Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 July 06


Vol. VI.]

[No. 386.

SATURDAY, JULY 6th, 1811.
[issue mutilated on outer margin]

Demerary & Essequebo.
[icon for a seal
with L.S. inside]

By His Excellency HENRY WILLIAM BENTINCK, Esquire, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Colonies of DEMERARY and ESSEQUEBO, and their Dependencies, Vice Admiral of the same, &c. &c. &c.

WHEREAS by Virtue of the Powers and Authority in Me vested, I have thought proper to suspend F. P. VAN BERCKEL, Esquire, from the Situation of Fiscal of the Colony of Demerary, until His Majesty's further Pleasure shall be known. I have therefore appointed the Honourable J. VAN DEN PAADEVOORT to be Fiscal ad Interim, until I shall receive His Majesty's further Commands, and every one is hereby enjoined to respect him accordingly.
Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms, at the King's House, Stabroek, this 4th July, 1811, and in the 51st Year of His Majesty's Reign.
By His Excellency's Command,
Gov. Secty.

NOTICE is hereby given that the FISCAAL's OFFICE is at the House of R. B. DALY, Esquire, at Columbus District, lately occupied by Doctor LLOYD.
Demerary, the 6th July, 1811.
Fiscaal ad Interim.


The Public is respectfully informed that the Panorama will open on Wednesday the 10th of July with a View of Stabroek, taken from the Union Coffee House; and will remain open every day (Sundays excepted) from 10 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon; the Wednesdays and Saturdays appropriated for the admission of Free People of Colour.
Free admission Ticket for three months during the exhibition of the Picture, Two Joes (but not transferable), and gives the bearer the privilege of viewing the Panorama privately, on introducing a party (not less than four) who has free admission or otherwise.
Single admission Four Dollars, and young persons Two Dollars.
Tickets to be had at the Panorama - Plantn. Vlissingen.
Mr. BRYANT is truly sorry to have disappointed the Public in his last advertisement, but which was unavoidable, arising from unforeseen accidents relative to the Colours, which the Climate materially affected. He therefore trusts in their indulgence, and with all deference offers to their inspection the first Panorama which has yet (he believes) been exhibited in the West Indies. July 6th.

THE Cargo of the Schooner SMART, Moses Owen Master, from Bath, N.A. consisting of
R. O. Shooks,
W. O. do. with heading,
R. O. Staves,
Fish in boxes,
Lamp Oil, Tar, Tobacco, Oars, Clapboards, Flour, Crackers, Smoaked Herrings, &c.
July 6th. SAMUEL MACKAY, & CO.

A Stout well-made Negro, named GEORGE, the property of the Estate of the late Mr. CHARLES CLIFTON, he is at present in the Colony Barracks, where he may be seen. Further application may be made to Mr. THOMAS SHUTE in Demerary, or to the Subscriber on the Concordia Estate, Wakenham Island.
July 6th. JAMES WOLLEN, q.q.

IMPORTED by the CALEDONIA, Capt. THOMSON, from Glasgow, and for Sale by the Subscribers, viz.
[first column]
Planter's mess beef in half barrels,
Do. do. pork in do.
Mould candles, 4's. and 6's.
Yellow soap,
Single and double Gloucester cheese,
Beer and porter,
[second column]
Hams, small size,
Potatoes in hampers,
Pickled herrings,
Pickles assorted in cases of 6 bottles each,
French olives in cases do.
Port wine.
[end columns]
July 6th. PAUL MASSIAH, & CO.

To Sail the first Springs in August,
For Freight or Passage apply to said Master, or to
July 6th.

JUST Imported from ORONOQUE, and for Sale at the Stables of the Subscribers, thirty-three young COWS, and a BULL, in good order.
July 6th P. BENJAMIN.

THE Subscribers have on Sale, at their Store opposite that of Messrs. WARDROP & FERGUSON: - Prime mess beef and pork in half barrels, tongues in kegs of 6 each, London and Westmoreland hams, pine, Bath, loaf and Gloucester cheese, tea and loaf sugar, fish in boxes, red herrings in do. crackers in kegs, superfine flour, tobacco in barrels, black pepper and mustard, setts dish covers, glass ware, lamp and paint oil in jugs, white lead, hoes and shovels, candles, chalk, perry and cyder, brandy and gin, Madeira wine and porter per dozen, Corks, &c. &c.

IMPORTED in the CALEDONIA, and for sale by the Subscribers: -
Irish linen, India Dimity, and Calicoes,
Madras and Pullicate Handkerchiefs,
Cotton Cambric, and Salempores,
Cotton and Coffee Bagging,
Negro Clothing, and Checks,
Cotton Stockings, and ancle Socks,
Soap, Candles, Herrings, &c.

