[No. 400.
SATURDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1811.
THE Subscriber begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public in
general, that he will open his
Plantation Vlissingen,
on Thursday next, the 29th instant; where, from the considerable
additions, improvements, and decorations, he has made to the premises, he will
be enabled to provide public, and other entertainments, to any extent: assuring
the public, that no attention will be wanting, no expence spared, to render his
establishment truly respectable, agreeable, and convenient. The bed-rooms are
particularly spacious and airy, and the stable is one of the best in the
colony. Thus he offers himself a candidate for public favour, to merit which,
will always be his greatest satisfaction.
He returns his grateful acknowledgements to those gentlemen who
formerly frequented his house, for their punctuality in general; yet he is
sorry to observe, that there, is a great number of accounts and obligations not
yet settled; he therefore hopes that all such will be immediately liquidated.
He offers for Sale or Hire, to an approved purchaser or tenant,
his House on the Brick Dam, Stabroek, situated next to the house of the Revd.
G. RYK. - It is a comfortable house for a small family, having a good stable,
kitchen, &c. and a neat little garden.
August 24th.
[Transcriber's note: compare with similar ad (no 'posting' date)
in 18110917EDRG.]
THE Subscriber having obtained Permission from His Excellency and
the Honble. Court of Policy, to open a
offers for Sale the following articles on the American Stelling. -
[first column]
Choice Old Rum,
Brandy and Gin,
Wired Porter,
Bristol Cyder per doz.
[second column]
Madeira Onions,
Pale Ale,
Madeira Wine per doz.
[end columns]
August 24th. SAMUEL JACOBS.
THE Meeting of the Creditors of Plantn. WILLIAMSBURG, situated on
the West Corentyne Coast of Berbice, which was intended to have been held at
the House of the Subscriber, on the 1st of July last, having been unavoidably
postponed; those having claims against said Plantation, are now again requested
to attend, (either personally, or by agents properly authorised), a meeting to
be held at his House in New Amsterdam, on Monday the 2d of September next - in
order to determine on some final arrangement respecting it, pursuant to the
resolutions of the last meeting.
Berbice, 19th August. W. SCOTT.
For Sale by the Subscriber,
THE Cargo of the Schooner ENERGLEN, from Surinam, on reasonable
terms, consisting of -
[first column]
Fish in hogsheads,
W. O. shooks with heading,
Madeira wine in pipes and quarter casks,
[second column]
Albany boards,
Onions, and
Rum puncheons.
[end columns]
ALSO, [centered]
A few Firkins of New BUTTER.
August 24th. Robb's Stelling.
IMPORTED in the Ship TWEED, D. Webster, Master, from London and
Madeira, and for Sale at the Vendue Office, viz.
Old London Particular Madeira Wine, in pipes, hogsheads, and
quarter casks,
Jinta and Malmsey Madeira, in hhds. and qr. casks,
Old Port Wine in cases of 9 and 3 dozen,
Old India Madeira, in casks of 9 dozen,
Claret, in cases of 6 and 3 dozen,
Burgundy, ditto,
Vin de Grave, ditto,
Negro Clothing and Hats of various quality & sizes,
Cordage, Canvas, Twine, Cotton and coffee bagging,
Bar Iron assorted for Boat Builders,
Anchors, Boat Chains, and Sugar Boilers,
Grating Bars and Iron Pots,
Roman Cement, in iron-bound puncheons,
Building Lime, in hhds. and Marble Temper Lime in kegs,
Bricks, &c. &c.
August 24th.
HAS removed in America-Street to the House formerly occupied by
Mrs. CLIFTON, opposite to Messrs. JAMES ROBERTSON and Co. and has for Sale, the
following articles:-
[first column]
Ladies' lace dresses,
Lace caps, and long shawls,
Cotton laces,
Ladies' fine split straw bonnets,
Children's do.
Silk shawls of different colours,
Figured and plain sarsnet,
Velvet ribbon,
Fans, gloves,
Long lawns,
Irish linen, whole and half pieces,
Cotton cambric,
Musquito netting,
India white nankeen,
Yellow do.
