Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 October 01


Vol. VI.]

[No. 411.


                  Demerary, 1st Oct. 1811.
ALL persons having any demands against this Department, for Materials supplied or for Negro-hire, for the Quarter ending 30th ult. are desired to send their accounts, within eight days, to the Subscriber, or they will not be included in the settlement of that quarter's accounts.
Ordnance Store-Keeper.
Office-hours, from 9 to 2 o'clock. [centered]

                  OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                  Demerary, 1st October, 1811.
ALL Persons, whom, the late Mr. COOPER, Clerk of the Cheque, on this establishment, may be indebted to, are desired to send their accounts, properly attested, within a fortnight, addressed to the Respective Officers at this Office, in order that they may be examined and paid, if correct.
Ordnance Store-keeper and Paymaster.

ABSENTED himself from the Subscriber, a Mulatto-man, named James Collier, a shoe-maker, so well known throughout the Colonies as to need no general description. He is supposed to be harboured in Essequibo, at Fort-Island, where he has a wife, named Amba, the property of Mr. John Cordis, or at Eterebish-Creek, where he has a number of acquaintances.
A liberal Reward will be given to any person who will lodge the said fellow in the Barrack of this Colony or that of Essequibo. All Captains of vessels, as well as others, are hereby cautioned against taking him off the Colony, or harbouring him, as the laws will be enforced against any such person or persons so offending.

THE undersigned, being appointed by the Honourable Court of Justice as Attornies to represent the Estate of Mr. CHARLES RYAN, and also, during the absence of Mr. JOHN RYAN, to represent the concern of CHARLES and JOHN RYAN, request hereby all persons who may be indebted either to Mr. CHARLES RYAN, or C. and J. RYAN, to make immediate payment; and all persons who may have claims against them, to render them, in two months, at the house of the late CHARLES RYAN, to the first subscriber, in order to give a statement to the Hon. Court of Justice, in the month of January next.
Demerary, October 1, 1811.

THE Undersigned requests all those who are indebted to the late firm of RYAN and KENNY, to make immediate payment to him, so as to enable him to satisfy all demands against the said firm. And those whom they may be indebted to, will please render in their accounts in the course of one month from date, for payment.
October 1st. J. R. KENNY.

THE Place called Sarah's Hope, on the West bank of this river, between the Catharina and Strick en Heuvel, with or without a few negroes. Terms will be made very easy to an approved purchaser, and other particulars may be known by application at Doctor GILL's in Cumingsburg.
October 1st. SARAH BRADFORD.

To be sold by the Subscriber.
About ten drops of this preparation is equal to one large dose of bark powder, and where the bark in substance will not remain on the stomach, this is evidently superior to every other preparation of bark, as it is combined with cordial and aromatic substances, which serve to strengthen the stomach and revive the patient. It may also be taken as a preventative against fever, in dose of eight or ten drops, of a morning early, and will be highly useful to persons inhabiting marshy or foggy situations, as up the rivers, &c.
October 1st. J. L. SMITH.

JUST Imported from Barbados, in the Schooner Burchall, and to be sold at a low rate,
Choice Madeira Wine,
In pipes, hogsheads, and quarter-casks.
October 1st. HYNDMAN and CARY.

D. GEMMELL, Master,
Will sail about the 16th of November. For Freight or Passage apply to
October 1st.


NOTICE is hereby given, to whom such shall or might concern, that by virtue of authority obtained from the Honble: Court of Justice, dated 20th September, instant, the execution sale of Plantation Upper Paerl, cum annexis, which was to be held on the 7th day of October next ensuing, will not take place on that day.
Demerary, 30th September.
M. SMIT, First Marshal.


On Friday next, the 4th of October, will be sold by Public Auction, at the Store of Mr. THOMAS FINLAYSON, in Cumingsburg, for account of those it may concern, the cargo of the American Brig Struggle, Capt. Clarkson, from Portsmouth, viz.
92,391 Feet pine-boards
9,500 Red oak staves
115 Red oak shooks
158 White oak shooks, with heading
4M Clapboards
9 White oak butts, with heading
635 Feet oars
2,000 Wood hoops
A Boat
20 Hhds. and 8 boxes fish
Also on account of THOMAS FINLAYSON, - superfine flour, rye ditto, rice, ship's bread, half-barrels crackers, and tar.
On the same day, by order of J. R. KENNY and F. A. VERNEDE, q.q. will be sold a very fine gig horse, the property of the late Firm of Charles & John Ryan.
October 1st. KINGSTON and M'BEAN.


