Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 July 20


Vol. VI.]

[No. 390.

SATURDAY, JULY 20th, 1811.

[first column]
[image of a seal (broken circle) with 'L S' inclosed]
[second column]
By His Excellency HENRY WILLIAM BENTINCK, Esquire, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Colonies of DEMERARY and ESSEQUEBO, Vice Admiral of the same, and President of all Courts and Colleges within said Colonies, &c. &c. &c.
[end columns]
WHEREAS I have in a Circular from HIS EXCELLENCY SIR GEORGE BECKWITH, K. B. &c. &c. &c. received the following Copy of a Proclamation for the apprehension of THOMAS JOHNSON SPRINGER, for a Forgery.
I do therefore, in consequence, issue this my Proclamation, strictly requiring and commanding all Magistrates, and all others His Majesty's Liege Subjects to apprehend, or cause to be apprehended, the above-named THOMAS JOHNSON SPRINGER, and to convey him to the Common Goal [sic] in Stabroek, should he be found in these Colonies.
Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms, at the King's House, in Stabroek, this 20th day of July, 1811, and in the Fifty First Year of His Majesty's Reign.
Gov. Secty.

[first column]
[image of a seal (broken circle) with 'seal at arms.']
[second column]
By His Excellency Sir GEORGE BECKWITH, Knight of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, His Majesty's Captain-General and Governor in Chief of this Island, Chancellor, Ordinary, and Vice-Admiral of the same, &c.
[end columns]
WHEREAS I have received Information, upon Oath, that THOS. JOHNSON SPRINGER, Esquire, was apprehended upon the Beach at Speight's Town, on or about the Morning of the 15th Inst. in Virtue of a Special WRIT under the Hand and Seal of John Walton, Esquire, one of the Justices of the Peace for the Body of this Island, for having been guilty of FORGERY; and which Writ has also been submitted to me; and it being also in Evidence, that the afore-named Criminal, after being actually in custody of three Constables (whose names are expressed), effected, or was suffered to effect, his escape from these Peace Officers, to the manifest Injury of the Laws, and the Ends of Public Justice:
I do therefore, in consequence, issue this my PROCLAMATION, strictly Requiring and Commanding all Magistrates; Officers, Civil and Military; and all others His Majesty's Liege Subjects, to apprehend or cause to be apprehended, the afore-named THOMAS JOHNSON SPRINGER, and to convey him to the Common Goal [sic] at Bridge-Town, that he may be dealt with according to law; and all Masters of Vessels are strictly prohibited from receiving him on Board, or carrying him off the Island, as they shall answer the contrary at their Peril: of which all whom it doth, shall, or may concern, are hereby required to take due Notice, and to govern themselves accordingly.
Given under my Hand and Seal at the King's House, this Seventeenth day of may, in the Year of our Lord, One thousand eight hundred and eleven, and in the Fifty-first Year of His Majesty's Reign.
By Command,
W. H. WILBY, Sec.

DESCRIPTION. - THOMAS JOHNSON SPRINGER, about Twenty-six Years of Age, and five Feet [illegible] inches high, his Body and Face very large, and apparently bloated; with Thighs and Legs disproportionably small; light Hair, cut in Crop; and very light [illegible], prominent Eyes; round Shoulders, a little [illegible]; a little Hesitation in his Speech, if about to [illegible] quickly; very Irascible.

Fiscal's Office.
WHEREAS the undersigned perceives some persons have little regard for the Laws existing, and Publications of the Court of Policy, whereby proceed many disorders.
Thus he finds himself necessitated to request all inhabitants who send their Slaves to Market with merchandize, to provide them with a pass, wherin [sic] is mentioned the different articles they have for sale - and to order them not to sit themselves down on the Public Roads, Bridges, or Stellings, to dispose of their goods, but to confine themselves to the Public Market. Also to forbid them, that they are not found on the public roads with sticks, or any other weapon; likewise to order their Slaves not to gallop the horses, and not to be seen after 8 o'clock on the streets without a pass or a lanthorn.


The undersigned further orders all Hucksters to abide by the publication of the 20th May, 1802; also to all inhabitants not to let their Horses, Cattle, Goats, Sheep and Hogs run loose on the public roads, and not to allow their Slaves to revel or dance but on those times appointed by the law.