Ready made cotton shirts,
Do. white jean pantaloons,
Thread, tape, bobbin, and pins,
Calicoes, checks, salempores
Cotton suspenders,
Cotton handkerchiefs,
Ladies' morocco slippers and boots,
[second column]
Jean and kid do.
Children's coloured slippers,
Boys' strong shoes,
Gilt and plain letter paper,
Foolscap and mourning do.
Ledgers, journals, waste and cash books, different sizes,
Blank bills of lading,
Do. do. exchange,
Memorandum do.
Quills, sealing wax,
Poland starch,
Tea sets of china,
Gunpowder and hyson tea,
Jars of currants,
Honey water,
Lavender water,
Rose do.
Capilaire, orgeat,
Raspberry vinegar,
Aromatic spirit of do.
Mushroom ketchup,
Walnut do.
Bitters in pint bottles,
Scented soap,
Swing looking glasses,
Liquor cases,
Chaise and jockey whips, &c.
[end columns]
August 24th.
A MARINER who will superintend the Loading of a Schooner in the
River, and take the command of her hence to Barbados.
August 24. J. L. & G. M. FORRESTER.
is hereby Given, that the HARBOUR MASTER'S OFFICE, is removed from the house,
situate in Cumingsburgh, opposite the residence of Messrs. GARDEN, KING and
Co.; and that in future the same will be held at the COLONIAL RECEIVER'S
OFFICE, from eight o'clock in the morning, till two in the afternoon, after
which time, all persons are requested, to apply at the House and water Lot Werk
& Rust, the property of Mrs. RAVENSCROFT, near the premises of Messrs.
undersigned begs leave to offer his services to the Public as a SWORN
TRANSLATOR in the English, Dutch, and French Languages; assuring them of the
utmost punctuality in executing their favors.
at the same time, requests all those who may yet have any demands against Mr.
®. VAN BRAAM, to give in their accounts for examination.
24th August, 1811.
few days ago, aback of Plant. Bel Air, a large Brown COW; which will be
delivered to her Owner on paying for this advertisement, and giving a gratuity
to the Negro who found her.
By Execution.
Authority obtained, there will be offered for sale, to the highest bidder, by
me, the undersigned First Marshal of the Honorable Court of Justice, in
presence of two Counsellors Commissaries and the Secretary, at the Court-house
in the Town of Stabroek, on Tuesday the 10th of September next: -
- In behalf of the Colonial Receiver's Office of Demerary, versus the
Proprietor or Representative of the half Concession No. 89, Front Dam, Stabroek
- The said half Concession No. 89, situate on the front Dam in Stabroek, with
the Dwelling House thereon, such as it is at present occupied by JOHN HALMAN.
- In behalf of the Colonial Receiver's Office, versus the Proprietor or
Representative of the Concession No. 91, in Stabroek: - The said Concession No.
91, situate in Stabroek, with the Building, on brick pillars, thereon, entirely
out of repair.
- In behalf of HARRIET BOISSELIN, versus RICHARD HARPER: - Two Negroes, named
Joe and Black Jack. And
- In behalf of H. A. EBERHARDI, q.q. C. HOFSTEDE, L.L.D. versus J. L. LOOFF: -
Two Negro men slaves, named Zondag and February.
persons conceiving to have right or title against these sales, please to
address himself, with his reasons of opposition in writing, to me, the first
Marshal; and those intending to purchase, please to attend on the day and at
the place aforementioned.
Demerary, 20th August, 1811.
SMIT, First Marshal.
note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]
Tuesday the 27th instant will be exposed for sale at Public Auction, by Order
of GEORGE LAING, Agent, for account of the underderwriters [sic], and others
concerned, - Dutch herrings, red herrings, stock fish, dried salmon, ling fish,
dried split ling, cod fish, cyder in hampers of four dozen, also a number of
other packages plundered in part while the Ship Tweed was in possession of the
the same day, and place, will also be sold by GEORGE LAING, q.q. London
particular Madeira Wine, in Pipes, Hhds. and quarter Casks.
24th. KINGSTON and M'BEAN.