This is to inform the
Public, that the following
Persons intend quitting this

Van het Secretary deezer
Colonie word geadverteerd,
dat de volgende Persoonen
van voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

J. Koene, and his servant Charles, in 14 days from 5 Sept.
H. S. Parsons, do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.
J. Smith, do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.
D. Miller, do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.

Secretary's Office, Essequebo.

NOTICE is hereby given to those it may concern, that Mrs. M. T. HASELWOOD, with her two children and three servants, intends to leave this Colony within eight days from date.
Secretary's Office, Essequebo, 1st October, 1811.
J. J. L. MOLIERE, Sec. ad intm.

WORDT mits deesen aan het publicq bekend gemaakt, dat Mevrouw M. T. HASELWOORD voornemens is met haare twee kinderenen drie bediendens, binnen den tyd van acht daagen deeze Colonie te verlaaten.
Actum Secretary Rio Essequebo, den Eersten October.
J. J. L. MOLIERE, Sec. ad intm.

In consequence of an arrival yesterday, from Surinam, we are enabled to inform our readers, that the Packet was in that river; and, of course, may be expected here on Wednesday or Thursday next. We do not understand that she is the bearer of any news of importance, if we except the assurance that our beloved Sovereign (whose dissolution, however, was hourly expected) still existed when she sailed from England.


In the British House of Commons, on the 2d of July, Mr. Stephen moved, that an address be presented to his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, praying that he would be pleased to order that there be made out, by the persons acting under the Governors of the different West India islands, for the purpose of being transmitted to that country, in order that the same may be laid before the House, an account of the total number of slaves in each island, down to the latest period; an account of the number of white inhabitants in each island; an account of the number of free persons of colour in each island; an account of the number of parochial cures in each, distinguishing those pastors who were resident, the number of officiating curates, the extent of each parish, the number of souls in each, the number of dissenting clergymen, &c.; also an account of the births, deaths, &c. of slaves in each island; an account of the number of convictions and forfeitures for default of returns regarding slaves, distinguishing whether the defaults were made by whites or people of colour; also of every act and thing done relative to the protection, regulation, or restriction, of slaves; and of all seizures of vessels made for carrying off slaves under the Abolition Act. - The motion was agreed to, and the Address ordered to be presented by such Members of the House as were of the Privy Council.