The above mentioned being through the Gentlemen Administrators of the West-India Company, dated 1st October, 1784, and through several Publications of the Honorable Court of Policy, as dated -
6th August, 1794,
31st January, 1797,
25th August, 1798,
and Ampliation [sic] of 1801,
20th May, 1802,
9th July 1803,
hereby provided.


The undersigned hopes that his request will be duly attended to, otherwise he will be (by default of this) obliged to adopt rigorous methods.
Demerary, 20th July, 1811.
Fiscaal ad Interim.

Officie Fiscaal.
DAAR den ondergeteekende gewaar word, dat eenige lieden weynig reguard Slaan, op de exteerende weeten en publicatie van den Hove van Politie, waar door veele disorders koomen.
Zoo is het dat by zig genoodzaakt vind, van alle ingezeetenen te verzoeken, van hunne Slaaven welke zy met koop-waaren na de Markt zenden - een pas te geeven, waar inne gementioneerd staat, welke koop-waaren zy hebben - en hunne Slaaven te gelasten van zig niet op de publique weegen, nog bruggen of stellingen neder te zeeten om hun goed te verkoopen neen maar alleen op de algemeene Markt plaatst te gaan. Ook te verbinden van zig met geene stokken of eenig waapen op de publique weegen te laten vinden, alsmede te gelasten van niet met paarden te galloppeeren. - En niet naar acht uuren des avonds zonder pas of lantarn op de straat te koomen.

Verders gelast de ondergetekende aan alle Hucksters om aan de Publicatie van 20 Mey, 1802, zig te gedragen, als ook aan alle ingezeetenen van hun paarden, koeyen, schaapen, cabrietten, of vaarkens niet te laaten los loopen op de publique weegen - ook hunne Slaaven niet te laten joelen of dansen, als op de door de wel bepaalde tyden.

Zynde tegens al het bovenstaande, zoo door Heeren bewindhebberen der West-Indiensche Compagnie, de dato 1e October, 1784, en door verscheidene Publicatien van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Politie, als de dato-
6e Augustus, 1794,
31e January, 1797,
25e Augustus, 1798,
en Ampliatie 1801,
20e Mey, 1802,
9e July, 1803,
hier tegens voorzien.

Hoopende by ondergetekende dat op dit zyn verzoek reguard geslagen zal worden.
Zullende by anders by faute van dien genoodzaakt zyn ten rigourenste hier ontrent te moeten handelen.
Demerary, 20e July, 1811.
Fiscaal ad Interim.

THE Proprietors or Representatives of Concessions in the town of Stabroek and its precincts, are hereby reminded and warned, to comply with certain Proclamations of the Honourable Court of Police, bearing date 17th May, 1793; whereby every person is ordered, when they have a kitchen built, to have a chimney or fire hearth, with a good brick wall to be covered with pans, slates, or wallaba shingles, and no other materials.
Many people having neglected to comply with that order, and, therefore, subject to the penalty stated in that Proclamation; wherefore all and every person whom it may regard, are hereby once more requested to comply with the said orders; and those that have their chimnies and fire hearths already made, and not agreeable to the intention of the law, time for putting them in due order will be given to them, until 1st January, 1812; but those that are to made newly is to be agreeable to the said Proclamation, and conformable to the 5th Article of his Instructions.
The accurate inspection of which will take place every three months, in order to avoid fire, and for the preservation of lives and property of the Inhabitants.
Notice is hereby given to the Proprietors or Representatives of Concessions in the town of Stabroek, that the Inspection of the Trenches and front grounds will take place on the 1st of August next ensuing; they are, therefore, requested to have their draining trenches dug on a certain depth, with a parapet to the same, so as to prevent the dug ground from falling in again; agreable [sic] to the Resolution of the Honble. the Court of Police. They are likewise to have the front grounds of their concessions weeded; all on pain, mentioned in the 3d Article of his Instructions.
The Undersigned likewise reminds and warns the Proprietors or Representatives of Lots in the town of Stabroek and its precincts, that agreable [sic] to the Resolution of the Honble. the Court of Police, and further mentioned in the 4th Article of his Instructions, all and every one of them shall have a Limit Post, placed by a Sworn Surveyor, on the end of their Concession, in order to avoid disputes and complaints, that are daily lodged at his Office.
Demerary, 17th July, 1811.

THE Creditors of the late F. KROLL who have agreed to take their dividend of last Crop in Coffee, and not yet received the same, are hereby informed, that Coffee is now ready for delivery on Pln: Sophia, for all yet unpaid; and the undersigned therefore request that those concerned will come to receive their shares without delay.
COLIN MACRAE, and [right pointing brace encompassing this and following line] Q Q.
July 19th: for C. M. OVERWEG.