On Wednesday, the 28th inst. at the Vendue Office, by Order of
JOHN McINTOSH, Esq. for account of the Underwriters and others concerned;
Several Packages of Merchandize, arrived by the Ship Tweed, partly damaged, and
plundered by a French Privateer.
August 24th. KINGSTON and M'BEAN.
On Thursday the 29th Instant, at the
Store of Mr. L. M'BEAN, by Order of Mr. N. VOLKERTS, for account of the
Underwriters and others concerned, the whole Invoice of Goods arrived by the
Ship Tweed, partly damaged, and plundered by a French Privateer. To be Sold by
the Package, consisting of Salempores, long cloths, nankeen, Kentings, cambric
handkerchiefs, ginghams, dimities, checks, printed calicoes and cambrics,
Britannias, cordage, canvas, Oznaburghs, stationery, perfumery, jewellery,
beads, kegs jew beef, smoked sausages, red herrings, cheese, almonds,
confectionary, &c.
August 24th. KINGSTON and M'BEAN.
[Transcriber's note: date of vendue changes to the 5th of
September, see 18110903EDRG.]
On Friday the 30th instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of Mr.
G. ANGLE, for account of the Underwriters, and others concerned, the whole
Invoice of Goods arrived by the Ship Tweed, partly damaged and plundered by a
French privateer, to be Sold by the package, consisting of - Buck handled
knives, salempores, crape, jewellery, shoes, cheese, butter, herrings, Port and
Rhenish wines, brandy, seltzer and soda water, &c.
August 24th. KINGSTON and M'BEAN.
[Transcriber's note: date of vendue changes to the 6th of
September, see 18110903EDRG.]
On Monday the 2d of September, [see 18110817EDRG] . . .
Also by Order of STEPHEN CRAMER, Esq. a half lot of Land No. 71,
situated on the North Dam, Stabroek, with the buildings thereon.
Also on the same day, by order of Capt. R. F. HAWKINS, of the Ship
Sophia, - Claret in Hhds. of superior quality, and superior best particular
Teneriffe Wine in pipes. Samples may be tasted on the day of sale ot the
Office, and to be delivered from on board the said Ship.
August 17th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.
is to inform the
that the following
intend quitting this
het Secretary deezer
word geadverteerd,
de volgende Persoonen
voorneemens zyn van hier
elders te vertrekken, viz;
Willoughby, in 14 days, or 6 weeks, from July 26.
Yearwood, . . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 26.
Hyndman, . . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 26.
Hyndman, . . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 26.
Barton, in 14 days from . . . . . . . . . 27.
Gemmel, in 14 days, or 6 weeks, from . . . 29.
W. Overweg, . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 1.
Playter, . . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 1.
Black, . . . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 1.
Donaghue, . . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 1.
Angle, . . . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 2.
R. Kruse, . . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 2.
Smith, his Wife and Family in 14 days from 3.
Healis, in 14 days, or 6 weeks, from . . . 7.
Allan and his Wife, in 14 days from . . . 15.
Harriot, . . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 17.
Simpson, of Plantation Kitty, in 14 days,
6 weeks, from . . . . . . . . . . 19.
Seymour, in 14 days from . . . . . . . . . 22.
Hedges, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from . . . 23.
Macdonald, in 14 days from . . . . . . . . 24.
PHIPPS, Sworn Clerk.
the COMMISSARY COURT of the 9th of September, will be passed the following
Anty. Osborn, q.q Transport of the Buildings situate on the Lot No. 9, in front
of Plantn. Vlissingen, called New Town, together with the right and title to
the land of said Lot, during the present lease, to James Jackson and Co.
G. Henschelius, as Executor of J. G. Dreyszig, Transport of the Lot No. 45,
situate on the North side of the Middle Dam, Stabroek, with the Buildings
thereon, to M. Smit and D. P. Simon.
M. Smit and D. P. Simon, Transport of the above to A. Jelleba.
Colin Macrae, Transport of the Lot No. 57, situate in Cumingsburgh, with the
Buildings thereon, to R. B. Knight.
