[No. 401.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 27th, 1811.
26th August, 1811.
FOR the following BILL of EXCHANGE, drawn by JOSEPH BULLOCK, Esq.
Commissary General, on the Commissary in Chief, London,
No. 155, . . . . £ 200 Sterling.
Tenders in Quadruplicate only, endorsed "Tenders for a
Bill of Exchange," will be received at this Office
until Thursday next the 29th Inst. at 9 o'Clock in the morning, when they will
be opened in presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and the
highest, if approved, accepted.
Assist. Comsy. Gen.
THE Subscribers have received by the Lord Collingwood, a
Consignment of
August 27th. CORNFOOT, BELL, and Co.
Imported from London,
[first column]
Ladies' fash. Spanish leather slippers,
with spring heels and roses - by the trunk
Ladies' fancy coloured kid do. - by the
Gentlemen's half dress, dress and full
dress Spanish leather shoes,
Planters' wax leather strong shoes,
Youths' and boys' shoes and lacing half
Patent shot No. 1 to 7,
[second column]
Gunpowder in canisters,
Gun and pistol flints,
Pearl barley, mustard,
White wine vinegar,
Wine and porter corks,
Paint oil and white lead,
Garden seed in boxes assorted
Hoffman's cherry and raspberry brandy,
Leghorn straw hats,
Gentlemen's diary & Goldsmith's
almanacks with morocco covers, &c.
[end columns]
RECEIVED by the Tweed, from London, an assortment, in great
variety, of various articles of Millinery and Drapery - rich muslin dresses,
black and coloured crape, boots, shoes, gloves, &c. especially ordered for
the use of a family, who have since left the Colony. They are in the latest
style of fashion, and will be sold reasonable by the Package, at a moderate
advance on first cost
Also for Sale, a very elegant GRAND PIANO FORTO, of remarkable
fine tone. Enquire as above.
August 27th.
IMPORTED in the Ship Lord Collingwood, from Madeira, and for Sale
by the Subscribers,
London Particular MADEIRA WINE,
In Pipes, Hogsheads, and Quarter Casks,
Also a few Barrels of ONIONS in excellent Order.
Aug. 27th. WARDROP and FERGUSON.
Persons having any demands against the Estate of BENJAMIN TUBBS, deceased, are
hereby requested to render their claims immediately to the Subscribers, and
those indebted to him, to make payment as early as possible, to as to enable
them to bring his affairs to a speedy arrangement.
L. BLAIR, q.q.
Island, August 26th.
Half Lot, No. 21, on the North Dam of Stabroek, with the Buildings thereon:
and, to accommodate the purchaser, will also be sold, a New Water Vat, containing
Eighteen Hundred Gallons.
Terms will be made very easy. Apply to
A GOOD, for Eighty-eight Guilders, dated the 7th of June, 1811.
The Owner may have the same on proving property, by applying at the Royal Gazette
Office, and paying the expence of this advertisement. August 27.
Proprietor of the COMMERCIAL COFFEE-HOUSE, American-Stelling, intreats all
those that are indebted to him for PORTER-CUPS, SANGAREES, BILLIARDS, &c.
&c. either by Goods or open Accounts, to pay the same to Messrs. JEFFERS
and ALBOUY, next House to P. BENJAMIN, Esq. Every debt left unpaid at the end
of September next, will be advertised for Public Sale the first week in
October, to give them an opportunity of settling their accounts for their past
pleasures at a moderate rate.
For Sale by the Subscribers,
[first column]
Cork May Butter,
Hams, cheese,
Mess beef and pork in half barrels,
Hyson tea, refined sugar,
Spermaceti and tallow candles,
Flour in barrels and half barrels,
Superior quality Madeira wine,
[second column]
London porter,
Hessian boots,
Buckled and plain shoes,
Nails, boat anchors,
Cordage and cables,
Iron pots,
Gunpowder in canisters,
Sein and sewing twine,
Silk and Leghorn hats,
Irish linen,
Flannel, &c.
[end columns]
An Invoice of PRINTED CALICOES, very cheap for Cash.
August 27th. THOMAS SHUTE.
On Tuesday the 3d, and Wednesday the 4th of Sept. the Whole Stock
remaining of the late Firm of RYAN and KENNY, at their Store, near the American
Stelling; consisting of Irish mess beef and pork, in barrels and half-barrels,
hams, lyng fish in boxes, loaf sugar, tea in canisters, white French and brown
stout vinegar in bottles, sweet oil in ditto, black pepper, old sherry and port
wine, cherry and raspberry brandy, noyeau and liquors, saddles and spare rein
bridles, portmanteaus and trunks different sizes, double and single shot belts,
powder horns, dog collars, couples, and chains, gentlemen's fashionable London
made coats, small-cloaths and pantaloons, ditto patent silk and beaver hats,
boots and shoes, shoe blacking and boot-top liquid, tradesmen's red flannel and
check shirts, lined jackets, &c. Also a small collection of books, 3 fowling
pieces, and what further may appear on the day of sale.