ABSENTED himself from the Subscriber, on Pl. Mainstay, a negro named FRANK, of the Coromantyn Nation, stout, well-made, black skin, with marks of small pox on his face and of ring-worms on his body. It is suspected he harbours about Plant: Grove, Mahaica, having been formerly a considerable time on that Estate. Whoever will lodge him in the Colony Barracks, or bring him to the Subscriber, will be rewarded. S. PHIPPEN.
Pl. Richmond, Arabian Coast, 16th July.

Commissariat Office,
                  Demerary, 15th July, 1811.
Of the following dimensions-
No. 1 – Thirty-five feet keel, and 10 feet beam,
No. 2 – Thirty feet keel and 9 feet beam.
The first to be delivered immediately after the approval of the Tender, and the second in one month after that date.
To be built of the best materials, approved of by the Officer at the head of the Royal Engineer Department, and delivered at Fort William Frederick.
Any person willing to Contract for the supply of either of the above, will please send Tenders to this Office, marked "Tenders for Punts," until Wednesday next, the 24th Instant, at 10 o'clock in the morning, when they will be opened in presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and the lowest, if approved, accepted.
Assist. Comy. Gen.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, of that part of GREAT BRITAIN called ENGLAND, made in a cause ELLIS against BLAIR, the Creditors and Legatees of JOSEPH HAMER, of the Colony of Demerary, in South America, Esq. dec. who died there in or about the Month of July, One Thousand Eight Hundred, are forthwith to come in before WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers in Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, and prove their Debts, and claim their Legacies, or in default thereof they will be excluded the benefit of the said Decree.
29th January, 1811. Let this Advertisement be published in Demerary.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

FROM Plantation Good Hope, on the West Coast, THREE MULES. Any Person giving information, that will lead to a discovery of said Mules, will be handsomely rewarded by applying to said Estate. July 20th.

A SITUATION as Mason on an Estate, or Overseer. The Advertiser has had considerable experience in the erection of Stills, Coppers, &c.
Apply to the Printer. July 20th.

Cod Fish of the first quality,
JUST Arrived in the Ship MARIA, ROBERT COWLEY, Master, from Newfoundland, and for Sale on reasonable terms for Cash, or approved Bills of Exchange, by
Who have also for Sale a small assortment of Provisions, Beer, Porter, Port Wine, &c.
July 20th.

Navy Mess Beef in tierces,
Do. do. Pork in barrels,
July 20th. A. T. BROWNE.

NOW Landing and for Sale by the Subscribers the Cargo of the Bark Jane, from Portland: -
Boards, Plank, and Scantling,
Fish in hogsheads and boxes,
R. O. Staves,
R. O. Shooks, with heading,
W. O. do. with do.
Pilot Bread, in barrels,
Crackers in kegs,
New Rice in tierces and half tierces,
Tobacco in Hhds. and barrels, Lamp Oil, and Clapboards.
July 20th.

Zel Den Rust, en L'Oratoire.
DE eerste Maandaagen in de maanden July en Augustus, 1812, zullen de Ondergeteekens als Sequesters in de Boedel en Nalatenschap van wylen GEERTRUY DE BRUIN, eerder weduwe van J. DE SALIGNAC, en laatst weduwe van J. BASTIAANS, M.Z. publiek en aan de meestbiedende verkoopen, als:
De eerste Maandag in de maand July voornoemd, de Plantagie L'ORATOIRE, geleegen in 't Canaal No. 1, aan de zuid zyde, tusschen de plantagien Beuvoisin en Bourdeaux.
En de eerste Maandag in de maand Augustus voornoemd, De Plantagie ZEL DEN RUST, geleegen aan de oost zee kust, tusschen de plantagien La Petite Fortune en Two Brothers, byde met alle de slaaven, gebouwen, cultivatie, &c. tot elk behoorende.
Alle de geene die gading in deeze Plantagien, of een derzelve, mogte hebben, worden in tusschen verzogt hunne propositien in geschrifte aan de Ondergeteekendens intezenden, die, zy, zo ze eenigzints aanneemlyk zyn, ter approbatie van d' Edele Achtabaare Hove van Justitie dezer Colonie zullen overleggen, ten einde 't zelve te verzoeken, die Plantagien, 't zy publiek of uit de hand, naar de alzo te doene propositien, wegens wyze van betaaling en termynen te mogen verkoopen, en zullende in gevalle deeze Plantagien niet uit de hand mogte verkogt worden, drie maanden voor den verkoop dag, de termynen en conditien voor de publieke verkooping derzelve door de Couranten alhier bekend gemaakt worden.
Inventraissen van voorzyde Plantagien zyn te zien alhier by d' Heer STEPH. CRAMER, op Plantagie Ruimveld, en in London by d' Heeren ROUGEMONT en BEHRENDS, aldaar.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

