Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 September 21


Vol. VI.]

[No. 408.


                  Commissariat Office,
                  18th September, 1811.
WANTED for the use of the Quarter and Barrack Department, the following Articles: -
111 feet Wallaba Timber,
2 M. feet American Boards,
200 feet do. Plank,
6 M. Wallaba Shingles,
106 lbs. 6d and 10d Nails.
2 pair Door Hinges,
1 Stock Lock,
1 Bolt.
To be approved of by the Assistant-Quarter and Barrack-Master General, and delivered at the Quarter and Barrack Yard in Camp, free of expence to Government.
Tenders in Quadruplicate only, endorsed "Tenders for Lumber, &c." will be received at this Office until Tuesday next, the 24th Instant, at 9 o'clock, in the morning, when they will be opened in presence of the Officer commanding His Majesty's Troops, and the lowest (if approved) accepted.
Assist. Coms. Gen.

                  Commissariat Office,
                  17th September, 1811.
WANTED to Hire for Six Months, such number of NEGRO LABOURERS as may be required for the use of the Quarter and Barrack-Master General's Department of this Colony.
Tenders in Quadruplicate only, endorsed "Tenders for Labourers," will be received at this Office until Tuesday next, the 24th Instant, at 9 o'clock, in the morning, when they will be opened in presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and the lowest (if approved) accepted.
The Contractor to be bound in a penalty of Two Hundred Pounds, for the due performance of his Contract.
Assist. Coms. Gen.

NOTICE is hereby given, to all whom it concerns, that through necessity, the Subscriber will put into the hands of his Attorney-at-Law, to be sued for without respect, all open accounts, notes, bonds, &c. due him, if not settled by the 20th of next Month.
Sept. 20th. A. BLACKWOOD, q.q.

ANY Person having claims against the Estate of the late deceased Mr. JAMES GUSTARD, are requested to render them to the undersigned, who is nominated one of his Executors.
Pl. Chateau Margo, September 19.

Twenty Mules to be disposed of.
They are to be seen on Plantation Zorg en Hoop, belonging to A. MEERTENS, Esq.
Sept. 20th.

IMPORTED in the Brig FARMER, Captain SAWYER, and for sale by the Subscribers, cheap for immediate payment -
White Pine Lumber,
W. O. Shooks and Heading,
R. O. do.
Sept. 20th. ARCHIBALD IVER and Co.

THE Undersigned, for himself and G. GELLIE, as Curators to the property, &c. of JAMES GREENWOOD, (they being appointed by the Hon. Court of Justice as such) requests those who have any claims against the said JAMES GREENWOOD, to call on him regarding the settlement of the same after the 28th inst.
Sept. 21st. ANDREW ROSE.


BY Authority obtained, there will be offered for sale, by me, the undersigned First Marshal of the Honorable Court of Justice, in presence of two Counsellors Commissaries and the Secretary, at the Court-House in the chief Town of Stabroek, on the 15th of October next: -
1st. - In behalf of J. A. MATTHEWS, in Essequebo, versus G. LOCKET- a negro man named Mentor.
2d. - In behalf of W. M'BEAN, of this Colony, versus ANDREW BLACKWOOD - a negro boy named Burras, a horse; as likewise the following household furniture, &c. viz: - 2 sophas, a table with D ends, 3 card tables, an organ, a waiter, 3 old pictures, 9 chairs, 2 glass tables, a liquor stand, 9 glass wash-hand basons, 2 empty liquor cases, a glass lanthorn, 2 knife and fork cases, a silver soup ladle, a do. spoon, 18 knives and 15 forks, a glass shade, 5 decanters, and oil and vinegar stand, a sangaree glass, a glass fruit bason, a tin egg-stand, 24 wine glasses, 3 mugs (1 defective); a goglet, 3 salt-sellers, an image, an old waiter, a spy-glass, a piece of coarse cotton, a pair of pistol holsters, two small looking glasses, a musket with bayonet; and lastly, a trunk containing sundry good English books.
Those who pretend having any right of property on all the before-named articles, will be pleased to address themselves, with their reasons of opposition, to me, the first Marshal; and those intending to purchase, will be pleased to attend on the day and at the place above-mentioned.
Rio Demerary, 18th September, 1811.
M. SMIT, First Marshal.