In addition to those instances enumerated in former publications, it is most painful to give the following particulars of the capture of the ship Exchange, from Curaçoa, bound to London:
"We left Curaçoa on Thursday, the 25th of July, 1811 - passengers on board, Major-General John T. Layard, late Lieutenant-Governor of Curaçoa; Col. Van Spiegle, Collector of that island; and Major Lyons. On the 28th July, (being very fine weather), we observed a pilot-boat schooner to leeward of us. Not having any suspicion of French privateers being about the Mona Passage, we allowed her to come very near us, when she hoisted Spanish King's colours and a pennant, which made us think she was a Spanish cruiser; however, seeing her still coming up to us, made us more suspicious, and the Captain, peceiving [sic] him haul down the Spanish colours, hoisted immediately, for the second time, his English ensign, which was immediately answered by them with a French flag. We then immediately perceived our critical situation, seeing a very large schooner, and full of men. The Captain immediately prepared for action, and fired the stern-chasers, which was returned from them with grape-shot. After three quarters of an hour's engagement, which was conducted by the Captain, passengers, and crew, with the greatest coolness, and finding she had ceased firing, and was coming alongside to board us, we surrendered. After firing a dozen rounds musketry at us, even while our colours were down, the privateer took possession of us, sending on board a prize-master and 14 men; who informed us, that she was the Marengo, of 10 guns and 70 men, burthen 194 tons, commanded by Capt. Ordronaux, and said to be from Nantz. They immediately ordered the Captain and passengers (excepting Major Lyons, who was suffered to remain in the ship with his daughter) on board the privateer; and after being detained a short time, were suffered to return; and the ship was brought to anchor, at about eleven o'clock the same night, on the south side of the Mona Island. The whole of the crew were sent on board the privateer, and put in irons. The enemy then demanded from the Captain the manifest and bills of lading, and letters, by which they found there was a large quantity of species [sic] on board, and which they told us they had information of by the brig Coffee-Planter, Capt. Jenkins, captured by them a few days previous on her passage from Curaçoa to London, but afterwards ransomed for 10,000 dollars, and suffered to proceed. It was this information that induced the enemy to wait for us, confident that the specie alluded to was on board. After taking out the money, (which we believe to be about 33,000 dollars), they remained quiet for that night: the next morning, 29th July, they sent on board and took out all the provisions and water, both belonging to the ship and passengers' stock, all the guns, cables, &c. - in fact, left the ship destitute of every thing; and informed us, they meant to send the ship and passengers to France: however, after some conversation between the passengers and the captain of the privateer, and the former requesting him, for God's sake, not to send them in the ship, as she was then in such a bad state as to render it impossible for her to proceed, urging, that they must certainly all perish if he persisted, he then promised to take them on board the privateer, and put them on board the first vessel he could, or land them on the coast of Porto Rico in the night. Accordingly, he ordered all the passengers, the captain, and crew, on board the privateer, with their respective baggage, and left the ship at anchor, without an individual on board, and proceeded. Shortly after he chased a vessel, and came up with her, which proved to be the Spanish schooner Antelope, Capt. Smith, laden with mahogany, from St. Domingo, bound to St. Thomas. The Captain came immediately to our Captain and passengers, and said, Gentlemen, here is this vessel for you - you may take her, and proceed with her wherever you please. He therefore ordered all the passengers' baggage to be put on board; and, after ransacking the whole of Major Lyons', and taking from him all his money, suffered them to depart, having first supplied them with provisions sufficient for their subsistence for a few days. We had not left the privateer above three or four hours when we saw the ship all in a blaze. On the 1st Aug. we arrived at Mayaguez, on the coast of Porto Rico, where we anchored, and were retaken by his Majesty's schooner Elizabeth, commanded by Lieut. Dwyer, who, in the most handsome and humane manner, offered his services and his vessel to take us safe to St. Thomas, and which he did, after giving us every comfort his vessel could afford. The Captain and passengers praise much the Captain of the privateer and his officers for their good and mild treatment while they were in their possession - not allowing the crew to touch any part of their baggage. The crew is a desperate set, composed chiefly of vagabonds of all nations."
The ship Wagram had been cruising in company with the above privateer to the northward of Porto Rico, and had made many captures; but, having recently proceeded to the northward, it is supposed she is gone to the United States. The Marengo, it is conjectured, will now cruise in the Mona Passage.


(From an American Paper)