THE Subscriber received by the Ship Caledonia, Captain THOMSON, the following Goods, which will be sold very reasonable for immediate payment, viz:-
[first column]
Port wine,
Bottled porter and beer,
Loaf sugar,
Soap and candles,
Flax and tow Oznaburg,
Anchor dowlas and Irish harn,
Bed tick,
Diaper, long lawn,
Black, blue, and fashionable coloured coats, coatees, and round robins,
Printed and white quilting, princes cord, and black silk vests,
Union jacks and burgees for Colony boats,
Red, blue, & white bunting,
Negro and tradesmen's hats,
Square and oval swing looking glasses,
Mahogany & Japan servers,
Pruning knives,
Cutlasses, hoes and shovels,
Frying pans, gridirons,
Coffee mills,
Setts bone, buck, wood and ivory handled knives and forks,
Negro, pen, and sportsmen's knives,
Guaging rods and boxes bubbles,
Women's and horse scissors,
[second column]
Common razors,
Mahogany shaving cases with razors, &c.
Cork screws, turn screws,
Pins and Jew's harps,
White Chapel, Oznaburg, sail and packing needles,
Brass, pinchback, and silver Women's and Tailors' thimbles,
Brass bag and gate single and double bolted padlocks,
Fish hooks,
Fish kettles and saucepans,
Watering and milk cans,
Block tin tea and coffee pots,
Tinder boxes with steels and flints,
Pint, quart, half gallon, and gallon funnels,
Horn and tin lanthorns,
Japan trunks with locks,
Do. sugar boxes,
Brass cocks,
Do. candlesticks with steel snuffers,
Japan'd bed room do. complete,
Do. tea trays,
Tin dish covers, corks,
Shoe brushes and black balls,
Long brooms,
Scrubbing, paint, and cloth brushes, &c. &c.
[end columns]
June 8th. [sic] L. M'BEAN.

For Sale by the Subscriber,
A Large assortment of Chamber Swinging Glasses, among which are some of a very large size; best Plate Glass and solid Mahogany Frames; just arrived by the Sibella, Capt. LOVE, from London, and which will be sold reasonable for immediate payment; as also a great variety of Goods from late importations.
He has some excellent Puncheons and Molasses Casks of a large size for sale at his Cooperage.
July 6th. HENRY O. SEWARD.

RUNAWAY, a Creole Negro Girl named NANCY, small boned, has a scar on the right side of her neck. Also a young African Negro boy named JOHN, speaks English badly. A liberal Reward will be given for their apprehension, by the Subscriber at F. C. OTTO'S, Esqr. Cumingsburg.
July 6th. J. MURRAY.

FROM the Subscriber, a tall slim Negro Man, of the Papa nation, named GOOD LUCK, he is coal black, with small features, a pleasing countenance and speaks good English. Whosoever will apprehend the said negro and deliver him to the Subscriber, or lodge him in the Colony Barracks, will be handsomely rewarded. All persons are forbid harbouring or secreting him, and all Masters of Vessels are cautioned against taking him off the Colony, as the law will be rigidly enforced against such offenders.

Sales by Execution.

BY Authority obtained, I, the undersigned First Marshal of this Colony, will offer for Sale, to the highest bidder, at the Court-House, in the Town of Stabroek, on Tuesday the 9th of July next, in presence of two Councellors-Commissaries of the Honourable Court of Justice, and the Secretary:
1st. - In behalf of CHARLES VINCENT, Colonial Receiver, versus the Proprietor or Representative of the half Concession, No. 59, Front-Dam, Stabroek: - The above-mentioned half Concession No. 59, with the old and ruinous side Building, of little value, thereon standing.
2d. - In behalf of N. VOLKERTS, versus J. L. LOOFF, for his Children: - The Negroes George (with the Yaws), Bob, Sophia, and her Child Amelia.
Any person who may pretend to have right of property on the aforementioned effects, and Slaves, please to address themselves with their reasons of opposition to me the undersigned First Marshal, and those intending to purchase, please to attend on the day and at the place above-mentioned, and to hear the conditions of sale.
Demerary, 13th June, 1811.
M. SMIT, First Marshal.
[Transcriber's note: compare with 18110615EDRG, where there are three sales, reduced to two sales here.]