On Monday the 23d instant, will be exposed for sale at the Vendue Office, - Madeira wine in pipes, hhds.and quarter casks, potatoes in barrels, onions in do. Irish linen, nankeens, Britannias, hammocks, negro jackets, an elegant table service, a tea do. split pease, barley, nails, &c. &c. Also, twenty barrels mess pork.
September 21st. KINGSTON and M'BEAN.

On Thursday the 26th Inst. will be exposed for sale at the Vendue Office, by order of JOHN MACKINTOSH, Esq. for account of the Underwriters, and others concerned. - Sundry cases, trunks, and boxes, containing merchandize; landed from the Ship Tweed, the same having been broken into and plundered in part by the crew of the French privateer, Vice Admiral Martin.
Also on the same day, by order of G. LAING, Esq. for account of the underwriters and others concerned, - Sundry trunks, boxes, and cases, containing Burgundy wine, &c. landed from the ship Tweed, the same having been broken into and plundered in part by the crew of the French privateer Vice Admiral Martin.
Also on the same day and place by Order of G. LAING, Esq. to close sales, - Dutch terras, Roman cements, wood hoops, &c. - Likewise on the same day, by Order of the Executor of THOS. ATKINS, deceased. - Ten pair of good jack screws.
September 21st. KINGSTON and M'BEAN.

On Tuesday, the 1st of October, at the VENDUE OFFICE, by order of E. C. OVERBROOK, Esq. Executor to the Estate of E. C. TILLING, deceased,
A mulatto boy, named Frederick, a negro, Adam, a horse, saddle, and bridle, a gold watch and chain, diamond broaches, a collection of books, a parcel of millinery, glass ware, wearing apparel, and what further may appear on the day of sale.
Sept. 21. KINGSTON & M'BEAN.

On Thursday the 10th October, at the Vendue Office, by Order of R. JONES and MOSES BUCHANAN, Esqrs. as Curators to the Insolvent Estate of M. JAMES deceased. - Ten negroes principally house people, six of which by the deceased's will were to be freed, and four to have been sold to R. M. JONES for £ 100, but in consequence of the state of the Estate, are now to be sold for the benefit of the creditors, by an appointment of the Honorable Court of Justice.
September 21st. KINGSTON and M'BEAN.


This is to inform the
Public, that the following
Persons intend quitting this

Van het Secretary deezer
Colonie word geadverteerd,
dat de volgende Persoonen
van voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

G. Healis, in 14 days, or 6 weeks, from August 7.
A. Simpson, of Plantation Kitty, in 14 days,
      or 6 weeks, from . . . . . . . . . . 19.
W. Seymour, in 14 days from . . . . . . . . . 22.
W. Hedges, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from . . . 23.
J. Walsh, and two servants, in 14 days or 3 weeks, 31.
E. Walsh, in 14 days . . . . . . . 31.
J. Koene, and his servant Charles, in 14 days from 5 Sept.
H. S. Parsons, do. . . . 11.
J. Smith, do. . . . . . 14.
D. Miller, do. . . . . . 19.

ALZO F. C. H. KUSTER, Meerderjaarig Jongman, gebooren in Deutschland, ter Eenre en
Miss I. M. VAN OOLEN, minderjaarige Jonge Dochter, gebooren in deese Colonie, geadsisteerd met haar Voogd den Heer G. HENCHELUIS [sic], ter andere zyde.
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, wartoe zy op den 9 Sept. 1811, door Heeren Raaden Commissarissen, uit den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen.
Zo word zulks aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich tegens het voltrekken van dit Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds zoude kunnen doen daar en zoo 't behoord.
Actum Secretary van Demerary, den 18de Sept. 1811.
Zynde dit de Tweede Bekendmaaking.
P. F. TINNE, Dep. Sec.

Between F. C. H. KUSTER, Batchelor, born in Germany, and
Miss I. M. VAN OOLEN, Spinster, assisted by her Guardian, G. HENCHELUIS [sic], Esquire born in this Colony. - For the 2d Time.
Any Person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office. - Demerary, 18th Sept. 1811.
P. F. TINNE, Dep. Secretary.

