Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 May 04


Vol. VI.]

[No. 368.

SATURDAY, MAY 4th, 1811.

By His Excellency HENRY WILLIAM BENTINCK, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, Vice Admiral of the same, &c. &c. &c.
WHEREAS His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, having, by virtue of an Act of Parliament lately passed for that purpose, been vested with the Authority of Regent of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and empowered to administer the Government thereof in His Majesty's name, in the manner therein provided; His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, upon the 7th day of February last, took and subscribed the Oaths required by Law, for the administration of his Office in presence of the Privy Council, and the Imperial Parliament opened by Commission upon the 12th day of the same month for the dispatch of Public Business; of which all His Majesty's subjects whom it doth, shall, or may concern, are hereby required to take due notice, and to govern themselves accordingly.
Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms, this 4th Day of May, 1811, and in the Fifty-First Year of His Majesty's Reign.
By His Excellency's Command.
L. VAN ROSSUM, Gov. Sec.

Colonial Receiver's Office.
The time limited by the Honorable Court of Policy, for paying Taxes, being elapsed, and the Receiver, wishful of avoiding Rigid Proceedings; does hereby notify to all Defaulters, that he will continue to give regular attendance at his Office, for the reception of their Returns and Payment of Taxes, until SATURDAY NEXT, the 11th Instant; after which period, it will be a duty incumbent on him, to exact the penalties stipulated by the Court's Proclamation, issued on the 5th December, 1810, and to enforce the same by Summary Execution.
All those who may suppose themselves not liable to Taxes, will nevertheless be mindful of making their Returns, as expressed by the aforesaid Proclamation.
Demerary, 4th May, 1811.

                  OFFICE OF ORDNANCE.
                  Demerary, 2d May, 1811.
CASH WANTED for £ 800 Sterling.
FOR BILLS OF EXCHANGE drawn on the principal Officers of His Majesty's Ordnance, at Thirty days sight.
Tenders for the same, or any part thereof, (not under £ 50 Stlg. each), Endorsed - "Tenders for Bills of Exchange" will be received by the Subscriber until 12 o'Clock on Friday next the 10th Instant, when they will be opened in the presence of His Excellency Governor BENTINCK, and the highest Exchange offered will be preferred.
Actg. Ordnce: Store-keeper.

RUNAWAY from the undersigned, two Negro Men (Carpenters) named JEM and MORICE; also a Negress, MARIA, (a Washerwoman) formerly belonging to Mr. C. MACRAE; and as they are well acquainted in Stabroek, it is supposed that they have gone there. A Reward of Four Dollars for each, over and above the customary fees, will be given to any person lodging them in the Barracks, or One Joe each if delivered to the undersigned on Plantation Park, Mahaicony.
Demerary, 2d May, 1811. GEO: WALKER.

THE Subscribers have received by the Aldbro, and Golden Fleece, the following articles, which they offer for Sale: -
Cod Fish in Hogsheads,
Planters' mess Pork in barrels,
Do. do. Beef in half barrels,
Irish Linens and Sheetings,
Linen Checks, Brown Holland,
Marble Temper Lime,
Soap and Candles, Paints and paint oil,
Coffee Bagging, &c. &c.
Drifted from the American Stelling, a few days ago, a Ship's LONG BOAT, about 20 feet keel, and coppered.
Demerary, 4th May, 1811.


The Work will be Printed in One Volume Foolscap Octavo, Price to Subscribers Ten Shillings and Six-pence in Boards, and will be put to Press as soon as a sufficient Number of Subscribers shall be obtained
Subscriptions will be received by HENRY CLEMENTSON, Cumingsburgh. May 4th, 1811.

One Thousand Hogsheads of Sugar.
TO be delivered in the course of Twelve Months from the date of Contract, on board of Ships in this river, at stated periods, as may be agreed on; for which undeniable Bills of Exchange, payable in London, will be given.
Apply at my Office No. 42, Cumingsburgh.
Demerary, 4th May, 1811.

THE Subscribers, Deliberating Executors to the Estate of THOMAS RIDING, deceased, give notice to all persons who may have open accounts against said Estate, to render them, properly attested, to them, as otherwise they cannot be attended to; and those indebted to said Estate, will please pay their respective accounts to them, as said Estate must be liquidated as soon as possible.
Demerary, 3d May, 1811.