R. B. Knight, Mortgage on the aforesaid premises, in favor of Colin Macrae.
H. C. Evertsz, in prive, and as Executor of M. E. Evertsz, a first Mortgage on
the Plantation Meerzorg, cum annexis, in favor of the Loan late under the
direction of D. Changuion, but now under that of J. J. B. Heemskerk; and at the
same time the old Mortgage will be cancelled.
J. C. Smit, J.C.Z. transfer of a Mortgage by J. A. Otto, on Pl. Jalousie or
Anna Catharina, in Canal No. 1, in favor of the said J. C. Smit, J.C.Z. to the
Guardians of the Children of M. Aut, deceased.
Office, Demerary, 24th August, 1811.
PHIPPS, Sworn Clerk.
Independent of the Energlen, Capt. Hinson, from Surinam, we have
no arrival to announce since our last.
A PUBLIC DINNER is to be given, by a number of Gentlemen in Town,
at the Union-Coffee House, on Monday next, in honour of Major-General CARMICHAEL;
and we are authorised, by the Stewards, to inform the Subscribers, that dinner
will be on the table exactly at five o'clock.
We understand the Demerary Races will commence on Tuesday the 19th
of September, at half past four o'clock, on the Kitty Course, and continue for
the three following evenings. There are already fourteen horses in training,
and much sport is expected. A Subscription Ball is also in agitation for Friday
the 22d. which, it is hoped will induce the Ladies to honour the Races with
their presence, for whose accommodation tents will be pitched on the Course.
Negociation with America.
Mentioned in our last.
Friday, June 21.
Mr. Whitbread said, he was convinced the Report of the Committee
to which the Petition of the distressed Manufacturers have been referred was
perfectly correct; and to do that which had been recommended for their relief
would have been indicative of madness or folly. It would have been like
throwing water on the burning coals of a furnace, the flame of which, on the
return of the blast, would burst with three-fold violence. He, however, did not
contemplate the evil as confined to the weaver - all the classes of society
were affected - the merchant, as well as the manufacturer, was on the verge of
ruin. Knowing the representation which had been lately made to the Right Hon.
Gentleman opposite, from various quarters, as to the state of commercial credit
- knowing the variation of feeling which operated at the Royal Exchange, and on
the various exchanges throughout the country - knowing from what had fallen, on
a former evening, from the Right Hon. Gentleman opposite, when he hinted that
the troops of France were likely to be employed in the North of Europe, and
which shadow was grasped at with avidity by the people, that the commerce of
the country was in a critical state - knowing that an expedient had been
resorted to for the relief of the manufacturer, which had failed; for the issue
of Exchequer Bills, which, in itself forcibly pointed out the situation of the
country, had not reached its destination, the operative manufacturer - could
the House, acquainted with these things, refrain from inquiring into their
origin? - The Report acknowledged that the distress felt by the weavers was
very great, and it also stated, that no relief could be granted to them. By
what cause were such evil effects produced? Must they not be attributed to that
ruinous commercial policy, which had been so long persisted in? From its
sources, all the way down its stream, to the situation in which the country
then was, could the evils be easily traced. - On all these topics he would have
spoken at length, if the discussion which had been postponed had come on that
evening. The adjudication which had taken place with respect to the Fox, was,
he thought, throwing away the scabbard, in relation to America. On a former
night he had told his opinion of the manner in which that country had been
used. The papers then under his hands, fully supported that opinion. Those
papers the Right. Hon. Gentleman had refused to lay before the House, but they
had now been published in America - they were now before the world - and it was
his determination, before he sat down, to move that those papers should be laid
before the House officially. He thought America had been very illtreated. That
country, from her situation, and from her increasing power, if, in a state of
amity with Great Britain, might render her the most essential services; but she
had been treated more like an humble dependent on an illiberal protector, than
as an equal, free, and independent state. They had been told, that every hope
might be cherished; that an accommodation would take place. But let the House
look to what had appeared, within a few days, in all the public prints - an
engagement had absolutely taken place between a British and an American ship.