The long-expected vindication of the disgraced Secretary has at length been presented to the public. It is upwards of three weeks since it was communicated, in confidence, at this office, that the stupendous work upon which the public have been "feasting their souls," for two days, would shortly issue from the press. According to the liberty afterwards allowed, we should have given publicity to the intelligence in the form best adapted to the occasion; but the sagacity of some profound speculators in politics induced the apprehension that the Ex-Secretary would be deterred from a prosecution of his appeal to the people, if his intention should find its way in the Federal prints. It was esteemed too, at best, but doubtful policy to interfere with the combatants until a blow was struck, and they were fairly engaged.
The anxiously-looked for Pamphlet is, however, now before the public. All classes of citizens are freely engaged in expressing their opinions of the information it contains; and many labour to descry the peculiar merits of a performance which somehow promised so much gratification to the curious, and useful instruction to the intelligent. It was not unnatural for the credulous to expect a work of marvellous merit and importance from "so distinguished a personage" as the late Secretary of State. His extensive fame, his splendid talents and attainments, his legal eminence and high rank at the bar of Baltimore, were esteemed so many pledges of a production, the prodigious profundity of which would at least, in the end, exalt him to the enviable eminence of a king's evidence, if not to the more responsible station of Vice-President of the United States.
An additional guarantee that the community was about to be delighted and enlightened by the disclosures of Mr. Smith, in a degree not surpassed by the celebrated Pamphlet of General Hamilton against Mr. Adams, was derived from the high anxiety created by the pompous preparations understood to be making by Mr. Smith for several months. This circumstance, connected with the extreme ill-usage suffered by the pamphleteer, and the great irritation excited in his break against his wronger, was another earnest of the value of the expected work. But the world has witnessed, that blood is not to be expected from a millstone, nor fire from a snow-ball. The pamphlet is wanting in arrangement, force, or material matter, compared with what was anticipated, and it is certainly in the power of Mr. Smith to lay before the people.
It may be recollected, Mr. Smith was hardly installed in the office of principal Secretary when this paper confidently assured Mr. Madison he would one day have occasion bitterly to regret the ill-advised act of placing nearest his person and confidence an ignorant, insincere, aspiring, individual, who was destitute of every qualification to sustain him in his station, and would sooner or later abuse his confidence, and form a confederacy to overthrow his patron and superior. These expectations have been realised, to an extent exceeding our imagination, and outstripping the forebodings of Mr. Madison himself prior to the fall of his minister. With all the venom and milignity [sic] which, if Mr. Madison was not endowed with "phisiognominical [sic] sensations" to perceive the countenance of his Secretary, he might have discovered, by an intimate acquaintance, his honour and veracity as a man, his fidelity and patriotism as a magistrate, would be furiously assailed: 1st, He is accused of secretly lavishing upon favourites money held in trust by Government for private citizens, and ultimately striving to conceal the infamous act from the knowledge of the nation, by allowing no record to be preserved of the transaction; 2d, He is charged with meanly and fearfully shrinking from the responsibility of his station, and employing secret machinery and hidden influence to effectuate dishonourable purposes, destructive of the country's interests; 3d, It is indirectly alleged against him, that the present posture of our affairs with France was dictated by the emissary Serrurier. Other misdemeanors, impeachable in their nature, are charged against Mr. Madison; but it is manifest, nay, almost admitted in direct terms, that more important facts still lie buried in impenetrable secrecy.
We cannot refrain from declaring the opinion, that Mr. Smith deserves no credit for divulging the comparatively trivial facts which he has assumed as the basis of his vindication. Evidently dictated by sinister motives and unbridled resentment, the good of his country was not an inducement to the angry attack upon the Executive. Self-aggrandisement, and the furtherance of factious schemes and dangerous confederacies, constitute the only motive for his suspicious conduct. Wherefore, else, have these disclosures been so long delayed? If patriotism prompted him to step forth at such a crisis, why has he not confessed all? Why suppressed the most important and alarming facts, which it is in vain for him to deny a knowledge of? He tells no more than implicates the Executive, and seemingly exculpates and exalts himself. Instead of revealing the secret and infamous contrivance which produced the perfidious arrangement with Erskine, he merely casts a censure upon Mr. Madison for inserting a paragraph in one of the letters addressed to the seduced minister, calculated to insure the rejection of the convention. - In the place of disclosing the real motives of the base plot against West Florida, he simply intimates that Mr. Madison changed the warlike instructions to Governor Clairborne, by forbidding the use of force. - When he ought to have boldly avowed the Non-intercourse Law, a measure of French dictation, forced upon the nation by the command of a foreign enemy and tyrant, he merely admits its introduction by "presidential machinery," after a positive assurance by Serrurier that the property seized by France would not be restored, and notwithstanding "the precise protestation" of the American Government, that such a restoration was a necessary preliminary to a non-intercourse with England. Had Mr. Smith, like an honest statesman and faithful citizen, relinquished his station as soon as he found the affairs of the country in the train of danger and destruction which he now admits; had he not continued to court executive favour, until he was ignominiously discarded, but come forth with full and honest confession; he would have deserved and received the applause of every man in the community really attached to his country. But, no; the love of office insured his connivance at acts, for the commission of which he endeavours to bring upon the chief actor hate, scorn, and detestation: the desire to be restored to office has prompted him to turn "states' evidence." Let those who choose to applaud such conduct, and extol motives so despicable, pursue the bent of their dispositions. Our morality, nay, our conception of sound policy, cannot produce a congeniality of sentiment and feeling. Mr. Smith was, and was universally considered, unfit for the office of Secretary of State; it was proper therefore to dismiss him; and we rejoice at the downfal [sic] of an incapable, proud, presumptuous, minister. The manner of disgracing him, and the motives which led to the event, we considered unbecoming and suspicious. Mr. Smith has retorted, by exposing and vilifying his employer. It gratifies us to see Federalists confirmed in their opinions of democratic corruption and dishonesty by democratic confessions; but we despise the low ambition and sinister motives which have brought the evidence to light. To take by the hand and applaud rogues who disagree, merely because they disagree, is a policy which cannot prosper. Our hands are washed of it.

British Remarks on the above subject, will appear in a future number.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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