Just Landed and for Sale by the Subscriber;
Baltimore Superfine Flour,
Irish Butter,
Do. Mess Beef, and Pork in half barrels,
Soap and Candles,
Hyson Tea and Refined Sugar,
Hams and Cheese,
Salt in barrels,
Best staple Cordage,
Blocks and Mast Hoops,
London Porter,
Superfine quality Madeira Wine, per doz.
Irish Linens and Sheetings,
Plain and Buckled Shoes,
Best Hessian Boots, &c.
July 20th. THOMAS SHUTE.

Sales by Execution.

BY Authority obtained, there will be offered for sale by me, the undersigned First Marshal of the Honorable Court of Justice of this Colony, in presence of the Counsellors Commissaries and the Secretary, at the Court-House in the Town of Stabroek, on Tuesday the 18th of August next: -
In behalf of J. CEURVORST, versus CORNELIS DE WEEVER. - A Negro Woman named Tomasin, with her five children named Chloe, Napoleon, Werther, Cecilia and Present.
Any person conceiving to have right of property on the aforesaid negro woman and her five children, please to address himself with his reasons of opposition to me, the first Marshal, and those intending to purchase, may come on the day and at the place aforementioned, to hear the conditions.
Demerary, 19th July, 1811.
M. SMIT, First Marshal.


On Monday the 22d inst. [see 18110706EDRG] . . .
[see 18110709EDRG] . . .
Also by order of C. and J. RYAN, Esqrs. a Negro Woman, a good washer.
July 6th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.

On Thursday the 25th instant, at the Jubilee Tavern, American Stelling:- Furniture; large damask table cloths, breakfast do. plated candlesticks, glass cases, Goldsmith's tools, gold and silver work, gold and silver watches, watch glasses, &c. &c.
Also if not previously disposed of, a good Billiard Table, in complete order.
July 20th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.

On Monday the 29th July, [see 18110702EDRG] . . .
[see 18110709EDRG] . . .
[see 18110713EDRG] . . .
Also by order of T. MURRAY, Esq. a Negro Man, named John, a house boy.
June 29th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.

On Wednesday the 31st of July, at D. CARGILL's, (the centre house betwixt Messrs. McINROY, and Co's and Mr. WARDS [sic],) Werk & Rust, the whole of his effects, without reserve, - Consisting of a rifle and fowling piece, hard, tin, glass and crockery ware, callicoes, pocket handkfs. flutes, violin strings, trunks, saddles and bridles, corks, paint, old rum, a tent bedstead, &c.
Also a washerwoman and two horses.
July 20th. KINGSTON and M'BEAN.

On Tuesday the 20th of August by Order of EDWARD FERREL, Esq. on Plantation Dantzic, - The whole of the Gang of Negroes, 90 in number, prime people, to be sold in families, at a credit of 6, 9, and 12, months.
July 20th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony:

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

James Johnstone, in 14 days from 8th July.
William Heal, with 5 Slaves, names to be seen at this Office, in 14 days, or 3 weeks, from 10th do.
Josiah H. Bethel, in 14 days from 11th do.
Peggy Rice, in 14 days, from 13th July.
Rachael Wood, in do. from 15th do.
Mary Wheelright, in do. from 15th do.
Willm. King, in do. from 15th do.
Alexr. Timpson, in do. from 16th do.
[Transcriber's note: Timpson changes to Simpson in the next issue.]

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a mistake having been made in the date when the respective Creditors of the Boedels SACK, SALMOND, and MIDDEWEG, are to give in their Claims before the Hon. Court of Justice of this Colony, the same has been this day rectified.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, 20th July, 1811.
P. F. TINNE, Dep. Sec.

