Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 April 30


Vol. VI.]

[No. 367.

TUESDAY, APRIL 30th, 1811.

Well Armed and Manned, and will Sail the latter end of May. For Freight or Passage apply to the said Master. Demerary, 30th April 1811.

JUST IMPORTED in the Brig CORNELIA, from Cork -
Prime Mess Beef,
Double Rose Butter.
Cumingsburg, 29th April 1811.

A Negro Man, belonging to Mr. J. A. OTTO, two days ago, gave me a COLONY GOOD of some consequence, (as a One Joe Good); being satisfied that he did not come by it honestly, I have kept the paper, and will deliver it to any person who can prove property, on paying the expence of advertising, and applying at my Store.
American Stelling, 30th April, 1811.

THE Subscriber intending to quit the Colony in about three weeks, offers at reduced prices, a small quantity of Claret and Champagne, 3 Puncheons best London Oats, very excellent Hyson Tea in pound cannisters - the latter by wholesale at cost and charges.
He will Rent his Premises on very moderate terms to approved Tenants, and wishes to purchase Thirty or Forty Bales good Cotton, for immediate payment in Cash.
Cumingsburg, 30th April, 1811.

Just received and for Sale: -
Superfine Flour in barrels,
Scotch herrings in do.
Lamp Oil,
Puncheon Shooks, and
A few thousand Wood Hoops.
April 30th, 1811, THOMAS FINLAYSON.

JUST ARRIVED by the MERCURY, Capt. POWELL, from Liverpool, and will be sold by the Package or otherwise, reasonable for Cash: -
Best Cumberland and Yorkshire Hams,
Do. Double Gloster Cheese in Lead,
Do. do. Gloster and Pine Cheese.
Cumingsburg, 30th April, 1811.

DE Ondergeteekende voorneemens synde binnen veerthien dagen, van hier naar Europa te vertrekken, kan niet in gebreeken blyven, syne vrienden en bekenden, door deeze synde apregte dank te betuigen, voor alle goedheeden en vriendschaps bewysen staande syn vernlyf in deeze Colonie, by-en door hun Ed: ontvangen, beveelende sig teevens zo wel in hun Ed: gunstig aandenken, als in de voortduuring hunner, voor hem zo seer geachte vriendschap.
Dienende deeze verders tot eene algemeene bekendmaaking hy seedert de Maand July A. P. eene COMMISSIE HUYS te London heest opgerigt onder de Firma van J. SARGENTON & Co welke hy de Eer heest by deeze aantebeveelen, met verseekering eener bediening, even so voldoende, als men seedert eene reeks van Jaaren gewoon is geweest te ontvangen, door het voormaalig Negotie Huys synen omm's, gecanteerd hebbende te Amsterdam, onder de Firma van MARTIN & JONQUIERE, en waarin hy niet alleen seedert syne vrooge jeugd aanhoudend heest gearbeyd; dog dewelke hy reeds seedert den Jaare 1801 met en beneevens den Heer I. C. OTTO voor eigene Reekening heest gecontinueerd.
Demerary, 27th April, 1811.

The Plantation WESTBURY,
SITUATED on the Arabian Coast, and known on the Chart as Lot No. 17, with Thirty-five Prime Slaves thereunto belonging; containing Five Hundred Acres of Land, and necessary Building thereon; with 170 Acres in Cotton, and 35 Acres in Plantains.
The said Property, if not disposed of before the 1st of July by private Contract, will be exposed to Public Sale at Fort Island, in separate Lots, at Six Months Credit.
Application to be made, for Terms of Sale, at the store of Messrs. DOUGLAS, REID, & co. or to N. HASELWOOD, on Pln: Caledonia, Wakenham. Demerary, 30th April 1811.

Sales by Execution.

BY Authority obtained, I, the undersigned First Marshal of this Colony, will offer for Sale, to the highest bidder, at the Court-House, in Stabroek, on Tuesday the 14th of May next, in presence of two Councellors-Commissaries and the Secretary: [see 18110427EDRG] . . .
[Transcriber's note: an addition here.]
7thly. In behalf of A. M'MILLAN, qq. CATHARINA MOUBRAY, Triumphant of Execution, versus A. LESLIE. - The Concession and Buildings thereon erected, known under No. 1, situated in front of Plantation Werk en Rust, only for as much as the said A. Leslie has part in the same.
Any person pretending right of property against the said goods and effects, please to address themselves in time, with their reasons of opposition to me the undersigned First Marshal, and all those intending to purchase attend on the day and at the place above-mentioned.
Done in Demerary, 23d April, 1811.
M. SMIT, First Marshal.
[Transcriber's note: see 18110427EDRG for the original version; see 18110504EDRG for a further amendment.]


[Transcriber's note: no new or modified vendues in this issue.]


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony:

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

Thos. Boon, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 19th April.
James Isherwood, in ditto from 20th ditto.
Robert McClelland, in 14 days, or 6 weeks, from 22d. April.
James Fotheringham, in do. or do. from 22d. do.
John R. Turney, in do. from 22d. do.
Lizette Kendrick, in do. from do.
Thos. C. Long, will Transport to Berbice, in 14 days, from 22d. April, Nine Slaves the property of Mrs. Long, formerly Mrs. Jones - Names to be seen at this Office
Ditto will Transport to do. in do. from do. with the consent of their owner Mrs. Brooks, Six Slaves - Names to be seen at this Office.
Jacobus Sargenton, in do. from Do.
David Wardrop, in do. from 26th do. or by the Antigua Packet.
James McFarlane, in do. or in 6 weeks from do.

The arrival of the Sloop First Attempt, has put us in possession of Barbados Papers to the 20th instant, and the two following articles are all that are worthy of more than common attention:

[Transcriber's note: omitted - 1st European news; transcribed - 2nd news at Barbados]

"A Swedish Officer has arrived here from St. Bartholomew, to solicit the interferance [sic] of our Commanders in Chief on this station, in preserving that Island to the lawful Monarch of Sweden (under the present assumed name of Count Gottorp), the Inhabitants appearing inclined to submit to the existing authority of the Mother Country, under the Crown Prince Bernadotte. We know not how far they have met his wishes, but he had a long conference with Rear Admiral Sir Francis Laforey, Bart. on board the Dragon. [sic - no ending double quote]

Neither time or room would permit in our last, any thing further than what appeared respecting this gentleman, whose departure for Europe will long be regretted, by all who had the pleasure of knowing him - for his hospitality was only equalled by his urbanity. Early in the morning (Saturday), the Governor, Colonel Stewart, and the rest of the Officers of the Royal Regiment, with some of the Principal Inhabitants of the Colony, met at the Colonel's to escort the General to the water-side; and on his going on board, the fort fired a salute, which was returned by His Majesty's Brig Demerary, in which the General embarked for the purpose of joining the Sisters, carrying with him the good wishes of every one, for his safe arrival in Europe.

The Albion, Capt. Holmes, the Nereid, Capt. Johnson, the Pilgrim, Capt. Horn, and the Demerary, Capt. Dougall, may be daily expected in our river.


A corps of 1200 seamen, obtained in the different parts of Italy, lately passed through Liege, it appears, for Antwerp. They were said to be volunteers, but were nevertheless escorted by 150 horse and 300 foot soldiers.


Apr. 29 Brig Sophia, Cap Passmore, from Bristol, Gen. cargo.
------- Sloop First Attempt, Thomas, Barbados, Beef, & Pork, &c. for the Contractors.
------- Brig Louisa, Fairclough, Liverpool, - Gen. cargo.

CLEARED. - None.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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