Vol. VI.]
[No. 421.
NOVEMBER 5th, 1811.
His Excellency HENRY WILLIAM BENTINCK, Governor and Commander in Chief in and
over the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, with their dependent Districts,
Vice Admiral, and President in all Courts and Colleges within the same, &c.
the Honorable the COURT OF POLICY of the aforesaid Colonies -
all whom these presents do or shall concern, Greeting, be it known:
it has been represented to us, that there are reasons to suspect that deserters
from the army are not unfrequently harboured, concealed, or assisted by persons
within these Colonies; and, being desirous to check such nefarious practices,
and thereby, as far is it lies in our power, to contribute to the good of His
Majesty's service; we therefore have thought fit to issue this our
proclamation, thereby declaring the two clauses, hereinafter inserted, of an
act for punishing mutiny and desertion, passed in the 50th year of his present
Majesty's reign, to be in force in these Colonies, viz: -
Provided always, and be it enacted, that if any person shall harbour, conceal,
or assist, any deserter from His Majesty's service, knowing him to be such, the
person so offending shall forfeit, for every such offence, the sum of twenty
pounds; and, upon conviction, by the oath of one or more creditable witness or
witnesses, before any of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, the said penalty
of twenty pounds shall be levied, by warrant under the hand of such Justice of
the Peace, by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offender; one
moiety of the said penalty to be paid to the informer, and the other moiety to
be paid to the officer to whom any such deserter did belong; and in case any
such offender, who shall be convicted as aforesaid of harbouring, concealing,
or assisting, any such deserter, shall not have sufficient goods and chattels
whereon distress may be made to the value of the penalty awarded against him or
her for such offence, or shall not pay such penalty within four days after such
conviction, then, and in such case, such Justice of the Peace shall and may, by
warrant under his hand and seal, commit such offender to the common gaol, there
to remain for the space of six months: Provided also, that if any person shall
knowingly detain, buy or exchange, or otherwise receive from any soldier or
deserter, or any other person, upon an account or pretence whatsover, any arms,
clothes, caps, or other furniture, belonging to the King, or any meat, drink,
beer, or other provision, provided under any Regulations relating thereto, or
any such article belonging to any soldier or deserter as are generally deemed
regimental-necessaries, according to the custom of the army, being provided for
the soldier, and paid for by deductions out of his pay, or cause the colour of
such clothes to be changed, the person so offending shall forfeit, for every
such offence, the sum of five pounds.
And be it further enacted, that, if any other person or persons shall, in any
part of His Majesty's dominions, directly or indirectly, persuade or procure
any soldier or soldiers in the service of His Majesty, His heirs or successors,
to desert or leave such service as aforesaid, every such person or persons so
offending as aforesaid, and being thereof lawfully convicted, shall for every
such offence, forfeit to His Majesty, His heirs and successors, or to any other
person or persons who shall sue for the same, the sum of one hundred pounds;
and if it shall happen that any such offender so convicted as aforesaid hath
not any goods and chattels, lands or tenements, to the value of one hundred
pounds, to pay and satisfy the same, or if, from the circumstances and heinousness
of the crime, it shall appear to the Court before which the said conviction
shall be made as aforesaid that any such forfeiture is not a sufficient
punishment for such offence, it shall be lawful for such Court to commit any
such offender to prison, there to remain for any time not exceeding twelve
we do further hereby call upon and require the respective Fiscaals of these
Colonies, and all other Civil Officers within the same, whom it doth or may in
any-wise concern, to use their utmost vigilance in the detection and
prosecution of all offenders against the provisions of the act herein-before
recited, so as to cause the penalties thereby enacted, to be enforced according
to the usages and forms of proceeding of these Colonies.
that no ignorance may be pretended of this our proclamation, these presents
shall be printed, published, and affixed for general information as customary.
at our ordinary session, held at the Court-House, in Stabroek, Demerary, the
31st of October, 1811, and published the 5th of November next thereto
Command of the Court,
F. TINNE, Dep. Sec.
FISH. [heading]
Imported in the Ship Thornton, P. M'Dougal, Master, from Newfoundland, and for
sale, cheap for immediate payment in cash or produce, PRIME NEW FISH, in 8, 6,
4, and 3 quintal casks.
