Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 August 03


Vol. VI.]

[No. 394.


By His Excellency HENRY WILLIAM BENTINCK, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, and their dependencies, Vice Admiral, &c. &c. &c. President, and the Honble: the Members of the Court of Policy of the Colonies aforesaid.
Unto all whom these Presents shall concern, Greeting, be it known.
WHEREAS it has been represented by the Colonial Receiver, that divers persons have neglected to give in a Return or Statement of the Produce made on their Plantations; We have therefore thought proper, to issue this our Proclamation hereby requiring that all Proprietors, Renters, or Occupiers of any Plantation or Plantations, in these Colonies, who have neglected to make to the respective Colonial Receivers Offices a return on oath of the Produce made on each Plantation or Plantations, and of the number of bunches of Plantains sold from the same, in conformity to the Act of the 5th December 1810, to do so without failure before the 1st day of September next ensuing, on pain of incurring a fine of FIVE HUNDRED GUILDERS, they remaining nevertheless liable to the payment of the Tax on the produce of their Plantation as specified in the aforesaid Act.
Given in our Ordinary Session at the Court House, in Stabroek, this 30th July, 1811, and Published on the 3d day of August ensuing.
By Command of the Court,
P. F. TINNE, Dep. Sec.

                  Demerary, 28th July, 1811.
I have to acknowledge receipt of your letter tendering your resignation as Lieut.-Col. Comdt. of the Demerary Militia, in consequence of your being elected Member of the Court of Justice; not having appointed your Successor yet, and, therefore, not having as yet accepted your resignation, I expect that you will in the meantime attend to the duties of the Militia Service; and as I wish to have all the Corps in Stabroek out on the 12th of August, to celebrate the Birth-day of the PRINCE REGENT, I have to request that you will issue the necessary orders, and attend yourself accordingly.
I am Sir,
Your most Obdt. Servt.
(Signed) H. W. BENTINCK.
To Lieut-Col. Macrae,
&c. &c.

M. B. O.
In compliance with the foregoing letter, the Undersigned directs, that the Cavalry and Artillery Corps, Rifle Company, and 1st Bat. D. M. shall assemble on General Parade at half past 11 o'Clock, A.M. Monday the 12th inst. and that the Commanding Officers of these Corps, will transmit to the Brigade Major, correct returns of their effective force by 9 o'Clock in the morning of that day.
Lieut.-Col. Comdt. D. M.
August 2d.

                  Commissariat Office,
                  2d August, 1811.
FOR the following BILLS OF EXCHANGE, drawn by the Deputy Paymaster General, on the Right Honble: the Paymasters General of His Majesty's Forces, London, at Thirty Days Sight: -
No. 3177 . . . . £ 300.
3178 . . . . . 300.
3182 . . . . . 200.
3184 . . . . . 100.
3185 . . . . . 100.
------- £ 1000 Sterlg.
Tenders in Quadruplicate only, endorsed "Tenders for Bills of Exchange," will be received at this Office until Tuesday the 20th Instant, at 10 o'clock in the morning, when they will be opened in presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and the highest (if approved) accepted.
Assist. Comsy. Gen.

                  Commissariat Office,
                  2d August, 1811.
STOLEN or Drifted on Friday Night last, from her mooring in the Canal of Plantn. Vlissingen, a PUNT, with part of a Chain and a Padlock attached to her. Whoever may have found the same, is requested to lodge information thereof at this Office.
Assist. Comsy. Gen.

MR. BRYANT having at present his time unoccupied, respectfully informs the Public that he undertakes to paint PORTRAITS in Oil Colours, as likewise VIEWS OF ESTATES; and having studied much, while at Paris, that department of Painting which relates to the Decoration of Buildings, he trusts he shall give satisfaction to those who might employ him in ornamenting their Houses. - He likewise professes teaching the different branches of Drawing and Painting, in which he has had much practice while in Europe.
Applications to be made at the PANORAMA; which continues open every day (Sundays excepted), from 11 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon. - Admission Two Dollars - Young Persons One Dollar.
Wednesdays and Saturdays appropriated to the admission of Free People of Colour. August 1st.

LANDED at the Store of CORNFOOT, BELL and Co. from the Ship Hebe, several Packages marked G. R. which will be delivered on proper application being made. August 3d.

A TRUSTY well-disposed NEGRO WOMAN, who is mistress of her needle, and qualified to wait on a Lady. Apply at this Office
August 3d.

A SMALL PUNT. The Owner may have her restored by paying all expences. Enquire at the Block-house. August 3d.

THE Subscribers are now landing from the Brig MASSASOIT, Capt. Robinson, a Cargo of -
Portland Lumber.
W. O. Shooks and Heading,
Staves, &c.
August 3d. JAS. H. ALBOUY and Co.

