Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 July 09


Vol. VI.]

[No. 387.

TUESDAY, JULY 9th, 1811.

THE Box containing the Votes of the Inhabitants of this Colony to fill the situations of a Kiezer and a Financial Representative, (in the stead of L. HARTENSVELD, Esq. in the former, and J. J. DEEGES, Esq. in the latter capacity), having been duly opened on the first instance, in the presence of the Honble: the Commandeur and two Members of the Court of Justice, it has appeared that the majority of Votes to fill both the Kiezer's and Financial Representative's situation, was in favour of THOMAS CATHREY, Esq. who has been elected as such accordingly.
Commandement of Essequebo, the 3d of July, 1811.
By Command of the Honble: Commandeur
Sect. to the Commandeur.
[Transcriber's note: this item did not appear in an earlier issue.]

IT having been found very inconvenient to the Governors of the Work-house, in selling plank to individuals; notice is hereby given, that henceforth the Sale of that article, shall only be done publicly in the usual manner at the Vendue Office, every two months, at six months credit, on good security being given if required; planters however, who may be in immediate want of plank, (provided not less than 500 feet at a time) will be supplied when called for, and the amount thereof entered in the Vendue books.
By Order,
Essequebo, 6th July.

                  OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                  Demerary, 8th July, 1811.
FOR BILLS OF EXCHANGE to be drawn on the principal Officers of His Majesty's Ordnance, London, for £ 1250 Sterling, at Thirty days sight, in sums not under £ 50 each. Also the further sum of £ 250 for Bills to be drawn on the Paymasters of the Royal Artillery, in like manner.
Sealed Tenders for which endorsed "Tenders for Bills on the Board of Ordnance," or "On the Paymasters of the Royal Artillery," will be received by the Subscriber till 10 o'Clock on Monday next, the 15th Instant, when they will be opened as usual, and the highest Exchange offered accepted.
Ordnance Store-Keeper and Paymaster.
N.B. The Bills on the Paymasters must be paid for in heavy Joes, and for those on the Board, half Joes and the remainder in Paper Money.

                  OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                  Demerary, 8th July, 1811.
Wanted for the Engineer Department.
7100 feet of one-inch, and 700 feet of two-inch
To be delivered on the Dam at Fort William Frederick (near the Sluice), on Monday next, the 15th Instant, by 9 o'clock in the morning, or as soon after as the tide will permit. Sealed Tenders for supplying the same, marked "Tenders for Lumber," will be received by the Subscriber till 12 o'Clock on Friday the 12th Instant, when they will be opened by the respective Officers, who will order an inspection of the Lumber, and the most advantageous offer will be accepted. C. J. O'HARA,
Ordnance Store-Keeper.

                  OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                  Demerary, 8th July, 1811.
ALL Persons having any Demands against this Department for Materials supplied, or for Hire of Negro Artificers or Labourers, for the Quarter ending the 30th ult. are desired to send in their Accounts within eight days to the Subscriber, or they will not be included in the above quarter's accounts.
Ordnance Store-Keeper.
N.B. The Office hours are from 9 to 2 o'Clock.

Coppered and Armed
Will Sail in all this Month. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or
P.S. The Shippers to ROXBURGH CASTLE, are requested to send their produce on board without delay, as she is intended positively to break ground on or before the 1st of August.
July 9th.

Will Sail in all this Month. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or
P.S. The Quaker being intended to break ground on or before the 1st of August, Shippers in the said Vessel are solicited to send their Produce on board without delay.
July 9th.

THE Subscriber having just arrived from Barbados, to which place he was sent from London by the Hon. Lord HAREWOOD and Sir PHILLIP GIBBES, for the express purpose of Manufacturing and Refining Sugar, and having instructed many Planters in bringing the Sugar of that Island to the greatest perfection - takes the liberty of informing the Gentlemen of this Colony, that he will undertake the same here. He will shew them how to refine the most inferior Sugar, as well as the best; how to bring the Molasses into Sugar; how to temper the Cane Juice; and to give information in the Still-House. The period this process will occupy, will be three weeks; during which time he will expect to be found by the Manager or Proprietor of the Estate, and to be paid the sum of Twenty-five Joes, at the expiration of the said term.
Any Gentleman, who may wish to employ him, will be pleased to send directions to the Printer of this Paper.
July 9th. J. M. SCHENDEN.

