Vol. VI.]
[No. 430.
His Excellency Governor Bentinck requests the Proprietors of Lots
and Buildings in the Town of Stabroek, to attend a Meeting at the Union-Coffee-House,
on Thursday next, the 11th Instant, at 12 o'clock, for the purpose of electing
Commissaries for that Town, for the ensuing year.
King's House, 7th December, 1811.
By Command,
Chas. Aug. Dale,
Gov. Sec.
St. George's Church. [heading]
An Extract from the Minutes of the Proceedings of the Honourable
Court of Policy of the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, with their Dependent
Districts, at its Ordinary Session, held at the Court House in Stabroek,
Wednesday, the 30th of October, 1811,
(After Prayers,) [centered]
The Honourable Joseph Beete laid before the Court a string of
Resolutions, desired and agreed to at a Meeting of the Subscribers to St.
George's Church, held on the 1st of June last, for the purpose of appointing
Vestrymen, and of levying an assessment on the pews, in support of the expences
of the Church; it being provided by one of these Resolutions, that application
should be made to the Court of Policy for a confirmation of the same, as far as
regarded the mode of assessing and collecting the revenue for the expences of
the establishment; and Mr. Beete, as a member of the Vestry, elected by the
Subscribers to St. George's Church, now requested that the Court would be
pleased to give its sanction, to the desired effect, in order that the Vestry
may meet with no opposition or impediment in raising the necessary funds for
the Church.
The Court being anxious to afford to the Subscribers to St.
George's Church every countenance and support, to enable them to maintain, on
its present respectable footing, an establishment, for which this Colony is
indebted to their public spirited exertions, it was resolved, that St. George's
Church is considered by the Court, and declared by them accordingly to be, a
public edifice, to such effect that this sacred building shall never be liable
to be levied upon for any engagements contracted by the members of the Vestry,
but that the latter alone shall be themselves personally responsible for the
same; and, further, that the Court do sanction the assessment made at the
Meeting of the Subscribers held on the 1st of June last, as well as all future
assessments that shall hereafter, in the same manner, be appointed to be paid
for the proper support of the Church; the Court also confirming the powers
vested by the said Resolutions in the members of the Vestry, respecting the
mode of proceeding for enforcing payment from defaulters of the assessments so
made, or yet to be made.
(A true Copy.)
P. F. Tinne,
Deputy Secretary.
Dec. 4, 1811.
Wanted for the use of the Quarter and Barracks Department in this
Colony, -
5,000 Bricks
8 Hogsheads Building-Lime
8,500 Feet American Boards
12,600 Wallaba Shingles
222 Pounds of Nails, 6d. and 10d.
Also about 20 days' labour of 6 Mason Negroes,
and 20 . . . . ditto ditto of a Master-Mason.
The whole to be approved of by the Assistant Quarter and Barrack
Master General, and delivered at his Store, agreeable to his requisitions.
Tenders in Quadruplicate, for the whole or any part thereof,
endorsed, "Tenders for Bricks, Lumber, &c." will be received at
this Office, until Monday, the 16th Instant, at 9 o'clock in the morning, when
they will be opened in presence of the Officer commanding His Majesty's Troops,
and the lowest (if approved) accepted.
Alex. Pitman,
[confirm amount for American Boards]
Dec. 4, 1811.
Wanted for the use of His Majesty's Troops in this Colony, -
24 Men's Tables, of Pitch-Pine, 8 feet long by 2 feet 3 inches
80 Men's Forms, of Pitch-Pine, with feet, of 2-Inch Deal Plank, 6
feet long by 1 foot wide
20 Tables, of Crab-Wood, 4 feet long by 2 feet 9 inches wide
To be approved of by the Assistant Quarter and Barrack Master
General, (who will give any further information), and delivered agreeable to
his requisitions.
Tenders, in Quadruplicate, endorsed, "Tenders for Tables and
Forms," will be received at this Office until Monday, the 16th instant, at
9 o'clock in the morning; when they will be opened in presence of the Officer
commanding His Majesty's Troops, and the lowest (if approved) accepted.
Alex Pitman,
Dec. 4, 1811.
Wanted, the following articles -
46 Tradesmen's Jackets
46 Do. Trowsers
46 Do. Hats
158 Yards of Check.
To be approved of by the Assistant Quarter and Barrack Master
General, and delivered at his store in Camp.
Tenders for the same, endorsed "Tenders for Clothing,"
will be received at this Office until Monday the 16th instant, at 9 o'clock in
the morning, when they will be opened in the presence of the Officer Commanding
His Majesty's Troops, and the lowest, if approved, accepted.
Alex. Pitman,
Dec. 4, 1811.
Candles, Fuel-Wood, Oil And Wick, [centered]
Wanted for the use of His Majesty's Troops in this Colony.
