Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 May 07


Vol. VI.]

[No. 369.

TUESDAY, MAY 7th, 1811.

ALL Persons having demands against the Estate of W. BOVELL, Esq. deceased, or against the Plantation Haslenton, Ruby, or Vertrouwen, are requested to leave them at the Store of Messrs. NURSE & TROUGHTON, in Stabroek, or render them to the Subscriber; who also requires immediate payment to be made to him by all who are indebted to the abovesaid Plantations, or otherwise, to himself.
Pl. Haslenton, J. W. BOVELL.
East Coast, Demerary, 6th May, 1811.

THE Subscriber offers for Sale at his Store on the American Stelling, adjoining Messrs. RYAN & KENNY, Viz: -
[first column]
Coats, coatees, pantaloons,
White and coloured vests,
Black silk do.
Flannel jackets,
Do. waistcoats,
Military boots, Hessian do.
Brown top do.
Planters' strong shoes,
Dress shoes,
[second column]
Ladies' kid and morocco do.
Children's shoes,
Gentlemens gloves, habit do.
Silk, Leghorn, and willow hats,
Youths' morocco caps,
Nails 4, 6, 8, 10, 20 & 30d.
Spikes 4, 4 1/2, 5 and 6 inches.
[end columns]
Demerary, 7th May, 1811.

FOUND in the Plantain Walk of BELMONT Plantation, a YOUNG HEIFER, from Eighteen Months to two Years old, of a light brown colour and a white spot in the forehead.
Mahaica, 6th May, 1811.

Cash will be given for good Cotton.
Enquire at the Royal Gazette Office.
May 4, 1811.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

PICKED UP by the Demerary Sloop of War, a PUNT, with a small quantity of Gravel in her. The Owner may have her restored by applying at the Office of this Paper, paying the expence of Advertising, and a gratuity to the Seamen who found her. May 7th, 1811.


[Transcriber's note: no new or modified vendues in this issue.]


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony:

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

Thos. C. Long, will Transport to Berbice, in 14 days, from 22d. April, Nine Slaves the property of Mrs. Long, formerly Mrs. Jones. - Names to be seen at this Office.
Ditto will Transport to do. in do. from do. with the consent of their owner Mrs. Brooks, Six Slaves. - Names to be seen at this Office.
Jacobus Sargenton, in do. from do.
David Wardrop, in do. from 26th do. or by the Antigua Packet.
James McFarlane, in do. or in 6 weeks from do.
Thomas Jones, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 29th April 1811.
John Donoghue, in do. or do. from 1st May.
Wm. Postlethwaite, in do. or do. from 1st do.
R. A. Wilson, in do. from 1st do.
Wm. Lyng, in do. from 2d do.
John McFarlane, in do. or 6 weeks, from 2d do.
J. F. Meyer, in do. or 4 weeks, from 2d do.
Wm. Langley, in do. or do. from 2d do.
J. H. Pollard, in do. or 6 weeks, from 3d do.
Wm. McIntosh, in do. or do. from 3d do.
I. G. Tout, in do. or 3 weeks, from 3d do.
Benjn. Y. Cozier, in do. or 4 weeks, from 3d do.

Sloop MARY,
J. BRIGGS, Master.
Will Sail on Sunday next. For Freight or Passage apply to the Captain, or
Middle-Street, 7th May, 1811.

By the January and February and March Packets, we have received London Papers up to the 21st of march only, so of course they afford no information respecting the highly gratifying communications we made in our last, respecting Spain and Portugal; but we have been informed, that the Kingsmill, from Liverpool, now in our river, spoke a Ship of War on her passage, and obtained the intelligence that . . . [omitted - European news]

The Fame, Capt. Greenidge, from Barbados to Surinam, put into our river last Sunday, having received some damage at sea. She brought no Papers.


May 7 Schr. Fame, Capt. Greenige [sic], from Barbados, Ballast.

May 7 Ship Commerce, Capt. Watt, for Glasgow.


We have to announce the receipt of several poetical communications, addressed to W - [winking eye icon]. We return our thanks for them, particularly the one signed A Loyalist, and some of them shall appear the first opportunity, the abundance of the matter of more importance, which has been furnished by the Packets, prevents their insertion at present.

The London Papers brought by the Packets.