                  Barbados, 2d August, 1811.
I have the honour to annex, for your Excellency's information, Copy of a Letter I have received from the Commissary-in-Chief, by order of the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, and request you will cause the same to be made public in your government, for the information of all concerned.
I have the honour to be, Sir,
Your Excellency's most humble servant,
His Excellency Gov. BENTINCK,

                  London, 17th May, 1811.
The Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury having had under consideration the expediency of placing in the Military Chest all sums of money that may be collected abroad, on the public account, for the purpose of being remitted to England by the Agents of Government, the Agents taking Bills drawn by the Commissars on the station on their Lordships for the amount at par, I am directed to acquaint you, that it is their Lordships' intention that all Sums of Money whatever, which may be so collected, shall be lodged in the Military Chest, to be applied to the service of the Extraordinaries of the Army; and you will give your Bills upon the Treasury, at par, for the amount of such Sums as may be from time to time paid over in the manner herein directed.
I have the honour to be, Sir,
Your most humble servant,
(signed) J. W. GORDON.
Commissary-General BULLOCK,

Since the publication of the last Number of the Royal Gazette, our river has been entered by several British, Barbadian, and American, vessels; but we have not been furnished with any intelligence of importance, if we except the melancholy report of the hourly-expected death of our beloved Sovereign.

We understand that a French store-ship has been captured, by a British vessel, at the mouth of the Chesapeake!


The September-Meeting terminated yesterday, having afforded four days' very good racing, and much amusement to a large concourse of people. The Ball was numerously attended and whatever could contribute to the hilarity of the evening was liberally provided, and effected its desired purpose in glee and conviviality.
TUESDAY, September 17.
Mr. Johnson's bay h. Rigdumfundidos, beat His Ex. the Governor's bay m. Saraband.
Mr. Dawson's bay m. Miss Slammerkin, beat Mr. Carmichael's grey h. Tally-ho.
Mr. Dawson's Bo-Peep beat Col. Stewart's black h. Oronoko.
WEDNESDAY, the 18th.
Mr. P. M'Garel's bay m. Daisy, beat Col. Stewart's bay h. Jack.
Mr. Williams's ch. h. Ambulator, beat Mr. Dudgeon's ch. h. John Bull.
THURSDAY, the 19th.
Mr. Carmichael's bay h. Jack, beat Mr. Williams's ch. h. Fire-Fly.
Mr. Tinne's br. h. Ajax, beat Mr. Ferguson's br. mare.
FRIDAY, the 20th.
Col. Stewart's bay h. Jack, distanced Mr. De Veer's br. m. Honesty.
Mr. Sloane's ch. h. Pizarro, beat Mr. Mayers's bay h. Don Ferdinand.

N.B. - We do not hear of another Meeting as yet; but, when the hospitality of the Trenches, towards their numerous visitors, is remembered, (who were not content with surrounding them with every delicacy which could gratify the senses, but would not let them depart without the most conspicuous marks of favour twas in their power to bestow) Races must be - the order of the day!!

To the Editor of the Royal Gazette.

Having had my curiosity stimulated by different accounts of the Panorama, I came to town last week on purpose to see it; and having, in the early part of my life, devoted much time to the pursuit of the arts, I send you a short critique on the subject: for I think, with Pope,
"Be niggard of advice on no pretence,
For the worst of avarice is that of sense,
With mean complacence ne'er betray your trust,
Nor be so civil as to prove unjust.
Fear not the anger of the wise to raise:
Those best can bear reproof who merit praise"
How the artist could have selected such a miserable subject for his pencil, as that of Stabroek, I am at a loss to account for; there being nothing in the view that is either sublime or beautiful, except, indeed, those grand specimens of architecture, the Guard-house and the English church, but which form a very small portion of the subject. However, the representation of the whole view is extremely well depicted, and the general effect of the sky admirable, there being great variety in the clouds (both with regard to colour and design) and evidently painted with the execution of a master. The perspective is likewise very correct, an excellent specimen of which may be seen in looking up the American Street. Thus much for general remarks on the subject; but when I came to look minutely at the picture, I then discovered that it was a very unequal performance; some parts evidently painted with great negligence, and others as spiritedly finished: as, for example, looking towards Kingston, the trees and grass appear as if they were painted with a mop, and the artist at the time overcharged with grog; but, on looking up the river, and over Werk and Rust, there the eye is delighted with something like painting, as the representation of that part of the view is exquisitely true to nature, and the large tree at the corner of the Union Coffee-house is painted with much force, but certainly not finished enough, considering it is so much in the fore-ground, for some of the leaves appear like dumplings stuck together. The river, on the whole, is well represented, the reflections of the clouds on the water being very natural, and the sun shining in some places on the water is beautifully expressed: but there are not vessels enough, which otherwise would make the scene more interesting; and the few that are, appear like Dutch toys; there are several sail also coming in, and no signal at the Block-house, which is certainly a great blunder - indeed, the picture seems to me as if it was done by a painter subject to fits, there being such an olio of beauties and defects. However, it makes food for criticism, and has been the chief cause of my sending you already these few remarks, which if agreeable, you shall have more very soon - but with more vinegar than oil!
Dear Sir, your's truly, &c.
Q. R.

