Vol. VI.]
[No. 435.
For Sale, [heading]
The Sugar-Property of the late J. W. Bovell, Esquire, deceased,
called The Ruby, with 155 Negroes, 17 Mules, and 35 Head of Horned Cattle. The
buildings thereon are in complete order. Liberal terms will be given to an
approved purchaser, and which may be known by application to the Subscribers,
P. Burrows, [right pointing brace, inclosing this and the next
name, indicating 'q. q.']
T. F. Burrows.
Demerary, Dec. 24.
Notice. [heading]
The Creditors of the Estate of Robert Younghusband, deceased, are
requested to attend a meeting on the 15th of January, 1812, at 11 o'clock in
the forenoon, at his late dwelling-house, to hear such proposals as will be
made to them by William Younghusband, regarding a settlement of their Accounts.
Demerary, Dec. 24.
[Transcriber's note: the following item is mutilated by a paper
Gen[mutilated - probably a heading]
[mutilated]ck has been pleased
[mutilated]ions and Appointments:
[mutilated]rary Militia, [centered]
Third Battalion. [centered]
[mutilated]mpany - Commanded by Captain Firebrace;
[mutilated]ond Lieutenant N. [mutilated] Manget to be First
vice S. Van S'Gravesanden; A. M. Meertens, Gent. to be Second
Lieutenant, vice Manget, promoted.
2d C[mutilated]pany - Commanded by Captain De Ridder;
Sec[mutilated] Lieutenant S. Van S'Gravesanden to be
F[mutilated] Lieutenant; De St. Marie, Gent. to be Second
[mutilated]eutenant, vice S. Van S'Gravesanden, promoted.
3d Company - Commanded by Captain J. Jones; Second Lieutenant A.
M'Kenzie to be First Lieutenant; D. Luthers, Gent. to be Second Lieutenant,
vice M'Kenzie, promoted.
Staff. [centered]
Stephen Cramer, Gent. to be Quarter-Master, with the rank of
Second Lieutenant.
To be Assistant-Surgeons:
Doctor Ditmas, to the 1st Company.
Bryden, to the 2d ditto.
King, to the 3d ditto.
Bostock, to the 4th ditto.
King's-House, Stabroek, Demerary, Dec. 24, 1811.
By His Excellency's Command,
J. R. Brandt,
[Transcriber's note: this item does not appear in succeeding
of Ordnance,
December 24, 1811.
Cash Wanted [centered]
For Bills of Exchange to be drawn on the principal Officers of His
Majesty's Ordnance, in London, for £ 2000 Sterling, at Thirty days' sight, in
sums not under £ 50 each; also the further sum of £ 250, for Bills to be drawn
on the Paymasters of the Royal Artillery and Royal Engineers, in like manner;
sealed Tenders for which, endorsed "Tenders for Bill of Exchange on the
Board of Ordnance," or "on Messrs. Greenwood & Cox," will be
received by the Subscriber till Monday next, the 30th inst. at 10 o'clock in
the Morning, when they will be opened in the usual manner, and the highest
offers, if approved, accepted.
The Bills on the Paymasters must be paid for entirely in specie,
and, for those on the Board of Ordnance, one-fifth of the amount must be in
specie and the rest in paper-money.
C. J. O'Hara,
Public Vendues [heading]
In Demerary. [heading]
On Saturday the 28th inst. will be exposed for sale at the Vendue
Office; Cotton Yarn, Negro Jackets, Trowsers, Cotton Bagging, &c. &c.
December 24. Kingston and M'Bean.
On Monday and Tuesday, the 6th and 7th of January, by order of
Joseph Hill, at his Store, the following goods, of recent importation, viz. -
Printed calicoes and cambrics of every description, cambric-muslins,
long-lawns, Irish linens, Russia and Lancashire sheeting, diapers, huckaback,
bordered and pocket handkerchiefs, towels and napkins, table-cloths of all
sizes, linen and cotton platillas, Britannias, linen checks, shirting and
lining calicoes, long-cloths, Romal and Madras handkerchiefs, chintz furniture,
fast colours, corded dimity, table-covers, coloured nankeens, salempores,
trowsers and jackets, shirts; jean, quilting, and black silk, vests;
haberdashery, stationery, glass and earthen ware, japan and tin ware, saddlery,
lamp and paint oils, paints, tea, spices, stone-blue, black-pepper, split-peas,
soap, candles, new Cork butter, in whole and half firkins, cheese, powder and
shot, corks, mortars and pestles, perry, cyder, Cogniac brandy, Malmsey wine,
noyau [sic], Swedish bar-iron, London Hessian and jockey boots, dress and
strong shoes, Fribourg's London snuff, &c. &c. Produce will be taken
from those who purchase upwards of f 1200 if
delivered in town 14 days after the Vendue - say, good sugar at 2 1/2; rum,
proof 25, f 1; cotton, 8.
December 24. Kingston and M'Bean.
DEMERARY. [heading]
is to inform the
that the follow-
Persons intend
this Colony;-
Colonie word gead-
dat de volgende
van voorneemens
van hier na elders te
Karst, do. . . . Dec. 3.
J. Musgrove, do. . . . 3.
Walke, and one servant, do. . . . 5.
D. Goddard, in 14 days or one month, . . . 5.
Gordon, in 14 days, . . . 16.
Crichlow, in ditto, or 6 weeks, . . . 17.
The Packet arrived on Sunday last; but, contrary to expectation,
she had only one mail on board. In consequence of which, her London Papers are
only to the 2d of November. She will depart our River on Saturday next.
Disappointed, therefore, in our expectations from the Packet, we
were fearful of not having any intelligence of importance to present the reader
in our publication of this day; but the arrival of the John from England, has
not only put us in possession of a London Paper, dated one day later than any
yet announced in the colony; but also the following notification of the
[European news - not transcribed]
Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
Edward James Henery.