BY Virtue of a Resolution taken by the Honble. Court of Justice of the Colony of Essequebo, dated 7th May, 1811, I the undersigned call in, hereby, all the known and unknown Creditors of the Estate of J. MURPHEY, decd. to render in their Claims at the Secretary's Office of Essequebo, within three Months from this date; to be enabled to form a proper statement of the books, and to bring the affairs to a complete retirement.
Essequebo, 1st August. J. B. THEYSSE,
Curator of the Estate of J. Murphey.

NAAR bekoomen, Authorisatie van den Edele Achtb: Hove van Justitie, der Rivier en onderhorige Districten van Essequebo, blykens resolutie in dato den 7e Mey, l.l. door hun Edele Achtbaren genoomen; Zoo worde door my ondergeteekende opgeroepen alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van den Boedel wylen J. MURPHEY, omme hunne pr¾tensien binnen den tyd van drie maanden naar dato deeser ter Secretary van Rio Essequebo in te geeven, ten eynde deesen Boedel zoo spoedig moogelyk tot liquiditeit te kunnen brengen.
Essequebo, den 1e Augustus. J. B. THEYSSE,
Curator in den Bl. J. Murphey.

On board the Ship ELIZA ANN, from London:
20 Hogsheads Building Lime, containing 20 bushels, in new casks fit for Sugar,
16 Tierces Dutch Terrace, warranted genuine,
20M Malm Pavers.
Apply to Captain ROSS on board, or to

NOTICE is hereby given that all Persons who can prove property in certain WATCHES, &c. left in the care of ASKER MASSIAH MOSES, alias JOHN BLACK, but who departed this Colony with said Watches in his possession, may have them returned by applying to the undersigned.
August 3d, Drossart.

THE following GOODS imported by the Ship Eliza Ann, from London, for Sale: -
[first column]
Gentlemen's fashionable coloured coats and coatees,
Do. round robins or jackets,
Black silk waistcoats,
White and coloured quilting waistcoats,
Flannel jackets and sort coats,
Dressing gowns,
Boat cloaks with sleeves,
Gentlemen's fash: beaver and elastic silk hats,
Youths' black and drab coloured hats,
Ladies' black silk hats, trimmed,
Leghorn hats,
Servants' best glazed hats with silver and gold bands,
Silk umbrellas with walking sticks,
Men's woodstock and buff gloves,
Old sherry wine in bottles,
Hyson tea in chest or in
[second column]
Black pepper, loaf sugar,
Spices assorted in pound canisters,
Wright's stomachic bitters,
Beer and porter,
White wine vinegar in jugs,
India soy, Quin's sauce,
Oyster ketchup,
Spirits turpentine in jugs,
Paint and paint oil,
Sein twine,
Foolscap and post paper,
Ledger journals, waste and cash books different sizes
Bound and half bound 3 quire books,
Quills and black lead pencils,
Cylinders and common India shares,
Half pint goblets and plain tumblers,
Madeira & claret wine glasses,
Fashionable cut salts,
Pint and two pint decanters.
[end columns]
In Store of former Importations.
[first column]
Mess beef in barrels,
Cogniac brandy and Hollands gin,
London particular wine in pipes,
Madeira and port wine in bottles,
Hessian and jockey boots,
Dress and half shoes,
Candles and soap,
4-4 Irish linen,
Russia and Irish sheeting,
Welsh and thick flannel,
Negro blankets,
Bed tick, cotton lining,
[second column]
Britannias, corded dimity,
Drab coloured, and India white jean,
York stripes, Princes rib,
Printed cambrics,
Cotton pruners & gin cranks
Hoes and shovels,
Setts dish tin covers,
Fish kettles, vat brass cocks,
Bread baskets & knife trays,
Frying pans and gridirons,
Plated bottle sliders and cruet frames,
Gunpowder and shot, &c.
[end columns]
Cumingsburg, August 3d.

THE Subscriber has received per Eliza Ann, Capt. ROSS, from London, the following articles on Consignment, which he will dispose of at very reduced prices for immediate payment, either by the Package or Retail: -
2 cases 25 dozen table cloths, 150 pieces cambric muslin, 50 pieces shirting callicoes, 12 pieces jaconet muslin, 6 pieces huckaback and diaper, 6 Trafalgar table covers, 2 cases 100 pcs. platillas, 2 cases 100 pcs. lining callicoes, 1 case 50 pcs. cord dimity and 24 pcs. coloured nankeens, 5 trunks 3000 pieces printed callicoes of newest fashion, 2 trunks chintz furniture, 2 punchs. 350 pcs. linen check, 2 hogsheads 112 hams.
Also on Hand of former Importations.
A general assortment of all kinds of Merchandise, which he is disposing of equally reasonable; printed callicoes, full gown patterns, at a dollar, and short pieces of 4 1/2 yards at two guilders each.
August 3d. JOSEPH HILL.