He did not mean to say, that the renconter [sic] of the two
vessels (the President and Little Belt) was sanctioned by either Government,
but it shewed that, by degrees, they were approaching to a state of warfare,
which, if persisted in, would overthrow the resources of the country. The
distressed weavers complained of their miserable situation, and, urged on by
desperation, pointed out what they conceived a remedy. The House saw their
distress, but could grant them no relief. Yet, in such a state of things, what
had they heard but a few days before? Why, they were informed by the Right Hon.
Gentleman opposite, in a pompous strain, of the prosperity of the country, and
the great increase of the revenue. But, at the very period this declaration was
made, he attempted to impose a tax on the raw material of that manufacture,
which was already so much impaired. It was true, he gave up the project - but
he did so in a boastful manner, and the Right Hon. Gentleman near him (Mr.
Rose) the Vice-President of the Board of Trade, had acted in the same manner. -
The Right Hon. Gentleman said, 'I will give up the tax, and you may boast of
what you have achieved: (and, said Mr. Whitbread, 'I do boast of the share I
took in the transaction,') I can do without it, nor will I impose a new tax in
lieu of it." But this was gross delusion - for he well knew, in case of a
deficit, he could have recourse to the war taxes. But what did the
manufacturers say to this attempt? "What can you tax us, suffering, as you
yourselves acknowledge, from the pressure of the times - and for whom, you say,
Parliament can devise no relief?" It was cruel thus to blow hot and cold
with the same breath - to tell those people of the prosperity of the country,
while they were in the deepest distress - to speak of general prosperity, while
so many were suffering in the severest manner.
He would now call the attention of the House to extracts which he
would read from the Correspondence then before him. He did not mean to make use
of the papers in the present Session, but it was his wish that they should be
laid on the table, that, early in the ensuing Session, they might be taken into
consideration. On the 2d of January, 1810, Mr. Pinckney wrote, on the subject
of his mission, to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. To this letter
he received an answer in the latter end of March - an interval of three months.
Mr. Pinckney, in noticing this to his own Government, observed, "that
though he had expected some delay, he did not imagine it would have been so
long." When such a delay at this was known to have taken place, was it
proper that the House should remain in a state of supineness? Should they be
satisfied with the declaration, that it was improper to lay those papers before
them? He would ask, why should Marquis Wellesley have permitted so long a
period to elapse, without answering Mr. Pinckney's letter? On the 30th of
April, Mr. Pinckney addressed a letter to the Secretary of State on the subject
of the Berlin and Milan Decrees, to which no answer whatever was returned. At a
subsequent period, he wrote another letter complaining that papers, purporting
to be those of American vessels, were publicly forged in London, and made an
open article of traffic. To this complaint no answer was returned. On the 23d
of May, the American Minister addressed a note to Marquis Wellesley, referring
to that of the 30th of April, on the subject of the Berlin and Milan Decrees,
and requesting an answer to the points therein contained. No answer was,
however, returned. When Mr. Pinckney wrote to the Secretary of State, as to the
delay in sending out a British Minister to America, a verbal answer was
returned that it should speedily be done. On the 21st of August, Mr. Pinckney
addressed Marquis Wellesley on the blockading system, but no answer was given.
On the 23d of the same month, the American Minister dispatched a note to the
Secretary of State, respecting the revocation of the Berlin and Milan Decrees.
In six days afterwards an answer was returned. Soon after that period, Mr.
Pinckney wrote a note relative to certain seamen who had been impressed by one
of the English Commanders; to this representation no answer was given, but the
men were released. This fact he wished the House particularly to notice. The
American Minister complained that an improper authority had been exercised. -
No explanation is given, no apology is made, but the assumed right is given up,
by the restoration of the men - Could any thing, in common life, between man
and man, be more insulting? But such conduct made use of by one state to
another, deserved still greater reprehension. And yet the Gentleman opposite
talked of the conciliating spirit by which they were actuated, although, in the
course of the negociation, the common forms of diplomacy had been departed
On the 8th of December Mr. Pinckney addressed Marquis Wellesley on
the subject of the Fox. The answer given to his note was, that the King's
Advocate had been desired to stop all procedings [sic] in
that case, and every other connected with it. On the 10th of December Mr.