From the Barbados Papers.

At a meeting of the Planters and Merchants interested in the Sugar Manufactory and Trade, at Mason-hall, on Tuesday, August 20th, the Hon. John Barrow was called to the chair.
The Chairman addressed the gentlemen on the importance of the present meeting, for the object of which he referred them to Dr. Holder.
Dr. Holder then rose, and entered into a detail of facts tending to prove the distresses of the West India planter and merchant, and represented the expediency and the necessity of a petition to Parliament, without loss of time, for relief. He then moved, that certain Resolutions be taken into consideration.
Mr. Carrington, Mr. Mayers, and Dr. Renn Hamden, Jun. successively supported the motion, and the same passed nem con.
It was then, after some discussion, unanimously resolved,
1st. That the acknowledged importance of the West India trade to the commercial interests, and the navigation system, of Great Britain, the immense amount of British capital embarked in the West Indies, and the revenue derived from the sugar colonies, demand protection and aid from the mother-country.
2d. That the distresses of the West India planters have increased to an extent hitherto unexampled, and the effects which the disuse of sugar in the distilleries has already produced are such as to excite in our minds the justest and most alarming apprehensions, that nothing short of the speediest relief can enable the planter to preserve his capital from the most rapid deterioration.
3d. That admitting the abolition of the Slave Trade to be a measure founded on the general principles of humanity, and therefore not to be shaken by considerations of lesser importance, this fact, however, is certain, - the present population of our negroes can only be kept up by an unremitting care and liberal attention to their comforts. While we feel and acknowledge the truth of this proposition, we see, with extreme perplexity and concern, that the depreciated value of our produce, and the heavy and disproportioned imposts on it, must not only stifle every present hope of redeeming our affairs, but will operate as a severe check to the slave population; as they must deprive us of the means of affording our negroes many essential necessities, and subject them to great privations.
4th, That the use of sugar in the distilleries produced considerable relief to the planter, by giving a vent to 770,000 cwts. of sugar of an inferior and middling quality, which now is only vendible at the most ruinous prices; and that the distillation of sugar, (estimated at a quantity equal to half the home-consumption), while it aided the commercial and navigation-system, benefited in a proportionate degree the general interests of the empire. The converse of this proposition must ensue in consequence of the exclusion of sugar from the distilleries, and thus the continental-policy of our enemies will be most effectually promoted.
5th, That it is reasonable to demand the admission of the use of sugar in the distilleries, when barley and other grain bear that scarcity-price at which their importation into Great Britain is admitted, especially as it has been proved, before Parliament, that more the £ 30,000,000 sterling has been paid by Great Britain for foreign grain during the thirteen years preceding 1804; and that, in 1810, the value of grain imported amounted to more than £ 7,000,000 sterling, the greater part of which is purchased from our enemies.
6th, That, in the event of sugar being consumed by British distillation, were the restriction taken off which now impedes the export of corn from Great Britain to the colonies, corn could be imported into the West Indies for the use of their inhabitants, and of the British soldiers and sailors stationed in them, to the great advantage of the British landholders and merchants.
