th ditto.

Ship Admiral Colpoys, from Liverpool.
JUST ARRIVED by the above Vessel and for Sale by the Subscriber at his Stores in Cumingsburg, which will be sold very reasonable for immediate payment: -
IRISH mess beef and pork, tongues in half barrels, tripe in kegs, potatoes, a few fine double Gloster cheese cased in lead, perry, cyder, Hoffman's cherry and raspberry brandy, cogniac brandy, Holland's gin, soap, candles, sago, pearl barley, split pease, currants in jars, cloves, mace, cinnamon, nutmegs, saffron in tin boxes, Jamaica allspice, black pepper, and mixed spices, Poland starch, a few chests fine hyson and gunpowder tea fresh from the India House, a few bolts India Company's white nankeens, olives, capers, mustard, anchovy and quin sauce, Harvey's meat and fish sauce, real mushroom catsup, Hoffman's raspberry vinegar, do. orgeat and capilaire, Golding's rose, honey, and lavender water, G. Marshall & Co's. aromatic vinegar, best double distilled white wine vinegar in jars, neatsfoot oil in do. black, brown and yellow paint in kegs, fine blue and green paint in pots, mineral paint, paint oil, brushes, house brooms, fishing seins with bags, deep sea lines, sein and sewing twine, cordage, 1 inch, 1 1/4, and 2 inch cable for colony boats, anchors and grapnels for do. bolt and bar iron, cutlasses, felling axes, hoes and shovels, iron pots, nails 4dy to 30dy, vat hoops, rivets, HL hinges and stock locks, large counter scales and weights, small do. do. German steel hand-saws, tin and horn lanthorns, tin tea kettles, elegant services of breakfast and tea china, large breakfast bowls and saucers, black Egyptian tea and coffee pots, sugar boxes and milk ewers, dinner services very fine enameled ware, foot baths, spade shaped do. plated table and tea spoons, sets green ivory and other handled knives and forks with carvers complete, fine Irish linen and sheeting, Russia sheeting, a few coats, coatees, round robins, pantaloons, and waistcoats, fine India jean pantaloons, white and yellow nankeen do. sliders, suspenders and gloves, fine elastic web pantaloons, ladies' and gentlemen's silk and cotton stockings, do. do. gloves, gentlemen's half stockings, do. fine worsted do. ladies' boots and shoes, planter's ancle boots, boot top liquid, coffee and cotton bagging, a few liquor cases, &c. Stationary - folio paper, foolscap, thick and thin post, plain, gilt, mourning, and note paper, ink powder, sealing wax, quills, India rubber, round rulers, desk and pocket knives, estate books ruled and plain, pocket books with clasps and straps, waistcoat pocket books, bills of exchange and bills of lading, silver pen and pencil cases, saddlery, whips, portmanteaus, &c. &c. Tarras and temper lime, long wood hoops, first quality fish in 4, 6, and 8 quintal casks, &c.
Salt in barrels, flour in half do. tobacco in barrels, old rum, gin, brandy, temper lime, Albany boards, R. O. shooks, lamp oil, paints and paint oil, porter and wine corks, &c. [right pointing hand icon] See former Advertisements.
Cumingsburg, 23d April 1811.

A Strong, Healthy NEGRO MAN, a good MASON. Enquire at this Office
Demerary, 23d April, 1811.

The new Ship AMAZON,
Well armed and Manned, and will sail hence on the 24th of May. For Freight or Passage apply to said Master or
Demerary, 23d April 1811.

The Ship CERES,
Will Sail hence on the 8th May. For Freight or Passage apply to said Master, or
Demerary, 23d April 1811.

JUST ARRIVED in the Ship Admiral Colpoys, a few Casks of superior quality
Newfoundland Cod Fish,
Which the Subscriber will sell reasonable for immediate payment in Cash or good Bills.
Demerary, 23d April 1811. J. BOTHAMLEY.

At the request of T. THOMPSON, Notice is hereby given, that he requests all those who have any claims against him, to call for payment; and those who are indebted to him, to settle the same, if not, all open accounts and notes of hand, due from 1807 to 1810, will be sued for without respect to persons.
He also offers for sale, the House he at present occupies in Labourgade, on Lot No. 14; it is well calculated for mercantile business, and will be sold reasonable to an approved purchaser.
Demerary, 23d April 1811.

As Manager on a Coffee or Cotton Estate.
A YOUNG MAN, who can bring the best recommendations from his former employers, and understands the English, Dutch, and German Languages. Any person wishful of engaging the advertiser, will please to leave a line addressed to H. G. at the Office of this Paper, which will be duly attended to. April 23d.

Since our last, we have to announce the arrival of the Amazon, Capt. Reid, from Glasgow, and the Ceres, Capt. Kneale, from Liverpool, both of short passage, the former having brought papers to the 12th of March, and the latter to the 15th. We have been favored with the loan of all of them.

On the 12th March, sailed the Francis Freeling packet, Bell, with mails for Surinam, Berbice, &c.


[Transcriber's note: most European news not transcribed.]

The Select Committee, appointed by the House of Commons, to examine the state of Commercial Credit, have presented their Report to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. It appears, that the Committee directed its attention to three points – 1st. The extent of the difficulties and embarrassments – 2d. The causes of them – and 3d. The expediency, with a view to the present and future interests of the merchant and manufacturers, and of the public, of any assistance being afforded by Parliament. The Committee then proceeded to state, that the principal part of the distress had arisen out of extensive speculations which commenced on the opening of the South American Markets – that the embarrassments were universal – and that Parliamentary relief is highly necessary, and recommended that it should be given in Exchequer Bills, to the amount of not more than six millions.

THE SLAVE-TRADE. – Mr. Brougham, the well-known coadjutor of Wilberforce, on the 12th of March, in the House of Commons, moved for leave to bring in a Bill for the more effectual prevention of this traffic, by substituting transportation for a period not exceeding fourteen years, or confinement to hard labour for a period not less than two year, for the present penalties. Granted. Mr. Brougham declared that he was possessed of various documents to prove that the laws in this case have been repeatedly violated.

On the 3d of Feb. the Remains of Henry Hope, Esqr. were interred at Woodford, in Essex. He was the most eminent merchant of his time.


April 22 Amazon, Capt. Reed, from Grenock [sic], - Ballast.
-------- Ceres, Kneale, Liverpool, - Do.

April 22 Schr. Eliza, Capt. Adams, for St. John's New Brunswick.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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