Pinckney wrote his last note, which comprised all the disputed points, and to
that a very short answer was given. The House having heard this statement,
would he hoped accede to the Motion, that the papers might be placed in the
hands of every Gentleman. He well knew the sensations which were felt on the
exchange at London, Liverpool, and all great maritime towns. There was no safe
mode in which capital could be expended - there was no employment for the poor
manufacturer. - If some alteration was not made in the system for the
improvement of the situation of that numerous body of men, their misery must
continue to increase; and although they had pledged themselves to be content
with the decision of the House, still, as hunger was a hard task-master, they
might be led to dangerous acts, which God avert! - Under all these
circumstances, he thought the state of our relations with America a subject of
the most vital importance. The Honourable Gentlemen concluded by moving -
"That an Humble Address be presented to the Prince Regent,
praying that he will be graciously pleased to order that copies of all
correspondence between the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and Mr.
Pinckney, the American Minister, during the year 1810, be laid before the
The Chancellor of the Exchequer observed, that he did not think
the Hon. Gentleman himself could expect the House to accede to to [sic] his
motion, brought forward, as it had been, in such an extraordinary manner, and
without [paper fold] notice. The Hon. Gentleman had stated, that [paper fold]
mean to make any Parliamentary use of the Paper[paper fold] the present
Session; and he thought, if there was any case, which, more than another,
called for a specific notice, it was when no immediate proceeding was intended
to be founded on the documents called for. If it were proved that evil
consequences were likely to arise from delay, then, indeed, the House might
dispense with the customary form, and entertain the motion. No ground of that
description was laid in the present case. The House were called on, suddenly
and unexpectedly, to grant those papers, merely because the Honourable Gentleman
would leave town on Monday. He did not know that any thing had occurred within
the last few days which could induce the Hon. Gentleman to press this motion. -
[Mr. Whitbread observed, across the table, "the Papers themselves, which
had been but a short time in his possession, and which the Right Hon. Gentleman
had refused to part."] - He contended, that the Hon. Gentleman should have
given a proper notice of his motion, and it would have been more correct if he
had waited for his opportunity of replying, than to interrupt him by actions
and expressions.
The House, he was assured, would be of opinion that the motion
could not be acceded to; and the Hon. Gentleman would lose nothing by their
decision, as, according to his own statement he intended to let the matter rest
until the next session.
He appeared to have submitted the motion to the House merely for
the purpose of making a speech and that object he had attained. His desire to
have the Papers laid before the House would be complied with at the beginning
of the ensuing Session, if circumstances, permitted it. He conceived the Hon.
Gentleman came forward with his motion at a very ungracious time. At a period
when they were ignorant of what effect Mr. Foster's mission had produced, at
such a time did he come forward with his tirade. He has stated what he felt on
the subject - that the American Government had been insulted and their national
honour contemned [sic]! - No advantage, he was convinced,
could be derived from the production of the correspondence half so great as the
mischief which was to be apprehended from it. As to the observations he had
made on the correspondence, he would only say, that when an Hon. Gentleman came
forward, and, without notice, referred to dates, and continued on facts, not
originating, it should be observed, with this Government, but with that of
America, it was utterly impossible for him to enter on an explanation. He had
not an idea that the slightest discussions would have taken place in
consequence of his moving to postpone the consideration of the Report. But,
when the proper period arrived, when the negociation between the two countries
was terminated, then he could have no objection in giving every satisfaction on
the subject. With whatever instructions Mr. Foster had been sent out, it could
no be expected that Government would disclose the views they entertained, at a
premature period. It would be most impolitic to lay before the House any
statement on the subject. With respect to what the Hon. Gentleman had said, as
to the propriety of the Report on the Manufacturer's Petitions he was glad to
find that their opinions coincided. - He was sorry however to hear the remarks
he had made respecting the cause of their distresses. - At a time he himself
agreed that no relief could be extended to them, he thought those remarks might
have been spared. He contended, that, if this country had pursued a different
course from which he had followed - if she had not resisted the efforts made by
the enemy against the commerce of England - still France would have persevered
in the system she had adopted - she would not have relaxed in her exertions.