Butter, Cheese, Hams, Tongues &c.
Imported by the VIGILANT, Capt. STEVENS,
and for Sale by
Newtown, 4th May, 1811.

The Subscriber has for Sale:
Prime Irish Mess Beef in Tierces,
Madeira Wine in Pipes and Hogsheads.
Demerary, 4th May, 1811.

On reasonable Terms to an approved Purchaser.
THE Half Lot no. 12, situated on the North Dam of Stabroek, together with a commodious DWELLING HOUSE, Store, Cellar, and other Out-Buildings, lately occupied by Messrs. HEYWOOD & TAYLOR. For further particulars apply to
Demerary, 3d May 1811. RIDLEY & DODSON.

JUST IMPORTED in the Brig ABEONA, Capt. MALCOLM, from London, and for Sale by the Subscribers, Viz: -
[first column]
Pease and barley in jugs,
W. W. vinegar,
Neatsfoot and spermaceti oil
Neats tongues in kegs,
Smoaked do.
Tripe, lyng fish,
Pickles in small cases,
Spices assorted,
Hung beef, hams,
Sweet oil, ketchup,
Starch and indigo,
Porter and ale,
Do. in bulk,
Cherry & raspberry brandy,
Loaf sugar and tea,
Raisins, currants,
Figs, almonds,
Vermicelli and macaroni in small cases,
Garden seeds in do.
Port wine,
Potatoes in hampers,
Soap and candles,
Spermaceti candles,
Services of earthen ware,
Leghorn and silk hats,
Boots and shoes,
Cordage assorted from 9 thread ratline to 7 inch cable,
Roman cement,
[second column]
Dutch tarras,
Building lime,
Temper lime,
Long wood hoops,
Glass ware,
Paints of all colours,
Paint and lamp oil,
Spirits turpentine,
Black varnish,
Paint brushes,
Canvas No. 1 to 3,
Sewing and sein twine,
Fowling pieces,
Fusees and accoutrements,
Stationary of all sorts,
Negro Cloathing of different kinds,
Copper teaches,
Iron stocked anchors,
Bar iron,
Iron hoops,
Nails from 4dy. to 40dy.
Flooring brads,
Locks and hinges of all sorts,
Hoes, shovels, cutlasses,
Ladles, skimmers,
Iron pots,
Grating bars,
And an assortment of Ironmongery of all sorts, &c.
[end columns]
Cumingsburg, 4th May, 1811.

The Ship ALDBRO,
Will Sail the 24th Instant.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or to
Demerary, 4th May, 1811.

The Brig Golden Fleece,
Will Sail in Ten Days.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or to
Demerary, 4th May, 1811.

The well-known fast-sailing
Will Sail positively on the 15th May, her Cargo being nearly all engaged. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or on Bel Air Estate to
The Shippers to the address of Messrs. RODIE & SHAND, are particularly requested to send their Produce on board as quick as possible. May 4th 1811.

The Snow ABEONA,
Will Sail from hence in all this Month to join the June Convoy at Tortola; she is well Armed and Coppered, and stands A. 1. at Lloyd's. For Freight of Cotton and Coffee only, or Passage, apply to
Cumingsburg, 3d May, 1811.

Enquire at the Royal Gazette Office.
May 4, 1811.

ANY Person wishing to contract for three Months to deliver to the Civil Commissary's Department, forty-eight Quintals of Newfoundland COD FISH, and two hundred and twenty Gallons of RUM, the Fish to be delivered Monthly, sixteen quintals, and the Rum eight days after the tender is approved of.
Sealed tenders will be received at the Government Secretary's Office, from this date until the 10th instant, when the same will be opened by His Excellency the Governor, and the lowest offer accepted.
J. R. BRANDT, Commisy.
Stabroek, 4th May, 1811.

THE SEQUESTRATORS of Pl. Strandgroen inform the Creditors of Mr. D. TIMMERMANS, that at the Meeting held on the 29th Instant in consequence of their former Advertisement, it was unanimously resolved by the Creditors present, that a second Dividend of 20 per Cent should be paid in Cotton, at the rate of 14 fls. per pound, on the amount of the demands of those of his Creditors who appeared under the Edictal Citation.
Therefore such Creditors are now requested to call at Mr. S. CRAMER's on Plant: Ruimveld, between the 1st and 31st of May next, to receive from him an order for the delivery in Cumingsburg of such quantity of Cotton as may be due to each of them for the payment of the said Dividend.
Demerary, 30th April, 1811.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

Sales by Execution.