BY Virtue of an Order of the Honorable Court of Justice of the Colony, and Dependent Districts of Demerary, dated 25th June, 1811, are hereby Summoned, all Colonial and other Creditors to the Estate of LEWIS SACK, deceased, (to which Estate DAVID KING has been appointed Curator), to give in, at the Secretary's Office of this Colony, in the Chief Town of Stabroek, their Claims, with the vouchers relating thereto; on the first day of the Ordinary Session of the Court aforesaid in the month of Nov. 1812, after the expiration of which time, the Court will decide on the preference or priority of such Claims, and decree perpetual silence with respect to those who shall not have given in their Claims by that time.
Court-House, Stabroek, Demerary, this 13th July, 1811.
ALEX. TINNE, Senior Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: the date of the first day of the Ordinary Session of the Court changes from 'October next' in 18110716EDRG to that in 'Nov. 12' as above.]

BY Virtue of an Order of the Honorable Court of Justice of the Colony and Dependent Districts of Demerary, dated 25th June, 1811, are hereby Summoned all Colonial and other Creditors to the Estate of JOHN SALMOND, deceased, (to which Estate Messrs. CHARLES & JOHN RYAN have been appointed Curators), to give in, at the Secretary's Office of this Colony, in the Chief Town of Stabroek, their Claims, with the vouchers relating thereto, on the first day of the Ordinary Session of the Court aforesaid in the month of Novem. next, after the expiration of which time, the Court will decide on the preference or priority of such Claims and decree perpetual silence with respect to those who shall not have given in their claims by that time.
Court-House, Stabroek, Demerary this 13th July, 1811.
ALEXR. TINNE, Senior Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: the date of the first day of the Ordinary Session of the Court changes from 'October next' in 18110716EDRG to that in 'Nov. 12' as above.]

BY Virtue of an Order of the Honorable Court of Justice of the Colony and Dependent Districts of Demerary, dated 25th June, 1811, are hereby Summoned all Colonial and other Creditors to the Estate of G. H. MIDDEWEG, deceased, (to which Estate F. VAN TIENEN has been appointed Curator), to give in, at the Secretary's Office, of this Colony in the chief Town of Stabroek, their claims, with the vouchers relating thereto, on the first day of the Ordinary Session of the Court aforesaid, in the month of Nov. next, after the expiration of which time, the Court will decide on the preference or priority of such Claims and decree perpetual silence with respect to those who shall not have given in their Claims by that time.
Court-House, Stabroek, Demerary, this 13th July, 1811.
ALEXR. TINNE, Senior Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: the date of the first day of the Ordinary Session of the Court changes from 'October next' in 18110716EDRG to that in 'Nov. 12' as above.]

The Schooner Good Intent, which arrived yesterday, has brought Barbados Papers to the 9th Instant; and, should their contents prove to be as true as they are interesting, we shall experience additional pleasure in having received them at a period, so favourable for almost an immediate communication to our readers.

In America, it appears also from the Papers in our possession, the Public Mind seems agitated, as is doubtless that of England before this, as to what the consequences may be of the late Naval Contest between the United States' frigate President, 44, commanded by Commodore Rodgers, and the Little Belt, 14, Capt. Bingham, off Cape Henry; a contest, which the American Commander declares originated in mistake, and was carried on in consequence of the obstinacy [sic] and reserve of the Captain of the Little Belt. The Public will, however, be able to judge for themselves, as the British Account, will be found in this day's Paper, and the American in our next. We must however premise, that the account of Commodore Rodgers being dispatched in search of a British Vessel, which had impressed two American seamen, and which we copied from the Barbados Paper, into the Royal Gazette of the 9th Inst. is declared to be erroneous.

Contest between the United States frigate President, and
His Britannic Majesty's Sloop of War Little Belt.

Copied from a Bermuda Gazette of the 12th ult.