THE Cargo of the Schooner ENERGLYN, from Surinam, consisting of
59 Hogsheads Fish,
100 Boxes Lyng ditto.

EEN Nughteried Bekwaam Persoon, als Baas op Plant: Repentir. July 9.


On Thursday the 18th inst. will be exposed for Sale by Order of Mr. JOSEPH TRIGGER, on the premises, - the half lot of land No. 98 situated in Cumingsburgh, with all the buildings thereon, consisting of a Dwelling house twenty four feet long, one storie and a half high, with a gallery of ten feet all round, kitchen, stable and negro houses, the whole nearly new. An elegant hand organ with five barrels, brown holland, Irish linen, hammocks, household furniture, &c. &c.
July 9th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.

On Friday the 19th inst. will be exposed for Sale at the Vendue Office, by Order of H. H. LUHRS, Esq. - six negroes, Amsterdam, Aurora and two Children, August, Coffy, Welkomand, and Juny; also a piece of Woodland, in Camoeny creek, called Forbes' Gift, and a house 28 feet long, by 24 wide, of Greenhart, and a side building of Posts in the ground covered with troolies.
July 9th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.

On Monday the 22d inst. [see 18110706EDRG] . . .
Also on the same day, the following Goods, just imported. - Linen and cotton platillas, printed cottons, linen check, cotton do. cambric muslin, bordered handkerchiefs, chintz furniture, soap, candles, nails assorted, shirting callicoes, &c.
July 6th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.

On Monday the 29th July, [see 18110702EDRG] . . .
[Transcriber's note: one vendue removed for this vendue date.]
Also by Order of C. F. MILNE, two field negroes Harry, and Charles.
June 29th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony:

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

Alexr. Macrae, Junr. in do. from 10th June.
John Smith, in do. from 12th do.
John Ryan, in do. from 12th do.
J. Pletterhuysen, in do. from 13th do.
Wm. Hedges, in do. or 6 weeks, from 13th do.
Wm. Good, in do. or do. from 13th do.
Ben. Odwin, in 14 days or one Month, from 21st June.
Hugh Hyndman, in do. or do. from 21st do.
John W. Bovell, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 22d do.
Mark Dyett, in 14 days or one Month, from 24th do.
W. D. Grant, in 14 days, or 6 weeks, from 1st July.
James Baley, in do. or one month, from 3d do.
Thomas D. Goring, in do. or 6 weeks, from 3d do.
B. Staunton, in do. from 3d do.
Louis Schilder, in do. from 3d do.
Mary Francis, in do. from 4th do.

Secretary's Office, Essequebo.

FROM the Secretary's Office is hereby advertised, that the next Commissary Court in August, a Transfer of certain Land situated on Varken Island, between KOLF's and RUPERTY's Estates, will be given by Mr. KESLER unto H. POGGENBURG.
Also by Mr. ALI DEY, (Nom Uxs:) a Transport of the Land called RYAN'S ADDITION, on Leguan Island, to S. R. NURSE.
Essequebo, 6th July, 1811.
J. J. L. MOLIERE, Sect: ad Intm:

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of Messrs: MOOY and MOL, as far as relates to the concerns of the Saw Mill Saripapa, is at the House of Mr. G. C. SCHOTT, on Fort Island.
Secretary's Office, Essequebo, 22d June, 1811.
Z. B. GIEBEN, Sworn Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

The Packet (which arrived on Saturday Evening,) will sail on Friday next, at Three o'clock.

By reference to our Ship List, the Public will become informed of the late Mercantile Arrivals and Departures. The Fortune, Capt. Wilson, from this Port, we understand, unfortunately stranded, but has since been carried into Swansea.

Independent of London Papers by the Packet, we have now before us Barbados Papers, to the 25th of June; but neither, we regret to say, corroborate, positively, our late statement of a Northern Coalition. We mentioned in our last, that such statement was contradicted by our neighbour [paper fold] was certainly premature, (no arrival at that time having taken place, absolutely capabale of sanctioning it,) as the manner it was done in, was indicative of the echoism of the Paper it appeared in; and therefore, we did not hesitate in expressing our conviction of the statement being ultimately correct – particularly, as we derived our information form Letters, whose Writers we imagined had too much of the gentlemen about them, to descend to a hoax!