Persons willing to contract for twelve months for the supply of any of the
above articles, will please send Tenders to this Office, sealed and marked
"Tenders for Candles, Fuel-Wood, or Oil and Wick," until Monday the
16th instant, at 10 o'clock in the morning, when they will be opened in
presence of the Officer commanding His Majesty's troops, and the lowest offer
or offers, if approved, accepted.
The Contractor to be bound in the penalty of Two Hundred Pounds,
for the due performance of his Contract.
Alex. Pitman,
For Sale at the Stable of P. Benjamin, 42 Prime Saddle and Draft
Horses, on very moderate terms for immediate payment. Dec. 7.
from the subscriber, a negro man, named James, formerly belonging to Mr. Rose;
he walks on his heel, having a crooked foot; and is supposed to be harboured in
town, or at Pl. Beehive. One joe reward will be given to any person who will
apprehend and deliver him to the subscriber, or lodge him in the Colony
Barracks, and a further sum of three joes, to whoever will give proof of his
being harboured by any white or free coloured person.
7. John Farrens.
For Sale. [heading]
[first column]
Negro jackets
Do. hats
Do. shirts
Do. trowsers
[second column]
Beef and
Newfoundland fish.
[end columns]
Dec. 7. Hyndman and Cary.
Let, in Cumingsburg, [heading]
Commodious Dwelling-House, newly finished with appropriate out-buildings
thereto attached, fitted for the reception of a family. Any person having
occasion to rent such a dwelling will find every encouragement possible in
engaging the same, as the conditions of rent will be made extremely easy and
convenient to them. For further particulars enquire of
Dec. 7. John J. Cleland.
Creditors of Mr. George J. Furnace, or Plant. Georgia, are requested to meet at
Mr. Jeffery's, in Cumingsburg, on Thursday the 12th inst. at 1 o'clock - when
the dwelling-house at present occupied by T. Williams, Esq. (the
property of said Furnace), will be offered to the highest bidder of said
Creditors, and sold in part or in full of such claim, provided such bidding is
considered the value of the premises thus sold; and in such case a transport
will be given at the first Commissary Court following.
Mr. D. H. Van Nooten and self,
Dec. 7. Sequestrator for Pl. Georgia
from the subscriber, a negro woman named Mary, of the Papa nation, about five
feet eight inches in height, has her country marks in her face, speaks English
and French fluently and a little Dutch; had on, when she absconded, a white
shift and check petticoat. Whoever will apprehend the said slave and lodge
her in the Colony Barrack, or bring her to the subscriber at her house in
North-street, shall be handsomely rewarded.
7. Caroline M'Kenzie.
Public Vendues [heading]
In Demerary. [heading]
On Tuesday the 17th and Wednesday the 18th Dec. at the store of
Mr. Thomas Shute, a choice assortment of the following articles. - A quantity
of Madeira wine in bottles, port in do. real Holland's gin per dozen, Hoffman's
cherry and raspberry brandy, porter, beer, cyder, white-wine-vinegar in jugs,
mess beef and pork in half barrels, flour in do. June butter in firkins and
half firkins, smoked and pickled tongues, Bristol tripe in jars, salmon in
barrels and kits, mackarel, herrings, shads, hams, hung beef, cheese, almonds,
raisins, currants, Turkey figs in jars, candles, soap, split peas, salt in
barrels, sago, pepper, starch, blue, Hessian boots, strong and dress shoes,
silk, beaver, willow, and glazed hats, Gentlemen's coats and coatees, cordage,
cables, and boat anchors, gunpowder and shot, nails, frying-pans, brushes,
corks, Irish linens, Osnaburgs, flannel, ready-made shirts, night gowns,
shirtings, calicoes, nankeens, umbrellas, blue and white earthen ware in sets,
hyson tea, loaf sugar, sein and sewing twine, &c.
December 7. Kingston and M'Bean.
On Monday, the 23d instant, at the store of Messrs. M'Inroy,
Sandbach and Co. - Prime Irish mess beef and pork, butter, tongues, hams, lyng
fish, potatoes, herrings, cheese, peas and barley, loaf sugar, salt in tierces
and barrels, Peruvian bark, Glauber's salts, paints and oil, Irish linen, bed
sheeting, harn, dowlas, checks, linen Bengals, bed tick, table cloths, cotton
hammocks, ginghams, Madras pullicates, calicoes, gloves, stockings, ready-made
cloaths, boots and shoes, cotton and coffee bagging, Osnaburgs, cordage,
canvas, &c.
December 7. Kingston and M'Bean.
DEMERARY. [heading]
is to inform the
that the follow-
Persons intend
this Colony;-
Colonie word gead-
dat de volgende
van voorneemens
van hier na elders te
Coignaud, in 14 days, or one month, from Nov. 21.
Watson, sen. in do. or three weeks, . . . 25.
Sturdivent, (late Mate of the Ship Antigua Packet), in 14 days . . . 25.