BY Authority obtained from the Honorable Court of Justice, dated the 1st of July of this year, there will be sold to the highest bidders, in behalf of sundry complainants, by me, the undersigned First Marshal of this Colony, in presence of two Counsellors Commissaries and the Secretary, the Plantations herein after named, viz: -
1st. The Plantation named UPPER PEARL, with the Dependencies situate on the East shore of this river, Demerary, on the 5th of August next.
2d. The Plantation TWEE GEBROEDERS, likewise TWO BROTHERS, situate in Canal No. 1, on the 7th of August following.
3d. The undivided half of Plantation HAARLEM, situate on the West Sea Coast of the river Demerary, on the 9th of August next. And
4th. The undivided half of Plantation VOOR ZIGTIGHEID, situate in Mahaica Creek, on the 2d of September next.
Any person conceiving to have right of opposition against the said sales, please to address himself with his reasons in writing to me the First Marshal; and those intending to purchase, please to attend on the precise day, and at the Plantations aforesaid.
Done in Demerary, this 6th July, 1811.
M. SMIT, First Marshal.
N.B. The inventories of the above specified Plantations may be seen daily at the Marshal's Office, (Sundays excepted).
[Transcriber's note: mutilated in this issue; text recovered from the next issue, 18110709EDRG.]


On Monday the 8th of July [see 18110514EDRG] . . .
[see 18110601EDRG] . . .
[see 18110702EDRG] . . .
[Transcriber's note: for the above - note that 'by Order of W. ROACH' does not appear in the current issue]
Also on the same day, an elegant Table Service, just arrived in perfect order; it will be sold all together, or in four different sets to accomodate the purchasers.
May 14th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.

On Wednesday the 10th July, 1811, at the Vendue Office, - 18 boxes soap, 10 kegs white lead, 4 kegs yellow and 5 black paint, 1 keg patent verdigrease, 6 jugs paint oil, 3 dozen paint brushes, 11 casks bottled brown stout, 19 baskets single Gloucester cheese, 11 hams, 17 tierces mess beef, 12 barrels do pork, 6 fowling pieces, 1 cask shot, &c.
July 6th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.

On Monday the 22d inst. will be exposed for Sale at the Vendue Office, by Order of A. SMITH, Esq. qq. - Ten reclaimed Negroes, good healthy Field People
Also on the same day, by Order of JOHANNA DE WEEVER, a stout Negro Woman named Jenny, sold for no fault.
July 6th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.

On Monday the 5th of August, will be exposed for Sale, by Order of H. C. EVERTZ, Esqr. on the premises at present occupied by himself. - A piece of land part of lot 56, with a large dwelling house and necessary out buildings, and situated in Werk & Rust.
Also on the same place, a piece of land part of lot No. 2 with the buildings thereon, and a pieces of a water lot situated in Werk & Rust, formerly occupied by Mr JAS. GREENWOOD, Negroes complete House servants, horse and chaise, milch cows, water vats, household furniture, and what further may be produced on the day of Sale.
July 6th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony:

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

Miss Mary Lester, and family, in 3 or 6 weeks, from 10th June.
John McFarlane, in 14 days, or 6 weeks, from 10th do.
Alexr. Macrae, Junr. in do. from 10th do.
John Smith, in do. from 12th do.
John Ryan, in do. from 12th do.
J. Pletterhuysen, in do. from 13th do.
Wm. Hedges, in do. or 6 weeks, from 13th do.
Wm. Good, in do. or do. from 13th do.
Ben. Odwin, in 14 days or one Month, from 21st June.
Hugh Hyndman, in do. or do. from 21st do.
John W. Bovell, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 22d do.
Mark Dyett, in 14 days or one Month, from 24th do.
W. D. Grant, in 14 days, or 6 weeks, from 1st July.
James Baley, in do. or one month, from 3d do.
Thomas D. Goring, in do. or 6 weeks, from 3d do.
B. Staunton, in do. from 3d do.
Louis Schilder, in do. from 3d do.
Mary Francis, in do. from 4th do.

WHEREAS the following Persons have Petitioned the Honble: the Court of Policy of Demerary and Essequebo, for Letters of Manumission for the afternamed Slaves, as follows:
HENRY HARWOOD for the Mulatto boy John Alleyne, formerly the property of the Honble. JOS: BEETE.
C. SMIT, J.C.Z. for the Negro Woman Sally, and her two Children, Jan Cornelis and Willem Loedwyk.
The free Woman ELIZ: NIELL for her Mulatto Children Mary Ann and Ben, formerly the property of the late CHS: WATERTON, Esq.
All those who may have any right or title to said Slaves are hereby Notified to give in their Claims, either at the Commandement in Essequebo or at the Secretary's Office of Demerary, between this date and the next ensuing Ordinary meeting of the Court of Policy aforesaid, as the Court will then proceed to give such orders on the said several Petitions as it shall seem meet.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, 5th July, 1811.
P. F. TINNE, Dy. Secty.