By an Advertisement in this day's paper, it will be seen that the long-promised Panorama will be open for exhibition to-morrow; and a novelty of such a nature in this part of the world, will doubtless prove highly attractive. Not having seen the picture, we cannot enlarge on that subject, but from a knowledge of the consideration in which the Artist is held in London, by Connoisseurs, we make no doubt a sight of it will be as gratifying to the Public, as the performance is honorable to his genius.

By an arrival at Barbados, from Baltimore, we learn, that there has lately been an occurrence off the coast of America which led to serious discussion, originating in one of our frigates having impressed two men out of an American vessel. This discussion was continued between the President and the British Consul to that Government for some days, and the result was, that of the former directing the immediate departure of the United States' frigate President, Capt. Rodgers, to demand the restitution of those men, or in the event of this not being complied with, he was ordered to "capture" the British man of war. Now this certainly sounds well - it is remarkably lofty - its tone may answer in the Chamber of Government - but on the Ocean, Mr. Madison ought to have reflected, it is quite different; and he should at least have added to the instructions of Capt. Rodgers, the necessary proviso - "if possible;" for the capture of an English frigate is not one of the easiest things to be performed - no, not even by an American - as we guess Capt. Rodgers has ere this discovered: for that they have met, and the contest has been decided, there is no doubt - the Hetty (arrived at Barbados) having spoken the schooner Romney in the Chesapeake on the 26th May which informed that she had been boarded by a Lieutenant of the Chesapeake frigate in the Potomak, who stated, "that a battle had actually taken place between the President frigate and that of the British, but the result was not known."

The city of Edinburgh, on the 15th and 16th of April, was the scene of a ferment which threatened serious consequences, and which took its rise, as was said, in a quarrel between two tradesmen. On the night of the 15th, the mob praded the streets, and broke the windows of several persons who were obnoxious to them; the Magistrates, apprehensive that more mischief would be perpetrated on the 16th, and being determined to put a stop to the shameful tumult, called in a strong detachment of the military from the Castle to the aid of the police, when several of the rioters were taken into custody.

A singular change is about to take place in the British commercial relations with the East, and especially with China. For ages, the precious metals exported to the latter have been in a state of accumulation; a large portion of them will probably in a short time return to this part of the globe. An absolute want of raw materials of various descriptions has at length opened the eyes of the Chinese to the folly of retaining within their own Empire, through motives of jealous, a commodity which derives its chief value from its being considered as the only general instrument of commerce. The countries contiguous to China being now to experience the beneficial consequences of the change. Considerable supplies of specie have already reached various parts of India from China; and in Bengal, silver has recently been most abundant. Indeed, it is so plentiful at Calcutta, that the rate of interest, which in India has usually been extremely high, has fallen almost as low as in Europe. In some of the ships about to arrive from India, large supplies of dollars, and specie in general, are expected; and it is calculated, that, before any very long period elapses, we shall in this country receive from that quarter further supplies to the amount of seven millions of dollars.

A seizure of 10,000l. on the 25th of April, made at the Custom-house, London, of gold, in bars, regularly entered and sworn to at Guildhall as foreign gold. The boxes had passed the Custom house, and were on board ship when the discovery was made. It is supposed that some person employed in the melting of it into bars gave information that guineas were melted with the foreign gold.

The American Government has begun to organise, according to its Constitution, that part of the Floridas belonging to Spain, of which it has taken forcible and illegal possession. The Spaniards shew no disposition to acquiesce in this robbery, as they still keep [remaining brief text obscured by a paper fold]


July 3. Ship Granger, Capt. Obrien, from C. G. Hope and Surinam.
---- 4. Schr. Manuel, - Glariet, - Oronoque.
-------------- Smart, - Owen, - Bath, N. A.
---- 8. ---- Shark, - Hicks, - Surinam, - Salt fish.
------- Brig James Hay, - Baker, - Ditto, - Gen. cargo.
------- Ship Quaker, - Linklater, - Rio Janeiro, - Ballast.
---- 9. ---- Roxburgh Castle, - Hutchinson, - Surinam, - Do.
------- Schr. Energlen, - Cox, - Ditto. - Salt Fish, &c.
------- Sloop Mary, - Briggs, - Barbados, - Ballast.

July 9. Brig Paulina, Capt. Gookin, for Portsmouth.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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