JUST IMPORTED in the Schooner MECHANIC, from New London, and for Sale at the Stables of Mr. P. BENJAMIN, for immediate payment only -
30 Saddle and Draft HORSES in high order,
Herrings in barrels,
Rice in tierces,
Garden seed, &c. &c.
August 3d. HENRY BARNARD, Master


On Wednesday the 7th of August, [see 18110727EDRG] . . .
Also by Order of J. H. FABREE, Esqr. - A horse, a bedstead complete, and a few books.
Also by Order of A. PITMAN, Esqr. Assistant-Commissary-General - Four Pipes Fayal Wine, Seven Barrels Flour, and a Number of Empty Casks.
July 27th. KINGSTON and M'BEAN.

On Thursday the 8th of August [see 18110730EDRG] . . .
Also 120 hams, imported by the Eliza Ann.
July 30th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.

On Friday the 9th of August, at the Store of H. O. SEWARD, Esqr. by Order of the Executors of J. Bothamley, deceased - Thirty Casks of Salt Fish.
August 3d. KINGSTON and M'BEAN.

On Thursday the 15th August, will be exposed for Sale at Public Auction by order of Doctor WOLFF, on the premises:
The half Lot of Land No. 27, fronting the North Dam, Stabroek, with all the Buildings thereon, formerly occupied by J. C. STADTMAN, deceased. Terms of payment six, twelve and eighteen months.
On the same day, some very valuable Negroes, terms six months. Also very elegant furniture, consisting of mahogany dining and tea tables, sideboard, sophas, bedsteads with mattrasses, dressing tables and stands, chairs, bureau, engravings in gilt frames, a blue china table service and other ware, a variety of glass ware, silver spoons, do. forks, do. waiters, knives, plated wine castors, table linen, napkins and sheets, shades, shade snuffers, candlesticks, kitchen utensils, fresh medicines, Chirurgical instruments, chaise and harness, saddles, horses, cows, and what further may appear on the day of sale; terms three months.
Also by Order of W. HENERY, Esqr. a Negro Woman, named Queen.
August 2d. Kingston and M'Bean.
[Transcriber's note: here the date changes from 'Tuesday the 30th Inst.' and the text changes with additions; see and compare with 18110713EDRG.]


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony;-

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen van voorneemens
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

Willm King, in do. from 15th July
Alexr. Simpson, in do. from 16th do.
Saml. R. Nurse, in do. or one month, from 22d do.
E. Mathews, in do. or do. from 23d do.
G. Willoughby, in do. or 6 weeks, from 26th do.
Howard Yearwood, in do. or do. from 26th do.
Benjn. Jeffery, in do. or do. from 25th do.
Hugh Hyndman, in do. from 26th do.
Robt. Augst. Hyndman, in do. from 26th do.
John Barton, in 14 days, from 27th July
R. Gemmel, in do. or 6 weeks, from 29th do.
F. W. Overweg, in do. from 1st August.
Lewis Playter, in do. from 1st do.
Andrew Black, in do. from 1st do.
John Donaghue, in do. or 6 weeks, from 1st do.
George Angle, in do. or do. from 2d do.
H. A. Kruse, in do. or do. from 2d do.

FOUND, a few days ago, a White and Brown GREY-HOUND, with a dark Head. Whoever the same may belong to, can have him restored on applying at this Office and paying the expences.
August 3d.

ANY Person wishing to Contract for three Months, to deliver to the Civil Commissary's Department, Forty-eight Quintals of Newfoundland COD FISH, and Two Hundred and Twenty Gallons of RUM; the Fish to be delivered monthly, sixteen quintals, and the Rum eight days after the Tender is approved of.
Sealed Tenders will be received at the Government Secretary's Office, from this date until the 10th Inst. when the same will be opened by His Excellency the Governor, and the lowest offer accepted.
Stabroek, 3d August, 1811.
J. R. BRANDT, Commissary.

No arrival of importance since our last.

On Thursday last, His Excellency the Governor and Suite honoured Mr. Bryant with a visit to his View of Stabroek; and, on leaving the Panorama, expressed peculiar gratification. It is, indeed, a performance of great merit; and, we must confess, (although prepossessed in its favour, from a knowledge of the abilities of the Artist), that it far exceeded our expectations. It represents a complete horizontal view of the whole surrounding scenery; including, of course, the shipping at sea, and in the river; the buildings, in all their endless and tasteful deversity [sic]; the distant plantations; and several persons in the streets, who are immediately recognizable. Upon the whole, it is worthy of the pencil of Mr. Bryant; and, from the improved state of the picture, in consequence of the innumerable tints and touches it has received since the first day of exhibition, it will be found even in those who have already seen it, capable of exciting additional pleasure on a second inspection - and a degree of delight never yet felt by those who are at present strangers to it.