"On the 16th ult. His Majesty's ship Little Belt, Capt. Bingham, discovered a strange sail to windward, and immediately stood towards it; about 1 p. m. made her out to be a frigate steering to the Eastward, but edging down to the Little Belt, when the latter ship made the signal for the stranger to shew her number, which not being answered, it was concluded she was an American frigate; and the Little Belt hoisted her colours, altered her course, and stood to the southward, with the intention of doubling Cape Hatteras; and was followed by the frigate under easy sail, until half-past three p. m. when she made sail in chace of the Little Belt. Soon after, the latter made the private signal, which was not returned. At half past six, finding the frigate had neared the Little Belt, being by this time within gun shot; and so close that the stars in her broad pendant could be plainly discerned, she brought to and again hoisted English colours, with a view of preventing the possibility of any mistake that might arise from their meeting after dark. From the manner in which the American came down, it was evidently her intention to approach the Little Belt in a situation to rake her, which manÏuvre was frustrated by the latter ship wearing three successive times, which will in some measure account for their not speaking each other till past eight o'clock.
"At a quarter past eight P. M. the two ships were within hail, when the Little Belt asked, What ship? and the American replied by asking the same question. The Little Belt again repeated the request, and was answered as before, followed by a broadside from the American frigate, which was returned by the former, and the action now became general and severe, and continued three quarters of an hour, at which time it was discovered that the frigate was on fire, apparently about the main hatch way. The American now ceased firing and made sail, asking at the same time if the Little Belt had struck her colours, which was answered in the negative, with the question; What ship is that? On which the American replied, an United States frigate - and sheered off!
"At day light next morning, the frigate was descried to windward of the Little Belt, and about eight a.m. bore down on her again, fully prepared for action, and requested permission to send a boat on board, which was granted, and which she accordingly did, with an Officer and a message from Commodore Rodgers, of the United States' frigate President, stating that he lamented the occurrence of the unpleasant affair, as he termed it, which had happened; and that had he known the force was so inferior, he would not have fired; at the same time offering his assistance, and recommending him to put into an American port to refit; and which was of course declined.
"In thus repelling this unprovoked and wanton attack on an English sloop of war of 14 guns and 112 men, by an American frigate of the largest class, the British nation has to deplore the loss of 1 midshipman and 10 seamen killed, and 1 officer and 20 seamen wounded.
"There can be no question as to the aggressor in this instance, the superiority of the American frigate, the circumstance of her following the Little Belt a day, obviously with the intention of attacking her under the cover of night, together with the apology sent by Commodore Rodgers that he did not know the force was so inferior, or he would not have fired, all prove it a premeditated act. Why did he fire at all? is the question; he certainly had no more right to attack one British vessel than another. That sentence, however, convinces us, that he did not act without orders; and that the President, like the Chesapeake, was sent to sea for the express purpose of widening the breach between the two countries there cannot be a doubt. In this instance Commodore Rodgers has accomplished his errand - he has by this fresh act of aggression, violated the character of a neutral. The outrage which has in this instance been committed, requires no colouring to rouse the indignation of the English nation - the blood of British seamen, which has been thus treacherously shed, calls aloud for vengeance; and the daring insult which has been offered to a flag which is never insulted with impunity, must be atoned for by America! The extent of atonement which will be required, the British Government alone is competent to determine."


July 15 Ship Isabella, Capt. Baxter, from Berbice, - Ballast.
16 Sch. Jackman, Merchant, Barbados, Pork and butter.
Ship Speculator, Holman, Madeira and Berbice, Wine
Maria, Cowley, Newfoundland, Salt fish.
Quebec, Hood, Liverpool, Ballast.
20 Sch. Good Intent, Bowen, Barbados, Pork.
Ship Jane, Cross, Portland, Lumber, Fish &c.

July 17. Schr. Mazuella, Capt. Glavick, for Oronoque.
---- 20. Ship John Little, - Pippard, - Liverpool.
Albion, - Holmes, - Dublin.

JOHN HOOD, Master,
Stands A. 1. at Lloyds.
Will Sail from hence the 20th of August. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master or to
July 20th.

Will Sail the Second Springs in August. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or to
July 20th.

LIST of Runaway and Arrested SLAVES in the
Colony Stocks of DEMERARY, 20th July, 1811.



Brought by





Boed. Engels,


Saint Pierre,

St. Deeges,

La Reduite,


M. Lane,

L. Teems,


Pl. La Resource,

Pl. Meerzorg.





Dr. Richardson,

Pl. Belle Plaine.


J. Madden,




Pl. Roomen.




Francis & child,

G. Angle,



Pl. Swanenschuts,

Pl. Meerzorg.

Betty & 3 children,

Widow Atkins,

Pl. Friendship.


Ms. Haly,

Pl. Swanenschuts.



M. Reith,


Dr. Reitser,

Pl. Georgia,





Van Senden,



Swiers & Downer,

Pl. Roomen,



Pl. Kitty,



Batchls. Adventure



Pl. Kitty,


Juff. Lenguis,

[dash symbol]


Ms. Jacobs,

[dash symbol]



Negroes off [sic] Phipps


Pl. Calanger,

Dienters [sic].

S. G. MARTENS, Drossart.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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