TO BE RENTED. [heading]
with excellent out-buildings, containing every convenience for a family. For particulars
enquire of the Subscriber.
Nov. 5th. R. B. KNIGHT.
WANTED, [heading]
FROM Fifty to Sixty Thousand Walaba Shingles, and a few Walaba
Posts; for which Plantains will be given in payment, at a very moderate rate.
Apply to Mr. P. Forsang, on Plantation Malgre Tout. Nov. 4th.
LOST or Stolen in the night of the 27th to the 28th of October,
from a Sloop laying in Demerary River; a two-oared SMALL BOAT, painted brown
and yellow. - A Joe reward will be given to whom may have found the same, and will
give information thereof to the Printer, or to
Pl. Uitvlugt, 4th November.
FOR FREIGHT, [heading]
THE Schooner Nancy, to Berbice, Pomeroon, Essequebo, or any part
of the coast; by the day or trip on reasonable terms. Should a full Freight
offer she will go to Berbice in all the ensuing week, apply to
N.B. The above Schooner has the benefit of a register, good
accommodation for passengers, has lately undergone a thorough repair, and is
otherwise well-found.
North-Street, Bridge-Town, 4th November.
NOTICE. [heading]
THE Subscriber being obliged to quit the
Colony for the advantage of his health, requests all persons who have demands
against him to render the same, within four weeks from date, at his house in
New-Town; that he may be enabled to leave with his Attorney, as few unsettled
accounts as possible. Such as are indebted, will please to assist him with
payment of their accounts, within the same period.
Nov. 5th. JAS. BRADFORD.
[Transcriber's note: see the referenced execution sale in
On the day and place above-mentioned, will be exposed to sale, in
behalf of W. A. Leeseman, versus F. Horn, a negro man, named Cesar; and in case
of opposition, application as above.
Rio Demerary, November 4, 1811.
M. SMIT, First Marshal.
IN DEMERARY. [heading]
[Transcriber's note: no new or
modified vendues in this issue.]
DEMERARY. [heading]
is to inform the
that the follow-
Persons intend
this Colony;-
Colonie word gead-
dat de volgende
van voorneemens
van hier na elders te
Mrs. R. Freeman and her Son, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from . . .
Oct. 5.
M. Howard, with one servant, in do. or 6 weeks. 8.
J. Williams, in do. . . . . . . 11.
H. Parson, in do. . . . . . . . 12.
C. Taylor, in do. . . . . . . . 12.
C. Hendrison, in 14 days . . . 13.
J. Bradford, in 14 days or 6 weeks . . . 22.
K. Johnson and Children, with one servant in do. . . . 23.
F. W. Overweg, in 14 days, . . . . . . . . . 23.
J. Anstice, do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.
William Hawkes, with his servant, Louis, in 14 days, or 6 weeks .
. . 26
J. Reed, do. . . . . . . . . . 28.
Alexander Izat, do. or one month . . . . . . 29.
Mrs. Atkins & family, in 14 days from Nov. 2.
J. B. Young, do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.
J. Van Ostrum, do. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.
There has been no arrival of importance since the publication of
our last Number.
On Saturday last, being the anniversary of the birth-day of His
Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, the Colonel of the Scotch Royals, a salute of
twenty-one guns was fired from Fort William Frederick, and the first battalion
of the Royals fired a feu-de-joie.
Colonel Stuart, and the Officers of that regiment, gave a dinner
on the occasion, at their mess-room, at which his Excellency Governor Bentinck,
Major-General Carmichael, Captain Smith of the Navy, and several gentlemen of
the colony, were present.
A number of appropriate toasts were given, and the evening passed
with the utmost harmony and conviviality.
Vessels Entered and Cleared. [heading]
ENTERED. [heading]
Oct. 28. Ship Hanna, J. Pert, from
Sch. No Santa dela Mismis, F.
A. de Casaneuba, Oronoque.
30. Ship Union, Rennie, Halifax
CLEARED. [heading]
Oct. 26. Schr. Barbados, Tynes, for
28 Ship Douglas, Evans, London.
Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
Edward James Henery.