[Transcriber's note: most European news not transcribed.]

Accounts from Dunkirk state, that the three American sailors, who were left on board the Mary Ann (captured by a French privateer, afterwards gallantly recaptured by the American Captain, but who was unfortunately obliged to abandon her), were in a short time after their arrival in that port, tried, condemned, and shot by the French.

Some English Prisoners of war from Java report that Gen. Daendels, the Governor General at Batavia, had brought the Dutch Officer, who surrendered Amboyna, to a Court Martial, by which he was sentenced to be shot. The sentence had been carried into execution by order of Daendels. The other officers who were considered sharing in the disgrace of the surrender, but who prudently kept out of reach of the Gallo-Batavian Government, have been declared infamous; their names attached to the gallows; and the General has set a premium of 1000 to 3000 dollars on the head of every one of them.

The Merchants seem to have confidence, from the letters they have received, that Colonial produce will be received in Russia, on the payment of high-duties; and that there will not be a loss on the cargoes that were sequestrated – a most important thing for the Underwriters upon those risks.

On the 27th Feb. Colonel Wardle brought forward a motion in the House of Commons, relative to a Corporal in the Oxfordshire Milita, who had been ordered by a Court Martial to receive a certain number of lashes – part he received, and the rest of the punishment was remitted on his agreeing to serve in the West Indies. Not a member could be found to support him but Sir. F. Burdett. The charges were completely refuted. – On a division, the numbers appeared-

For Colonel Wardle's motion


Against it


Majority against


Which ONE was Col. Gore Langton, the Gentleman principally accused!!!

A material regulation has been introduced into the Mutiny Bill. Formerly it was, for certain offences, imperative upon Courts Martial, to inflict the punishment of flogging. By this regulation, it is left to them to inflict the punishment of imprisonment instead of flogging, if they think proper. The punishment of military flogging is not abolished; but it is discretionary with Courts Martial to sentence an offender to be flogged or imprisoned. – The regulation is a very good one, and Ministers deserve great credit for having proposed it.

The commercial tyranny in Holland is as vigilant and severe as ever. So anxious is the Government to prevent the possibility of communication with England, that some of the maritime provinces, being lately in want of grain, were not allowed to receive it by sea, but were subjected to the enormous expence and inconvenience of deriving their supplies by land carriage and canals. No flags whatever but those of the Dutch and French are respected in Holland. In fact, no neutrals are acknowledged. Every vessel under any other colours than those we have mentioned, is supposed to come from England, and is put under temporary sequestration until it is ascertained that she has bona fide sailed from the port specified in her clearance, when she is liberated. The least attempt at deception is considered as sufficient to justify confiscation. The Douaniers are now regularly changed once a week, for the purpose of preventing that laxity, or rather tenderness, in the discharge of harsh and oppressive duty, which has been generally found to result from a long-continued residence.

The Bank of England Dollar, hitherto current at Five Shillings, is in future to pass at Five Shillings and Six-pence. The price of silver has risen so much since the first issue of Bank Dollars, as now to make them worth more to be sold as Bullion than the price at which they are current. The effect of this was to withdraw that species of currency from circulation. It is also added, from authority, that, in consequence of the declaration from the Bank of England, that they will take all Tokens (Dollars) which have been issued by them, at the rate of 5s. 6d. each, and that all such Tokens henceforth to be issued by them will be issued at that rate the Lords of the Treasury have directed that all Bank Tokens shall hereafter be received in payment of the public Revenue at 6s. 6d. each.

Pursuant to public notice, a very respectable meeting of the principal Merchants, Brokers, and Traders of Liverpool, was convened on the 16th March, at the Town Hall, to take into consideration the expediency of an application to Government for a participation in the Loan of Exchequer Bills, now about to be issued for the relief of Commerce. The Worshipful the Mayor having taken the Chair, and briefly stated the object of the meeting; a set of resolutions was proposed by some respectable Gentlemen present, and unanimously carried. These resolutions went to declare, that this town, from the peculiar nature, extent, and importance of its commerce, was in a situation to require, and entitled to expect a participation in the public aid now about to be offered to the trading part of the nation; and that it was highly expedient that a respectful application to that effect should be made to Government without delay.

[Transcriber's note: small mutilation - lower right corner of 3rd page/lower left corner of 4th page – cut out.]

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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