We understand that Major-General Carmichael, Commander of His Majesty's Forces in this Colony and Berbice, has postponed his Ball in honor of the Prince Regent's Birth Day, to the 15th inst. There will also be a feu de joi, illuminations, and a display of fire-works, on the following night. The entrance for carriages will be at the gate of the Camp-House.

From London Papers brought by the Packet.

On the 13th of June, in the British Parliament, Mr. Marryat moved "That it appears to this House to be expedient, for the better security of the liberty and property of His Majesty's subjects in the Island of Trinidad, that the administration of justice, according to the laws of Spain, be abolished; and that the laws of Great Britain be introduced in lieu thereof." - Which motion was negatived without a division. - Thus then, has an extensive population been deceived; and thus do the Sons of Liberty at home, vote the continuation of Slavery abroad! - That such men as my Lord Castlereagh and Mr. Canning should have objected to the motion, does not inspire the least surprise, but that Messrs. Wilberforce and Brougham, whose whole parliamentary lives have been spent in the cause of African Emancipation from chains and torture, should have followed on the same tide, excites somewhat more than astonishment.

In the law recently enacted on the subject of the Slave Trade, the convicted Slave Trader is subjected by this law either to transportation for 14 years, or to imprisonment and hard labour in the hulks or elsewhere for five years, and in this punishment all those are made to participate, who being the natural born sujects [sic] of his MAJESTY wherever they may reside, or residing in any part of his MAJESTY's dominions, whatever may have been their native country, either directly or indirectly, carry on, or assist in carrying on this detestable traffic. An exception is made in favour of West India Proprietors, who may still transfer slaves from one hand to another within the islands, provided such slaves have not been imported contrary to law, that is to say, provided they have not been imported subsequently to the 1st of January, 1808; for if they have, they are by law entitled to their freedom. Another exception is made in favour of common seamen or servants who assist in this trade. If such persons shall, within three months after their arrival at any port in his Majesty's dominions, inform against the principals in the crime to which they have been parties, so that such principals may be prosecuted to conviction, then they will be delivered from the penal consequences to which they would otherwise have been exposed. All person insuring or causing to be insured any property embarked in the Slave Trade, are punishable with two year imprisonment. And it is to be observed, that the pecuniary penalties and forfeitures to which, not only underwriters and brokers, but all persons engaging in the Slave Trade are liable by the former Abolition Acts, remain in full force.


July 31. Ship Perthshire, Cap. McInlay, from Port Glasgow, - Ballast.
Aug. 2. --- Catharine, - Jackson, - Bridgewater, - Do.
------- Brig Aime, - Nicholson, - Berbice, - Do.
---- 3. Schr. Mechanic, - Barnard, - New London, - Horses.

Aug. 1. Schr. Good Intent, Capt. Bowen, for Barbados.
------- Brig James Hay, - Baker, - London.

And will Sail the first of September.
Has excellent Accommodations for Passengers. For Freight or Passage apply to Captain WILLIAM ROSS at the Store of Mr. FINLAYSON, or to V. A. HEYLIGER, Esq. August 3d.

Will sail the Second Springs in August. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to

LIST of Runaway and Arrested SLAVES in the
Colony Stocks of DEMERARY, 3d August, 1811.



Brought by





Boed. Engels,


Saint Pierre,

St. Deeges,

La Reduite,


Pl. La Resource,

Pl. Meerzorg.





J. Madden,





Francis & child,

G. Angle,



Pl. Swanenschuts,

Pl. Meerzorg.

Betty & 3 children,

Widow Atkins,

Pl. Friendship.


Dr. Reitser,

Pl. Georgia,





Swiers & Downer,

Pl. Roomen,


Juff. Lenguis,

Pl. Kitty,


Miss Rae,

Pl. New Hope.



Pl. Dochfour.


Pl. Reynestein,



[dash symbol]

[dash symbol]


Pl. Sarah Johanna,

[dash symbol]


Pl. Ruimveld,

H. Douglas.


Doct. Thomas,

Pl. Eendraagt,



Pl. Ruimveld,


Wm. Neil,

[dash symbol]


Pl. King Donan,



M. Staunton,

Abary Ferry,


Doct. Mathius,

Pl. Mindenberg,


D. King,

Klyn Parys.

S. G. MARTENS, Drossart.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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