7th, That a partial export of sugar from the West Indies was formerly allowed in American bottoms, the prohibition of which has proved extremely injurious to the planters, who receive those stores so essential to the existence of their plantations from the United States, to pay for which money is now drained from the colonies; and which, if retained, would operate to the manifest advantage of government, by raising the premium of exchange on bills. Hence it was recommended, in the year 1808, by a Committee of the House of Commons, that the planters should be allowed to barter sugars with the Americans, to the value of the stores which they received from them; and it has been proved, before a Committee of the House of Commons, in 1807, that British America is ill suited to supply the wants of the planters, who are furnished with only one-tenth of their stores from thence; the value of these stores from the United States has been computed at 25,000 hhds. of sugar, the vent for which would afford a great relief to the planter, and prevent a reduction of his crops, which, under existing circumstances, must ultimately ensue to his ruin, and to the consequent injury of the ship-owner and merchant; on the other hand, the admission of this barter would contribute to redeem him from a rapid approach to a state of insolvency, and enable him to pay those debts which would otherwise be lost to his British correspondent.
8th, That another mode of relief, at once obvious and just, is the reduction of the duties under a regulation, proportioning them to the average price of sugar; - since it was proved, before the Committee of the House of Commons, that the expences we pay on every cwt. of sugar which we produce is 20s. 6d. sterling for our stores from Europe, island taxes, (exclusive of the 4 1/2 per cent. duty), and salaries, and 16s. per cwt. for freight, insurance, and mercantile charges, with the addition of 27s. per cwt. duty, making the total of our charges, without any nett profit to us, amount to 62s. 6d. sterling per cwt. of sugar; it is therefore clear, that, when the average price of sugar, exclusive of duty, is 36s. 6d. per cwt. we actually derive no rent for our lands and perishable capital, nor any compensation for our personal labours. Hence it is self-evident, that, as the planter can only afford to pay the present duties when sugars are at the average price of 50s. per cwt. exclusive of the duty, he has a just claim to a proportionate reduction of it as the price falls below that average; and it is reasonable to assume, that the reduction of the duties would cause an increased home-consumption, and a consequent saving of the bounties paid by Government on exportation, to the maintenance and preservation of the present revenue.
9th, That, in claiming relief, we rest on this important truth, that the interest of the mother-country is identified with that of the colonies, and that the loss of the planter is a loss of that of British industry and capital, which now produces a revenue of £ 3,000,000 sterling on sugar, and a consumption of British produce and manufactures to the amount of £ 6,000,000 sterling in the West Indies; which must be greatly reduced, if not annihilated, unless the present distresses of the proprietors of sugar plantations are promptly relieved.
10th, That a committee of twelve gentlemen be appointed to prepare a petition to Parliament and to the Throne, and to carry into effect the general objects of the meeting; of which number, any five, with the chairman of this meeting, shall be deemed competent to transact business.
11th, That the above Resolutions be published in the principal English and colonial newspapers, and that the committee be instructed to communicate them to all other West India bodies, whose co-operation, at the same time, shall be earnestly requested.
12th, Resolved, That the committee be instructed to apply, by petition, to the Legislature, requesting that a fund be provided to meet the necessary expences incurred in carrying the objects of this meeting into effect.
In pursuance of the 10th Resolution, the following gentlemen were chosen as a committee:
[first column]
Hon. John. F. Alleyne
Samuel Hinds
John H. Skeete
John A. Beckles
John Beckles
Henry E. Holder, Esq.
[second column]
George Carrington,
John Pollard Mayers,
John H. Pinder,
D. R. Hamden, Jun.
James Maxwell,
Charles Cadogan - Esqrs.
[end columns]
The chairman received the thanks of the meeting, and the business of the day was closed.
By order of the Hon. the Chairman,
L. THOMAS, Jun. Sec.