BY Authority obtained, I, the undersigned First Marshal of this Colony, will offer for Sale, to the highest bidder, at the Court-House, in Stabroek, on Tuesday the 14th of May next, in presence of two Councellors-Commissaries and the Secretary:
1st. In behalf of the Free Woman ANN BEIS, versus WILLIAM LATHAM, the Half-Concession, No. 6, situate in Kingston, with the old Dwelling-House thereon erected, and an old Side Building; all in manner as at present occupied by the Wife of said WILLIAM LATHAM.
2ndly. In behalf of EDWARD AUSTIN, Substituted Attorney of WILLIAM AUSTIN, in quality as Attorney of THOMAS DANIELL and Co. London, versus R. S. TURTON: - The Concession, or Lot of Land, situate in front of Pl. Vlissingen, known on the General Map, under No. 12, with Buildings thereon; viz. A Dwelling-House, long 26 by 20 feet; with a Gallery, on brick foundation, two stories high; a Side-building, long 45 feet by 16, frame of colony-wood; a Kitchen, and a Horse-stable.
3rdly. In behalf of the Representatives of Pl. Relief and Support, versus J. PHIPPEN: - A Pottery, with Buildings thereon; situated on the West Shore of this River, according to Inventory made thereof, which may be seen daily by all persons at the Marshal's Office.
4thly. In behalf of ROBERT KINGSTON and WM. M'BEAN, Acting Vendue Masters, versus H. ADAMS: The North-half of the Concession No. 51, situated in Stabroek, with the Dwelling-House thereon, large about 20 feet by 16, one story high, as also two little Side-buildings.
5thly. In behalf of HUGH McKENZIE and Co. versus HEYWOOD and TAYLER; the following Household Furniture, viz. a standing clock, a looking glass with gilt frame, a round convex looking glass, a large picture with gilt frame, two ditto smaller, three ditto, a mahogany pembroke table, a ditto round table, a table with two D ends, a globe, a liquor case, a copying machine, two glasses, a shade, three decanters, four wash-hand basons.
6thly. In behalf of A. M'MILLAN, qq. CATHARINA MOUBRAY, Triumphant of Execution, versus A. LESLIE. - The Concession and Buildings thereon erected, known under No. 1, situated in front of Plantation Werk en Rust, only for as much as the said A. Leslie has part in the same.
Any person pretending right of property against the said goods and effects, please to address themselves in time, with their reasons of opposition to me the undersigned First Marshal, and all those intending to purchase attend on the day and at the place above-mentioned.
Done in Demerary, 23d April, 1811.
M. SMIT, First Marshal.
[Transcriber's note: see and compare the original version in 18110427EDRG and an amendment in 18110430EDRG.]


On Monday the 6th. May 1811, [see 18110427EDRG] . . .
On the same day by order of Messrs. JOHNSON, DYETT, M'GAREL & Co. - 30 barrels Planters' mess pork, temper lime, glass ware assorted, 100 pieces Irish linens and sheetings, 100 pieces linen checks, fish in hogsheads, vinegar in casks, &c.
April 27th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.

On Tuesday the 7th May, [see 18110423EDRG] . . .
Also by order of J. FRANKLAND and A. SMITH, Esqrs. q.q. - Six Negroes, viz: 2 carpenters, a cooper, and 3 women, house-servants, and washerwomen.
April 23d. KINGSTON & McBEAN.

On Thursday next the 9th instant, at the VENDUE OFFICE. - Fish in hogsheads, Planters' mess pork, 100 pieces Irish linens and sheetings, 100 pieces linen checks, brown holland, paints and paint oil, soap and candles, nails assorted, temper lime, vinegar in casks, glass ware assorted, &c. &c.

On Friday the 10th May by Order of J. M. BAUCH, Esq. at the house of Mrs. BIEGMAN, on the Middle Dam of Stabroek - 15 to 20 Negroes, viz. house servants, carpenters, sawyers, and field negroes; Household Furniture, consisting of mahogany tables, chairs, bedsteads, and bedding, glass ware, plate, silver, coffee and tea services, silver spoons and forks, shades, globe lamps, looking glasses, a piano forte and organ, table and tea services, kitchen utensils, &c.
Also a new Coffee Mill.
The whole of the above may be seen on the premises five days previous to the Sale.