This country would have felt the pressure as severely as she did now, while the
Continent, by means of neutral vessels, would be freed from all those
inconveniences which are at present experienced there much more severely than
in Great Britain. If the advice of the Hon. Gentleman had been followed, this
country would endure all the evils complained of, while the enemy would suffer
There, was, therefore, he thought, a fair argument, that the whole
of the distresses of this country had not originated in the system adopted by
Ministers. He, therefore, was sorry the Hon. Gentleman had indulged himself in
so many remarks on the subject. It was telling the manufacturers to impute none
of their misfortunes to the conduct of the enemy, but to attribute them all to
the measures of their own Government. The Hon. Gentleman had introduced what
had fallen from him on a former night, as to the probability of the armies of
France finding so much employment in another part of Europe, that great
exertions could not be made on the Peninsula by the enemy, and it seemed as if
he had been understood to hint that there were negociations carrying on with Russia.
Never had there been a more mistaken inference; he merely stated, that, from
the general appearance of the north of Europe, it was not probable that France
would send the whole of her force to the present theatre of war. The Hon.
Gentleman had found fault with his having described the finances of the country
as in a prosperous state. In what he had stated, he was fully borne out by the
official accounts - the customs, the excise, the receipt of Exchequer, had all
been extremely productive. Surely, he was not to assert the contrary, because
the Petitions from the manufacturers lay on their table. As to the tax which he
had proposed on cotton, he did not believe, if it had been carried into effect,
that 1 lb. less would have been used - and the measure would have encouraged
the importation in British vessels instead of neutrals. But as several
Gentlemen, who were deeply interested in the subject, had encouraged an idea
that the tax would have an evil tendency, he gave it up. The Right Hon.
Gentleman concluded by expressing his wish that the House would not then agree
to the motion, which might be entertained next Session with more propriety.
Mr. Whitbread replied. His motive for moving for the Papers at
that moment was, that, a very short time elapsed since he became possessed of
them all; and, as the Right Hon. Gentleman had repeatedly refused to produce
them, he had abstained from submitting his motion, until he had procured them
from America. As to his not having given notice, he would observe, that, when
the Right Hon. Gentleman had brought forward his Resolution, as to the
alternate precedence of orders and notices, he had stated his determination not
to permit them to interfere with his right of submitting a motion to the House,
when he considered it necessary. He was particularly desirous that those paper
should be laid on the table, because it would prevent the Hon. Gentleman
opposite from putting the same sentence in the Prince Regent's Speech, at the
beginning of next Session, which they had done in the present. The Honourable
Gentleman then, in an energetic strain, pointed out the ruin which, he
conceived, awaited the country, if the present system were not altered. He
would tell the manufacturer and the merchant, that those evils had been in a
great measure produced by the support they had given to that system - the
return of which was hailed with cheers at the Royal Exchange. The Hon. Baronet
(Sir C. Price) might smile, as if all were peace within; but, he believed, the
great body of of [sic] the people had very different
After a few words from Mr. Rose and Sir C. Price, the motion was
negatived without a division.
Will Sail in five or six days. For Freight or Passage apply to
August 23d.
Mounting Fourteen Guns and well manned; intended to sail the first
Springs in October. For Freight or Passage, having excellent accommodations,
apply to the Master on board, or
August 24th.
LIST of Runaway and Arrested SLAVES in the
Colony Stocks of DEMERARY, 24th August, 1811.
Boed. Engels,
Saint Pierre,
St. Deeges,
La Reduite,
Pl. La Resource,
Pl. Meerzorg.
J. Madden,
Francis & child,
G. Angle,
Dr. Reitser,
Pl. Georgia,
Doct. Thomas,
Pl. Eendraagt,
Pl. King Donan,
Juff. Van Doristen,
V. D. Broek,
Colony Negroes,
Pl. Kitty,
Dr. Lewis,
Klyn Diamond,
[dash symbol]
M. Doyle,
Pl. Trion,
Pl. Bats. Adventure,
Dr. Deeges,
Pl. Best,
M. Jacobs,
Ms. Cash,
[dash symbol]
Windsor Forrest,
Pl. St. Christophers.
G. MARTENS, Drossart.
STABROEK: Printed and Published
Edward James Henery.