To exemplify these facts, the following authentic abstract of an account of sales of ten hhds. of sugar is annexed:
Account of Sales of 10 Hds. of Sugar. [centered]
[first column]
Cwt. Cr.
By 110 0 20 gr lbs
14 Y C tare
105 0 14 at 54 per cwt.
is £ 283 19 6
[second column]
Cwt. Dr.
To duty and [right pointing brace]
fee on 113 1 5 £ 52 15 3
Amount of mercantile [right pointing brace]
charges, without in-
surance . . . . 102 15 3
Nett proceeds . . . . 27 16 3
[end columns]
Dated Bristol, April 30, 1807. £ 283 16 9
From this nett balance of £ 27 6s.3d. is to be deducted the cost of the ten casks in the West Indies, which, at 30s sterling each, is £ 15, so that the planter netted on his shipment £ 12 6s. 3d. sterling, from which is also to be deducted the insurance, an item not charged in the account of sales.


The sloop Thrifty, arrived at Barbados on Thursday the 5th inst. from Antigua, gives information of further depredations committed on British commerce by the Duc de Dantzic French privateer. On her passage, the Thrifty fell in with the ship Rachael, of London, bound to Jamaica, which had been captured by the above vessel, and after plundering her, the enemy gave up the ship to the crew, as those on board the Rachael stated, but the informant suspects their being Frenchmen. The prize is reported to be a fine, large ship; and, as her rigging was much injured, and the sails appeared perforated with shot, it is supposed she made a brave but ineffectual defence against the enemy's superiority. The commander of the Duc de Dantzic continues to boast of his good fortune, ironically observing, that notwithstanding the looked-for vigilance of our cruisers, he had, within the last ten or fourteen days (this, perhaps, is an erroneous account, as to the number of days - he may have meant, since he left France), taken fifteen vessels of different descriptions; and during the whole cruise, he had not fallen in with a British man of war!!!

President Madison has issued a proclamation for a meeting of the American Congress on the 4th November next; but it is more than probable there will be a necessity for an earlier Convention, in the event of Sir Joseph Yorke's squadron making its appearance off that coast. - It is said that Mr. Foster has been received with every mark of attention; but it is added, that he had deemed it prudent to suspend the purposes of his mission, until he shall be further informed by his Government - as the affair of the President frigate leads him to anticipate an entire change of feeling towards the United States, to what his instructions from Ministers, on leaving England, authorised his acting upon.


Independent of the death of J. Cooper, Esq. Clerk of the Check in the Ordnance Department, and of W. Harris, Esq. we have to announce the decease of Mrs. Edward Austin, and the unfortunate circumstance which attended her brother, Mr. M. Austin, who, on riding out, to give some directions respecting the funeral, was thrown from his gig, and a broken leg is the consequence.

A Red-Morocco POCKET-BOOK, with several letters directed to A. C. BOODE, Esq. besides seven or eight Joes in gold, and a Colonial note of f 220. A handsome reward will be given to any person who will deliver it to Mr. SCHLOTT, on Daly's Burgh, or to Mr. BOODE on Plantation Uytvlugt. Sept. 21st.

LOST last night, coming from the Race-Course, a small SILVER DIRK. Whoever will bring the same to this Office, shall receive a reward of One Dollar. Sept. 21st.

Just Arrived and for Sale by the Subscribers,
Newfoundland Cod Fish,
In 4, 6, and 8 Quintal Casks,
Part of which, on early application, will be disposed of for first quality Coffee.
August 21st. ARCH. IVER and Co.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in any earlier issue and suspect the 'posting' date is a simple error.]

Will sail from hence a Running Ship on the 16th of November. For Freight or Passage apply in Berbice to ANGUS FRASER, here to the Master, or
Sept. 21st. EVAN FRASER.

To sail the Second Springs next Month. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or to
Sept. 21st. GARDEN, KING and Co.

Intended to sail the Second Springs in October. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or
Sept. 21st.

LIST of Runaway and Arrested SLAVES in the
Colony Stocks of DEMERARY, 14th [sic] September, 1811.



Brought by





Boed. Engels,


Saint Pierre,

St. Deeges,

La Reduite,


Pl. La Resource,

Pl. Meerzorg.


J. Madden,



Dr. Reitser,

Pl. Georgia,





Pl. King Donan,



Juff. Van Doristen,




Dr. Lewis,


Pl. Trion,

Pl. Bats. Adventure,


Pl. Elizabeth-hall,

Juff. de Wolf,



Pl. Vergennoegen,



Pl. Henry,



Elizabeth Hall,

Sally Ann,





Pl. Rome,

S. G. MARTENS, Drossart.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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