On Monday the 13th May, [see 18110416EDRG] . . .
On the same day by order of F. A. VERNEDE, Esq. Recorder of the Board of Orphan Chamber. - Two young Negro Girls and a Boy.
April 16th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.

On Tuesday the 28th instant, by order of Mr. Wm. LUCAS, at his Store, payable in three months, a Consignment of Goods received by the Vigilant and Camilla:
J. L. No. 1 and 2. - Two puncheons Russia sheeting; 1, one do. ladies and gentlemens cotton stocking assorted; 1, one trunk fine fancy chintz; 10, one case coloured bordered handkerchiefs; 11, 12, 13, three do. French pullicat and balasore do.; 15, one case thread assorted from No. 6 to 32; 16, 17, 18, 19, four trunks light fancy callicoes; 14, one trunk britannias; 2, 3, 4, 5, four trunks dark stripe; 16, one case 8-4, 9-4, and 10-4, fine white counterpanes and furniture check.
J. & E. 1 to 4, Four trunks linen check in 6 and 12 yard pieces.
R. D. T. Four hogsheads tobacco.
R. J. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Five puncheons Negro
M. hats.
7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Five cases gentlemen's silk do.
Also, twenty tierces prime mess beef, and sundry other Goods, still on hand from recent shipments.


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony:

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

Thos. C. Long, will Transport to Berbice, in 14 days, from 22d. April, Nine Slaves the property of Mrs. Long, formerly Mrs. Jones. - Names to be seen at this Office.
Ditto will Transport to do. in do. from do. with the consent of their owner Mrs. Brooks, Six Slaves. - Names to be seen at this Office.
Jacobus Sargenton, in do. from do.
David Wardrop, in do. from 26th do. or by the Antigua Packet.
James McFarlane, in do. or in 6 weeks from do.
Thomas Jones, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 29th April 1811.
John Donoghue, in do. or do. from 1st May.
Wm. Postlethwaite, in do. or do. from 1st do.
R. A. Wilson, in do. from 1st do.
Wm. Lyng, in do. from 2d do.
John McFarlane, in do. or 6 weeks, from 2d do.
J. F. Meyer, in do. or 4 weeks, from 2d do.
Wm. Langley, in do. or do. from 2d do.
J. H. Pollard, in do. or 6 weeks, from 3d do.
Wm. McIntosh, in do. or do. from 3d do.
I. G. Tout, in do. or 3 weeks, from 3d do.
Benjn. Y. Cozier, in do. or 4 weeks, from 3d do.

For Sale by the Subscriber,
At his Store on the American-Stelling.
HOLLAND'S gin, Porter, Beer, Ale, best Lamp and Spermaceti Oil, in 5 gallon jugs, Leadenhall Ox Tongues in firkins, Gentlemen's Dress and Strong Shoes, a few elegant Military Accoutrements, an extensive assortment of superior Tin Ware, Earthen and Glass Ware, Corks, Fashionable Dresses and Millinery from Bond Street; Parasols, Negro Jackets, &c. &c.
DEMERARY, 4th May 1811.

The arrival of the Mary yesterday, from Barbados, placed us in possession of Papers to the 27th ult. Their contents are of the most pleasing and important nature; in as much as it appears that MASSENA IS RETREATING OUT OF PORTUGAL, and that, CADIZ HAS BEEN MOST EFFECTUALLY RELIEVED. . . .

At last, we are enabled to announce the arrival of the Lord Hobart Packet, with the January and February Mails. She dropped anchor off our Bar yesterday, and sent the bags in by the Demerary gun-brig. The Dispatch Packet is also arrived at Surinam, with the Mail for March, and may be hourly expected in our river.

Ship News. – The Indefatigable, Capt. Brand, from Berbice, is arrived at Falmouth – the Hebe, Capt. Brown, and the Tobago, Capt. M'Laurin, from Demerary, off Dover – and the Richard, Capt. Greenup, from ditto, at Liverpool.