August 27th. KINGSTON and M'BEAN.
is to inform the
that the following
intend quitting this
het Secretary deezer
word geadverteerd,
de volgende Persoonen
voorneemens zyn van hier
elders te vertrekken, viz;
G. Willoughby, in 14 days, or 6 weeks, from July 26.
H. Yearwood, . . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 26.
H. Hyndman, . . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 26.
R. Hyndman, . . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 26.
J. Barton, in 14 days from . . . . . . . . . 27.
R. Gemmel, in 14 days, or 6 weeks, from . . . 29.
F. W. Overweg, . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 1.
L. Playter, . . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 1.
A. Black, . . . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 1.
J. Donaghue, . . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 1.
G. Angle, . . . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 2.
H. R. Kruse, . . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 2.
J. Smith, his Wife and Family in 14 days from 3.
G. Healis, in 14 days, or 6 weeks, from . . . 7.
J. Allan and his Wife, in 14 days from . . . 15.
A. Harriot, . . . . . . ditto . . . . . . . 17.
A. Simpson, of Plantation Kitty, in 14 days,
or 6 weeks, from . . . . . . . . .
. 19.
W. Seymour, in 14 days from . . . . . . . . . 22.
W. Hedges, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from . . . 23.
M. Macdonald, in 14 days from . . . . . . . . 24.
ALZO de Heer ANSELME FLEURY, Woonachtig te Berbice, Meerderjarige
Jongman, gebooren op Neufchatel, naar Switzerland, ter Eenre, en
Mejuffrow AIMABLE DE CORBINIERE, minderjaarige Jonge Dochter,
gebooren te St. Domingo, geassisteerd by haar edele Moeder, Mevrouw CATH. DE
CORBINIERE, Woonachtig alhier, - ter andere zyde.
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander, een Wettig Hewelyk aantegaan,
wartoe by op den 21e Augustus, 1811, door Heeren Commissarisen uit den Edele
Achtb. Hove van Justitie in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen.
Zoo word zulks aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene
welke vermeenen zich tegens het voltrekken van dit Huwelyk te kunnen
opponeeren, zulks in tyds zoude kunnen doen daar en zoo 't behoord.
Actum Secretary van Demerary den 27e Augustus, 1811.
Zynde dit de Eerste Bekendmaaking.
P. F. TINNE, Sects.
ANSELME FLEURY, resident of the Colony of Berbice, Batchelor, born at
Neufchatel, in Switzerland, and
AIMABLE DE CORBINIERE, Spinster, born in St. Domingo, assisted by her Mother,
Mrs. C. De Corbiniere, resident of this Colony, taken in Ondertrouw on the 21st
August, 1811.
for the 1st time.
person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be
joined together in Holy Matrimony must declare the same at the Colonial
Secretary's Office. - Demerary, 27th August, 1811.
F. TINNE, Dy. Secretary.
Demerary Races.
THE Gentlemen Subscribers to the RACE MEETING, who propose running
their Horses, are requested to have them led down to the Camp Parade-Ground,
to-morrow afternoon, at five o'clock, that they may be matched, and the days settled
on which they are to run. The following Gentlemen have been appointed to match
them, viz. - Colonel STEWART, THEOPS. WILLIAMS, Esq. Capt. STEWART, ALEX.
TINNE, and HENRY T. FERGUSON, Esqs. The RACE BALL is fixed for Friday the 20th
of September next. August 27.
The arrivals from Barbados since our last, are the Schooner Snig,
Dill; the Ship Flora, Ravely; and the Brig Union. The Papers are to the 17th
Instant, and their most important contents are the Dispatches of Capt. Bingham,
relative to his rencontre with the United States Frigate
President, commanded by the heroic, the amicable, the
humane, the polite, the correct
Commodore Rodgers!!! It will be recollected, that it was for this very
document, now before us, that we waited, ere we pronounced a judgment on the
case; for we certainly conceived it possible, that the Bermudian account
already in the possession of the public, might be as erroneous as the
Commodore's is now proved to be; but to doubt or pause from this moment, would
be an insult to common sense, and, therefore, we pronounce the conduct of the
American, to have been founded on a pre-determination to insult the British
Flag, and ultimately to provoke the pacific disposition of the British
Government into a declaration of hostilities.
There is no credit attached to the contents of the Barbados Paper
of the 10th.
Private Letters from Madeira to this Colony, corroborate the
report of the capture of the French Fleet by Admiral Cotton.
His Majesty's schooner Elizabeth,
Lieutenant Dwyer, lately fell in with two French privateer schooners off Porto
Rico, which she engaged and succeeded in heading off, notwithstanding their
great superiority - the Elizabeth being one of the smallest schooners at
present in the service. She has, however, put into Porto Rico a complete wreck:
- no further particulars are yet known.
It appears that Mr. Foster, the British Minister, arrived in the
Chesapeake on or about the 2d ult.; as did also Mr. Pinckney, the American
"His Majesty's sloop Little Belt, May 21, 1811, Lat. 36. 53.