ALZO A. M. FOGELMARK, Meerderjaarige Jongman, gebooren naar Sweden, Woonachtig alhier, ter Eenre, en
Mejuffrouw DOROTHEA FLEISCHMAN, minderjaarige Jonge Dochter, geboren [sic] te Nieuw York, geasisteerd by haar Voogden J. VAN DER HAAS, Esq. en Mejuffrouw A. VAN DER HAAS, ter andere zyde.
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander, een Wettig Hewelyk aantegaan, wartoe hy op den 4e deezer Maand door Heeren Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtb. Hove van Justitie in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen.
Zoo word zulks aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich tegens het voltrekken van dit Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds zoude kunnen doen daar en zoo 't behoord.
Actum Secretary van Demerary den 5e July, 1811.
Zynde dit de Eerste Bekendmaaking.
In kennisse van my
ALEX. TINNE, loco Secretariis.

Between A. M. FOGELMARK, Batchelor, born in Sweden, and
Miss DOROTHEA FLEISCHMAN, Spinster, born in New York, assisted by her Guardians J. VAN DER HAAS, and Mrs. A. VAN DER HAAS.
- for the 1st time.
Any person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office. - Demerary, 5th July 1811.
ALEX. TINNE, Loco Secretarii.

From Papers brought by the Caledonia, we learn that engagements took place in the neighbourhood of Almeida, between Wellington and Massena, on the 3d, 4th, and 5th of May, in which the loss was great on both sides: but, we have been informed, that on Sunday last, a Vessel direct from Lisbon, (twenty-seven days' passage) arrived in Berbice, and brought the more important information of the junction of the divisions under Wellington and Beresford - of an attack, in consequence, on the main body of the enemy - of its total defeat - and of the mutual loss being estimated at between twenty and thirty thousand men! This desperate conflict, it is said, took place on the 25th of May; a conflict, which if true, has not only decorated the Allied Army with never-fading laurels, but has destroyed the most warlike Banditti which France could bring into the field, and has doubtless decided the fate of the Peninsula!

Four P. M. - We have delayed putting our Paper to press till this moment, from the hope of being able to ascertain the names of the Vessels now standing for the river, and of course the news they bring; but have not succeeded. We have been more anxious in this respect, because they are doubtless in possession of the fact, whether a Northern Coalition really exists! the coalition, which we announced on Tuesday last, and which our neighbour, (no doubt for reasons best known to himself,) thought proper to declare "unauthentic!"

Extract of a letter from Liverpool, to Greenock:-
"As a further proof of the confidence that many people have of the trade being speedily opened between this country and the United States, a merchant here has received orders from his correspondent in America (who is well acquainted with the intentions of the Government) to dispatch his ship, not in ballast, but with a cargo of salt and crates, in consequence of which, she will sail immediately with a full cargo."

On the motion of Mr. Wilberforce, in the British House of Commons, on the 21st of May, a translation of the Spanish code of laws, lately in force in the island of Trinidad, together with various documents, were ordered to be laid before the House. It is supposed that he intends taking up the question respecting General Picton and the tortured Louisa.


June 29. Ship Albion, Capt. Holmes, from Dublin, Beef, &c.
July 1. Brig Hunter, Capt. Greely, from Portland.
------- Ship Eliza, - Gray, - Liverpool.
------------- Sibella, - Love, - London.
---- 2. ---- Albion, - Nicholson, - London.

July 2. Ship Neried, Capt. Johnson, for Greenock.
------ Schr. Guiana, - Henson, - Surinam.
------ Ship John and Thomas, - Wilon, - London
---- 2. [sic] ---- Bellisle, - Cameron, - Liverpool.

The Friends of the Anti-Royal Gazette appear to consider its Conductor at least entitled to a PATENT - he having discovered a method, by which news from England can be brought to Demerary in less than a WEEK! - See the Paper of Wednesday last.

LIST of Runaway and Arrested SLAVES in the
Colony Stocks of DEMERARY, 29th June, 1811 [sic].



Brought by





Boed. Engels,


Saint Pierre,

St. Deeges,

La Reduite,


M. Lane,

L. Teems,


Pl. La Resource,

Pl. Meerzorg.





Dr. Richardson,

Pl. Belle Plaine.






Pl. Groot Diamond.


J. Madden,




Pl. Roomen.




Francis & child,

G. Angle,



Pl. Swanenschuts,

Pl. Meerzorg,

Betty & 3 children,

Widow Atkins,

Pl. Friendship,

S. G. MARTENS, Drossart.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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