Private Letters to England, communicate some information respecting the local interests of Holland, which is of considerable importance. The French Government of that country, either from policy or apprehension, has entirely abandoned the system of conscription, as it is enforced in other parts of the Empire; and a mode of filling up the ranks of the army less obnoxious to the feelings and habits of the Dutch has been adopted. The new plan is thus: Every district is assessed in a certain number of men for the army and navy, in proportion to its population. These quotas, it is left to the discretion of the inhabitants to furnish by such means as may prove most agreeable and convenient to them. They have in consequence established in every district subscription clubs, similar to those in England for ensuring against being drawn for the militia. The funds arising from these subscriptions, with the aid of local and individual influence, have in some instances been found sufficient to raise the number of men required, without the odious application of the principles of the Conscription Law.

Dutch Papers of a recent date are now in London, in which appears the following "GENERAL DIRECTION OF POLICE IN HOLLAND;" published by the Director-General. "Persons, who keep inns, or let furnished houses or lodgings, shall, within eight days, inform the General Direction of Police of it, and show their authority for exercising such employ. Those allowed to follow this profession, shall place above their door, on a board, in French and Dutch, in large characters, their quality and name. The inn-keepers, &c. shall be obliged, without delay, to inscribe upon parchment, and present to a Commissary of Police, the names, quality, and usual dwelling, with the time of their entering and quitting, of every person who shall have slept or passed a night in their houses. It is forbidden them, knowingly, to inscribe upon their register, under false or supposed names, the persons who have lodged in their houses; they are forwarned [sic] that the laws punish with great severity, this species of crime. - It is likewise forbidden them to harbour vagabonds, murderers, and persons without any know occupation. They are obliged to present their lists, when called upon by a public officer, for examination. Must send every day the passports of travellers who have arrived; and are informed, they must again send for them within 48 hours."


A Parody on the "Poetry," in the Barbados Mercury of
April the 16th, 1811,

And copied into the Essequebo and Demerary Gazette,


The EDITOR slept in his hammock below.
Tho' the frogs sat loud-croaking in trenches hard-by;
Tho' the musquitos hum'd as they nibbl'd his toe,
And the rain and the wind said - "destruction is nigh!"

For Titinia had spread o'er his fancy her charms,
Transporting him into his study with speed;
He clasp'd LONDON PAPERS with joy in his arms,
And with joy, in extracting sat down to proceed.

He dreamt of much news his subscribers to please;
That the King, he once fear'd would be summon'd above,
Was seated once more on the throne at his ease,
And sway'd o'er his kingdom the sceptre of love!

At his head stood the form of a London Gazette,
Its first page high-waving display'd to his sight
A broad field of battle, where Wellington met
And the Eagles of France once again put to flight.

He dreamt of the Prince, (now the Regent it seems,)
He so lov'd and respected, whilst living at home;
And saw (but, alas! it was seen in his dreams!)
That the future will soon for the past well atone.

Ah. Editor, Editor! all is a dream!
For no papers from London indeed you embrace;
The King, though much better, is not, it should seem,
On the throne once again repossessed of his place.

Nor have London Gazettes yet announc'd the defeat
Of Massena, tho' he must to that come at last;
Nor as yet are the Regent's arrangements complete
Which will make the kind future atone for the past. -

The noise of the Negroes awakes him from sleep;
He rush'd to the office - sans stocking and shoes;
But found, to his own and subscribers' grief deep,
That of all the arrivals, not one affords news!

So at night, when return'd to his hammock below,
He swore that much sooner than dream so again,
He would rather musquitos would bite off his toe,
And the rain, and the wind, and frogs turn his brain!
W. [wink icon]

We have inserted the above to show, that as we often smile at others, we have no objection to be good-humoredly smiled at in our turns. The dreams however of the Editor respecting Wellington and Massena, according to this day's paper, approach as near to realities as possible. A Parody in answer shall appear in our next. Respecting our Neighbour's copying from other publications, although he might, to be sure, confess it - his subscribers at least ought to be much obliged to him, as they are considerable gainers by it.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves now confined in
the Colony Stocks of Essequebo, this 30th April, 1811.



Brought by





Pl. Columbia,

Postholder morocco




A New Negro,



W. V. D. WAGT, Schout

LIST of Runaway and Arrested SLAVES in the
Colony Stocks of DEMERARY, 4th May, 1811.



Brought by





Boed. Engels,




Pl. Vlissingen.

Saint Pierre,

St. Deeges,

La Reduite,


Rule, Berbice

Pl. Profit,





Dr. Sissing,



Alx. McKenzie,



W. Latham,

Pl. Sophia,



Pl. Elenora,





M. Lane,

L. Teems,




S. G. MARTENS, Drossart.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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