S. Johnson, in do. or 6 weeks, . . . 28.
Karst, do. . . . Dec. 3.
J. Musgrove, do. . . . 3.
Walke, and one servant, do. . . . 5.
D. Goddard, in 14 days or one month, . . . 5.
virtue of an Order of the Honorable Court of Justice of the Colony of Demerary,
are hereby summoned all persons who have any claims against the nett proceeds
of the Sales by Execution of the respective Estates aftermentioned, viz.
Nooyt Gedagt, in Mahaica, late the property of the Widow Cuche.
Two Brothers, on the Canal No. 1, late the property of P. L. and W. T. Boon.
Bourdeaux, on the Canal No. 1, late the property of Francis Mackay.
one undivided half of the Plantation Haarlem, on the West Coast, late the
property of the Heirs of E. Birmingham;
give in their said claims, agreeable to the advertisements already issued, both
here and in Europe, by the Marshal's Office, and to substantiate the same
before the Court of Justice aforesaid, on the first day of its Ordinary Session
in the month of January next ensuing, (after which day no farther claims will
be admitted, in order that the Court may be enabled to proceed in due course to
an adjudication of the said nett proceeds.
Stabroek, 6th of December, 1811.
F. Tinne,
By Virtue of an Order of the Honorable Court of Justice of the
Colony of Demerary, dated 25th of November, 1811, are hereby summoned all the
Creditors of the Estate of John Skeys, deceased, (to which Estate John Crossman
and John Brown have been appointed Curators), to produce and substantiate their
claims before the Court aforesaid, on the first day of its Ordinary Session in
the month of January next ensuing; in order that the Court may be enabled, as
soon thereafter as shall be found practicable, to decide on the priority or
preference of the respective Claims to be given in, and to proceed to an
adjudication of the assets of the said estate accordingly.
Court-House, Stabroek, the [illegible] of December, 1811.
P. F. Tinne,
Deputy Secretary.
virtue of an Order of the Honble. Court of Justice of this Colony, are hereby
summoned the Creditors of the Insolvent Estate of O. J. Laurin, deceased, who
may not have already given in their claims against the said Estate at the
Secretary's Office, in pursuance of former advertisements, to produce and
substantiate the same before the Honble. Court aforesaid, on the first day of
its Ordinary Session in the month of January next ensuing, when the Court will
proceed in due course to decide on the priority or preference of the said
claims. No further demands will be admitted after the day beforementioned.
Stabroek, 6th of December, 1811.
F. Tinne,
virtue of an Order of the Honorable Court of Justice, all those Creditors of
the Insolvent Estate of Macumber Barker, deceased, who may hitherto have
neglected to give in the original vouchers relative to their claims against the
said estate, are hereby called upon to lodge the same in the Secretary's
Office, within a fortnight from this date, as in default thereof the Court will
proceed to a final adjudication of the nett proceeds of the said estate without
attending to claims not so substantiated.
Stabroek, this 7th December, 1811.
F. Tinne,
At last, after an interval of uncommon length, an arrival has
taken place from England; the Thomas, Capt. Forster, having entered our River
on Wednesday last: and, what makes her more than usually welcome, is the great
and glorious news she is the bearer of! - Yes" Victory has again sided
with the Allied Armies, and (if we may be allowed the expression) Wellington
has extended the immortality of his name! - Another Marshal of France confesses
his conqueror; other Eagles are doubtless on their passage to England; and
another pillar has been added to the fabric of Spanish Independence!
[The Ships Queen and Fame, from Liverpool, are just arrived; but,
as they sailed before the Thomas, of course they are not the bearers of any
particular intelligence. - Three P.M.]
DEMERARY. [heading]
Entered and Cleared. [heading]
27. Brig Paulina, John Gookin, from Portsmouth.
3. Ship Proselyte, E. Barton, Barbados.
Brig Sir John Moore, L. Watson, ditto.
4. Brig Princess, J. Dawson, ditto.
Sch. Burchall, J. F. Lawson, ditto.
27. Brig Mariner, S. M'Clintock, for Porstmouth.
29. Sch. Union, W. Harmon, Portsmouth.
Sloop Blackbird, T. Coverley, Barbados.
Ship Diana, R. M'George, Port Glasgow.
2. Brig Struggle, H. Clarkson, Portsmouth.
Sch. Augusta, A. Knox, New London.
Runaway and Arrested Slaves, [heading]
In the Colony-Stocks of Demerary. [heading]
Pl. Elizabeth-hall,
Juff. de Wolf
Bennet (Berbice)
Juff. Doresten,
Pl. Covent Garden.
Dr. Muller,
M. Bourda,
Pl. Petershall,
Pl. Georgia,
B. Jeffery,
St. Pierre,
J. J. Deeges,
Pl. Paradice,
Dr. Bostick,
Judy Mitchel,
Dec. 7th. F. Strunkay, Scout.
Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
Edward James Henery.