N. Lon. 71, 49. W. - Cape Charles, bearing West 43 miles.
"SIR - I beg leave to acquaint you, that in pursuance of your
orders to join His Majesty's ship Guerriere, and being on my return from the
northward, not having fallen in with her, that about eleven A. M. May 16th, saw
a strange sail, to which I immediately gave chase. At one P. M. discovered her
to be a man of war, apparently a frigate, standing to the eastward, who, when
he made us out, edged away for us and set his royals. Made the signal 275, and
finding it not answered, concluded she was an American frigate, as she had a
Commodore's blue Pennant flying at the main. Hoisted the colours and made sail
south, the course I intended steering round Cape Hatteras, the stranger edging
away, but not making any more sail. At 3.30. he made sail in chase, when I made
the private signal, which was not answered. At 6.30. finding he gained so
considerably on us as not to be able to elude him during the night, being
within gun-shot, and clearly discerning the stars in his broad pennant, I
imagined the most prudent method was to bring to, and hoist the colours, that
no mistake might arise, and that he might see what we were. The ship was
therefore brought to, her colours hoisted, her guns double shotted, and every
preparation made in case of a surprise. By his manner of steering down, he
evidently wished to lay his ship in a position for taking, which I frustrated
by wearing three times. About 8.15. he came within hail - I hailed, and asked
what ship it was? He repeated my question, I again hailed, and asked what ship
it was? He again repeated my words, and fired a broad side, which I instantly
returned. The action then became general, and continued so for three quarters
of an hour, when he ceased firing, and appeared to be on fire about the main
hatchway. He then filled. I was obliged to desist from firing, as, the ship
falling off, no gun would bear, and had no after sail to keep her to. All the
rigging and sails cut to pieces; not a brace or a bowline left. He hailed, and
asked what ship it was? I told him. He then asked me if I had struck my
colours? My answer was No, and asked what ship it was? As plainly as I could
understand (he having shot some distance at this time) he answered, The United
States Frigate. He fired no more guns, but stood from us, giving no reason for
his most extraordinary conduct.
"At day-light in the morning, saw a ship to windward, when
having made out well what we were, bore up and passed within hail fully prepared
for action. About eight o'clock he hailed, and said, if I pleased he would send
a boat on board; I replied in the affirmative, and a boat accordingly came with
an Officer, and a message from Commodore Rodgers, of the President, of the
United States, to say that he lamented much the unfortunate affair (as he
termed it) that had happened, and that had he known that our force was so
inferior, he should not have fired at me. I asked his motive for having fired
at all? - His reply was, that 'we fired the first gun at him;' which was
positively not the case. I cautioned both the Officers and Men to be
particularly careful, and not suffer any more than one man to be at the gun. -
Nor is it probable that a sloop of war, within pistol-shot of a large 14-gun
frigate, should commence hostilities. He offered me every assistance I stood in
need of, and submitted to me that I had better put into one of the ports of the
United States; which I immediately declined.
"By the manner in which he apologised, it appeared to me
evident that had he fallen in with a British frigate, he would certainly have
brought her to action. And what further confirms me in that opinion is, that
his guns were not only loaded with round and grape shot, but with every scrap
of iron that could possibly be collected.
"I have to lament the loss of 32 men killed and wounded,
among whom is the Master.
"His Majesty's ship is much damaged in her masts, sails,
rigging, and hull, and as there are many shot through between wind and water,
and many shots still remaining inside, and upper works all shot away, starboard
pump also, I have judged it proper to proceed to Halifax, which will I hope
meet your approbation.
"I cannot speak in too high terms of the Officers and men I
have the honour to command, for their steady and active conduct throughout the
whole of this business, who had much to do, as a gale of wind came on the
second night after the action. I have to request, Sir, that you will be pleased
to recommend to the notice of my Lords Commissioner of the Admiralty, my first
Lieutenant, Mr. John Molenly, who is, in every respect, a most excellent
Officer, and afforded me very great assistance in stopping the leaks himself,
in the gale, securing the masts, and doing every thing in his power. It would
be the greatest injustice, was I not also to speak most highly of Lieut.
Lovell, second Lieutenant, of Mr. Macqueen, Master, who, as I have before
stated, was wounded in the right arm, in nearly the middle of the action, and
Mr. Wilson, Master's mate; indeed the conduct of every Officer and Man was so
good that it was impossible for me to discriminate.
"I beg leave to inclose a list of the 32 men killed and
wounded; most of the latter mortally, I fear.
"I hope, in this affair, I shall appear to have done my duty,
and conducted myself as I ought to have done against so superior a force, and
that the honour of the British colours was well supported.
"I have the honour to be, Sir, with much respect, your most
obedient, humble servant.
"A. B. Bingham, Captain.
"To Herbert Sawyer, Esq. Rear-Admiral of the Red,
Commander in Chief, &c. &c. &c."
F. DARNHOLT, Master.
306 Tons burthen, stands first class at Lloyd's, carries ten guns,
and will sail a Running Vessel the last Springs in October. For Freight or
Passage apply to the Captain on board, or to
August 27th. HUGH DOUGLAS.
STABROEK: Printed and Published
Edward James Henery.